Chapter 267: Crossover?

Xiao Yu called out the wonders of the world, the ring of time and space transmission.
   This world wonder that engulfs electrical energy is the culprit of the last major power outage in Changlin City.
  Xiao Yu has always been quite scrupulous about using it, but after Xiao Yu became a wizard apprentice, and by taking Yuehua Yulu, the whole person's spirit has been sublimated.
  Xiao Yu found that he once again used the ability of the world's wonders to send the ring of time and space.
   has been able to initially control its energy absorption range and specific orientation, and will not come up with another big event that shocked the country's anger headlines.
   Xiao Yuhua trot all the way to the hillside outside the vigorous slaughterhouse for Zhao Mang, a deserter of Longshan Wumen.
   visualized the blood cloud still rolling in the thunderstorm.
  Xiao Yu sighed: "It's too bad to sell pictures, it really makes people feel terrified."
   "Huh? Is there a researcher in this place?" Xiao Yu saw the dirt road in front of the hillside, listening to a bus and a slaughtered goat beside him.
   "Are you testing?"
   Xiao Yu thought for a moment, and Shen Nian moved to the picture seen by the surveillance eye beside the pot of the greedy one.
   Suddenly, Xiao Yu saw the monks and the Taoists who were walking around in the production workshop.
   Among them, the master of Zhou Mou of Longshan Wumen also stood there, his face confused.
   After the host Zhou was invited into the workshop under the blood cloud, he said that he was not afraid that it must be deceiving.
   After he came to the workshop, he used the knowledge he had learned to try to find the core of this evil magic formation, and then broke the evil magic in one fell swoop.
  Unfortunately, the main owner Zhou looked at it with difficulty, and could not see anything wrong.
   Fortunately, it's not just that he can't do it. The representatives of these famous schools are the same as Zhou...
   No one can do it!
   Half-sounding, only then did the monk suggest that he could dig the cement ground to see if it was buried under the center of the circle at the center of the circle.
   The experts of the investigation team held the mentality that the dead horse was a living horse doctor. After asking for permission from their superiors, they transferred the machine and really started to dig the pit.
   The result was digging almost a meter deep, and none of the hairs were found.
   "Ah." Watching the crowd who had struggled for so long and found nothing, the master of Zhou Mou could not help sighing.
   suddenly heard a loud voice from behind and asked them to leave the workshop quickly.
   "What's the matter?" Master Zhou ran out of his breath, raising his head to see the blood cloud still in the rain.
   No, no!
  A certain master of Zhou was far away, only to find out that the shape of the blood cloud was changing dramatically!
  The layers of blood clouds, which were stacked on top of each other, seemed to be held up by something, and the shape of the mountain was changed!
  If you have more imagination, you can feel that the change of this cloud of blood is the growth of a long necked head and two arms!
   "Blood cloud is going to be fine?"
  Mr. Zhou thought of this and accelerated his pace.
   And in the command room temporarily built in the rain shed, everyone can clearly see from the projection screen that there are unknown things shining in the blood cloud that has changed over the vigorous slaughterhouse!
   "What's that?" Some investigators said in surprise: "Can there be a camera to capture? Is this object already there or is it flying elsewhere!"
   "The camera has been capturing the scenery around the blood cloud, which can ensure that no objects fly in." A person in charge of the technical department replied quickly.
   Hearing this, the investigator said: "In this way, is this an unknown thing produced by this blood cloud itself?"
   "Damn, too little information, we don't know what this is!"
   "Can other schools have records of classics?"
   "Many schools have records about blood demon, but it is similar to this blood cloud." Detective Jiang said with memory: "But, they don't have more information."
   "No?" The investigator leaders got a headache. They didn't know whether this dazzling thing would be harmful. Whatever the scope of them, they all had a feeling of being difficult to get started.
   Fortunately, when they were indecisive.
   Xiao Yu shot to help them solve the problem.
   He released three floating flying discs to create the changes in the blood cloud, and soon put the ring of world wonders in space and time into the core of the blood cloud.
   After feeling that the timing was almost the same, this world wonder started!
  Under the thunderstorm, before the eyes looked down, a blood cloud that changed into a mountain shape suddenly had a thunder that tore the sky and hit the core position!
  In a moment, the dazzling thunder and light blinded many eyes of the crowd, and the huge roar made many people instinctively cover their ears.
   The old Taoist who was right, widened his eyes that were flashing white and shouted loudly:
   "This is a torture?"
   The rest of the people said a little stunned. Someone was about to say that maybe it was an accident. Then they saw a thunder falling in the sky and into the blood cloud.
   In just a short time, the same place was struck twice by thunder!
   Really an accident? coincidence?
   The person who was about to speak was shaken. He dared not continue, and he could only look at the sky with others.
   Watched the falling thunders hit the blood cloud!
   "Is it Thunder Tribulation?" The head of Yizhengdao couldn't help but say suspicion in his heart.
  Longshan Wumen has always been rumored by blood fiends. Master Zhou also feels that blood cloud is suspected of blood fiend means.
   was thundered after seeing the blood cloud change.
   He also tends to suspect that this is a blood demon crossing robbery.
  The crossover robbery is said to be thunderous and thunderous, and this scene in front of me is undoubtedly a thunderous robbery!
   It just looks like this flash of lightning has fallen, but the blood cloud has not dissipated much!
   Could it be that the evil in the blood cloud...have no fear of thunder?
   This is not good news!
  As the Thunder hacked out again and again, after experiencing initial surprise, more and more people realized that this blood cloud... afraid that it would be a robbery!
  Think of the horrible and evil blood demon records in the practitioners all want to stay away from the slaughterhouse.
   Even the members of the investigation team who were still in the canopy were quite restless after learning the speculations of the practitioners.
  Although no evacuation has been ordered, the surrounding military barracks have entered a state of war and are ready to attack.
  Skyeye Satellite has used a lot of resources to target this area.
  When experts and practitioners were nervous, suddenly an investigator discovered that a stranger figure suddenly appeared outside the vigorous slaughterhouse.
   The tiger's back was on his back, and he wore a black hat to cover most of his face. He was wrapped in a black robe made of burlap.
  It seems that his feet are constantly moving forward, but in fact it is stepping on the air without touching the ground, so even if it is rainy, a pair of black cloth shoes is not contaminated with a little bit of sand.
   "Who is that person, he approached the Dali slaughterhouse alone!" An official said halfway, thinking of the picture album, he was surprised:
   "It's that Longshan Wumen deserted Zhao Mang!"
   "He... what come here at this time!"
  The officials shouted, and countless people looked at Zhou Mou, the owner of Wushan Gate of Longshan.
   Zhou was hesitant and said weakly:) Download the free reader!!
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