Chapter 1684: Unscientific

Airia saw a segment of memory from the remaining soul.
Some people are middle-aged, after having children and children, the courage has become smaller and smaller staff.
One night lost his life, and finally chose the coward who jumped off the building.
There is also a spent life, a perfect interpretation of what a wealthy family is for a happy life.
Pieces of flashing lights flashed into Ellia's mind, even if they were just the memories of ordinary people.
However, Airlia screamed and squatted down, tears and nose running.
"Can't you withstand this spiritual shock?"
"Is this still able to release the extraordinary spirit of the first-level wizard?"
"How can the extraordinary of the Sanmu tribe be so unbearable?"
Xiao Yu shook his head slightly when he saw Eliya's embarrassment.
The vigilance against Airlia was slightly reduced by 1%.
After a while.
Ellia finally stood up, covering her bleeding nose.
Looking at the blood on the palm of his hand, Ellia's eyes widened slightly:
"Is it so real in the subconscious deep sea?"
"This world is incredible!"
Ellia was a little excited, and desperately recalled the knowledge she had just acquired.
She understood the memories of the predecessors in front of her, and looked at the remnant souls in front of her with a lot of eagerness.
If the timing is not right, Eliya will even decide to study their form at this time.
"Thank you for your help."
"But... these are not what I need now."
Eliya summoned her courage and shouted loudly at the remnant soul in front of her:
"I need something more mysterious and great, I need knowledge that can save the world today..."
"My ancestors, please... please help me!"
Airlia repeated several times, and there is a tendency to continue to repeat.
In response, Xiao Yu touched her nose and decided to satisfy her wish, and then took a look at the planet to realize whether there were any special countermeasures.
Under Xiao Yu's conscious control.
Suddenly, the remnant bodies in front of Airlia suddenly gave way to a passage.
Then, when selected, a remnant full of limbs broke through the gravel and climbed out of the ground.
The remnant soul with special performance came to Ellya, and his mouth roared only less than a decimetre away from the other party.
Looking at the mouth of this remnant's body with almost no teeth, Airlia resisted the fear in her heart and waited quietly for the gift from the other party.
As expected, the remnant soul opened his mouth at the same time, the memory fragment shocked over.
This time, Ellia found out that it didn't feel the same as when you just received knowledge.
As the eyes darkened, they lighted up again.
Ellya saw an elder with a golden light all over her body, looking at her with a sad expression on her face.
"You... are you...Master Carl Jung?"
After seeing the sorrowful elder, Ellia hummed her head and remembered the photos of the black bishop she had seen before.
Although it is not the same in some places, it can be understood. After all, this should be the appearance of Master Karl Jung's instant freeze before death.
If it is exactly the same as the one in the photo, is it not true?
"I already know your intention."
"The Sanmu people can only be saved by Sanmu people..."
"Eliya, I will help you open the door to transcendence."
"But it's up to you whether you can reach the point you want."
The elder Jinguang spoke Eliya's real name, making the latter's mouth open with excitement.
"You know my name... that's great. In the deep sea, you still have a chance to retain your consciousness!"
Ellia feels that she has discovered another big secret and is more focused on feeling everything around her.
As Ellya saw the elder resembling Karl Jung open his arms and embraced himself.
At the moment when the body just touched, Carl Jung was transformed into thousands of golden light particles, and all of them were integrated into Airlia.
Aaliyah felt that her whole body was filled with warmth that made her brows comfortable.
At the same time, a piece of mystery-related knowledge slowly appeared in the memory.
This knowledge seems more subtle than subconsciousness.
There is even such an unscientific feeling coming out of my heart.
It's just that Airlia, who has come into contact with the collective subconscious deep sea, no longer cares about the unscientific knowledge science.
Airlia began to accept Xiao Yu's small gifts at the same time.
The master who followed him also fell after falling on the ground.
Suddenly discovered that it tripped himself, a black crystal ball on the beach.
This black crystal ball, which was not as big as a fist, puzzled the master, but thought of something. After looking left and right, there was no outsider, and slowly reached out and grabbed the black crystal ball.
Xiao Yu watched the master pick up his gift and waved his hand, canceling the plan B and C that would be carried out if the opponent did not pick up the black crystal ball.
At noon, in the deepest refuge of the Mother Earth Tower.
Ellia and the master woke up at the same time.
The two sides looked at each other and bowed their heads in unison, fearing that the other would see that they had something in mind.
The master lowered his head and said:
"You have just succeeded in setting up, did you come into contact with the collective subconscious deep sea again?"
Ellia responded softly, but she was entangled in her mind whether to tell the master that she had been inherited by the black bishop.
Just thinking of the end of the black bishop hidden in the history book, Ellia was a little scared.
To be honest, the mysterious knowledge in the inheritance has completely subverted the three views of Airlia.
She did not believe that all this was created by the Black Bishop himself.
And she is even less convinced that the black bishop who has mastered so many mysterious abilities will be so easily suppressed by the top of the Holy Bishop Church, and even her own sense of existence will be wiped out in the end.
If you think about it with your brain, you will feel that there is only a stronger one that can deal with it.
She is very certain... sure that there is a dark world in this world that she does not know!
And the Church of the Holy Lord must also hide extraordinary secrets!
Even, maybe the extraordinary people in the dark world, the big people who are at the top of the Holy Church and the major forces are the masters behind the world!
If she is known that she is the heir to the black bishops, will they attract the attention of those who are behind the scenes?
When the time comes, framed, encircled and suppressed, repeating the mistakes of the black bishop, do you know it will not be far behind?
"You should be tired too, go back and get a good night's sleep."
The master with the same secret did not notice Ellya's anomaly, he lowered his head and replied softly.
Afterwards, Aliya quickly nodded her head, and then exited the room after thanking her.
The door just closed.
The master in the room and Ellia in the hallway were shocked.
The sound of closing the door made both of them fully recover from the shock.
Then both of them realized that the other was abnormal and realized that the other was probably from the deep sea... What did they find?
The two thoughtful people didn't confront each other, but sorted their moods separately.
The master stared at the door for a while, then sighed and put his mind on his chest.
After swallowing the saliva, the master trembles and reaches deep into his chest, across a thin underwear, and touches a hard object.
The cold touch in the palm of the hand made the master realize that he was not dreaming.
He grabbed the hard object and pulled it out suddenly.
Then, the master opened his mouth wide and looked at the black crystal ball in his hand, with a look of horror in his face that was unstoppable:
"How many secrets are hidden in the deep sea of ​​collective subconsciousness!"
"How is it possible to bring out the real thing from the deep sea of ​​consciousness?"
"This... this is simply a subversion of the collective subconscious theory!"
Looking at the black crystal ball in his hand, to tell the truth the master's heart beat faster, a little difficult to accept.
He has the feeling of living a lifetime.
After all, he knew an iron law from contact with this doctrine: consciousness belongs to consciousness, and matter belongs to matter!
This is very scientific and conforms to the three views of the master.
But now, the master wants to cry a bit, and his three views have already shattered the ground at this moment.
Science has also disappeared...
Xiao Yu could feel the complex mood of the Sanmu human master, but he wouldn’t tell the master that the black crystal ball was stuffed with the hand of the void, and what happened in the dream world, in fact, did not Unrelated.
Think wildly and make up your mind.
Xiao Yu smiled, looked at the planet in the window, took out the pot of the greedy, and used this world's miracle ability to transform into a clone, and threw the clone into the city of Montec.
As the pot of the greedy person lurked into the depths of the earth, it began to transform the spiritual power to fill the area where the tower of the mother earth.
Aliya, who couldn’t wait for her first meditation, felt the beauty of her practice.
The master also felt the gaze from the filthy monster by touching the black crystal ball.
Some of the three-eyed people who have the habit of meditation also obviously have an unusual feeling.
Among them, there is no shortage of high-level people.
Since then.
But a day later.
A congressman was stunned to see a report on the possibility of the resurgence of the home planet Aura.
He scolded that it was a waste of time, and after looking at the signature of the report, he discovered that he was a very qualified sociologist.
The congressman took a deep breath. He guessed that this might be a new method of reassuring people?
After a few minutes of flipping through.
Confirm that this old expert is really after studying whether the world is revived.
The legislator rubbed his brow and threw the report into the trash can, and told the secretary to downgrade the old expert's report.
And in good faith, let the secretary find someone to remind the old expert, should I go to the psychiatric department to see the doctor?
The MP shook his head and looked at the next report.
This is a report from the Special Intelligence Unit of the Sanmu Union, which can only be seen by a very small number of important parliamentarians and speakers.
When the legislator saw the contents of the report, all three eyes were suddenly rounded.
"Again, did it appear again?"
"Mysterious and infectious diseases..."
The MP murmured to himself, and then began to read the files in the report in his hand.
On the file, weird events that occurred in a plantation were recorded.
It was a small plantation with an annual output of 1 million tons of grain.
After the spring of this year, there were unexplained diseases and insect pests, which caused the crops to have no harvest.
For this reason, a week ago, the city of Montec supported a team of top experts in related fields to help.
As of yesterday, everything was planned, and even the panel of experts and the Good News reported that they had found a way to deal with those abominable bugs.
As a result, shortly after the earthquake.
Suddenly the communication between Montaic and the plantation was interrupted.
The personnel of the intelligence group attached great importance to this and immediately sent someone to investigate.
The results are surprising.
More than a hundred staff members on the plantation and more than a dozen expert team members, all... died.
And the miserable life is miserable and weird.
It can be seen from the live video that they suddenly stopped breathing and died after crawling out of countless black worms.
Through rapid testing, it was found that the internal organs and brains of these deceased people were full of holes.
Medical experts suspect that they were parasitized by those black insects early in the morning.
However, before being devastated, these expert groups and staff were completely unaware, and even communicated normally...
The legislator saw this and temporarily lost the throat swallowing function.
"This... this kind of black bug hasn't been analyzed by anyone yet?"
The congressman dialed the communication code of the deputy leader of the intelligence group and asked with a trembling voice.
"Unfortunately, the experts have worked hard, and there are still no new discoveries."
"However, all research bases have increased their security level."
"In addition, we have also blocked the site of the plantation where the accident occurred, waiting for a vote from the Parliament."
Members were slightly startled to understand what they were waiting for.
"I personally tend to destroy there."
After the congressman spoke his own judgment, he hung up the communication.
In the next report, the legislator frowned slightly again.
This is a routine report by the medical department.
Compared with the past, recent medical reports are ugly week by week.
This time is no exception. Homeland Star has emerged with more than thirty new diseases, including three dangerous infectious diseases that have been characterized as the most advanced.
In addition There is a special disease in this report.
The disease broke out in a small village planting ornamental flowers.
More than 300 people in the village became sick of trees after blooming.
It looks as if the Sanmu people are combined with a short tree full of flowers!
Although medical scientists have given a variety of logical scientific explanations for this particular disease, and cited many examples.
For example, many cases of HPV hyperplasia will cause patients to appear like a horror picture of a tree.
This is too much, okay!
The MP put down the report.
Then he hesitated and stood up again to pick up the report in the trash can.
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