Chapter 1822: This world has a big problem!

Xiao Yu quietly swept through the strange things in the air with his consciousness.
I just feel unclear but sharp.
A steady heart prevailed.
Even with the majestic throne protection, he still didn't plan to build a portal through this connection in such a hurry.
In Xiao Yu's plan, he is more inclined to find the old nest or vital parts dominated by Chaos, and then send it, and after giving a beautiful blessing of peace, he will consider personal danger.
Under Xiao Yu's caution.
Lomonosov felt strange when he thought he was the wizard of the ancient people.
In the prayer of prayer, he could feel that the who connected with himself was watching him, and he could hear his prayer.
But why didn't Lord God give him a little response?
Is there something I did wrong with Lomonosov?
Or am I looking too ugly and rejected by the gods?
Lomonosov is puzzled.
He has been struggling for survival for thirty years in the chaotic sea of ​​suffering. Such a period of time is definitely one of the longest living among the tribes in this sea of ​​suffering.
He has also been in contact with the call of the gods, and has heard about other people's experiences after contacting the gods.
He knew that Lord God would pass on divine knowledge.
As long as you understand the knowledge of Lord God, you can set up a circle to summon him.
Why, this time I can clearly feel that the contact between the two parties is so close.
But don’t have a little knowledge or call to mind?
Lomonosov didn't show any disrespect to the gods, but instead vaguely felt that the he came into contact with this time was the true and the greatest ancient most likely to successfully change all this!
His non-response, should... test himself!
That's right, it must be like this, God is testing me!
Lomonosov packed his spirits, and after three weeks and nine knocks, he slowly got up and went out.
Xiao Yu's perspective followed Lomonosov, an ancient wizard who left the narrow space, and suddenly entered the faint blue light of the sewer.
Looking at those blue alloys.
Xiao Yu, who had not been Wuxia Ameng for a long time, immediately recognized that these are floor tiles and wall tiles, but they are all good Hill alloys!
Hill alloy is mainly cyan, with its own shimmer, which can erode without decay after thousands of years.
In most properties, it can be compared with the tertiary alloy made by the dwarves.
It is one of the strategic materials of the major forbidden prefecture-level forces.
But did not expect that in this supercontinent dominated by chaos, it was extravagantly used to lay sewers?
The original owner of this continent is really a big group!
Gee Gee!
Xiao Yu shook his head slightly, and seemed to discover the truth why the Little China is so rare today.
It is also aware of the existence of so many Hill alloys.
Xiao Yu looked at Lomonosov seriously again.
This looks like an elf guy, if the skin becomes fairer, the hair becomes silvery white.
Isn't that what the people of the Hill family who invented and produced Hill Alloys look like?
"These ancient people are the mysterious disappearance of the Hill clan in the ancient records?"
"It is said that King Hill's body contains the bloodline of Thunder Titan, which is the most advanced bloodline of Morning Star comparable to the Holy Dragon!"
"This also explains why these people can still survive like Xiaoqiang even in such a harsh environment?
"No, it's still wrong, my eyes haven't been deceived."
"The body of this ancient wizard is made of hands and feet!"
Xiao Yu continued to follow the Lomonosov wizard carefully toward the depths of the sewer.
With the help of cyan light, a group of ragged ancient men and women composed of primitive tribes like primitive tribes appeared in front of Xiao Yu.
Xiao Yu also saw the terrible sarcoma on many ancient people.
I even saw a dying old man lying on the wall.
Lomonosov held the staff and swayed to the child.
This is a child who seems to have no abnormalities.
It is the future of the tribe in Lomonosov's eyes.
However, now the child is still ill.
"Sir Lomonosov, our last healthy child is also sick."
By Lomonosov's side, a very skinny, hunched old witch with a big bag on her back approached, shaking her lips and saying:
"This must be because we stayed here for too long."
"It must be!"
"Sir Lomonosov, please persuade the patriarch to move away, otherwise none of us will survive."
Lomonosov looked at the old witch without speaking.
He was equally heavy.
He shot at this inheritance point. Gu Min, who grew up here, was helped by several friends who were equally agile and mastered the mysterious power.
They try to make the tribal population grow slowly every year.
At the beginning, they did, and even accepted an escape from the same ethnic tribe to integrate and grow.
It's just, starting a year ago.
This sewer where they lived for thirty years has become increasingly dangerous and weird.
Not only will be suddenly attacked by crazy monsters.
Among the tribes, more and more people are insane and even die of strange diseases.
Especially children under seven years old.
The abortion rate has reached 100% today.
The old witch, since a year ago, has repeatedly repeated warnings.
Lomonosov has also considered whether to move and leave this sewer.
However, every time he and the patriarch went out to find food, they looked at the dark ruins.
Will hesitate.
Not everyone is so lucky, after leaving their inheritance, you can find the second inheritance, and just meet the same family.
In this dark ruin, in the eyes of non-common families, it is all synonymous with food!
Not to mention, the dark ruins are already dangerous, and there are traps that are not clear. If you are not careful, even Lomonosov himself may fall into a dead place.
The risk of migration is too great!
"We have no more choices."
Lomonosov sighed in his heart.
He left the child.
Xiao Yu looked away from the child and looked at the old witch.
Under this look.
Xiao Yu immediately stunned and found that the entire head of the old witch was filled with black strange material.
There are countless black thin lines on his body, which are connected to some things deep in the sewer underground.
This made Xiao Yu think of the knowledge content such as string puppets, puppetry and so on.
Lomonosov went straight away.
Arriving in front of the patriarch in a gray-black robe, Lomonosov suddenly stopped his body, saw the patriarch's arms, and lay a pained and mournful ancient woman.
If this woman ignores the cyan skin and mouth full of black teeth, the soft facial features have the charm of shareholder Fang Meiren.
This is the wife of the patriarch and a powerful hunter in the tribe.
But now, Lomonosov saw that the patriarch's wife's legs were gone.
Moreover, the skin on his body is becoming chapped and black blood is flowing.
"The dark ruins around us are becoming more and more dangerous."
The patriarch saw Lomonosov and smiled bitterly:
"We lost two excellent partners today."
"Perhaps, we really need to migrate, otherwise, we will perish."
Lomonosov listened to this, nodded, but excitedly connected himself to the news of Xiao Yu.
The patriarch lacked interest in this.
It seems that the patriarch is not active in worshiping ancient gods.
Even some resistance?
However, this expression was heard after Lomonosov said that the connection was so strong that it seemed to be being watched by God, even now.
The patriarch bounced slightly and suddenly looked at Lomonosov seriously:
"Lomonosov, do you remember your parents, how did you grow up?"
Lomonosov stunned slightly, and shook his head.
He once thought about this problem, but he couldn't think of it. With the harsh environment of the chaotic and bitter sea, it is not easy to survive. Where can I still have time to think about it?
"Lomonosov, I can't remember either."
"I just thought that we were lucky to have escaped the disaster and then grew up, inheriting a group of ancient people who inherited knowledge."
"But, as you live longer, you see longer."
"I'm puzzled."
"Lomonosov... Why are we not extinct yet?"
"Extinguish... Extinct?"
"Poor living environment, toxic food and water sources, curses everywhere."
"Even as we do now, relying on great luck and great efforts, there are finally a little tribe, but because of the sudden change of the environment, the moment of life and death is instantly lost."
"I just want to ask, we... why can't we remain extinct."
"Perhaps because of the refuge of the ancient gods..."
Lomonosov gave an answer he didn't believe.
"Hehehe, the refuge of the gods?"
"I used to believe it."
"Until...I saw our origins."
The patriarch stared at Lomonosov, hesitating for a while, and finally said:
"Twenty years ago, I strayed into an ancient alchemy workshop."
"I was there and found a portal to the underground structure."
"After entering the mana to activate the portal, I walked in. I accidentally discovered that I reached the ground at the other end of the city ruins."
"That's an area where we don't even know about the past, but I can confirm this with my location awareness of the station."
"There is also a heritage stele in the sewers there."
"It's just that the tribes there, a group of dwarfs, just died when I arrived."
"I personally saw a dwarf leaning against the giant stone stew and stole it. With the sarcoma all over my body, I swallowed my last breath."
"It's dead? Isn't there a vacant inheritance?"
Lomonosov's eyes lit up, as if to see the future of the tribe:
"Patriarch, even if the heritage is not ours, we can still live there..."
The patriarch looked at Lomonosov's excited expression and continued his bitter expression:
"Do you know what I see next?"
"I saw... after the dwarves died, a layer of mud surging from the ground engulfed all their wreckage."
"Then, more than ten large sarcomas were sent out of thin air!"
"The sarcoma is broken, and inside are a group of half-big dwarfs and children!"
Lomonosov was dumbfounded when he heard this.
He couldn't help clenching his fists tightly, his body was cold and his body shivered terribly.
Grievances, panic, anxiety, suspicion, and various negative emotions surround his heart.
He made his eyes wide and stared at the patriarch.
The clan leader sighed and continued:
"I have never had doubts before, but after this time, I began to be full of vigilance and deep doubts about everything around me."
"I can feel that we may be from the beginning..."
"It shouldn't exist anymore."
After hearing this last sentence, Lomonosov suddenly understood why the patriarch resisted the call of the ancient gods so much.
Because of all this, it may be the elaborate arrangement of the black hands behind the scenes of the chaotic bitter sea.
They call on the ancient gods, there must be some common sense has been tampered with!
Lomonosov thought of a terrible detail again.
Look at the foreign tribes he has come into contact with in his life.
These tribes seem to be unexpectedly young.
Rarely more than fifteen years.
Mostly the second generation has just turned ten years old, and the three generations are two or three years old,
The intelligent races of the chaotic and bitter sea are generally precocious, such as the ancient people. Even at the age of seven, even if a teenager can go out for food, at the age of eight, he is basically mature and can reproduce the next generation.
Some extreme races are replaced faster.
Xiao Yu quietly became a good audience.
Do more listening, watching, thinking, not talking.
After following Lomonosov to learn the patriarch's big secret.
Xiao Yu followed Lomonosov around the tribe and saw the monsters who attacked the tribe.
This is a group of hyenas whose bodies change everywhere, are not beautiful at all, and are not in line with the evolutionary choice of biological instinct.
Their strength is also a first-class level of Warcraft in other parts of the villain.
Xiao Yu's eyes are not too big.
However, Xiao Yu could see it.
The bodies of these hyenas are also filled with various black strange substances.
There is even more chaotic magic energy condensed in the heart position.
This is the method of cultivating chaotic monsters in the chaotic magic domain.
Obviously, these monsters were all modulated by the hands behind the scenes.
I just don’t know if it’s a failure...
"This world... something went Xiao Yu withdrew his gaze.
General understanding of the problems facing Lomonosov.
Xiao Yu realized that the mainland was not simple.
He has a feeling.
Those who claim to be ancient people may actually be the people of the Hill family. Their souls are more like undead than the living, or the kind of undead that is much darker than the canyon of the dead.
Each of them died long ago, not knowing how long they died.
How many times have you died...
It's just that some kind of existence keeps them resurrected, and in that strange and harsh environment, it breeds an ecological cycle based on this.
This is obviously intentional.
Among them, there must be a big deal!
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