Chapter 1173: Army pressure

In terms of visual effects.
The extraordinary army of 300,000 brought by Xiao Yu in this wave is far inferior to those of steel giants as war machines.
But in the perception of wizards.
The extraordinary aura of the relatively insignificant 300,000 extraordinary troops gathered.
Just like the flash bomb that exploded suddenly in the dark, the moment they appeared, they almost blinded their eyes.
"How could there be so many extraordinary enemies!"
"There are those metal monsters, are they tanks? Must they be tanks?"
"But it's too big. These chariots can use all the metal they need to exhaust my glorious mainland's 100-year production. It's far from enough!"
Under the pressure of the glorious emperor, the great aristocrats did not speak out.
But in their hearts one by one was extremely panic.
The ambition that was just inspired.
Until now... it was the loyal minister, and only the determination of death was left to support them to continue the battle.
Many Grand Dukes of the fiefs finally remembered this time, the horror legend about the city of miracles that the little prince Reading had mentioned.
Many nobles with unsteady positions began to think that perhaps the humiliating acceptance of the other party's proposal as prince Reading at the outset might be the right way to survive?
"Your Majesty! If they come on such a large scale, they will definitely arouse the will of the mainland?"
"Yes, we have the support of the glorious mainland, and the high-end combat strength on the opposite side must not stay for a long time?"
The Great Emperor was strangely silent.
It is common sense that in the face of a continent with a continent, foreign invaders who are enemies of the morning star wizards of that continent are often unacceptable.
Especially the pseudo three-level extraordinary start will be suppressed by the will of the mainland invisible.
Therefore, 10% of things may not be able to play out.
This repression will continue to increase as the opponent's stay time increases, and the higher the opponent's state, the more he will be targeted.
In the end, it will even lower the death penalty or the space seal against morning star creatures on different continents.
As a result, the usual invasion battles between the continents, if they are sudden, are mostly dominated by a wave of looting.
For the purpose of occupation, it will be a lot of trouble. It will be very time-consuming how to cultivate the large number of local forces loyal to oneself without being discovered to weaken the will of the mainland.
The nobles of the glorious continent are very convinced that there are no believers in the continent who are enchanted by the city of miracles.
After testing, a person like Redding also found that the other party was really worried about the glorious continent, rather than surrendering to the giant.
He is still a loyal minister of the glorious mainland and is willing to dedicate his life to the glorious mainland at any time.
"Father King?"
Crown Prince Lei saw that something was wrong and quietly leaned over and asked:
"What... what shall we do next?"
The glorious emperor looked at the front and looked at the 300,000 extraordinary army around the bronze giant.
He took a deep breath, but spoke in secret words to the ears of the Grand Duke and royal family members around him.
"The giant used the wonders of the world, jumped directly across the continental space barrier, and appeared in front of us."
"This prevents the glorious mainland will fail to mark these invaders."
"Ah?" The old wizard was taken aback, watching the transcendences panicking for the first time: "How could this happen? The mainland will have to rely on marks to repel those invaders, without marks... Doesn't it mean that those invaders, none Will it be weakened?"
"We lost our home court advantage!"
In an instant, many people remembered this sentence in their minds.
Emperor Guanghui decisively issued a new order, everyone immediately retreated back to the portal, and immediately returned to the king!
As for the heavy duty?
Brilliant Emperor laughed, holding the shield in his left and the sword in his right to the sky.
"No more than a death!"
"Lao Tzu has been the Morning Star Wizard for so long, and it is not that he has not died!"
"You guys, don't hurry!"
The noble coalitions nodded and began to retreat orderly.
Xiao Yu showed his military prestige, and soon found that the army on the glorious mainland side of the confrontation began a large-scale commotion.
"His Royal Highness, our army is too powerful and has already surrendered without fighting."
The wizard of Enodia flew hard for a while before finally reaching the ear of Xiao Yu, who was already 2,500 meters high, sweating and saying beside Xiao Yu:
"Next, do you want to pursue?"
"This is natural!"
Xiao Yu laughed softly: "If you don't use iron and blood, you can't let them remember the lesson."
"We want to station a part of the military forces in the brilliant mainland to be responsible for mining ores."
"You can't fight each other!"
Speaking of which, the wizard of Enodia grasped the enlightenment and began to issue combat orders.
I only heard a thunderous thunder coming from the tricycle army, and the screams that ripped through the air instantly flooded every inch of the battlefield.
The Great Emperor stunned slightly and saw hundreds of thousands of cannonballs that made shrieks.
Feeling bad in his heart, he quickly drove the two elemental lords together to try to stop these shells.
It's just that these shells are just the little man's version of artillery modified by the Long City Cannon and other props.
The real modern weapon, the moment the emperor Brilliant started, they fired first.
In an instant, the tongue of fire from the antiaircraft machine gun illuminated the sky in the mountains.
The coalition forces, who had hurriedly retreated, looked up in panic and saw the glorious emperor who was struggling to support the golden light shield under the gunfire!
A Marquis of the Enclave was in tears and was about to say something more loyal to the country.
Suddenly, a leaking cannonball flew over his head. The hurricane brought him down and a group of people around him fell to the ground.
Then, the Marquis of the Enclave, who was about to climb up, heard the violent explosion from behind him, and felt that after the mountain was shaken, he was flew high by the high temperature wave generated by the explosion.
Then he was dizzy and he was buried with the hundreds of tons of debris relative to him, he was heavily buried on the edge of a freshly baked deep pit, for a time... No sound.
The general scene of the end of the artillery explosions appeared one after another in the noble coalition.
After the great panic.
The head of the first reaction, Luin, flew in the air:
"Leave me apart!"
"Scattered! The more scattered, the better!"
"Go closer to the portal, far... quickly spread out, the farther the better!"
Head Luin saw the range-killing characteristics of the shell explosion, and he didn't care whether the order would cause the army to collapse.
He now only hopes that... this battle will save fewer people!
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