Chapter 163: Watching drooling

In the office building of the investigation team in Changlin City.
Thousands of staff are summing up the gains and losses during the contact with Qingyun Jianxian, and summarizing the large amount of data collected by the instrument during this time.
Dozens of emergency calls came from Jiankang City and from higher levels.
Tell the investigation team an amazing fact!
Qingyun Jianxian, who has been doing activities around Changlin City and is making wind and rain, appeared in front of the Jin'ao Tower, a famous scenic spot in Jiankang City.
It was revealed in front of people and was put on live broadcast online!
Although the situation was known, the imperial court had introduced these live broadcasts to the background for the first time, so that people on the Internet could not see them.
Rumors that Jian Xian appeared in Jiankang City have already begun to spread.
"How is it possible!" The female investigator bit her red lips: "That's Jiankang City! It's nearly two hundred kilometers away from us!"
Detective Jiang pushed the black-framed glasses, looked at the video and report from the report, and said softly: "From the moment he disappeared at the Jinjia Villa, the calculation begins."
"He only appeared in front of Jinao Tower in 45 seconds."
"Considering that he is the Golden Ao Tower where Yu Jian flies, the time consuming period is unknown...He can be in Jiankang City which can arrive in one second or ten seconds. Do you know what this means?"
"Ten times the speed of sound will not exceed four kilometers per second, and the speed of an intercontinental missile at twenty times the speed of sound is only seven to eight kilometers per second."
Detective Jiang knocked on the folder in front of him with a pen, and continued with a smile: "No matter what method the Qingyun Jianxian used... At least we must consider this, he has done more than many of the missiles we know. Get to your destination fast!"
"On this point, the burden of our investigation team will be even heavier! The attitude towards this sword fairy...will it become more ambivalent?"
"After all, they are not alone, and there is a little aunt coming out, isn't it?"
Detective Jiang said this, picked up a tablet that was not available for loan to the investigation team, and opened a video.
This is a video resource from the hard disk in the hands of the father and son of the Jin family, and it is a video from the young master's dance performance covered by the Qingyun Jianxian.
Countless people upload such videos every day in China.
But Detective Jiang knew that after watching it, it was brewing at most overnight.
Because after the screen lights up, the young master who appeared in the mouth of Qingyun Jianxian is really beautiful! Too much in line with the aesthetics of the Eastern race!
The beauty of Chilan and the elegance are not enough to describe her unique temperament with a trace of coldness in her feminine beauty!
Watching her dancing in the hot spring in a mountain, dancing under the moonlight!
With the sound of the woman who heard the heart:
Moonlight Color Women's Fragrance
How long is tears broken...
Detective Jiang actually felt a bit numb all over her skin, and secretly shouted an excellent voice for this woman's voice!
Unconsciously, the song and the dance ended. Detective Jiang, who was so determined, was shocked when he saw it for the first time. It was hard to extricate himself!
"People are beautiful, sound is beautiful, temperament is more beautiful..." Detective Jiang sighed, and suddenly felt a deep regret and dissatisfaction left in his heart.
This kind of fairy, such amateur videos must not perfectly show her fairy and fairy temperament, and I don’t know how it feels if I can be fortunate to witness it with my own eyes?
Detective Jiang was suddenly pushed by the female investigator when she was thinking this way.
He couldn't help raising his head and saw the white cloth in front of the meeting room. He was divided into two. He was dancing in slow motion with the sword dance of the blue cloud sword fairy and the little master's solo under the moon.
The person in charge of the technical department is holding an infrared pen and is standing on the stage, talking about the findings of their technical department.
The first is the video in front of the Jin'ao Tower.
They have confirmed that the sword dance and the cloud dragon are some kind of illusion similar to stereo projection.
Considering that Qingyun Jianxian used to perform almost the same magic projection at the auction house.
They believe that this is a certain spell based on the same principle, and this spell can be enlarged or reduced according to the owner's mind, which is much more convenient than the current projection technology!
"That dragon really isn't true!" Detective Jiang murmured to himself, just asking if he could see if the sword fairy was projecting.
The person in charge of the technical department has patted his chest to ensure that the Qingyun Jianxian and the dancing young master who appeared in the video are 100% real people!
"Comrades, this time we still have something to gain." The person in charge of the technical department said: "Although this peerless fairy still hasn't kept a file in the database, and she can't find any traces of her past, but from her dancing In the background..."
"We have already compared 150 peaks with hot springs with a similarity of more than half through the comparison of big data!"
"Among the 150 locations, the air environment, moonlight angle, and the similarity of the size of the hot spring pool are nearly 70%, there are eight!"
"We have sent an elite team to go to the field to investigate, be sure to find the real location of the other party shooting this video!"
Detective Jiang and the other investigators heard that, but they had no hope in their hearts.
Detective Jiang even felt that unless the Qingyun Sword Immortal self-reported, the investigation team could not find the other party even if it had the power of a country.
After all, during this period of contact, Detective Jiang felt keenly that the two sides were not in the same knowledge system.
Past experience now seems to be working in vain!
At this moment, using the special effects created by the wizards in the shadow stone in advance, Xiao Yu, who had a Yunlong sword dance, came out.
Already returned to his hometown, and entered deep sleep by meditation.
In the early morning, Xiao Yu did not rush to go back to the world of villain, but cut a dragon fruit and ate while watching the follow-up on the Internet.
Clicking on the province's news website, Xiao Yu found no news about the Jin'ao Tower.
I saw the announcement of the zoo that I patronized.
The original meaning is that the zoo has lost an Andean Condor, a cherished animal, and hopes that people can contact the local police or zoo after seeing the bird.
The zoo has stated that as long as the clues provided do help to capture the Andean Condor, it will be paid 100,000 yuan in cash!
There is also a reminder of the police in bold red font below the announcement: The Andean Condor cherishes the protection of animals. Hunting, trafficking and private domestication are serious crimes!
"Hmm... No one can get the 100,000 bonus!" Xiao Yu whispered, looking at the Andean Condor photos provided to the zoo.
"After Xiaoan of my family is extraordinary, he becomes more handsome. In the future, he will fly out and blind their eyes, um... will not be recognized by anyone!"
Thinking that Xiao An, who had been bald all his life, began to grow hair, Xiao Yu did not doubt whether this guess could be realized.
Not seeing the news about his appearance, Xiao Yu simply boarded the forum.
The forum has been reprinted, but it is not a sword immortal, but a lot of posts from Amway’s new moon goddess dominate the forum!
Just click on one of them, it really is about the moonlight of Song Ji Feiya.
"So soon there will be phenomenal influence! In addition to the fact that she covers the song really well, looks and temperament also account for a very important proportion?"
Xiao Yu was not surprised that Ge Ji Fei Ya could get angry.
Feiya is a classic beauty who is elegant and refined. She is scored with the aesthetics of the Orientals. If she scores 100 points, she will have at least 95 points!
What's more, after feeding her a lot of Baiyuan liquid, Xiao Yu's temperament became more and more cold and refined, which is completely different from the slutty and cheap goods that everyone sees outside!
One hundred points?
No, this score can no longer be used to describe her! After the extraordinary, Song Ji Feiya, describing the score of mortal is not enough to evaluate her charm.
She has been transformed into a fairy above nine days, not on the same level as the mortal woman!
Seeing a lot of praise, and envy and jealousy towards the photographer, Xiao Yu became more proud.
All he wants is this taste. Good food can't be eaten by himself, but also let others feel the feeling of not seeing it!
Anyway, compared to these audiences who can only watch drooling, they can also operate on the ground and perform various shame PLAY on her!
What shame PLAY do you want? I am a pure young man so pure that I won’t play these time-wasting games!
At most design multiple sets of costumes for her to play cross-dressing games, and just sing a few private songs!
Xiao Yu withdrew his mind and logged on to the forum to open a private section that only the elderly can see.
I finally saw someone discussing the truth of the Golden Ao Tower incident here!
Another person broke the news that the Goddess of Moonlight was not simple, and the company he was in was also vigorously supporting her without money.
Many videos online, there is simply no bad words about her!
Obviously, the imperial court was suppressing the news exposure to Qingyun Jianxian, but at the same time, it also helped the young master who did not involve the appearance of extraordinary power.
"Just guessed that Jianxianmen isn't so clueless about the world, are you observing the world in the dark?"
Xiao Yu thought about it and was about to shut down.
Intermediary Su Yu's contact window popped up.
He sent out several clear photos of Qingyun Jianxian in front of Jin'ao Tower. UU reading
Xiao Yu intended to nod and agree, but suddenly realized that the charm of Qingyun Jianxian was focused on that fairy gas.
Just a back image, just look at the picture and you can sculpt the look into harmony with this unique temperament, as if you saw it with your own eyes, even if you are a genius, will it attract the attention of the relevant parties?
Isn't this just asking for trouble?
Xiao Yu gave his advice.
The face is the most difficult place, and having photos can't guarantee harmony.
It would be better... to put a look on this Qingyun Jianxian statue!
After thinking for a while, Su Yu contacted Missy directly, and after getting a replies, he and Xiao Yu happily finalized the next manufacturing direction of the statue.
Later, in order to encourage Xiao Yu to ship early, Su Yu sent Xiao Yu the 100,000 advance payment given by Missy.
Cary came to Xiao Yu with legal income again. After sorting out the instruments, he went out to scan the goods as an ordinary person.
This time, apart from supplementing dry ice fire extinguishers, automatic fire extinguishing devices, and tremendous sounds such as Zhongwang, etc., Xiao Yu also had to find alternatives to scrapped electric tricycles.
"If you have money, you don't need to buy another electric tricycle."
Xiao Yu walked into a car shop: "I want to buy four wheels this time!"
Xiao Yu's eyes drifted toward the domineering Land Rover with four wheels in the car shop.
Immediately shake his head gently.
"It's domineering, but it's too expensive not to say... the model is too big to enter the portal!"
"Handsome Ferrari? The reason is the same as above... Give up!"
"Jin Pei van? It's very affordable, I feel it can be loaded with lots of goods!'s too big!"
Xiao Yu shook his head as he walked, and finally stopped under the eyes of the salesman.
Parked next to a new car that looks pretty cute.
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