Chapter 281: Meteor rain

The witch apprentice and the expedition were escorted by the men in black to the basin.
   was sent to a guard camp, and three tents were distributed.
   The expedition's bearded captain noticed that when they came, there were already a lot of people in the camp.
   See that some of the costumers are the same as their own explorers who come to this plateau area to try their luck.
   Others are caravans from the mainland.
   Captain Beard even saw the team of the Weien Chamber of Commerce, which is also famous for Qianyu Empire.
   He could not help being secretly surprised, unexpectedly that this giant leader could tolerate the caravan of the Qianyu Empire.
   Could this giant protector be a mercantilist like the Black Dragon King?
   If this is really the case, it means that the giants also pay attention to interests rather than intentions. Then their hope of survival will undoubtedly be much greater.
   Captain Bearded exerted his skills, and soon got acquainted with the campers. From their mouths, they learned that these unlucky eggs under house arrest by the giant army were all caught because of the route of the giant march.
   But before they were captured, some wizards from the giants said.
  The action of the protector of the kingdom is only for highland aliens. They businessmen and explorers will let go when the war is over.
   so that they do not have to worry too much.
   The Bearded Captain felt relieved and learned that the caravan of the Thousand Feathers was looking for someone to borrow money in preparation for the Giant's victory, and to acquire the Trophy that the Giant didn't need.
   From the perspective of Captain Beard, as an imperial man, is this behavior an enemy?
   However, when I was still in the country, I often heard that the noble lords did not hesitate to sell a lot of precious materials in order to get the special products of giants.
   The actions of these merchants in front of them are not incomprehensible.
   "Master, look!"
   Captain Beard was sighing and suddenly heard the voice of the little witch coming from behind. He could not help turning his head and watching.
   found that after the 180-meter-tall giant finished his meal, he stood up and flexibly used the materials in the steel tank to assemble a large stone-throwing machine with a height of 30-40 meters.
  The structure of these stone throwers is complex, with several pairs of pulleys, and the key parts are mostly steel forging.
   Operates them mainly with dwarves, so people cannot help guessing whether these siege weapons come from the hands of dwarves.
   The witch looking at these installations said seriously: "A very delicate machine."
   "The dwarves of this continent cannot be made."
   "Teacher, that means that these stone throwers come from the giants?"
   "I'm afraid it is." The witch looked dignified and moved from the stone thrower structure to the steel chariot.
   "This family of giants with mysterious origins...maybe better at machine engineering than the best dwarf kingdom."
   "Maybe that the steel chariot is not the product we guessed, it is the product of witchcraft and alchemists, but a masterpiece born of machine engineering!"
   said this, and the witch pouted, not wanting to talk more.
   The image of a giant surprised her every time during these few contacts.
  Every time I thought this was the limit of the giant, the next time I met, I would always be scared by the giant again.
   This gave the witch an inexplicable sense of crisis.
   had the intuition that he could not engage in evil with the giant.
   Xiao Yu is assembling the stone thrower.
  The structure of these stone throwers has been similar to the real magical version in the real world. The range and accuracy are different from the medieval antiques.
   Plus the trajectory of the rock thrower is a parabola, which can effectively enhance the strike density in the coverage area.
  Xiao Yu felt that he would not lose.
   It will not be used in the future. You can also paint it and hang it online to sell it, right?
  With the addition of dwarves, the emergence of a large number of ordinary craftsmen allowed Xiao Yu to manufacture a large number of stone-throwing machine parts without wasting manpower.
   These parts were put in the safe when the expedition was thrown in the rear compartment.
  Will come out and assemble it when you have to fight.
   Double the long-range firepower can still be done.
   is also a sustainable continuous long-range firepower.
   And the operation of the rock thrower is also more suitable for the operating habits of the artillery of the little country. Under their extraordinary operation, the launch frequency can reach almost 20 seconds per round.
  Every fireball thrown can be about the size of a grinding disc in the eyes of the villain.
   "His... There are a full 150 rock throwers!"
   Captain Bearded looked at a shaped stone thrower and took a breath.
   Of course he knew the goals of these stone throwers, and could not help but silently mourn for the Martha city of Centaurs for so few seconds.
   The witch also solemnly observed these stone-throwing machines, waiting for the moment when they showed great power.
   As a sorcerer, she is well aware of the threat these siege tools have to the sorcerer college.
   The station of the great forces all have a large number of witchcraft shields, that is, the master of the thousand feather empire, if alone, it may not be able to take advantage of the centuries of history.
  However, this kind of background, under the continuous long-range strike, is the deepest background and there are moments that cannot be succeeded.
   By that time, countless magic circles have been destroyed, and the great power base where energy has been exhausted, which is the delicious food of giants and other superpowers, right?
   "His Royal Highness, the black-clothed guard found that a group of Centaurs of white armour appeared about a thousand feet away from our north, about a thousand feet below the temple."
  Anodia Wizard had just reported the news to Xiao Yu after Xiao Yu had just completed the assembly.
   "Oh?" Xiao Yu recalled the next: "It is the chaser brought by the team of explorers we captured."
   "What about other wizards, have they finished the magic circle?"
   "Everything is ready, Your Highness." The Wizard of Enodia reported in a low body.
   "Well, I will let Xiaobai solve those white armored troops. As for Marsha City... it's time to start."
   Xiao Yu nodded slightly and looked at the dark night under the stars.
   He waved his hands and released four flying frisbees. He moved the rock thrower, artillery and ammunition.
   placed fireworks and others on top of the mountain.
   With the floating flying disc dragging 150 rock-throwing machines, he slowly lifted off to the position equal to Xiao Yu after standing up.
  Because the mirror image disappeared, the Centaur White Armor Army, who was in a hurry at this time, suddenly heard a cat meow when they were chasing irrationally!
   Then a white shadow struck, directly knocking down the seven or eight centaurs in the end.
   "Ok... What a big monster!"
   These centaurs were suddenly attacked, and when they were screaming in surprise, they were worthy of being elite, and they immediately launched a counterattack.
  Every extraordinary arrow that can penetrate the stone is shot, but it is a small white cat that can't shoot quickly.
   In the real world, the cat is a very sensitive hunter, after gaining the Warcraft bloodline blessing, and after getting a lot of white liquid.
  The speed and flexibility of the little white cat have been doubled.
   The instantaneous speed of its burst is even faster than the extraordinary arrows shot by the centaur!
   So, this white armored army embarrassedly found that they used to fly kites to attack the enemy, but now they became themselves and others were harassed by a cat-shaped warcraft.
   And this cat-type Warcraft is particularly cruel, each attack must be able to tear several companions.
The captain of the centaur headed by    panickedly raised a and issued a signal for help.
   When the blue flame of the Centaur for help flashed under the night sky.
   In the basin surrounded by the quiet mountains, the sky suddenly burst into flames.
   Under the light of fire, hundreds of flints rose into the sky, as if a meteor shower hit the city of Marsha in the distance.
  At the same time, along with the meteor shower, the firearms and other long-range weapons also flew out, and turned into a fire dragon to march to the city of Marsha.
  In the city of Marsha, a few centaur sacrificers watching the sky at night saw this amazing scene.
   panic opened his mouth in panic, and sweating coldly.
   "Ancestors are on top!"
   "This is the legendary banned curse ~ meteor rain?")!!
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