Chapter 1893: 1 rescue

The results of the testing of the Sunglass Space Station staff shocked the entire Sanmu tribe.
"Everybody's body is at least five years younger on average?"
"The chronic diseases in most people have been significantly improved?"
"Problem's terminal illness disappeared?"
"His... how could this be!"
At the beginning, everyone worried about the staff of the Sunglass Space Station, for fear that they would be affected by mysterious abilities and have a vicious mutation.
This is also a speculation that many experts tend to believe. After all, looking at radiation, it often deteriorates more than it improves in probability.
Unexpectedly, the results were all benign.
Some senior executives of the Sanmu tribe who were terminally ill, regretted why they did not inspect the Sunglass Space Station.
And with these staff as samples.
Experts also have to admit that the mysterious ability contributes to the improvement and health of the human body.
Carry out effective cultivation.
Immortality dare not say that longevity is obviously very possible.
So, just one day of effort.
With the public media and the publicity on the Internet bombing.
All tribes are aware of the collective subconscious deep sea and the existence of mysterious power.
Although because the spiritual power did not envelope the family star, most of the three-eyed people are unable to practice entry.
But it does not prevent them from investing great enthusiasm in this regard.
On the other hand, for the purpose of improving the collective mystery, and thus breaking its own curse, the official of Sanmu Union is also as convenient as possible for everyone.
Safe practice methods are made public, and hypnotists are scrambling to set up various classes and cram classes.
Officials also stated that they will provide financial assistance to practitioners. If anyone can access the deep sea of ​​collective subconsciousness, they can immediately enter the official establishment and become a glorious public official.
After Xiao Yu set off a mysterious frenzy for the whole people.
So he focused on the observation of the black line.
Forbidden land-level wonder land has broken down the black line into countless parts, and then melted it into itself.
But even after doing so, it is still extremely difficult to analyze the information fragments it contains.
That is to say, Xiao Yu and Ming Jingtai are also available, which can slowly read part of the information.
Xiao Yu was full of anticipation to interpret the relevant information.
Suddenly, Xiao Yu gave a whimper and woke up in the Valkyrie spaceship, feeling the state of Xiadifu.
A little surprised.
Because Xiao Yu discovered that the body of the giant in the sun was affected by the trio of the home star.
Every piece of the black thread engulfed and merged by the local government is also producing subtle changes.
This could not help Xiao Yu secretly surprised that the level of the black line was so high that it was beyond his control, so that the prefecture seemed to merge with each other, but in fact it was still retained by the other side.
This is if the other party has a subjective and active thinking in the world.
You have to steal the chicken to avoid rice.
"It feels like I came too early."
"Want to understand the body of this giant... Now I have at least several years or even more than ten years?"
"Although for extraordinary, more than ten years is just a fleeting time."
"However, it does not allow the door of all methods!"
"At most one month, the door of all methods will be closed?"
Xiao Yu thought of this, and revisited the atmosphere of his home star.
If it's almost time, you still can't decipher the secrets of all means.
Then... I had to implement the bottom-up salary plan to help the Sanmu tribe change places.
Compared with this disaster, it is harder and harder, and the home star with poor resources.
Guwaxing is actually pretty good.
It just happens that there are only more than 10,000 Guwa people left in the Guwaxing, and these tribes can be more popular in the past.
Think of this.
Xiao Yu is preparing for receiving so many trinoculars.
It is impossible for the portable secret realm to accommodate so many tribes.
Billions of three-eyed people, even if they only need to stand to survive, can also squeeze their personal secrets.
Only the prefecture can carry out this scale of migration.
Xiao Yu's thoughts moved, and the topography outside the dying city changed in the mansion. Between the bangs, the two mountain ranges crossed from left to right, blocking the dying city from the outside.
Then the region formed between the mountains became a great plain.
Afterwards, ghost dragons and ghost forces came to this plain to make adaptive transformations to ensure that they could accommodate the basic survival needs of the tribe.
At the same time, Xiao Yu also unscrupulously sent heroes to patrol their home stars to see if there are valuable things.
If there is, then for the long-term plan, it is natural to need Xiao Yu's side to receive and protect it in advance.
It can also be regarded as a contribution to the preservation of the history and culture of the Sanmu people.
Time rushed, and since the Emperor Tianfa issued a warning.
Two weeks passed by.
In the past two weeks, with the Sanmu people's three views of the whole people being recast.
Even without the aid of Reiki, more and more talented tri-human tribes, like the original Eliya, came into contact with the collective subconscious deep sea.
Then after receiving the memory fragments from the deep sea, these people naturally yearn for the mysterious power and are more religious.
The influence of these pioneers, in turn, further made other Sanmu people more suspicious of him.
Perhaps this change is beyond the setting of the planetary consciousness of the home star.
The Scourge of Homeland Star has become more frequent.
Intensity, once again exceeded the experts' initial predictions.
However, the more frequent and severe the natural disasters of the home star, the other world civilization, which in turn brings the Sanmu tribe closer to issue warnings, believes that they will be wiped out by the home star or even this piece of heaven and earth!
Mother Earth Tower.
Congressman Black also couldn't resist the temptation, trying meditation again and again, hoping to get inspiration from his ancestors.
As a parliamentarian, his talents are naturally not too bad, and the pot of the greedy person Xiao Yu put here to provide aura.
Congressman Black also saw isolated islands and deep seas.
However, he received very little information and mostly fragments of life.
He is not a historian and has no interest in these fragments of life.
What he wants is inheritance, the best is the inheritance of ancient heroes!
On this day, Mr. Black read the daily briefing as usual. He watched as many as two hundred disaster reports appeared in the report. His brows closed.
Two weeks ago, the expert team told him that the home star had at least ten years to live for the Sanmu tribe.
A week ago, the expert group told him that this year, except for the space station, there might be a food shortage. They could maintain the social order for three years, and then they must consider giving up part of the Sanmu people.
Now... the number of disasters has almost doubled every three days!
And the incidents that have been characterized as super-large natural disasters have changed from once a week to once every three days, and once a day now!
Mr. Black already has some concerns. What if the tribe of their tribe is destroyed by their homeland Scourge before the self-redemption is completed?
"This... how could this be!"
Mr. Black was looking at the briefing, and suddenly found an urgent [] report on the handheld report tablet.
This is a message from the speaker. Mr. Black dared not care about it and immediately opened it to check. Then he was taken aback by the contents.
It is an emergency warning from the Fifth Disaster Investigation Team directly under the Parliament!
This investigation team is responsible for investigating the craters of Jiayuanxing.
Then, while investigating the highest peak of the home star, Pobala Mountain, they were surprised to find that the world's highest peak, which should be an extinct volcano, was extremely active.
As geological activity intensified, the snow on the top of the mountain even began to melt in large areas.
The experts of the investigation team are very worried that the Pobala volcano will enter an active period, and there will be a large eruption in the near future!
As the highest peak of the home star, once the Pobala volcano erupts, the result is absolutely catastrophic, and the scope of influence will be the entire world!
It's not just volcanic lava that swept through large jungles beneath the mountains, affecting nearby settlements.
The volcanic ash erupted by the volcano can diffuse the entire atmosphere, causing a worse natural climate.
Experts predict that if Pobala really erupted.
The time that the Sanmu tribe can support will be directly reduced to one year!
Just after Mr. Black read this amazing report, he received a meeting request.
Soon, Congressman Black appeared in the secret meeting room.
"Is the motion to discuss Pobara Volcano?"
Asked Mr. Black.
The Speaker and others looked at Congressman Black, but shook their heads regretfully:
"Just now, the Fifth Investigation Team has been wiped out."
Upon hearing this, Congressman Black stood up, his mouth widened to the limit.
"One outbreak has caused a forest fire in the surrounding area."
Next to the speaker, a chubby member said with a ugly face:
"Although it is not a total outbreak, judging from the data, the real big outbreak is just around the corner..."
"It's just that our troubles don't stop there."
When Mr. Black heard this, he was just about to sit down and stand up again, and tightened his body:
"What happened again?"
"It's a problem with the grain reserves."
The chubby MP lowered his head and his neck was red.
No way, who is responsible for keeping the inventory?
As soon as these words came out, Mr. Black's eyes were raised, and his eyes were red, staring at the chubby member:
"You will not be here at this time, and you have borrowed the inventory!"
"Don't spit your blood on me! I also have a clear distinction!"
The chubby Member immediately stood up and shouted:
"In the past two years, I didn't get any points!"
"Even I will let the multiple groups under it make full efforts to ensure that the materials in the storage warehouses of multiple refuge bases reach an adequate line!"
"It's just... I can prevent people's hearts, but I can't prevent natural disasters!"
"Natural disaster? Was the earthquake or the fire dragon destroyed the stock factory accurately?"
"It's a pest."
Chubby MP lightly operated the projection device.
Soon, a piece of top-secret video material appeared in front of various lawmakers.
It was a very empty warehouse.
There are piles of grain bags in the warehouse.
It was only as the patrol officers noticed that a part of the bag was significantly flattened and issued an alarm.
People rushed in and cut through the food bags. They were shocked to find out that when they didn't know when, black bugs were hiding in the bags, devouring food desperately.
These small bugs engulfed at a speed visible to the naked eye, split and multiply, and then penetrated the food bag and entered the other food bags.
Experts are crazy thinking of various ways, trying to stop these black bugs.
However, the high-tech Sanmu people faced these little bugs that were smaller than the sand, but they all failed to return and seemed extremely powerless.
They can only watch the stocks being swallowed up in one fell swoop.
Not even daring to rescue, for fear that a certain bag of food was missed and other storage sites would also be affected.
"No one knows how these black bugs appeared."
"Experts are also unable to analyze the structure of this black bug, and can only suspect that this bug is related to the mysterious power, because this bug is really against the habits and abilities of the living body."
"I've seen this kind of bug."
After watching the video, Mr. Black whispered in silence:
"At the beginning, when the devil appeared, similar black bugs appeared in the area."
"It is said that this is a monster named Defilers from Defiled Demon Worms. The small black bugs we see are just the appearance of their bodies."
"Their bodies are smaller, like bacteria, but weirder!"
"And the bad thing is that this kind of filthy demon has the same connection with the home star."
"Home Star is repelling us faster and faster."
The speaker was silent for a while, and sent out a painful emotion.
"Contact Bishop Aliya, we need to contact Yanhuang Civilization."
The speaker said this and smiled bitterly:
"We must admit that our Sanmu tribe has no time."
"Popular mysterious knowledge, learn mysterious power, and cultivate our own mysterious transcendence. These ideas are very good. Unfortunately, we have no chance to realize them."
"So, we can only ask Yan Huang Wenming for help now."
"Please tell Yanhuang Civilization."
"Our Sanmu human civilization is willing to promise all their demands."
"Just hope that they can rescue some tribes from our tribe tribe to preserve the memory of our tribe tribe civilization."
Hear the speaker.
Several congressmen have widened their eyes.
If really according to what the speaker said.
This is not a decision to give up most of the Sanmu people, it is likely that they have also given up!
After all, they are no longer Even after years of hard work, the potential is almost exhausted.
This can be seen from the pride of the young heavens during cultivation.
According to the existing research on Yanhuang civilization.
Compared to these old guys who are old and old.
Yanhuang civilization clearly favors those geniuses who cultivate more!
Talent in cultivation is the first.
And the power and wealth held by them are obviously worthless when they are selected by Yanhuang Civilization!
Therefore, several Members stood up and shouted in unison:
"Admiral Speaker!"
"Please wait, I think our civilization can still be rescued!"
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