Chapter 1964: Requiem Sorcerer's Tower

Little China, somewhere in the space of time and space is hidden on the lost continent near the vortex of space and time.
This piece of ancient continent, after being regarded as the headquarters of the organization by the first-class forces, the Requiem Wizard Tower.
On this continent, there is no longer a Morning Star wizard.
Even to ensure that this continent will never be searched by other forces.
As a lost continent forever.
The master of the Requiem Sorcerer's Tower and several deputy masters worked together to seal the continental will of this continent and allow the indigenous creatures on the continent to return to the Stone Age.
And whenever there are extraordinary people among the indigenous peoples of the mainland, they rely on their own experience to explore, and advance to become second-level extraordinary knights or primitive wizards.
It will immediately trigger an alarm, leading to a new round of sweeping operations of the Requiem Wizard Tower.
In this way, the major sweeping operation to eliminate all the extraordinary in a continent, the Requiem Sorcerer Tower has become accustomed to all the people, and it is a traditional behavior to cultivate disciples.
And similar to this continent of time and space vortex, there are no less than ten pieces in the tower of Requiem Wizard.
Despite this behavior, for the intelligent creatures of the local mainland, these outsiders are a group of extraterrestrial demon, burning and looting without evil.
However, from the perspective of the Requiem Sorcerer's Tower, the ability to leave these indigenous mortal tribes is already a manifestation of the charity and goodness of the main and deputy pagoda owners of the Requiem's ​​Sorcerer Tower.
After all, you are left as extraordinary, in case you catch a hint of mainland consciousness and become the son of the mainland's destiny. What should I do?
Although speaking, the destiny of a continent, even the destiny of the super-continent, can be suppressed easily by the Requiem Wizard Tower.
But it is so costly to consume the human and material resources of the Requiem Sorcerer's Tower in vain?
On the Lost Continent where the headquarters of the Requiem Sorcerer's Tower is located.
The two white robe wizards are flying at low altitude, patrolling the tribes of all ethnic groups in the vicinity of the thousands of miles, and see if there are any extraordinary breakthroughs above level two.
The older white robe wizard, after soaring for a while, first fell on the top of a high mountain, then bathed in warm sunlight and light breeze, and looked at a nomadic tribe under the mountain.
Another young white robe wizard also fell down and looked at the tribe tents:
"It is the Balito tribe with the largest number of people nearby? I heard that their sacrificial prayers mentioned to our false gods that there are more than 30,000 people in their tribe, and that there are more than one hundred extraordinary people?"
"Yes, this tribe is developing very well, and the popularity is the most abundant."
The older white robe wizard nodded slightly, and then began to teach:
"However, don't believe the prayers of the priests too much."
"These indigenous people who lost the blessing of the mainland will be very cunning."
Speaking of which, the white robe wizard paused and continued:
"On the extraordinary part, once the number exceeds one hundred, you can just use it as a reference. The firmness of these guys to believe in God will decline rapidly..."
"There is one more thing you need to know."
"Some tribes are likely to hide some historical records and learn from them that we still have the true role of false gods. Once these tribes are discovered, they must be wiped out."
"Include all mortals?"
The young white robe wizard was surprised when he heard this.
The elder nodded affirmatively and said:
"I heard that there was a big basket, so even the kind tower owner had to agree to make this decision."
The young man did not hesitate, and when he heard the approval of the tower owner, he believed it completely.
Then he looked at the tribe at the foot of the mountain, a little more greedy in his eyes.
"Brother, do you think this tribe will soon be born a great knight?"
"In our jurisdiction, this tribe is most likely."
The older white robe wizard smiled, and seemed to guess the companion's careful thinking:
"Why, want the blood and soul of this tribe?"
"Relax, brother, I just want the head of this tribe, and nothing else will fight you..."
The young white robe wizard couldn't help but blush and whispered:
"It's not me, it's an elder in a purple robe. I want me to provide him with a hundred nomadic girl souls of good looks."
"A hundred girl souls?"
The older white robe wizard was very knowledgeable and immediately understood that the elders of this companion were planning to refine a few high-quality female ghosts.
However, this is also normal. They are a group of Requiem Sorcerer's Tower, they take the Undead school and control the way of playing with the soul.
Not to mention that the soul of a hundred girls cultivated a few female ghosts as raw materials.
The white robe wizard remembers that a wonderful object in the hands of the great tower master devoured millions of living souls during the refining process.
Even the main heart and bone materials are still used by dozens of legendary indigenous people and thousands of first- and second-class extraordinary.
Sometimes, the white robe wizards quietly guessed that the reason why these lost continent requisition wizard towers are not rushed to kill, in addition to the new disciples used to train the requisition wizard towers, there is another point is that these continents are regarded as lower souls Source of material.
Seen as a piece of pasture.
In addition, these lost continents themselves also have the role of hiding the base of the requiem wizard tower.
He wondered.
Are they too much fish?
"Don't care, remember the teachings of the teacher, even if the opponent is a foolish native transcendence, it should be given 12 points of attention."
Looking at the appearance of the young companion, the white robe wizard coughed and added a sentence.
The young white robe wizard nodded, but he hadn't taken it for granted.
Although he has just been promoted to the second-level wizard, the state is not stable.
Can there be a first-class force to train the whole process and the ability to explore on your own?
In fact, even if these indigenous wizards become second-level wizards, the upper limit of mana may not be as long as their first level!
And the witchcraft model that I learned by myself can only have a fraction across from it.
Coupled with the witchcraft wonders, scrolls, inscriptions, etc. a gap in the entire witchcraft system.
It is normal for the sorcerer of the Requiem Sorcerer’s Tower to kill the natives by leapfrog.
Even if you really encounter a siege, the situation is unfavorable, and the life-saving hole card is basically able to escape.
It is the foggy witchcraft of the lowest-level life-saving technique of the requiem wizard tower, nor is it possible for the indigenous wizards to crack it in a short time.
"By the way, the tower owner seems a little unhappy recently."
After talking about the serious things, the two white robe began to talk quietly about gossip.
Requiem Sorcerer's Tower is divided into four grades: gray robe, white robe, purple robe, and golden robe.
Beginning with the white robe, a lot of training resources must rely on oneself or one's own team.
This also made many wizards start to care about the general situation of the Soul Wizard Tower from the white robe.
After all, this is related to the future possibilities of yourself and others.
"I know something. It is said that the tower's son-in-law went to the steel forest secret realm of the miracle city."
After the young white robe wizard released an enchantment, he began to talk about the elders chatting:
"Everything was originally good, although I didn't get the inheritance in the secret of the steel forest, I still remember a lot of knowledge."
"The minimum requirements of the tower owner have been met."
"Why did you think that those people didn't look at their abilities? It was estimated that they were touted in the Requiem Sorcerer's Tower to forget their true abilities. They went to the high-level area, went to the holy dragon clan, and the great demons were all Challenge the place of failure."
"Oh, isn't this death?"
"The result is the same. I heard that the talents watched for half a minute and couldn't keep running."
"But it's useless to run out. They're still mad, or the city of miracles notified a left elder of the golden robe that they took them back."
"After seeing the situation, our tower owner heard that he was so angry that the wizard towers around him had moved several meters."
"This thing...just forget it? Our tower master and the few deputy tower masters, didn't you protest?"
The elder white robe wizard stunned slightly and asked curiously.
He was born low in the Requiem Sorcerer's Tower, and many things are really unclear to his companions.
But listening to the young white robe wizard sneered, with a hint of worship:
"They dare!"
"Cough, brother, you may not know that the city of miracles is already recognized as a sacred place of transcendence. It is a much more terrifying force than the top ten forbidden-level forces!"
"More powerful than the top ten forbidden areas?"
The older white robe wizard updated his knowledge, only to feel that there was a lying trough in his throat and he wondered if he could vomit.
Just when they were tangled.
In the indigenous nomadic tribe at the foot of the mountain.
The high priest of the Balitu tribe is carrying a trace of desperate young patriarchs sitting cross-legged in the tent.
The patriarch of the Balitu tribe can be described as a generational master, leading the tribe from weak to strong, and even created a set of physical exercises, so that the tribe’s extraordinary riders can be multiplied in ten years!
The young patriarch is even more terrible. At the age of twelve, he became a transcendent, and he also awakened his natural ability to control fire and wind.
The high priests almost mistakenly thought that the young patriarch was a love of the true god.
Until the high priest saw part of the documents provided by the patriarch and learned the truth of all the creatures in this continent.
The high priest looked at the young patriarch's gaze, full of hope, but afraid of worry.
"How long can it be suppressed?"
The young patriarch Ying Wu extraordinary was like a statue with a gentle smile on his face, and asked the high priest.
"The young patriarch's extraordinary aura has grown too fast, I... I'm afraid it won't be suppressed for a long time, and the few singular objects borrowed are almost reaching their limit."
The high priest whispered a little worried.
The several priests next to them couldn't help but shouted:
"That's the opposite!"
"The young patriarch opened the seal, much better than the patriarch?"
"Yeah, we might win!"
The priests spoke lightly. The high priests who had participated in the pilgrimage knew very well that the Requiem Wizard Tower was not that simple.
Not as simple as the white robe wizards they usually see.
That magnificent and magnificent, soaring into the clouds, the sorcerer's tower can not see the top.
It caused an extremely shocking visual impact to the high priest.
It also made him afraid to be arrogant.
The young patriarch waved his hand:
"It's okay, I know that with our preparation now, it's not enough."
"Please rest assured, in case the time is coming, I will choose to arbitrarily, and will never give the Requiem Sorcerer Tower a chance to clean it."
"Fortunately, I have lived so many more years and perfected the cultivation system of our family."
"I believe that my newcomers will be much stronger than me..."
When the young patriarch said these words, his eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky.
It also made the high priest and other priests ashamed to bow their heads.
These people, in many cases, can be regarded as a puppet army that helped rule the requiem wizard tower.
In the annual blood sacrifice, the white robe wizards who came to inspect the sacrifices of the British soul were also the ones who personally performed the sword.
The high priest was very moved, but did not think that with the efforts of these common ants, they could fight against these monsters from outside the region.
Everything is struggling, maybe it will be empty in the end.
It's just that if you don't struggle a few times, it's too boring?
Just when the high priests and others think that the pessimistic future cannot be changed.
Suddenly, a roar of gusting wind came from afar.
The clear skies suddenly began to snow heavily.
In the snow, there were vaguely crying voices coming out!
"what happened?"
On the top of the mountain, the two white robe wizards discovered the anomaly for the first time.
The young wizard was also excited, thinking that there was an indigenous wizard to blame.
He has reason to help the elders to gather up the soul of a hundred nomadic girls in advance.
The next second, the two white robe wizards immediately realized that the vision came from the area where the requiem wizard tower was located.
"It's the headquarters!"
The elder white robe wizard exuded cold sweat, whispering under the blizzard:
"What happened to the headquarters, the tower owner is not there, and there are at least two deputy tower owners guarding..."
"I'm afraid that the crazy guys are having problems."
The young white robe wizard immediately thought of the content that had just blown water.
Guess the link that is most likely to go wrong.
This is also in line with the wizard worldview.
After all, it’s impossible to be really crazy.
The greatest possibility is that the spirit is polluted by evil spirits or something.
In a sense, such pollution is a kind of void coordinate, which attracts evil spirits or something, and it is reasonable.
It's just that these pollution come from the heritage of the creators. How can these unclean things be attracted?
Is there any interest in the source of these pollutants?
Thinking like this.
The broadcast of the Requiem Sorcerer's Tower suddenly sounded, and all the Requisite Sorcerer's Witches on this continent were able to hear the broadcast.
After a few seconds.
The white robe wizards all changed their colors, and they no longer care about the task at hand, and went to the nearest wizard tower.
The two white robes on the top of the mountain were just getting up.
The young white robe suddenly shouted: Wait!
Immediately after seeing the young white robe take out two crystal that can leave the space to soak.
He also nodded slowly, approving the idea of ​​the young white robe.
Sure enough, instead of running to the Wizard's Tower, UU Reading resisted the coming of the fallen mother of shadow.
Taking advantage of the requiem of the Requiem Sorcerer's Tower and leaving this lost continent to hide, the survival rate will obviously be higher?
at the same time.
In front of this lost continent, a large shadow swallowed the faint light in the chaotic flow of time and space and quickly spread over.
The thoughts of the Requiem Sorcerer's Tower constantly collide with this shadow across the vortex of time and space.
But they are unable to block the speed of advance.
They can only prepare for the worst while calling for support.
At the same time, the mad people were also classified as serious suspects and temporarily detained in a small secret realm.
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