Chapter 2115: Xing Tian

Void appeared in front of Xiao Yu's eyes.
The painter's eyes were completely pale.
Even if advanced to the extraordinary.
Looking directly at the great existence in the void still made him fall into a coma in an instant.
It's just because of the operation of the ceremony, even if he has passed out.
The body still presides over the ceremony, calling for the great existence in the void.
A Fajun Huiyue who has been sleeping for a long time!
In the void, it seems that the will left by the great existence feels this familiar call,
He looked over.
Just one action caused the void cracks naturally formed around Guwa's home star to suddenly increase a hundredfold.
Then, He saw the anomaly of this ancient planet.
And in the next moment, I saw Xiao Yu who was standing on the mountain and smiling.
Time seems to freeze at this moment.
There seemed to be the sound of something broken.
The source of gaze toward Guwa's home planet suddenly disappeared.
It disappeared quickly and decisively.
But as far as Xiao Yu was concerned, the opponent who appeared and looked over had already lost.
As for Xiao Yu, the only real Huiyue wizard here, this time is enough time for him to trace the void information chain to find him.
At the same time that Huiyue's will who was watching over disappeared.
Xiao Yu also saw the starry sky position corresponding to the corresponding void area.
When Xiao Yu waved his hand, a large, clear and detailed picture of the Milky Way galaxy appeared in front of him.
In this galaxy picture, there are several areas that are shining with unusual blue light.
These blue light regions are the galaxy regions where the Huiyue Will that Xiao Yu grasped.
Xiao Yu scanned the star map.
A faint smile appeared.
I seem to be lucky.
One of these blue regions is not far from the Krupp galaxy.
And in his memory of another star map.
There are also star gates connected in that galaxy.
As long as you follow the picture, you can jump through the star gates of each galaxy.
Xiao Yu immediately issued an order to let Guwa civilization be responsible for mobilizing the fleet as the vanguard.
Xiao Yu has the approximate location of the star gate. Don't worry that the fleet will find a needle in a haystack, look for the star gate, go to other galaxies to continue searching for the star gate, and finally reach the destination. The only thing required for the entire process is time.
After issuing the instructions, Xiao Yu looked at the painter Jeff.
After the calling ceremony was over, he fell into a coma.
It seems that looking at greatness is really expensive.
Xiao Yu stared at the painter, and a hint of wonder flashed in his heart.
This guy, after looking directly at the greatness, the spirit is intact.
Even a blessing in disguise, the tenacity has been improved.
The body is equivalent to taking the marrow washing medicine continuously for one year.
And key indicators such as mental power and sea of ​​consciousness have reached the upper limit of the human body.
It can be said that waiting for the knowledge to keep up.
This painter, Jeff, can be promoted to the second-level wizard immediately!
This is a much faster promotion speed than Xiao Yu had before!
I have to say that there are big gains under the big adventure!
Of course, it was thanks to Xiao Yu's help to have such a big gain.
Otherwise, the existence of that Huiyue has been watching.
No matter how lucky the painter Jeff is, he has to go crazy again.
With a move in Xiao Yu's heart, the dean of the White Tower Magician floated out again, took up the unconscious painter Jeff, and sent him back to the White Tower Magician Academy to rest.
In a short time, it was difficult for the painter Jeff to perform the calling ceremony.
But with this successful experience, Xiao Yu naturally wouldn't stop trying like this.
The various records in the Seven Secret Records of Fajun? Xiao Yu plans to verify them one by one with the painter Jeff.
Xiao Yu guessed? Wait until all the recorded messages are verified.
Will Jeff directly advance to the realm of Morning Star?
Become the fastest morning star wizard ever to advance?
Hmm... if he was not crazy or schizophrenic then?
The fleet looking for a new Fajun Huiyue has set off.
Xiao Yu had some time to spare, so he continued to refine his Glory Moon God Soldier.
The blood vessel refining Hun Tian Ling has been successful.
After the mining fleet returned the iron ore needed by Xiao Yu.
Xiao Yu took out the largest organ body left by the Grey Robe Master.
The Huiyue project, code-named "Fighting God of War"? Super Giant Warrior Xingtian, has entered the road of research and development.
With Asura's experience? Xingtian's research and development can be considered a matter of course.
All the key problems can be solved by Xiao Yu using the power of Bright Moon.
It's just? To control Xing Tian, ​​a giant soldier with a large proportion of the body of the gray-robed Fajun.
If you still use fingertip blood, it can't be solved a little bit.
Xiao Yu thought for a while? Came into the lair deep in Mars? Looking at the burly body of the Xingtian giant soldier who was over a thousand meters tall.
Between his fingers, two drops of blood dripped from his heart, dripping into Xing Tian's eyes.
In an instant, the deepest part of Xing Tian's huge blood-red eyes? A little golden light was hidden!
Follow? Xiao Yu endured a trace of distress and took out a drop of essence.
After Huiyue, all Xiao Yu's essence was concentrated into one drop.
After being taken out, it will be reborn for at least a hundred years.
It is one of the most important things for the bright moon powerhouse who is much more precious and rarer than the blood in his heart.
Second only to soul origin.
Other Huiyue powerhouses? They are often used for the most important external incarnation.
Xiao Yu looked at the giant soldier Xing Tian and made up his mind to use this drop of essence.
The essence entered Xing Tian's body? It quickly turned into a golden heart.
The heart beat, and the golden blood vessels spread out from this heart? In an instant, Xing Tian's body was distributed.
From the perspective of Xiao Yu.
Under the surface of Xingtian's crimson body, there are thousands of threads laid out by billions of gold threads.
A few seconds later.
Xing Tian's mouth was slightly cracked in his belly? He spit out a stale breath of golden light.
There was also a hint of anger in Xiao Yu's eyes.
Xiao Yu looked at Xing Tian and nodded slightly.
Is everything going well? It's not in vain to consume a precious drop of essence!
"Fighting the sky!"
Xing Tian opened his arms? He raised his body and roared.
Suddenly, the entire Mars trembles.
Under the roar.
Xing Tian's left hand showed a square shield with a human face made from the thigh of the gray-robed Fajun-Xing Tian Shield!
Xing Tian's left hand grasped a five-hundred-meter-long vicious axe that seemed simple, but was no less fierce than Devil's Blade-the axe!
Xingtian shield, cutting axe.
Xing Tian, ​​holding the two Lunar God Soldiers in both hands, rushed to the surface of Mars, immediately causing the surrounding winds and clouds, and the weather changed drastically.
Asura Nezha rushed over.
It is not easy to see that it is not an opponent of the same level as Moses Adra, the king of Mars.
Asura's hands are itchy for a long time.
Now that you can start a fight when you get a prompt, it can't help it at first.
Then... bang!
Asura's attack was easily blocked by Xing Tiandun.
Asura was chopped by the Heavenly Cutting Axe and flew out 30,000 meters away.
Asura opened a three-headed six-arm combat mode.
Both feet stepped on the Hot Wheels, Hun Tian Ling and various heavy weapons appeared in his hands.
"Kill, kill, kill!"
Asura Nezha's three heads uttered the sound of killing.
The body turned into a ball of black light and hit Xing Tian.
However, Xing Tian raised his shield forward, and then hit the past first.
Under the loud noise.
A cloud of black light shattered and disappeared.
Only a black shadow flew out like a missile and sank into a mountain peak, causing a series of reactions, resulting in a change in the terrain of the entire mountain.
Asura Nezha lost again!
Although it can continue to fight.
After all, the body of Huiyue is not a decoration, and the endurance resilience is not comparable to the Morning Star Knight.
But the two crushing levels were defeated.
Let Ashura Nezha understand that there is an insurmountable gap between himself and Xing Tian, ​​just like facing the King of Mars.
But Nezha Ashura was not discouraged.
Its growth is the highest among the strong here.
Not working now does not mean not working in the future.
Xing Tian easily defeated Asura Nezha, raised his shield and shifted his direction, looking at the king of Mars, Moses Adra, who had teleported in mid-air.
"Fighting the sky!"
Xing Tian raised the axe to Moses Adra, the king of Mars.
Moses Adra, the king of Mars, didn't want to fight.
It is a strong man who can do his best to let his subordinates do it.
Anyway, the alien race of Mars is worthless.
Under the power of filth, there are as many filthy monsters as there are.
Only after feeling the will of the Lord.
Moses Adra, the king of Mars, breathed harder, his eyes sharpened.
"Then fight."
Moses Adra, the king of Mars, whispered, and lightly shook his right hand forward.
The Demon Blade suddenly appeared.
In an instant, the magic flame is overwhelming!
The single eye on the hilt of Demon Soul Blade widened to its limit.
At first glance, he saw Xing Tian who became a giant soldier.
It immediately recognized that this was the body it had boarded in.
Unexpectedly, they would meet again in this way at this moment.
If the Grey Robe Lord wakes up at this time, he finds that his body has been manipulated like this by a young wizard who does not speak witchcraft.
I don't know how many young wizards he will say, do you want mouse tail juice?
The king of Mars, Moses Athara, swung the Devil's Blade and slashed it on Xingtian's Xingtian shield.
After the loud noise, there is a loud noise!
An instant confrontation.
The Devil's Blade and Xingtian Shield collided with the Heaven-slashing Axe a hundred times.
Every time it is a full blow, every blow produces a terrifying aftermath, sweeping the surface of Mars.
It is also fortunate that the alien races of Mars are hiding underground.
There is no one in the building complex on the ground.
Otherwise, this Bobby Fight may cause heavy losses to the Martian alien race first.
Boom boom boom!
Under the sky of Mars.
It exploded like a nuclear explosion, constantly appearing on the ground in mid-air.
Just one minute.
Mars is like being bombed hundreds of times by a large-yield nuclear bomb.
Fortunately, a minute later.
The test is over.
Xing Tian's axe split Moses Adra, the king of Mars, in half.
Although at this moment, one of Xing Tian's eyes was also broken by the blade of the demon soul.
Seems to lose both sides.
But from the data collected.
If it is really a death fight.
Regardless of reincarnation and rebirth, it must be Moses Adra, the king of Mars, who died last.
Xiao Yu was very satisfied with this test.
It is indeed a giant soldier who has used his own essence and so many materials.
He finally had a powerful weapon that surpassed Moses Adra, the king of Mars.
It's really gratifying, gratifying!
In the deep starry sky.
The fleet of Guva civilization is searching for the star gate here.
After the fleet reaches the target area.
The Guva civilization driver has been searching here for more than 30 hours.
However, the star gate is too mysterious, completely hidden in the starry sky without activation.
Even if you know the specific location.
This position is still very vast in the starry sky.
And this is not a plane, but a cube.
The difficulty of exploration has increased exponentially.
"How long will it take us to find the Stargate?"
A Guwa pilot was sitting in a small spaceship, drinking a sweet and sour drink, looking at the big screen with some anxiety.
Twenty grids are divided into the big screen.
Each grid is a surveillance picture of a drone.
This is also a way for the ancient tile civilization to increase the efficiency of exploration.
A Guwa pilot can drive twenty drones to explore at the same time.
Explored for so long without results.
Some Guva people can't help being discouraged.
However, no one suspected that the intelligence was wrong.
After all, this is a task given by the super civilization.
How could the mission statement of the super civilization go wrong?
To be wrong must be not working hard enough!
Just after taking a sip of the drink, the Guwa pilot suddenly noticed that a drone had lost control.
His heart moved, but he still searched.
So as not to lose contact with the drone due to other reasons, such as malfunctioning, or being hit by a small meteor.
The inspection is complete.
No exception!
The Guwa driver couldn't help but his heart beat, and more oil was secreted from his smooth and greasy head.
He quickly reported it to the mother ship.
One minute later.
The Guwa driver received a huge bonus and honor points.
After more than 30 hours of busy work.
The Guwa fleet finally found the star gate of this strange galaxy!
As they used the magical wonders they carried to activate the star gate.
A circle of blue rays of light emerged.
With cheers, the fleet rushed into the star gate and headed to another unfamiliar galaxy.
The Guwa fleet operating in this galaxy.
There are also various scientific research investigations along the way.
The result made them palpitations.
Almost all of them have discovered the remains of civilization in terrestrial planets in unfamiliar galaxies.
Or tombstones on satellites, or some tall stone wonders that have not been hidden by the long river of time.
These things explain.
In this Milky Way.
The birth of a wise civilization is not too rare.
Although the relative proportion is certainly not high.
But in absolute numbers will be a considerable number.
However, these intelligent civilizations were born one by one and disappeared.
The birth and death silently in the starry sky.
Does not leave a trace.
These ways to get civilization in the galaxy, if not for their arrival.
As time goes by, there will be no more lives remembering that they once existed, right?
"Thanks to the super civilization, otherwise our ancient tile civilization will become a member of these intelligent civilizations that silently disappear, right?"
An expert on board, analyzing the collected data, looked at the starry sky with emotion.
And in this emotional voice.
This fleet has gradually approached its destination.
In the fleet, Xiao Yu sent to follow the ship's external incarnation, a golden celestial general, opened his eyes slightly, and began to prepare in the room.
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