Chapter 2012: Conquer the stars

The gas planet impacted by the Krup civilization parent star is the largest gas giant planet in the Guwa parent star system.
The volume is more than a thousand times larger than the home planet of Krupp civilization, and the mass is more than three hundred times because of the difference in constituent elements.
Put it in the knowledge of the water blue star, similar to Jupiter in the water blue star system.
Krupp civilization's home planet collided with it, similar to a big collision between earth and wood.
And it was the collision that occurred after the home planet of Krupp civilization continued to accelerate.
The powerful collision between the world and the earth was beyond the imagination of observers.
Under such a big collision.
The home planet of Krupp civilization completely disintegrated and became a part of this gas planet.
The scars and sequelae caused by it will last for decades or even hundreds of years before they may dissipate.
In the core area of ​​the collision point,
It's still red everywhere.
Observing from a distance, I can even feel that even the air is still burning.
The high temperature and high pressure environment is enough for ordinary interstellar warships to sail in, and it will be difficult to return.
In such a cruel environment, there was still a dark figure struggling and wriggling inside.
It was a big eyeball wrapped in black mist, with black filaments emerging from the white of the eye, but it quickly became insufficiently supported, and it dissipated without waiting for it to reach farther.
This is the underground one-eyed body sealed on the home planet of Krupp civilization.
As the wreckage of the luminous moon, or the fallen luminous organ.
This one-eyed prison was completely unlocked, and freedom was regained.
It's just that this time the price of freedom is really too big.
Even the eyes of Huiyue.
After undergoing a big explosion of the level of the Great Clash of Heaven and Earth, he was also severely injured from his body to the source.
After the heavy damage, the body of the one-eyed giant in the ground was completely destroyed.
The one-eyed underground had the illusion of dying at that moment.
The remaining origins can re-condense the body of an ordinary person's eyeball after the big collision, lingering.
Already called excellent.
Just when One-Eyed relied on instinct, constantly opened up the void channel from the harsh environment, obtained energy from the void, and tried to grow again from scratch.
There was a loud thunder in the thick clouds of the sky.
In the clouds, suddenly appeared a majestic statue of the Emperor of Heaven.
The Emperor opened his eyes and stared at the ground.
With a glance, he saw the underground one-eyed body that was struggling between life and death.
Xiao Yu blinked, using the Heavenly Emperor's method again and again to confirm the one-eyed status in the ground.
He smiled slightly: "This is done."
"It seems that Huiyue also has an upper limit. From this point of view, the attack intensity of the moon surface cannon should also be able to break through the defense of ordinary Huiyue power!"
After Xiao Yu whispered, he waved his hand.
But he didn't immediately go down to contain the one-eyed underground.
Instead, he gave an order to fully fire the following fleet, and carried out a new round of carpet bombing on the one-eyed panting area under the ground.
The miraculous star battleship became the most beautiful battleship in the fleet.
With full firepower, two-thirds of the output of the more than 20 warships was robbed by the miracle star battleship.
It is worthwhile to spend so many resources on Xiao Yu.
The bombing lasted for dozens of seconds.
All the hundreds of nuclear missiles carried were thrown out and arrived at the target area at this time.
The flower of flame produced by the nuclear explosion is in full bloom.
Xiao Yu looked at these nuclear explosions.
He nodded in relief, and continued to use the eyes of the emperor to pay close attention to the one-eyed underground state.
Seeing that underground one-eyed eyeball form, all under the power of the absolute destruction area of ​​the nuclear explosion, finally disintegrated!
Only then did Xiao Yu start.
The Heavenly Emperor Faxiang protruded his right hand toward the thick clouds below.
With the palm of his hand in a breath, he fell from a height of 30,000 meters and directly sank into the underground world at a depth of 1,000 meters.
The big illusory hand with a little starlight gently folded his fingers, and then returned to Xiao Yu.
In Xiao Yu's hand, there was an extra black ball the size of an egg.
This black ball is the ultimate source left after the subterranean one-eyed body disintegrates.
If this source is also destroyed.
Then the one-eyed underground can be declared completely gone...
However, if he wanted to destroy this source, Xiao Yu couldn't do it in a short time.
This is the center of the nuclear explosion, and the center of the sun cannot be destroyed.
To completely destroy or limit it and send it to a black hole, a white dwarf may be a good way.
But look at the operation of that Huiyue Power at the beginning.
Xiao Yu believed that the other party would never fail to think of these methods back then.
The reason why the other party arranges this way, it is estimated that he still has a fluke, and wants to return and recycle these things at some point in the future?
Xiao Yu didn't worry about observing the black ball.
He let the fleet lift off again, away from the gas planet first.
After all, after this gas planet was collided by Krupp's home star, it was in fact severely damaged. In the violent climate, a big storm could come at any time to make Xiao Yu's interstellar fleet suffer a big loss.
After leaving the gravitational restraint of the gas planet, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
Then a group of people began to celebrate.
Xiao Yu stroked his chin, and ordered the adjutant to send a message to the Guwa Home Star, telling them that the overall situation was settled.
On the other hand, he was sitting cross-legged in the bedroom of the miracle star battleship, and began to stretch out his spiritual consciousness, and dived into the black ball.
Divine consciousness hits the black ball.
In an instant.
Xiao Yu saw galaxy whirlpools flying in the sky, and countless suns moving irregularly.
Seeing that in the chaos of the sky, Yu suddenly stretched out his open eyes.
At this moment, Xiao Yu saw the phantom of the gray-robed Fajun in the open eyes of the other party.
It was a man almost identical to the bald giant in the sun.
It's just that this man now has his facial features, and he looks at himself with a gentle smile.
The one-eyed eye on his forehead narrowed slightly to open a crack.
Xiao Yu's consciousness swept through the crack.
I immediately felt a crack in the surrounding space, and the void one-eyed that I had encountered in the gate of ten thousand dharma seemed to have traveled through time and space to come here.
This made Xiao Yu confirm that the one-eyed behind the gate of ten thousand laws was the giant's third eye.
It is also the strongest one.
The moment the Void One-Eyed appeared, this consciousness world, outside of Xiao Yu's divine consciousness, appeared a phantom of the majestic throne.
The phantom of the bronze throne protected Xiao Yu's divine consciousness, and easily blocked the thousands of beams shot by the one-eyed void and the shock waves caused by the sudden explosion of the surrounding stars.
Xiao Yu was like watching a movie, after witnessing this scene where the conscious world looked like the Big Bang.
And after seeing everything return to nothingness, the first light, the first star that reappeared.
It seems that it has withstood the test, as the consciousness world inside the black ball is once again full of stars.
Xiao Yu discovered that this time, the suns in the galaxy formed by the stars were no longer disorderly.
Instead, a unique law was formed.
Every star system, carefully observed, can give Xiao Yu a deep understanding.
"Is this part of the accumulation of knowledge that Huiyue might have left in the eyes of the underground one?"
"As expected of Huiyue's great power."
"This legacy, although I can't understand it yet."
"Intuition can feel that there is a treasure full of Huiyue knowledge!"
"It can make me promote Huiyue with fewer detours!"
Xiao Yu slowly withdrew from the spiritual world of the black ball. He had a lot of insights and chose to put the black ball into his personal space.
After all, the body of this thing is Huiyue Da Neng's eyeballs, it is too dangerous, too scary.
For the safety of the whole world, I had to keep it reluctantly.
This thing, but once it changes, you must throw a nuclear bomb at any time to calm down.
Xiao Yu even thought about it.
In future portable secrets, three-digit nuclear warheads must be routinely prepared.
To ensure that it is necessary to blow the black ball back to its original shape at any time...
On Guwa's home planet.
At this moment, I am also busy in an orderly manner.
Despite the huge fleet of Krupp civilization, most of them blew themselves into space junk.
There are still many treasures in the trash pile that can be picked up and used.
In addition, a small number of warships that were still intact were all captured by Ruhuo Zhibao and sent to the Guwa home planet for further research.
In addition, with the Krupp civilization, the natives were also released.
Both the Guwa and Trinocular tribes sent special personnel to receive these survivors and provide assistance so that they could gain a foothold in the Guwa home planet.
The survivors of the Krup civilization gradually realized after being fortunate at the beginning.
Their home star split, their home star hits a gas giant planet, their home star is really gone!
Even the remains of their parent star may be completely buried in the crust of the gas giant planet.
And make them spend their entire lives, they may not be able to find a trace.
The principle chairman of the Krup civilization has re-elected as the chairman of the board of directors and has assumed the mission of leading the survivors of the Krup civilization.
After receiving the allegiance of the defeated generals of Krupp civilization.
The chairman of the board felt a little relieved.
Anyway, their Krupp civilization still has dozens of transport ships and several industrial processing mother ships.
There is also a little family background that allows them to discuss with others.
When Xiao Yu got the black ball.
The chairman of the board of directors also cheered up and took the newly elected members of the board of directors to the conference hall of the Guwa home planet.
This is a meeting to divide the spoils, and at the same time, it is also a meeting to plan the future route.
At the meeting, members of these councils discovered familiar star maps.
Star chart of the star system where the home star of the Krup civilization is located.
Looking at this detailed star map data, the chairman of the Krup civilization and others are not too surprised.
After all, in the large mother ship that was captured, these data must be necessary.
However, the other party proposed at the conference, what is this going to do?
The chairman shook his heart and got a headache.
Some regretted why he wanted to re-elect the chairmanship.
Obviously knowing that for the survivors of the Krupp civilization, it must be lingering.
Why doesn't the subconscious mind stop myself, myself... this sense of mission!
The chairman of Krupp civilization, at the meeting, heard about himself related topics.
In order to allow the Krupp civilization to re-develop, and also for the future ancient three-eye Krupp, the trisolaran civilization can step into the sea of ​​stars together.
The senior officials of the Guwa civilization and the Sanmu human civilization all put forward a kind proposal.
Hope to form a huge fleet, enter the galaxy of Krup civilization through the star gate, and then take over the huge legacy left by Krup civilization in that galaxy.
They have all understood.
Krupp civilization's home planet set off, and almost emptied the ship power in Krupp's star system.
But there are still many things that cannot be moved away, or time does not allow to stay.
For example, mining equipment in those colonizing planets, and processing plants in various excavations in the asteroid belt.
Even many small and medium-sized bases on the surface of planets or satellites.
It took Krupp civilization thousands of years of hard work to be able to spread all over the legacy of Krupp's star series.
Once obtained, there is no doubt that it can greatly compensate for the current shortcomings in the resources and energy of the ancient tile civilization and the Sanmu human civilization.
However, in order to successfully receive these heritages, it is clear that it is essential to obtain the support of the survivors of the Krupp civilization.
After the existence of the tower of the sky.
Can command all the brains in the Krupwen star system.
Only the authority of the Krupp Civilization Council is left.
The chairman of Krupp civilization looked at everyone's expectant eyes.
He smiled bitterly in his heart, but nodded with a smile on his face.
He could not disagree to share his inheritance.
Who made the mother star no longer exist?
It is impossible for the remaining survivors of Krupp civilization to thrive on a bunch of colonies.
Of course, the more important thing is that the chairman thinks.
That little energy of his own can't beat the ancient tile civilization and the trinocular civilization.
Not to mention the suspected super-civilized existence behind them.
The chairman of Krupp civilization believes that it is time to die.
I will never forget the scene where the terrifying obsidian giant descended from the sky ravaged his home star.
I will never forget that in my mind that cannot be defeated, the home planet that has realized the form of mechanical ascension.
But still when he didn't know what was going on, he suddenly collapsed, and finally hit another gas giant planet, and ended in a blast.
This is the case for a mother star, let alone these few survivors?
Speaking of.
Can get a hostile civilization and take it in.
It is already a great fortune in the misfortune of Krupp civilization...
And, no matter how to destroy the Three Views.
After hearing the narratives of ancient Wa civilization and Sanmu human civilization.
Members of the Krupp Civilization Council.
Also aware of this starry sky's hatred of wisdom civilization.
Involuntarily, the idea of ​​the same hatred was also produced.
I hope to rely on multi-civilizations to work together...together through the difficulties in the future.
And finally...conquer the starry sky!
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