Chapter 120: caveat

  Xiao Yu appeared this time, paying attention to a fast word.
   first found out the unmanned facade room where the white radish was stored, and first painted the sublimation circle.
   Then, after confirming the seller in advance, he came forward to find Jinyunxuan.
   Young and old Jin family often play forums to post live messages, it is not too difficult to find him, and after showing the request, Xiao Yu easily borrowed the other phone.
   After that, I bought radishes and transported them to the facade room, and then quickly refined these batches of white radishes. After leaving a message before the arrival of the imperial court, I was lucky!
   Back home, Xiao Yu began to check today's gains.
   The truck that pulls white radish has a limited load of five tons, but where is it not overloaded?
  Xiao Yuhua turned into a long run for Qingyun Road. The driver had already sold some, but after counting, there were more than seven tons of white radish.
  Sublimated these seven tons of white radish, so that Xiao Yu got a full seven kilograms of Baiyuan liquid!
   Such a large amount of Baiyuan Liquid, this period of practice is enough, not to mention, it is enough to meet the needs of the small country.
  It is also possible to promote Xiaobai and Rhubarb to extraordinary.
   Xiao Yu took a big sip of Baiyuan Liquid that had just been refined, crossed his knees on the bed, and replaced sleep with practice.
   While Xiao Yu was half asleep and awake in a wonderful state.
  The little country is also late at night.
   Hidden in the double-leaf wizard college in the Kingdom of Steel Capital, a group of black-robed wizard apprentices are led by two professors of formal wizard strength, respectfully standing in the hall to greet their dean.
The dean of Futaba Wizard College is a white-bearded old man with many scares on his face.
   He is rumored to have stepped on the realm of the second-level wizard, only because of certain restrictions, he has been retreating and practicing, and rarely asks the college management.
   But the professors at Futaba Wizard College are now dead and wounded, and the dean of the deputy is unknown.
   Nowadays, only the dean can take the overall situation and calm down the agitation of the college.
   "Classmates of Futaba Wizard College." The white-bearded dean spoke slowly, and as soon as the sound came out, he stimulated the formation of the hall and formed a resonance, so that every apprentice in the college felt an inexplicable sense of stability.
   "I know that many things have happened recently, which have put you under pressure and felt like a fool." Dean Baibei paused and gently raised the sapphire staff in his right hand.
   suddenly projected a huge phantom behind him.
   It was a marble castle floating in midair, based on white and flawless colors, and a light yellow protective cover wrapped the whole castle.
   There are houses in the castle, the most obvious is the double-leaf-shaped wizard tower.
   "This is the foundation of our college, Futaba floating castle!" Dean Baibei said: "From today, all students have two choices."
   "Or follow us, abandon the Futaba Wizard Academy, enter the floating castle and participate in the justice war against the giants."
   "Either leave the college now, and never admit that you are a student of the college."
   "His..." Many students were shocked.
   Although the floating castle is powerful, it may not be the opponent of the giant!
   Many students of the college are also children of the heirs of the major aristocratic families, but they know the power of giants deeply.
   And Futaba Wizard Academy has been losing money in the hands of giants, it is in the disadvantaged position!
   Guarding in the Futaba Wizard College may be able to resist by the omission of the ancestor.
   What is the difference between this active attack and finding death!
   Soon, about two-thirds of the students chose to drop out.
  Professionals went through the formalities without expression and started the Fa circle to send these students out.
  Students who stayed did not understand why the college let these wizard apprentices go so easily. Some professors asked quietly, but the dean shook his head slightly at the dissatisfied professor.
   "It doesn't matter, let them go, just write down the noble families to which these people leave."
   "Wait for the emperor's arrival and take away their family's property just by name!"
   Dean Baibei smiled a little: "The loss of the college is large enough during this period, and it is also necessary to add new people. They can leave, just vacate the quota."
   "Calculate the time, the hunter squad from the empire should also be close to the border of the Kingdom of Phalan."
There is no road on the land of the Kingdom of Phalan to connect with the Qianyu Empire, plus the tyrannical winds between the high mountains and the terrifying extraordinary monster Thunderbird have been in an active state of excitement. Will take off.
   The reward mission of the Goddess of Victory obviously couldn't wait that long, so the hunter squad that took over the reward mission chose to step into the deep forest and walk out of a road leading to the kingdom of Philand.
   This is a standard team of hunters. Among the five members, there is an extraordinary knight, an extraordinary marksman, an extraordinary ranger, an extraordinary sacrifice, and an extraordinary wizard as a captain.
   They are the famous blue wolf squads in the hunter's guild of the Qianyu Empire. Captain Rand and Cavaliers Lowe are both second-class extraordinary.
  And the wizard of Rand, who was born in the Kingdom of Firland, is said to be the illegitimate child of a local nobleman.
   Of course, as Wizard Rand became a second-class survivor, his bloodline has become the most well-known bloodline of the local heirs.
   The current Grand Duke is more real, he must call him grandfather!
   But it seems that the wizard Rand looks like a middle-aged man in his forties or forties, and can't see that he has lived so long.
   "Captain, you haven't gone back in fifty years." In the jungle, everyone who had just settled a group of beastly beasts rested around the campfire.
   The most talkative super ranger said to the wizard Rand: "I see, after we solved the giant this time, we simply supported the blood of the captain as a king!"
   "Although the place is poor, it is still possible to provide a superlative career to advance to the second level after ten years of production." The super knight also nodded slightly.
  The wizard Rand shook his head: "The part of the Kingdom of Phalan is extremely complicated, but it is not that simple."
   "Otherwise, even if it belongs to the traditional sphere of influence of the Futaba Wizard College, why do you think the Church of the Victory Goddess tolerated being suppressed for so long without resisting!"
  The wizard Rand took a bottle of blue potion and took a careful sip: \'"We used to to kill people and set fire to plunder the needed resources."
   "But remember, don't touch the royal blood of the Kingdom of Phyllan." The wizard Rand told him: "That's a taboo, and accidents will cause disaster."
   "We remember, Captain." The other four all looked sour and nodded.
   This is also the time.
   The Prince of the Kingdom of Filan was the superintendent of the kingdom, and received a warning from a friend from the Qianyu Empire.
  Nelold XIII, who sent the message, tried his best to meet and send a top scholar to the imperial airship.
   Relying on knowledge and innovative ability, this scholar has been well mixed in the Qianyu Empire.
He sent a message to warn the prince that the Thousand-Emperor Empire, which was in charge of several provinces recently from the Kingdom of Fira, had transferred hundreds of thousands of troops to the nearest city to the border of the Kingdom of Fira, and mobilized a large number of airships and Floating fortress.
   He was worried that his motherland might encounter an invasion from the Qianyu Empire after the mountain storm period passed!
  At the end of the news, this scholar also mentioned the reward of the goddess of victory and another noteworthy news.
   There was a rumor spreading in the upper noble circle of Qianyu Empire.
The sacred and inviolable ruler is very unhappy recently.
  He has been paying attention to the development of the Kingdom of Phalan, and is angry that he was interrupted by rampage!
When Prince    saw the term, she was almost scared to pee.
   There is only one person in the Qianyu Empire who can be called the master!
   That is the guardian of the Qianyu Empire ~ the sacred and great third-level extraordinary wizard master!
   "Quick!" The prince ignored the late night at this time: "Go and invite the master!"
   "This warning must be sent out immediately!"
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