Chapter 1992: 3 days

"I...Where is this?"
White sky, white earth, and white city walls as high as the sky?
In the medical room of the Ark.
Pope Apsler woke up from the chaos.
As if a drowning person wakes up for the first time, his brain is blank and his eyes are full of confusion.
"Woke up?"
"I woke up quite quickly."
Suddenly, the sound in his ear made Pope Apsler quickly turn his head and look at the source of the sound.
A young wizard in a black robe.
"who are you?"
"Who am I?"
Pope Apsler frowned and asked, feeling a splitting headache.
The black guard looked at Pope Apsler's expression not fake, and said with a hint of sympathy in his tone:
"Don't think too much, take a good rest first."
"Looking back on those bad memories, it will do you nothing but harm."
"But under normal circumstances, your subconscious instinct should have shattered those memories long ago."
"At best, you can remember several disjointed abstract pictures and painful memories from the depths of your soul."
The black guard faintly informed Pope Apsler of the basic common sense for wizards.
Pope Apsler listened with a confused look. Although he felt something was wrong, he still obeyed the advice and lay on the hospital bed again.
The black guard looked at the closed Pope Apsler, paused, turned and backed a few meters.
He immediately left the enchantment, and there was a dense flow of people, motorcades, and various extraordinary beings receiving treatment around him.
The black guard took out the communicator and informed his superiors that Pope Apsler had awakened in advance.
Soon, the news appeared in Xiao Yu's ears on the deck.
"Oh, that guy, it's a miracle that he has not been broken after the evil god's play, but he has woken up early?"
Xiao Yu muttered in his heart, glanced at the original continent that was being received, secretly wondering if this continent was a bit special?
Is it true that the native child of the destiny will receive a talent for strengthening the soul's tenacity?
Unfortunately, it is not easy to verify.
But these are not the points.
Xiao Yu turned his attention to the crimson crystal beads that Freya was holding in both hands.
With the successful cracking.
All the information on this crimson crystal bead was stripped and placed in front of everyone, and was unobstructed.
Immediately, all three parties received a practice exercise.
It should be the technique specially tailored by Helmed, the of forging, for the wizard of the mainland Morningstar.
It looks very mysterious, it can be regarded as the first-class level among so many forces in the time, space and sea.
Has great collection value.
Then for the three parties present, this is the value.
No one covets this piece of exercise and wants to practice or something.
After Morningstar, everyone knows that what suits you is the best.
No matter how mysterious other people are, they are also other people's. Once you have practiced it... I'm afraid that it will be possible to judge the future.
In addition to the exercises, there is also a memory inside.
No one accepts this memory easily.
However, the gods of cold ice and the black iron figured out a way, donated an evil puppet, let this puppet swallow the memory and let the three parties watch together.
just in case.
Fortunately, the forging didn't make any small moves in it.
The content of the memory made Ahehua, the of fire and fertility, and the of ice and black iron hesitate.
In memory.
Helmed, the of blacksmithing, appeared as a one-eyed poor old man.
First, I introduced myself to my great identity background, and then taught an improved version of the exercise just now.
After throwing out the bait, he was tempted with a bigger bait.
The inheritors selected by the forging god, the supreme fire, in order to obtain a complete inheritance, accept the test left by him!
Only those who have completed the test can inherit everything about this Lord God!
"What do you think?"
Xiao Yu stroked his chin, then glanced at the other two sides.
"I think this is a bit strange."
The of ice and black iron squinted and said:
"This is also a veteran ancient god. If there is no pitfall in this heritage, I would never believe it."
"Right, the little fire Ahehua, you are also the main of the Pantheon, so you must recognize this too."
Ahehua, the of fire and fertility, snorted, and nodded after he had an extra black account book of the opposite evil in his mind:
"The other party should have left some means."
"If we follow the other party's requirements... we must be prepared to deal with a resurrected ancient god."
"Yeah, get ready to deal with an ancient god!"
"However, everyone here, shouldn't anyone be afraid of an ancient god?"
Xiao Yu replied with a relaxed tone.
No way, the current city of miracles is already a giant in the sea of ​​time and space.
Faintly is already a terrifying existence beyond the Forbidden Land-level forces.
This kind of conspiracy that can confuse ordinary continents and even first-class forces.
Facing a behemoth like him is a joke.
No matter how much the other party calculated, Xiao Yu could break it with just one punch!
Tell the other person that the truth is always in your own hands!
The other two have no objection to this.
Even the of ice and black iron was a little grateful that he didn't play Pope Apsler to death.
Otherwise, after the conditions are met, another quick product will be cultivated to take on the responsibility of the key.
They are not afraid of the resurrection of the ancient gods, they are afraid that the ancient gods will not come out, making them clueless if they want to contribute.
"Since everyone has no objections."
"Then we will divide the work and cooperate."
Xiao Yu looked at the content and said calmly:
"As for the magic stone, I can do my best."
"A spiritual power ball of faith composed of pure faith, I can collect it with the other party's method."
Hearing the big mouth of the Son of God, he assumed the two most expensive conditions.
A Hehua, the of fire and fertility, looked at the son of with a little surprise.
Secretly sighed that the other party was as bold as the rumors, poor acid water came out of his mouth.
When can He also deal with such huge supplies without caring?
"Then, I will take care of the divine power coat of arms and earth wood grain."
A Hehua, the of fire and fertility, also leaned slightly to express his stance, ready to show his favor, asking other gods for help.
"Hehehe, leave the rest to me."
The gods of cold ice and black iron also had no objection, and directly rounded up the remaining miscellaneous items.
These miscellaneous items amount to more than a thousand items. It is estimated that it will take a lifetime to complete before replacing them with ordinary Morningstar wizards.
But for the old evil god, the of cold ice and black iron, his evil puppets are enough and powerful enough.
These chores fit its talents.
"Your Highness, Son of God, how long will it take you to raise these supplies?"
After speaking, the of ice and black iron asked Xiao Yu, the son of god, with a hint of curiosity.
From its perspective.
This time, the most important part is the spiritual power ball of faith provided by His Royal Highness Son of God.
This thing can only be obtained by the continuous purification of massive amounts of faith.
At any rate, it was also a Cthulhu, and the old Cthulhu who had been in contact with the gods knew the difficulty in this regard.
A Hehua, the of fire and fertility who was born in the Pantheon, also looked at him with the same attention. He who had been worried about the use of his divine power was equally curious.
"A month? Or... a year?"
"Well... even if it is the Son of God, supported by the Yanhuang World, such a large amount should... take a year, right?"
Xiao Yu thought a little after hearing the words, and then simply calculated in his mind.
Three fingers stretched out.
"Three months?"
Seeing Xiao Yu's movements, both the main and the evil were startled, and secretly whispered when they deserved to be the son of god.
Xiao Yu shook his head slightly, and said with a slight smile:
"If everything goes well, it should take less than three days."
"However, it's still three days, I'm always seeking stability."
On the deck of the Ark.
The atmosphere suddenly became quiet and harmonious.
"Three... three days? Ha ha ha, ha ha ha..."
The gods of fire and fertility, Ahehua and the gods of ice and black iron, the two originally did not deal with each other, but at this time, they showed a peaceful and awkward smile together.
It took a long time before I let myself accept the God of Ice and Black Iron, who was stimulated by the words of the Son of God in my heart, and let out a long breath, and said to Xiao Yu:
"In that case, I will prepare now."
"Three days later, let's meet here again."
The of ice and black iron said this, and turned into a black shadow, leaving the deck of the Ark.
And the reason for being here is because the place of inheritance was obtained just above the original continent.
A Hehua, the of fire and fertility, also rose up into the air with some itchy feet. After seeing his highness three days later, he fled away.
Xiao Yu simply let the Ark stay on this continent, and ordered a logistics fleet from the city of miracles to come to support.
On the other hand, I started to fulfill my contract and collect the power of faith for the other party.
Xiao Yu didn't want to cut from the water blue star, went directly to the Guwa home planet and found the trinocular tribe. Through the spirit net and other methods, he found more than one million trinocular tribes and started cutting leek.
As for the magic stone, Xiao Yu originally planned to buy it.
Later, it was discovered that this original continent had several large veins. As long as there were enough mining machines, enough ore could be obtained violently.
This found that Ling Xiao Yu couldn't help but feel a little skeptical. The materials on this continent were probably left deliberately by the of forging Helmet.
It's just that this guy didn't expect the younger generation to be so cruel.
Directly let his continent not have a morning star wizard for thousands of years.
Pope Apsler recovered quickly.
It only took half a day from waking up to being able to eat by himself.
But, just as Heiyiwei reminded.
Pope Apsler found that he couldn't remember anything from the past.
It's as if I suddenly lost my memory, forgetting what I did most of my life.
"But the food here is so delicious."
"These people are really good people."
Pope Apsler nibbled on the white soft bread he sent, and from time to time he tore some of it off and stuck some special sauces.
Eat with relish.
It made the black guards who observed him feel a little hungry...
"Are you full?"
A few minutes later, the black guard walked in and saw Pope Apsler, who seemed to be thinking, asking softly when he saw the bed cross-legged.
"Full, this is the most delicious meal I have ever eaten."
Pope Apsler smiled:
"This is true, this is what my subconscious mind told me."
"As everyone knows, the subconscious mind will not deceive."
The black guard was startled slightly, and didn't tell the other party that his subconscious mind would deceive him the most, but nodded:
"You need to leave here. Your Royal Highness has prepared a more suitable place for you to recover."
"Thank you, Your Highness."
Pope Apsler leaned slightly to salute, and immediately followed the black guard to leave.
after awhile.
Pope Apsler found himself back to the hometown where he was born and raised.
Although the hometown seems to have changed a lot, the farmland and small towns are no longer populated, and the roads and rivers have changed greatly.
After being sent back, Pope Apsler remembered for the first time that this was his hometown.
Pope Apsler couldn't help kneeling on the mud, and then gently buckled his head in the mud.
Although, the Crimson Crystal Ball was no longer in Pope Apsler's body.
After all, he is the morning star wizard of this continent, the son of destiny.
With his true feelings revealed.
Continental Will also reconnected with him.
Flames flashed past Pope Apsler.
Pope Apsler closed his eyes in pain.
Still can't stop the tears streaming out.
Under the blessing of the power of the will of the mainland and the world, this morning star wizard is undergoing earth-shaking changes in his mind.
In great pain.
Pope Apsler also, as the black guard said, began to think of fragments that could not bear to look back.
Just a still picture.
Pope Apsler had already gritted his teeth, his lips creaked, and blood flowed out.
In the distant sky, on the deck of the Ark.
Alice the Valkyrie snorted softly:
"Saved for nothing, that guy hates us."
"This is normal, after all, we are also intruders."
Feiya, the goddess of the moon, replied lightly:
"If you want to come here, your Highness had expected it a long time ago."
"Yeah, maybe you still plan to use this guy's hatred to make the ceremony go smoother, right?"
The twin goddess Freya uses herself to save others, guessing Xiao Yu's possible evil intentions:
"For that guy, the strength of the Wizard of Morning Star is really not enough. He wants revenge. He can only turn around by summoning the ancient gods and finally relying on the power of the ancient gods."
"It's a pity, this guy's news is closed, I don't know that the ancient gods are not as strong as his inheritance, otherwise this plan will not be implemented like I would rather die than not. Let you go so smoothly..."
The twin goddess Freya whispered to herself.
at the same time.
Deep in the abyss.
A giant whale-like beast full of chaotic power soars in the sky, constantly opening its mouth and swallowing a stream of abyssal power like mist.
Then he breathed out the chaotic air that had been successfully transformed.
Under the hard work of these giants.
The continent at the feet of Abyss Queen Yulia gradually became chaotic.
In this area where the power of chaos is strengthened.
Yulia, Queen of the Abyss, can feel it...she seems to be stronger again!
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