Chapter 617: 1 hand

As soon as Ray Man appeared on the scene, the intentional person immediately saw it in his eyes.
Most of the Chikaha organizations are cannon fodder based on tribal militias.
But there is no shortage of elite mortars and sniper teams.
The leader of the sniper squad is a one-eyed dragon man, and he has just evacuated from the Polar Bear Country Steel Acropolis.
Therefore, he felt a strange sense of familiarity with the figures in the telescope.
The psychic division contest that has been in a lot of trouble recently made him chuck in his heart and remembered those terrible extraordinary people.
Here the one-eyed dragon man couldn't help but hesitated and found a slap-sized photo album.
This is one of the common sense materials distributed by Chikaha to middle and senior managers.
After the one-eyed dragon man quickly opened, he quickly found the superhero who was introduced in the booklet, and found the material of Thor Shen Zhao Mang.
"It is a superpower from the ancient country of the East!"
The one-eyed dragon man shouted and quickly picked up the communicator to report the situation.
Soon there was no doubt, the command to fire was transmitted above.
The Chikaha organization has always dealt with the ancient eastern countries, and both sides regard each other as a nail.
And the leader of the Chikaha organization did not believe that Thor Thor, the of thunder, came straight to travel.
"Everyone be careful, the opposite is the demon incarnation, which has extraordinary power."
The one-eyed dragon had no choice but to roar loudly: "Notify the mortar team, cover bombardment!"
With the order of the one-eyed dragon man, the mortar made a harsh whistling sound.
After a few seconds, that thunder Zhao Mang was still in the canyon.
Suddenly covered by explosion fire.
The tribe militias looked at the front with curiously elongated necks holding a variety of weapons. The information behind them was a little strange why those outsiders used so many shells to bombard a person.
It is shameful to waste ammunition!
The tribe militias thought of this, but heard the cries of the nobles leading them, and asked them to raise their arms in preparation for firing.
"That guy would be blown out even if he was not hit, so fuss, could the leader believe that it was a demon monster?"
The militiamen were puzzled and watched another wave of mortar shells fly by. They also followed up with arms and acted like they did.
It was only the next second that these militiamen began to stare at the study, and weirdly saw an unscathed figure leaping out of the smoke. Every step on the ground, they made as much as the shells exploded. Loud noise.
"Quick~ Fire!"
All kinds of light and heavy machine guns in the hands of the tribe militias opened fire.
The one-eyed dragon man also set up a sniper rifle and pulled the trigger himself.
In the canyon, Xiao Yu, as a big knight, easily avoided all the landing points of the shells, and then isolated the heat waves and smoke that swept through the extraordinary aura, and rushed out unscathed.
This time I encountered a modern fire projection.
Xiao Yu did not intend to resist hard, he bombarded the ground with both hands, and grabbed and lifted, the rock-like debris was pulled out by him as a shield to block the bullet.
Then Xiao Yu, who was transformed by Thorium, played the stunt of the instant shadow serial kick, turned into a residual shadow and jumped over the stone, falling to a firepower point in the middle of the mountain.
When the foot fell, the bunker where the firepower point was located collapsed into ruins.
The machine gun inside naturally stopped dumb.
At the same time, Raytheon Zhao Mang stayed almost at no point, and immediately refracted back to another firepower point.
The snipers frantically wanted to keep up with the movement of Thor Ray.
But desperately found that that Raytheon Zhao Mang can move faster and faster with such high speed.
Let them say that these snipers want to successfully snipe, it is really impossible!
The tribe militias have never received complete military training, and due to the uneven personnel, morale was first wiped out.
After watching the thunder Zhao Mang getting closer and closer and destroying the bunker along the way.
The morale of these militias collapsed, throwing their helmets away and throwing away their armour.
Several tribes and nobles jumped up and were helpless.
A tribal nobleman, who seemed to be the son of the patriarch, had just picked up his pistol and shot several deserters, scolding his slaves and hurried back to fight.
Um, a residual image suddenly appeared close to Qiuyuan, and waved directly to patrol the two guards around the nobleman.
"Strange~ Monster!"
The nobleman shouted in native language and raised his pistol to pull the trigger.
The bullet hit the thunder Zhao Mang this time.
It's just... what made this nobleman collapse was that the pistol bullet was suddenly caught in the air by the of the strong man in front of him.
This kind of thing, this nobleman has only seen in the movie that is being played.
This aristocrat never dreamed that he could still experience it in the real world.
Xiao Yu did not show mercy to the guy who shot his men at will.
With a low growl, he flicked a finger at it.
Immediately blasted the noble's head, and opened a strong force, so that the noble's headless body flew out, hit the mortar position.
The artillery at the mortar position was at a loss.
Suddenly found that Raytheon Zhao Mang had jumped up and appeared over their mortar position.
"Heavenly Justice!"
With a roar, Xiao Yu, who was at the same time running the martial arts of the Grand Knight, fell into the center of the mortar position.
Suddenly, the artillery flew into the air under the loud bang.
The batch of mortars were all turned into parts.
The one-eyed dragon man took a breath, looked at the almost invincible thunder Zhao Mang, and wiped his cold sweat to pick up an anti-tank sniper rifle, and used his heart to aim at the silhouette of the landing.
A bullet was shot with a bang.
The dragon and tortoise guardian of the world wonders around Xiao Yu started automatically, and the clang bounced off the bullet.
"Sniper of this level should be the elite of the enemy!"
"This distance...should be enough!"
The Raytheon Zhao Mang, who was transformed by Xiao Yu, picked up the barrel of a mortar and used it as a
The one-eyed dragon man who had just pulled the trigger and was about to put down the sniper rifle just felt that there was a flower in front of him, and he was forced to hit the chest of the mortar's barrel, and then the whole body flew up and rolled down from the sniper position to the foot of the mountain.
The rest of the snipers were dumbfounded. They could not see what was happening at all. They only knew that the enemies of this invasion were terrifying, and they could not resist it.
They couldn't help but also don't need weapons, and fled to the rear in a panic.
Along the way, the team saw more than a dozen armoured vehicles painted in khaki paint.
Watching them rush into the battlefield, these snipers just felt that with the addition of the war machine, they should be able to delay the monster.
When a loud noise almost exploded in their ears, they were scared to lie on the ground one by one. It took a while before they dared to get up and look around.
The sharp eyes immediately saw an armored car stuck upside down into a mountain wall.
On the exposed car body, a large pit was recessed.
There were cracks all over the pit, and blood was flowing out of these cracks.
"Can't the steel machine stop the monster?"
A sniper stood up and looked at the source of the loud noise, muttering to himself.
Suddenly an armored vehicle descended from the sky, and the vehicle fell to the state of scrap iron on the ground. It also crushed the sniper.
The rest of the snipers were forced, and they yelled and ran away again.
In addition to them, in these more than ten seconds, there were also more militiamen and elite fighters of Chikaha, who lost their fighting spirit and evacuated from the bunkers everywhere without order, letting the Chikaha organization defensively manage the defense system. And collapse.
Under the smoky smoke.
Chikaha organized the entrance area of ​​the canyon where thousands of people defended it, and in a short span of a minute, it fell into the hands of one person!
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