Chapter 188: Qingyun Jianxian is a good comrade

On the outskirts of Jiankang City, the main road next to Daming Village has been surrounded by traffic at the moment.
With the striking light at night, even Daming Village has been disconnected.
Many media still noticed that there was a big news here, and they were mobilizing their respective channels to find out the truth, but they soon realized that the situation was not simple, and they were waiting for the government to set the tone.
However, there are many self-media who are not afraid of big things or have taken money to drive by car. As a result, they have been intercepted on the road before they arrived outside the village.
And at this time on the cliff.
As the captain of the bounty hunter Jack, although he saw that he successfully approached the villagers, he did not have a smile on his face.
He knew very well that with the appearance of non-human monsters on this mountain, their team had already been planted and could not run away!
Even if you immediately lay down your weapon and surrender, you will see that you should not see it. In a short time, you will not be dreamed and will be exchanged by the other party.
With more luck, it will inevitably be brainwashed for a long time and suffer torture for at least ten years.
So why should we agree to disperse the troops and hijack the villagers for time?
Not yet...for your own family? In order not to be organized to deliberately forget?
Waiting for yourself, you must give the reason why the gold master has to contribute in this operation!
Jack is very clear that all their performance here will definitely be known in the future.
At that time, the owner of the gold family doesn't want to be eccentric, and will definitely work hard to save himself and treat his family!
Otherwise... Judging from the level of confidentiality of what you and others are currently seeing, the price tag that you and others are being exchanged will definitely be very high!
The owner of the gold family found that he and others surrendered immediately, and no useful information was sent. Will they forget to wait for others as an excuse?
Even the compensation will be reimbursed to the family members according to the most basic standards?
"I hope that the soldiers we meet will have some scruples." Jack escaped dangerously and evaded a bullet, looked back and picked up a weird hand gun and fired several cannons in a row, suddenly a large amount of smoke filled his Forward.
"Wait, that's a drone!" Jack was lying on the grass, just seeing his men picking up weapons and scolding the villagers.
He suddenly saw two bat-shaped drones approaching his men.
"Can you interfere?" Jack asked the correspondent who had followed him.
"No!" The correspondent shook his head, throwing away a lot of sweat beads that were tense and overflowing.
"This should be their latest drone. Our jamming system is outdated!" The correspondent murmured: "If you want to interfere with them, I'm afraid you need to use the equipment of the laboratory."
"Damn." Jack knows very well that the military drones of today's powerful countries are by no means comparable to the toys circulating on the Internet.
Their vision, firepower, and maneuverability are not lower than ordinary manned aircraft.
Even with the cooperation of the ground facilities, it is often overwhelming!
In front of two heavily armed military drones, it may not be needed for a minute, and their team will be torn to pieces!
"The hostage is already in hand, let's go! Follow me with me! I can only gamble!"
"Hopefully our communication skills can be as powerful as the boss's?"
Jack pulled up the correspondent, just preparing to creep forward, he suddenly felt cold!
Feeling as if the blood was frozen, Jack gave a desperate smile and said: "It's over, it's the boy, the sword fairy is back!"
Immediately following, Jack saw that the night sky suddenly flew more than ten electro-optical missiles with parabolic trajectories.
Immediately, these missiles hit the bounty hunters.
Everyone was struck by an electro-optic, no more than one.
These bounty hunters screamed and fell to the ground one by one. Although they weren't dead, they had been paralyzed under the electric light, and their cramps were more than enough.
They are all elite soldiers of today's era. They hate to encounter the unreasonable and unreasonable Longwei. Under pressure, they lost their fighting power without even pulling the trigger to find a chance to do so.
The villagers were also apprehensive under Long Wei. Fortunately, the coercion was there for a while. After Xiao Yu saved his life, he left without stopping.
This made the villagers not embarrassed by urinating, but instead made them think that those soldiers saved them after returning to normal.
"Don't shoot, I surrender!"
Jack, who witnessed the destruction of his men, saw the heavily armed soldiers rushing under the smoke and immediately knelt down and surrendered.
"Grab it all."
The captain of the ninth action team glanced at Jack and gave a slight shock, recognizing this guy. It's no wonder that the opponent was able to wrestle with his team for so long.
This is one of the common black hands of the superpower opposite the ocean!
I didn't expect to get alive this time!
"Captain, what about those villagers?" the soldier asked.
"According to the instructions of the superior, they also controlled it and let it be handled by professionals." The captain of the action team waved his hand and the villagers were also taken away.
Then the captain made a military salute to the drone and looked at the direction in which the electro-optic missile appeared, with a complex expression.
Despite the operation from beginning to end, the young white sword sword immortal did not show up.
But in this mountain, you can do just that scene, except for the Qingyun Jianxian, there is no one else!
In the conference room of Jiankang City.
Everyone used a positive tone to confirm that the scene of the villagers who had just been rescued was related to the Qingyun Jianxian.
Because even if the other party is invisible, they can't escape the life detector on the ground, but everyone saw the dot representing the blue cloud sword fairy go back and forth, and then the bounty hunter team fell to the ground.
"This young sword fairy has good character."
"It may just be disgusting that outsiders hijack civilians."
"Oh, at least he helped, is it a good thing?"
"Has our investigator passed?"
"It's all over, and the fieldwork images will be coming soon."
"Very good! But this is a big event, you have to bear it and work hard."
"For the motherland, what kind of hard work is this?"
"What is the duty, what hard work!"
In the conference room, after the crowd continued to get busy, a technical department investigator ran forward and informed the team leader of the investigation.
"Huh? The action team from the ninth place, could not stop Qingyun Jianxian from leaving?" The team leader of the investigation team rubbed his temple. "During the last trial, the experts did not think that the action personnel of the ninth place were used. Physical fitness and equipment, can you move freely under that sword fairy's unique aura without looking directly at each other's eyes?"
"So... he didn't exert his full strength at that time? Or this strange realm-like thing is a magical power that he didn't use last time?"
"It's a lot of accidents when dealing with people who are different from this system!" The leader of the investigation team complained and said: "Have you continued to follow the past?"
"He is tracking again, but his pressure range is too large this time, and many of our cars equipped with detectors have failed to react and follow."
"According to the route, he may be going to the urban area of ​​Jiankang City."
"In the urban area, with the population density of Jiankang City and the invisible ability of the other party, we need to find out that it is a needle in a haystack." The leader of the investigation team sighed.
Detective Jiang looked at several experts and raised a question:
"Somewhat strange, since Qingyun Jianxian will teleport, why didn't he do it this time, but should expose another ability of himself to get rid of himself?"
"Yes, this is a thinking direction!" The team leader of the investigation team lit up and nodded.
Then they saw the latest news from the front.
Detective Jiang finally saw the wreckage of the chicken farm under the high-definition images. While noticing that there was no chicken alive here, he learned that the Qingyun Jianxian came to this place tonight and gave the chicken farmer a bank Card compensation.
Obviously, this incident was not an accident or a coincidence.
That Qingyun Jianxian, has long known that the chicken farm will undergo major changes and will suffer heavy losses!
"That card..." the leader of the investigation team asked.
"It was provided by the Jin family, and the card number is also on file on our side." The technical staff quickly puzzled: "There are a total of 250,000 yuan."
"Two hundred and fifty thousand?" The team leader looked at the officials in Jiankang City.
"This is the sword fairy's compensation for Daming Village, and it is the performance of Chizi's heart." The official nodded slightly: "We will bear the compensation balance for Daming Village's insufficient compensation balance."
"That's good, otherwise we haven't been suspected that we have done bad things and swallowed the compensation?" The leader of the investigation team laughed at himself.
He thought it was Qingyun Jianxian who did not understand the price, and mistakenly thought that the money of one card was enough to make up for the loss of the chicken farm in Daming Village.
In fact, Xiao Yu knew that the money he gave was not enough to make up for the losses in the chicken farm!
But after understanding the follow-up actions of this chicken farm, he felt that this girl must be abominable for the poor.
Purely self-sufficiency!
If it is not the bank card given by the father and son of the Jin family, the lowest is this 250,000, and he wants to give it a little less.
At the same time, they have to give.
No compensation is given, which is not consistent with Qingyun Jianxian's consistent performance, and will also give the court an excuse for attacking the hawkish attitude towards Jianxianmen.
On the contrary, compensation was given. Doesn't this show that Qingyun Jianxian's performance has the ancient style of chivalry?
Such a good comrade, with two points in his character, still has a good heart. Is it worth patience to fight for it?
Even if in the future there are hawks who want to make trouble, it is difficult to treat Jianxianmen as a terrorist?
After returning to his home and recovering his true body, Xiao Yu endured the weakness brought by the Red Dragon's Blood Elixir and lay down on the bed and fell asleep.
Without knowing it, he made trouble.
What a huge storm it will cause.
Even nowadays, it has become more and more popular on the Internet.
Jack and others were gone forever, and even the news could not be passed back, plus the unusual light on the top of Daming Village and the large number of military vehicles dispatched.
Countries smelling the conspiracy sent out inquiries, and launched the network naval forces to start helping, trying to find clues.
It's just that this time they tried many ways to fail at all times.
With regard to the sword fairy, the imperial court could not block it, but it could disturb the water, making it difficult for everyone to distinguish between true and false.
The birth of the monster had a great influence, and the court gave a heavy hand. It can be said on the Internet that even the bubble did not rise.
The white light vision was also blocked by a secret scientific experiment.
The chicken farm was attacked, and compensation was included in the confidential document, and the black pot was kicked to Jack and the ninth action team in the document.
All the people who saw the monster, regardless of their enemies and enemies, conducted psychological counseling.
Especially those villagers, sent psychology to take various induced hypnosis, so that they mistakenly thought that they were poisoned by gas bombs, all they saw were hallucinations.
All the black pots are committed by those hateful terrorists!
After signing the confidentiality agreement, the court let the villagers go home for reunion.
Naturally, this is superficial.
In fact, these villagers have been planted with monitors, and there are also professionals who pay attention to them around the clock.
Just waiting for when to start, another foreign agent couldn't hold back to eat this bait...
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