Chapter 1982: Planet fortress

Xiao Yu took out the eight-foot gou jade.
This artifact of faith from the kingdom of cherry blossoms has not kept up with Xiao Yu's strength growth.
Therefore, Xiao Yu didn't feel very distressed when he regarded it as the core of the guardian power system barrier.
Except for this artifact of faith that Xiao Yu has been warming up and strengthening many times.
In each key part of this power system.
Already can see traces of the aura of faith.
Even some parts themselves are artifacts of faith based on ancient tile civilization.
Coupled with tens of thousands of wizards, the inscriptions of the hard work of the powerful people of various races, the magic circle and so on are gathered together.
The power system itself is already not much worse than the headquarters of the first-class powers in the Lilliputian Nation.
However, this configuration is for Xiao Yu.
Still not enough, can not be called its own flagship.
Xiao Yu watched the of faith Bachi Gouyu blend in perfectly.
Only then was he cautious and took out the origin of the Mother of Shadows.
It could have expanded to envelop a supercontinent of shadow origin.
Today it is only the size of an egg.
Following Xiao Yu's heart moved.
This egg-sized shadow ball flew in and just wrapped the Bachi Gouyu.
Suddenly, it merged with Bachi Gouyu.
Inexplicably, the entire flagship flashed a burst of black light.
Immediately, the surrounding powerhouses, Luo Xiaoying, Dao Xiaoying, Xiao Bai and Da Huang, etc., all noticed that there seemed to be something incredible in the steel giant ship in the dock, and the great existence came alive.
Xiao Yu could hear, as Ba Chi Gouyu responded to his connection, the entire power system was breathing rhythmically.
Along with breathing, the entire power system is shrouded in the fog of shadow, and in the fog, it seems to be twisted into another dimension.
Xiao Yu felt that this power system seemed to have come alive, possessing life from the shadows.
"Shadows one-fifth of the hull including the power system."
"In this way, the most vulnerable part of this interstellar mothership in front of outsiders has become the hardest place."
"Hahaha, I really met a rival, this operation should give the opponent a big surprise, right?"
"Furthermore, the excess energy volatilized after activation will be gathered in the body of the Bachi Gouyu."
"Let the sacred fire skills contained in it become another ultimate move of my interstellar mothership, it can be said to serve multiple purposes."
After contributing to the most important power system, Xiao Yu walked back with satisfaction and walked along the passage to the bow of the ship.
Along the way, I checked and filled up the vacancies, and the Morningstar artifact in my hand was spread everywhere like Chinese cabbage.
Belief in the artifact is like patching. Seeing where there may be a problem, or you can add something, you can put the faith artifact in your hand.
Go all the way.
After dozens of minutes, Xiao Yu finally orbited the entire Star Mothership.
I feel that I have done my best for this interstellar mothership.
The best materials, the best technology, the best manpower, and the best mysterious and extraordinary assistance.
"In the next period of time, this battleship should be a creation that is difficult for me to surpass."
Looking at the completed Mothership of Miracle, Xiao Yu whispered softly, then waved his hand, summoning tens of thousands of heroic warriors from the goddess kingdom.
Most of these heroic warriors came from the ancient eastern countries, Citigroup and Mosca.
Before becoming a hero, he was born in the old navy.
After death, the soul was connected to the kingdom of God and gained a new life after becoming a hero.
Although this rebirth is the same as the resurrection of the dead, it can actually be regarded as a second life, and it is no longer related to the previous life.
It is equivalent to getting a new life in the memory of a lifetime.
This memory also helped them to become familiar with ship operations faster than other heroes, and it was easier to learn the requirements of military cooperation.
Xiao Yu ordered the ghosts of Guwa to serve as instructors to help these heroes become qualified crew members to facilitate the future operation of the Mothership of the Miracle.
The Guwa-1 satellite dock slowly opened, followed by a loud roar that made the ground shake.
Shrouded in the shadows, it looks distorted to the naked eye. The presence is not strong. It is a rather huge steel battleship. It rose from the dock and flew into the outer space of the satellite with an incredible maneuverability. On track.
After sailing along the orbit, after flying more than ten times around the satellite.
The shadow warship left its orbit and headed towards the nearest planet to the Guwa home planet.
The miraculous mothership will verify all possibilities and discover problems during its voyage.
In order to facilitate the formal service, it can be modified to solve.
Experts from the Guva civilization and the Trinoculars naturally noticed this weird warship.
Especially the experts of the Trinoculars, they are numerous and have more energy to pay attention to these accidents.
Because of this, the big brothers of the Trinoculars quickly saw the various data given by the experts on that special battleship.
Looking at the data sheet that has exceeded the attributes of the new battleship under development.
The big guys had wonderful expressions and immediately contacted Guwa civilization.
Later, the representatives of the two civilizations, like curious babies, squatted near the dock, looking for every opportunity to contact the ghost of Guwa.
After a while, they did get in touch, and even received an interview from Dao Xiaoying, the representative of the water blue star civilization.
Then, they were quite disappointed.
That special battleship can achieve such exaggerated data is not because of the technological breakthroughs made by the Aquastar civilization, or the black technology.
It is the result of some special methods from the gift of super civilization.
These special methods are not reproducible.
That special battleship is a unique existence, at least for some time now, it is not reproducible.
Although it was a bit uncomfortable, the ancient tile civilization and the trinocular human civilization, who had experienced so many winds and waves, also wisely chose to accept them all.
at the same time.
The Lingwang system is gradually being laid out in the trinocular community.
As a result, part of the three-eyed people with good talents were excavated and selected to work in the underworld.
In addition, with the help of Lingwang, some experts were given the power of witchcraft.
In terms of research and manufacturing, the civilization of the Sanmu human race has been steadily improved overall...
The surface of Mars.
Because of the relationship with the mother of shadows.
Asura in the bronze egg flashed the image of soaring in the starry sky.
Its mind trembled slightly.
He buzzed a few times, violent the heavens.
With the core abilities of the Mother of Shadow, the financial and material resources of the Son of God are matched.
It is too wasteful to use on a steel battleship, even if that battleship is very big, very big.
However, shouldn't it be the supercontinent that should be used?
Even the supercontinent of the Yanhuang Great World seems a bit incredibly big.
Second, choose the mini-continents near these supercontinents, right?
Thinking of this, Asura suddenly realized that if it really shadowed such a big place.
It may take decades or even hundreds of years.
This time, for myself, is just a moment.
But for the son of in front of him.
It may be too long.
After all, this monster has transformed from an ordinary giant to the current morning star giant in just two or three years!
"Damn it, the conditions for this giant, the son of God, are really unique."
Thinking of this, this Asura suddenly became mentally unbalanced, and immediately stopped paying attention to these worries.
Began to concentrate on absorbing the surrounding stars.
Relying on the unique energy of starlight.
Asura vaguely felt that when his whole body was turned into stars...With the ability of all his moon-forming organs, he could take that crucial step.
When the mother ship Miracle left the surface of the satellite and sailed into deep space.
The integration of Krupp civilization has also come to an end.
As the Krupp Civilization Council was the first to be integrated, the members of the council announced one by one that they would also abandon their secrets and resolutely support the mechanical ascent.
The resistance of the entire Krupp civilization was minimal.
Protests in a few areas were also ruthlessly suppressed by the mechanical octopuses, and soon disappeared.
With regard to the military fleet, although the military actually has more hardliners, it is also most resistant to the mechanical ascent plan.
However, their resistance is extremely small.
Not as good as folk.
The reason is that the council surrendered first, making them, the army who still wanted to fight to the death, even the weapons of resistance failed.
This night, with the huge tower of Tongtian, it made a deafening roar.
The hemisphere where the tower is located, from night to day.
The residents of the Krup civilization in the giant buildings, all keenly aware of something, couldn't help shaking slightly.
After tens of seconds.
The vibration ripples from the tower of the sky swept across the hemisphere under the night, and soon spread to the mother planet of the entire Krupp civilization.
The sky tower released a circle of white light ripples.
Under the ripples.
The eyes of thousands of mechanical octopuses glowed red.
And all the residents of Krupp civilization also screamed and knelt to the ground, making roars.
Flesh and flesh are bitter and weak, and steel is eternal.
The whispers of mechanical soaring and so on with crazy charm kept lingering in the ears of these ordinary people.
And after they reached their limit and passed out.
Swish, let the tower of the sky and the sea of ​​consciousness of these unconscious Krupp civilizations have a connection.
Hiding early in a remote mining base, the former chairman of the Krupp Civilization Council.
Through the wire report, I learned about the disaster happening on the home planet.
He closed his eyes sadly.
"Our Krupp civilization is over this time."
"The sky-reaching giant tower really did it to ordinary Krupp people!"
Listening to the wailing of the former chairman, the commanders and adjutants here also looked at the report one after another, all showing expressions of astonishment:
"What happened to those people?"
"Isn't it enough to take away our warship?"
"Our team of experts remaining on the satellite is studying..."
An adjutant looked at the tablet computer that was constantly updating data. After a few whispers, he was slightly startled:
"Experts have discovered that the brains of the unconscious Krupp people are extremely active, and can see a translucent silk thread connecting the tower to the sky."
"According to speculation, they suspect that the Tower of the Sky is using the brains of these unconscious Krupp people for certain calculations."
"Computer work? Human brain computer?"
Everyone was whispering, and immediately learned that in the home planet of Krupp civilization, the mechanical octopuses divided the labor and cooperated. The billions of Krupp people who were in a coma were concentrated in the area near the tower and provided them with basic The life-saving equipment ensures that they will not die due to lack of water or food in a coma.
With a large number of Krupp people in a coma, and became part of the tower.
The tower of the sky seems to have really been supplemented with energy.
The one-eyed eye on the top of the tower became scarlet, and its volume expanded in a circle.
It looks even more weird and evil.
The home planet of Krupp civilization, his autobiography began to incredibly slow down.
A few days later.
This is impossible, this unscientific shout, shouted from the surviving Krupp civilization scientists and generals.
The home planet of Krupp civilization, the planet that nurtured Krupp civilization, suddenly stopped autobiography, and then began to deviate from its orbit and flew toward the gate of time and space.
The first time it flew away, the surrounding satellites were completely out of control and crashed on the surface of the parent star, causing huge disasters and even changing the topography of the parent star.
However, such a disaster still cannot stop the movement of the home planet of Krupp civilization.
And, with densely packed mechanical octopuses and nano robots crawling out of the ground.
The fallen satellites became part of these robot transformation plans.
From a distance, it is as if the home planet of Krupp civilization came alive and swallowed satellites.
Looking at the distant mother star.
The former chairman of the Krup civilization made a difficult decision.
Under his instruction.
The military commander on the time-space gate quietly dispatched an unmanned spacecraft. After leaving the defensive base, after making a circle, it flew towards the Guwa home planet.
While flying, it also used clear code radio waves to broadcast towards the Guwa home planet.
The experts of Guwa Home Star quickly received this very obvious broadcast.
After some discussion.
They dispatched a spaceship to intercept the alive.
When Xiao Yu came to Guwa Mother Star again to see Guwa civilization and his own Miraculous Mothership.
Xiao Yu learned of this and saw the drone that was intercepted without any resistance.
In the drone, there is a video.
After ensuring safety, the crew of the spacecraft began to decode and play.
Xiao Yu and the representatives of other civilizations saw the home planet of the Krup civilization moving through the stars.
Xiao Yu recognized this mother star at first glance.
The sky tower is like a unicorn on the It is very conspicuous!
In the video, the home planet of the Crupp civilization is actually frozen in the world.
But on the frozen surface, you can still see circles of dazzling lights.
That was the light of the spectacle-like building revealed after the transformation of the home planet of Krupp civilization under the Mechanical Ascension Plan.
Those exposed, hidden in basins, tiankengs, but taller and majestic than the buildings on the ground, you can see the trail of a gun.
Moreover, the circles are like roads and railway networks, but connected by the muzzle of electromagnetic guns.
Can not help but make the research experts doubt.
The entire planet of Krupp civilization may have been transformed into a war fortress by the enemy.
This is a planetary fortress!
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