Chapter 601: Profiteering

The first appearance of the PKM machine gun on the mainland of Jinge.
It was Xiao Yu who had always imagined the combination of technology and witchcraft to reveal the tip of the iceberg.
Even the morning star wizard Uturu didn't think of himself, and his idea of ​​making the most of his own things, thus blessing a series of witchcraft for the PKM machine gun.
Actually played such a good effect!
Although the decisive damage effect in the abyss of the abyss demon comes from the Morning Star wizard himself, it is so easy to hit the opponent and break the shield of the opponent, but it is the credit of the PKM machine gun!
Otherwise, instead of the usual, the morning star wizard Uturu, who was dragged by the Majesty's phantom, where can he easily resist a flying monster army led by a large commander?
The PKM machine gun quickly changed into another magazine and turned the muzzle.
The next second, a series of flaming tongues spurted heavy bullets.
The Legion of Flying Monsters, which was listed as a target this time, was chaotic from top to bottom and even retreated.
Bang Bang Bang!
The bullets are too fast, and the volume is quite large for these flying monsters, which are also five or six centimeters.
Even if they spread out immediately, they were emptied by two-thirds!
The rest were not taken away by a wave of bullet torrents, but they were not climate. They lost their formation and blessed them. They became targets of several wizarding towers in the floating fortress, and were easily defeated one by one.
"Alchemy firearm of the Giants?"
The abyssal prince obviously also knew the origin of the PKM machine gun.
Realizing that it won't take advantage of the morning star wizard this time, he suddenly roared and did not hesitate to explode to produce ripples of destruction, but also hurt the morning star wizard Uturu.
As the Mausoleum's incarnation burst into flames, the sky became clear, and the volcanic ash clouds quickly blew away.
The sky above the floating fortress revealed a rare cloudless sky.
It is a pity that this cloudless sky is still gloomy.
It's as if this dull color has replaced the previous blue into the new look of the sky.
The army of abyss monsters that came like the tide was also given the same order, and the ebb was likewise receding.
The morning star wizard Uturu quickly sent people to arrange for the refugees to return to the capital.
After having a lot of Baiyuan liquid.
Uturu looked at the refugees at his feet no longer regarded as a useless drag, but a useful manpower that might help him.
Looking at the retreating army of the abyss, the morning star wizard Uturu deeply felt how dangerous he was at this time.
Every strength must be used so that he can last longer!
"As long as it lasts long enough, I don't have no chance!"
The morning star wizard Uturu shook his head and went back to the palace in the floating fortress.
The self-detonation of the abyssal lord who turned into phantom seems to have calmed down. In fact, it indeed caused a certain injury to the depths of his soul.
It takes a long time to conquer.
At this time, if another abyssal prince is incarnate, the morning star wizard Uturu will only choose to retreat from Sanshe and give up those refugees.
Fortunately, there is a lot of abyss between the abyss family, unless the abyss will issue a clear order, otherwise there will be no alliance between the abyss princes.
At most, everyone agrees to share the picture with each other, and then they will share it with the generals.
The floating fortress went all the way back to the city of Jinge, the capital of Jinge mainland.
Many wizards returned home, apart from bragging about how their great master, Morning Star wizard Uturu, covered the sky with one hand and turned the tide.
PKM machine guns have undoubtedly become the super-artifacts in their mouths, and the things they expect from defeating the invasion of the abyss monster.
Some naive guys even think that if the Morning Star Wizard Master can get more kinds of PKM machine guns, they will soon be able to drive the abyss monsters into the sea!
They naively thought that many of their experiences were naturally shaking their heads and grinning.
In their view, this PKM machine gun is a super artifact, what a precious thing!
Where can I get a few more?
When is this thing Chinese cabbage? The giants want to come to suppress the existence of the national movement and the people's hearts, how can they treat it lightly!
The room where the Morning Star Wizard is located.
The country's heavy weapon in the mouth of a man of insight.
At this time, Xiao Yu took out one after another, tempting the morning star wizard Uturu who came to negotiate.
Ready to negotiate a good price with it.
Xiao Yu looked at Uturu, who showed a strong desire for arms in the Wanjiezi mirror, after recovering the photolithography stone in accordance with the agreement.
I also understood the causes and consequences.
Xiao Yu didn't expect that the morning star wizard Uturu's talent in the morning star turned out to be a metal enchantment.
Allows metal products to gain magic enchantment at level 3 and below without breaking down halfway.
This is a perfect match for firearms.
It's no wonder that PKM machine guns can exert such power in the opponent's hands.
Since the initiative is already at hand.
Xiao Yu naturally wanted more practical benefits.
As the saying goes, arms are the first in the profiteering industry. Wouldn’t it be a shame to lose money when buying and selling arms this time?
Xiao Yu recruited wizards and scholars to help him identify and formally began trading.
The first is the popular PKM machine gun and matching bullets.
After a pleasant conversation.
Xiao Yu used two PKM machine guns and 30 150-round disk magazines in exchange for the 20 formations and arrays suitable for the wizards of all levels.
In addition, Uturu also gave Xiao Yu a copy of the strange stone he had gotten from the adventure.
This day the strange stone contains a hint of the gentleness of the morning star wizardry in a gentle peak.
Feeling that it carries out cultivation can speed up the cultivation speed and improve one's self-perception.
It is a rare auxiliary to the third-level wizard who can still play a role in assisting the cultivation of wonders.
Morning Star Wizard Uturu even admits that his extraordinary life began after he picked up this strange thing.
It's a pity that the path given by this thing will be cut off by the morning star.
Xiao Yu felt Uturu's sincerity, so he brought out more arms to lure the other party.
In addition to various sweet potato-shaped grenades, there are also heavy sniper rifles with a caliber larger than the PKM machine gun and the famous RPG rocket launcher for armored targets.
The rockets fired by this rocket launcher can easily tear a homogeneous steel plate of seven or eight hundred millimeters.
It is equivalent to being able to break through a 70-80-meter-thick homogeneous steel plate when placed in the villain!
Even if there is no enchantment, it's just the penetrating performance that has made Morningstar Wizards pay attention to it.
After learning about this feature, the morning star wizard Uturu's eyes glowed, and he did not care about any image. He named the need for this artifact.
For this... he is also cruel.
Opened up his treasure house and let Xiao Yu's advisory board choose.
The advisory team combined with Xiao Yu's needs and selected a large number of witchcraft wonders useful for cultivation from these treasures ~ ~ as the cost of trading sniper rifles and sniper bullets.
As for that set of bazookas.
According to Xiao Yu's request, this morning star wizard Utulu personally shot several enchanted Jinge continent witchcrafts to enchant several bullets used by Xiao Yu's electromagnetic gun.
These unique witchcraft come from a morning star wizard, and they are also blessed by their talent enchant witchcraft.
Although the consumption of this morning star wizard Uturu is huge, even the source is slightly damaged, the effect is also very good, and it has the power to use ordinary weapons to launch and can also threaten the morning star creatures.
Not to mention, Xiao Yu will also use the heart of the elements to recharge the electromagnetic cannon during the show.
In this way, how powerful the final blow of this electromagnetic gun would be, that is, Xiao Yu himself was a little bit bottomless.
Anyway, Xiao Yu now has little fear of the morning star wizard who ran to Mingyue Mainland and Mingyue Goddess to seduce the wild beast continent.
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