Chapter 1766: Dear brother

The city of miracles is lost in the outer space and time of the mainland.
The sheep-head snake body, the four-armed evil spirit is grinning and operating strangely to conduct harassing movements.
Out of fear of the three goddesses in the city of miracles.
Although the evil spirit of the sheep-head snake body received many benefits, he still refused to come in person, and even the incarnation was reluctant to release it. It seemed that he would be chased by the other party from Huahua to his origin.
"It can bully the weak and earn benefits."
"This commission is really good!"
The third eye on the forehead of the evil sheep's head suddenly opened, as if a ruby-like eye penetrated the layers of mist in front, and saw the scenes of despair and despair of those lower lives trapped in the desperate situation.
It chuckled with pride.
After a few seconds.
It once again exerted its own power of evil spirits, infiltrating into the lost continent through the gap of space encroachment that was cracked for some reason.
This time its movements have become much bolder.
The location of the invasion was selected in the outer area of ​​the city of miracles.
On the avenue, there was a crowd of people in a convoy pulling a large number of carriages, and was surprised to find that a small hill along the road suddenly twisted.
Then a large amount of black air rose into the sky, and there were strange noises and weeping sounds, which made the animals of these convoys restless.
"God, how could it spread here so quickly?"
"Go ten kilometers further south here, but it is the administrative area of ​​the city of miracles!"
In the convoy, a member of the royal family from the kingdom of Fiya opened the curtain and saw the anomaly of the hill, his face pale and exclaimed.
For the rest of the staff, it was the patrols and wizards who were shouting together why they did not see the city of miracles.
In the distance, there was a cry of killing.
Some wizards in the convoy cast a witchcraft to peep into the past, and as a result, they saw the Miracle City patrols they were expecting, and they were suddenly attacked by a large group of Hawks, unable to escape.
Most of the eagle body banshees are mainly off-white, while a few strong heads are crimson.
Judging by their crazy atmosphere.
These guys should all be cannon fodder made as puppets after being contaminated.
I just don't know if it was sent by an evil spirit or another force.
On the blackened and distorted mountain, a burst of black gas began to appear.
These black qi formed a head of python, and opened their mouths to bite the passers-by on the road around them.
Passers-by who were bitten into the air, never died, but kept screaming while being corroded.
It was as if the black hands behind the scenes were torturing them deliberately.
The black giant snakes roared together.
Tens of thousands of passers-by on the shock road cried together with a headache.
It was when these black giant snakes opened their mouths to prepare to bite the bad luck again.
Suddenly the sky turned into darkness, and a phantom of the moon appeared.
The moonlight fell, and instantly, the black giant snakes shattered together.
The distorted and blackened peaks are also suppressed by moonlight and can only be hidden on the surface of the peaks, but they are stubborn.
The sheep-head snake body evil spirit found his power suppressed by the goddess of the moon, Feiya.
He did not care, but laughed more happily.
The power to attract the goddess, but there are more benefits to get.
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this can't help but get out of hand?"
"Hahaha, brothers, the other party started, what are you waiting for!"
"Give the three goddesses a ten-faced flower and see how many places they can take care of!"
The sheep-head snake body evil spirit sent out a very intense mental wave, urging the companions ambushing in the nearby time and space.
After a second.
The sheep-head snake body evil spirit was slightly startled, his eyes flashed in amazement.
what's the situation?
Didn’t you say that it’s difficult to get together?
Although there is no friendship between evil spirits, there are also benefits.
Don't you plan to make money anymore?
The sheep-head snake body evil spirit hesitated, but suddenly thought of something, his face was ugly for an instant, and he quickly moved to leave this sea of ​​space and time.
The sheep-head snake body evil spirit disappeared in place, and then appeared again in place.
"who is it!"
The sheep-head snake body evil spirit was panic-stricken and released the breath of the whole body evil spirit without any cover-up.
The turbulent flow of time and space suddenly shook around, and then consciously avoided.
Immediately, the sheep-head snake body evil spirit was able to see a large demon with a size of more than 1,000 kilometers, which appeared to be forged by black iron, and appeared in front of his eyes.
"The God of Dark Iron and Cold Wind!"
Seeing this shape, where did the sheep-headed snake body evil spirit know which predecessor was coming?
"Are you going to help the city of miracles?"
"It is the enemy of the evil god!"
The sheep-head snake body screamed and shouted.
"Yeah, I know it is the enemy of the evil god."
The black iron great demon nodded very much and acknowledged the expression of the sheep head snake body evil spirit:
"Every time the real sword of the Son of God is taken out, it makes me sick from my heart."
"No way, that son of God is too bold."
The innocent hands of the Dark Iron Devil said:
"Even if you and I are both evil gods, we are like brothers."
"Neither can the other party be willing to add money!"
"I believe you as an evil spirit must understand my mode of thinking."
With that said, the black iron demon had already extended his right claw, unstoppably grabbed the sheep head snake body evil spirit who was barely grasped, and then lifted it up before his eyes.
The Dark Iron Demon laughs:
"You are still so careful, you all use avatars."
"However, to find your body, such a high-level avatar is enough for me."
After that, the black iron demon swallowed the constantly struggling sheep-head snake body evil spirit.
Click and collapse!
After biting and swallowing, the black iron demon with a two-second aftertaste expression grinned:
"Got you!"
Immediately, its figure disappeared into this sea area, and the vacated area was instantly refilled by the chaotic flow of time and space.
However, where the body of the evil spirit of the sheep-head snake lies, it is desperately running away.
As he fled, he hated why he had lost his mind to find trouble in the city of miracles.
The sheep-head snake body evil spirit escaped very fast, but... soon, the sheep-head snake body evil spirit body showed a desperate expression.
Because he found himself actually ambushed by his opponent.
Hundreds of evil puppets surrounded him.
And there are many brothers and evil spirits who also discussed plans with him not long ago.
The evil spirit of the sheep head snake body fled in an instant.
After losing the change supported by the evil god, he was instantly purified by the goddess of the moon, Fiya.
After being covered in moonlight, the harpy banshees passed out one by one.
The Guards of the Guards tried to kill them, but they were stopped by the Black Guards.
The Hawks are also World of Warcraft with great alchemy value.
Suddenly so many were sent this time, still rare variants.
I don’t want to live, I’m sorry to understand the style of the black guard who understood the spirit of the Son of God.
"His Royal Highness friend is more reliable than expected."
The goddess of war Molly Gan chuckled, she felt the change in the battlefield, her heart moved, already appeared in the sky above the palace, turned to control the chariot, the look of the heroic goddess of war with a long bow.
Majestic and majestic, sacred and inviolable.
And as the goddess of war Morrigan pulled a long bow, the power of death was injected into the arrows, turning continuously in a spiral.
In the city of miracles, the extraordinary people who saw this scene all moved their minds, and obviously felt the magical power of this arrow must be extremely amazing!
The slender figure stood on the third floor of a tavern in the inner city by the window, and looked up to see the magical light and shadow of the goddess of war, Morrigan.
"What a terrible power of death!"
"Horrible purity!"
"Yeah, it's comparable to the death of the Pantheon."
A shadow appeared on the side of the slender figure, and said lowly:
"Are you sure to block this arrow?"
"If you are fully armed, you can."
The slender figure hesitated and replied:
"But I must be seriously injured."
"There is a problem with intelligence. Although the three goddesses are only true god-level, but under the blessing of magic circle and pure divine power, they can display the master god-level killing trick!"
"So, the plan ends?"
The shadow looked forward to asking. Obviously, after seeing the strength of the city of miracles, the shadow became more and more afraid, and was already terrified.
"No, our Union of Marauders, where is there no time to return?"
"Besides...the goddess power just broke out of the city, there must be something else happening. We, wait, there must be a chance!"
Speaking of which, the slender figure and shadow saw a dark light at the same time and were shot by His Royal Highness Morrigan.
That black light spanned a long distance in an instant, and directly hit a space-time black hole just above the sea.
In the black hole, a magic dragon with black armor and horns just came out of his head and was hit by the black light.
In an instant, the extremely powerful and powerful magic dragon was given the concept of death by the power of death. His eyes lost their anger and were immediately sucked back by the black hole.
A stunning roar came from the space-time black hole. Obviously, the behind-the-scenes master was annoyed that his striker hadn't died before his division.
The goddess of war Morrigan ignored these fluctuations, she smiled with red lips, calmly pulled out an arrow again and put it on the longbow, again ready to shoot.
After a few seconds.
A crash!
Another black light was shot out, accurately hitting a giant beast that had just broken through the space barrier, and killed it with one arrow!
This time, the huge body of the beast was left behind, which made many alchemists shine, and they prepared to grab valuable parts.
After a few more seconds.
Then another arrow shot into the distance, and I don't know which guy made the move.
"Relying on the miracle of the miraculous city, this goddess can easily attack with full force."
"There is also the blessing of death, and the lethality is amazing."
"If you don't stop him, how many strong men from our side will be defeated!"
The slender figure quickly saw the amazing role played by the goddess of war Morrigan.
And found another blind spot.
According to common sense, even the goddess with great potential, just like the arrow of death, can be used once or twice in a short time is the limit.
However, His Highness Morrigan, the goddess of war, seemed to have endless power, like arrows and arrows.
Brought great psychological pressure to the intruder.
They could not help but doubt. Is it possible that in the city of miracles, the three goddesses have infinite divine profligacy?
In fact, of course, it is not so exaggerated.
It's just that Xiao Yu has left a large number of different goddess crystals refined with the new function of the pot of the greedy.
When attacking while supplementing.
The goddess of war Morrigan felt that she could actually shoot three or five hundred times and then she would lose power.
The goddess can't do anything endless.
Wow, wow!
Suddenly a plate trembling sound suddenly sounded on the street.
Immediately, the slender figure saw a large number of guards in silver and white plate armour gleaming in the street where he saw his eyes.
These guards are uniform and disciplined.
And the number of people is too much, only occupying half of the street, but can not see the head at a glance.
A rough calculation reveals that at least hundreds of thousands of Divine Guards have also gathered.
"Did the other party find me?"
The slender figure couldn't help but shake his fist slightly.
But it was found that in the squad of the Guardian Army, a leader in the league standing in the black, Wei Lansi, riding a Pegasus, appeared on the field. He was pulling out a long sword at a business opposite, shouting:
"Everyone of the Dragon Knights, you have been surrounded!"
"Now surrender, I will keep your life safe with the will of the goddess!"
Commander Lance was very loud.
The slender figure can also be heard very clearly, he can not twitch from the corner of his mouth, sighing fortunately, the Marauder League organization is loose, and no one among the senior members knows anyone.
No one knows where others are?
If you want to betray the other party, it is also difficult to do.
However, the Dragon Knights are also a team of thieves, how could it be so planted?
The slender figure was thinking about where something went wrong.
There has already been a change in front.
The roof of the three-storey wooden business house was violently lifted.
Dozens of black lights rushed out, but they were quickly intercepted by an invisible force and pressed back into the air.
In the air, dozens of half-dragon warriors appeared.
These half-dragon warriors have a leading body, some have wings on their backs, and some only have dragon tails, which are only one head taller than ordinary adults.
Headed by a black half-dragon, his eyes are red.
The black half-dragon shouted and took off a black ring.
The breath of this team is no longer covered up~ burst out all at once!
As the head of the Dragon Knights, the strength of this half-dragon has reached the level of high-level morning star Warcraft.
And there are at least twelve morning star artifacts on his body.
Legendary artifacts or wonders are around twenty.
In addition, there are fluctuations of world wonders in the body, which seems to merge two world wonders!
"This guy has a special physique that can wear and show so many strange things."
Leader Lance looked at the head of the Dragon Knights with some jealousy, took a deep breath, and commanded the Qiqi outbreak of extraordinary aura.
Suddenly, the Dragon Knights no longer cover up their strength at the same time.
In all directions, eight supernatural aura dragons and hundreds of supernatural aura tigers, eagles, and other gods and beasts also violently watched them.
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