Chapter 1144: If there is hatred, there will be reward,

Xiao Yu launched the bronze body necklace, transformed into a bronze giant Titan fifteen meters high, and emerged directly from the shallow sea area before striding toward the port.
The port was already in a tightly monitored area. The Bronze Titan giant was discovered as soon as it appeared, and then caused a major alarm.
In an instant, the official artillery and surface-to-surface missile systems of the nearby Italian highlands locked the enemy.
Only after seeing that the comer turned out to be a bronze giant.
The front-line commander was dumbfounded and immediately ordered all units not to act rashly.
Then he quickly called to report the matter.
Soon, the Italian side got the first-hand information from France on the original dealings with the Bronze Titan, and guessed that the one in front of him had a high probability of being the warrior of the Titans-Yogurt!
The reason is not 100% confirmation, it is because everyone has a limited understanding of the Titans, what if the other person looks fashionable?
"Here are the ports where many powerful forces transport and extraordinary related materials."
"Close to the city of the Lord, and as the port itself has a large number of empty warehouses for convenient storage and convenient transportation, if necessary, it can be transported by large trucks nearby."
"No wonder they will choose this place."
Xiao Yu thought, came to the shore, lifted his legs and stomped on.
Suddenly, a slight noise spread to the surroundings with the ground.
Afterwards, the bronze Titan who completely separated from the sea exposed his figure full of artistic beauty and power to the front.
Many staff members lost their jobs, ran to the street in the alarm, and then saw the bronze giant standing on the shore.
There were bursts of exclamation.
Noting that the siren suddenly stopped, the bronze giant did not unreasonably continue to destroy the building.
After being surprised for a while, the staff gathered together as if to see the New World, and then whispered to discuss the purpose of this extraordinary giant.
This is also because the information that Xiao Yu turned into a bronze giant and destroyed the island was only circulated in the upper circle.
A small amount of related gossip and rumors have long been overwhelmed by more and more fake rumors made by the official, and failed to arouse ordinary people to believe.
Otherwise, the staff who knew the skill of the bronze giant, fearing that they would dodge away quietly for the first time, only dare to look at each other in awe.
These people do not know the situation.
The Italian generals knew it well, and their sweaty diplomatic representatives to Italy reminded the bronze giant of the terror.
He was told by all means that he must stabilize the bronze giant, because the Italian military... will definitely not be their backing!
Xiao Yu turned into a bronze giant for about a minute.
Italy's diplomatic representatives and a group of interim leaders of various major forces came together in a team.
Xiao Yu glanced at these complicated-looking people and nodded slightly.
"Don't panic, I also came to the extraordinary conference."
"I came here because I felt there were a lot of bronze utensils I needed."
"Yes, Master Yoge!"
Hearing this, the person in charge of France quickly nodded and smiled. "Since the last time we said goodbye to Master Yoge, we have collected the bronze utensils with all our strength, hoping to help adults!"
"Thank you."
In the eyes of everyone, there was a smile on the bronze giant's face, and he leaned over and sat on the ground.
"I said, my bronze Titans!"
"If you have hatred, you will be rewarded, and if you have gratitude, you will be paid!"
"You help me, there will be a reward!"
Speaking of which, Xiao Yu looked at everyone with a happy face and paused to continue
"Are you guys who can represent Europa?"
The Europa League appears to be unified in name, but in fact there are still strong barriers between regions.
In France and Italy, there are many ways to urinate in less than one pot.
But at least nominally, they are indeed under the jurisdiction of the Europa League. Many district-level senior officials are often also senior officials in the league.
In this port, in order to coordinate so many Europa forces, there are naturally Europa League officials present.
A gray-haired fat man in a black suit came out and showed his identity.
A Europa League official in charge of finance.
"Just an Europa official."
The bronze giant looked at the fat man and nodded slightly, then waved his hand.
More than one hundred black coins about the size of a dollar coin flew down at once, and they were neatly stacked for three stacks suspended in front of the Europa official.
"These are the ordinary equivalents of supernatural exchange coins!"
"Using them, you can exchange their extraordinary things from the forces of the extraordinary conference."
After the bronze giant popularized some extraordinary common sense for everyone present, Shen said, "These are my gratitude to those bronzes I borrowed from Europa last time."
"Next, your bronze wares can be used to trade with me, or exchange for crystal coins, or exchange for my family alchemy potion."
Hearing the words of the bronze giant, many people looked at the Europa officials in their early days.
Looking at the black coins that don't know the actual value, the representatives of every force are instinctively thinking that in the upcoming extraordinary conference, the more must be the better!
Many representatives of Europa’s weak and small regions with only one invitation letter were even more red-eyed, and they planned to notify officials in the Europa Union when they waited, desperately trying to compete for this part of their own area.
For the next exchange, a representative from Citigroup came up and asked
"Master Yogurt, in the extraordinary conference, can there be other extraordinary forces to acquire the materials brought by me?"
Xiao Yu was not surprised to hear that. After all, these guys are no strangers to business. Where would they not know what to do with trade?
At least have to shop around?
Unfortunately, these people can't think of it!
Shop around? Hum, what if you can shop around?
All extraordinary forces are me! You can't escape the results of rolling into your pockets!
The representative of Citigroup was a bit worried after asking this statement. After all, this might damage the interests of the bronze giant.
But I don’t want to say that the bronze giant’s expression doesn’t change
"At the Extraordinary Conference, there is no shortage of other forces to acquire special resources in your hands."
"However, in terms of bronze, I think no one can be more generous than my bronze Titan."
"In addition, I only need bronze wares here, and your other special treasures of heaven, earth, and other forces come to collect them."
The representative of Citigroup heard the words, the superior order came from the headset, he paused and bowed to the courtesy
"In this case, my bronze from Citigroup is willing to trade with Master Yoge!"
The representative of Citi started.
The rest of the forces naturally follow up.
However, these forces have left some bronzes waiting for the extraordinary meeting before trading.
The difference is only a question of the proportion of each person left.
Xiao Yu didn't care too much. He justified the remaining bronzes with another status and lowered the price.
The bronze giants transformed by Xiao Yu directly absorbed those bronzes to complete the transaction, and most of them paid for the spirit crystal coins.
However, this deal.
The major forces have some preliminary knowledge of extraordinary currency.
Knowing an extraordinary coin can be exchanged for a bottle of about 100 ml of weapon strengthening potions or two bottles of flesh strengthening potions.
In addition, they also heard from the bronze giant that the bronze alloy, which has been touted by the scientific research community, can buy about ten grams per coin.
Realizing that the Extraordinary Conference is likely to be a rare feast to obtain extraordinary resources!
After hesitation, the bigwigs of the major forces have once again turned over the old bottom, took out the treasures with real heritage and singular performance, and quickly airlifted them to Italy, hoping to exchange for more extraordinary coins .
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