Chapter 665: No. 1 in the world

The appearance of the disaster heart made Xiao Yu involuntarily fantasize.
He even doubted whether the world wonders of this little country also had the strange setting of suits.
When you have gathered the disaster disaster suit, can you roar in the little country: the disaster disaster world is the first!
Then in the second sentence, God blocks killing God, Buddha blocks killing Buddha?
Think about it, it really feels a little bit shameful, but in the little country, who dares to say that he is talking nonsense?
Who dares!
"Cough, it's a bit far away, let's think about how to take the disaster heart off Lance."
"After all, this distressed heart is really too dangerous. For peace and justice in the Little People's Republic, it must be recovered and kept by me, the mainland protector."
Xiao Yu's idea is very good, but, Xiao Yu soon learned from his own wizards that they used the records of the goddess Mingyue to figure out the situation of this world wonder, but they cursed the bloodline. …And no research progress.
They didn't even figure out the model of the curse.
As for how to crack the blood curse on Lance and release the heart of disaster, they can be said to be even more confused.
Even at the goddess of the moon, Xiao Yu had no choice but to learn that even though the other party was a true god-level patron saint after getting in touch with the goddess of the moon.
But it is helpless to this curse involving Morningstar.
Because the Road of the Morning Star Wizard and the Road of the Divine System are two completely different roads.
The intersection between them is pitiful.
The Morning Star Wizard may also be able to cheat the magic of the true gods with the power of the mainland.
Facing the witchcraft and curse of the Morning Star, the true gods can't open it, they can only crack it step by step, which takes time and effort.
I have to say that the world is so fond of wizards!
For the same morning star creatures, only the morning star wizard can be recognized by the mainland, and only the morning star wizard, whose combat power growth limit must be above the rest of the morning star creatures.
Xiao Yu had some regrets that the Moon Goddess could not help herself.
But the goddess Mingyue also reminded Xiao Yu.
The superpowers of this continent at his feet have no way.
It doesn't mean you have nothing to do.
Don't you still have the world's wonders and world mirrors?
The morning star wizard of Jinge mainland is still relying on his own supplies to resist the invasion of the abyss!
Speaking of itself, did you find the magical effect of adding iodized salt, this transaction can also give the past to see the effect of large-scale combat.
Xiao Yu did it when he thought about it, and at the next time agreed by both parties, Xiao Yu launched Wanjiezijing.
Soon, Xiao Yu got a response from Jintu Continental Morning Star Wizard Uturu.
The mirror is rippled and glowing.
Immediately, a figure appeared in the mirror of the Wanjiezi mirror.
The appearance of the Morning Star wizard Uturu seems to be more and more lifeless.
His deep eyes were recessed, his skin was even looser, and there were even abnormal dark black lumps in many parts.
It can be said that he can now run a horror movie without makeup, and it is enough to scare crying children with one shot.
Xiao Yu also sighed secretly, looking at the morning star wizard Utulu, knowing that he really could not last long.
Jin Ge Continent... It seems to be succeeded by the abyss!
This feeling is really uncomfortable!
"Giant, I didn't expect you to respond to me so quickly. Is there something you need to find me?"
"Good." Xiao Yu nodded and directly informed the Morning Star wizard about the heart of disaster.
"A curse that seals the soul of a person who has merged the wonders of the world into his bloodline?"
After listening to the morning star wizard Uturu, out of the instinct of a scholar, he thought about it and appreciated it: "It is possible to do this step, it seems that the morning star wizard in your mainland was also a walker on the road of truth A far-off predecessor."
"Unfortunately, he and I failed to talk to each other before we died."
"This... is a great regret in life."
After shaking his head and sighing for a few times, the morning star wizard Uturu remembered that he still needed this giant to take away the seeds of the blood of the Jinge continent. He recovered and began to regard his morning star wizard's professional vision as Xiao Yu Find a way.
I have to say that the Morning Star Wizard is so powerful.
The goddess Mingyue also has no clue. The morning star wizard Uturu just gave a few different solutions after a detailed analysis.
According to the morning star wizard Uturu, Lance's bloodline curse is still very easy to lift.
After all, even the Sealer was a great morning star wizard.
After all, he has disappeared for thousands of years, and the time of the millennium is enough to corrode the great witchcraft structure.
The morning star wizard Uturu just handed Xiao Yu a few easy-to-use witchcraft inspections, and then relying on the reports obtained by the inspection, he found the solution.
Although they haven't tried these methods on Lance yet, out of trust in the morning star wizard Uturu, Xiao Yu nodded with satisfaction and approved the transaction, sending a lot of iodized salt at the same time.
A large amount of supplies were also provided, hoping that the morning star wizard Uturu could do more damage to those abyss.
Jin Ge mainland, in the palace.
The morning star wizard Uturu looked at the palace supplies again, shook his head, and secretly knew that it was good to know a big local tyrant.
At least the descendants of their own family, after going to the giant's continent, are not worried about the shortage of supplies.
"The Lord."
Suddenly, a stunning palace beauty of about ten years old, wearing a purple palace costume, teleported directly from behind the teleportation array to the morning star wizard Uturu.
"I don't want to leave Jin Ge."
"Noisy!" Hearing the second sentence of this court beauty, the morning star wizard Uturu refuted it without thinking, and immediately tired: "Don't make trouble, Fula, you are the most gifted tribe of our family. "
"We, the royal family of Jinge, want you to get a place to rest under the giant's hands, it is you!"
"I..." The palace beauty showed a distressed expression, her hands could not help but clenched tightly, and continued with a trace of tremor: "Jin Ge, do you really have no hope at all?"
"It's gone." The morning star wizard Uturu shook his head for sure. "Even if I get back to my original condition, it's just a matter of lingering for a while."
"Child, obedient."
The morning star wizard Uturu wanted to touch the beauty's hair, but hesitated and gave up.
His body was surrounded by curse and death.
If this makes Fra, a wizard genius rare for a thousand years, fundamentally damaged. a sinner in the family.
The morning star wizard Uturu didn't want to. After his bloodline children ran to the giant, they had to do nothing for a lifetime, and finally they fell into the crowd.
After all, after persuading Fula to leave.
Some regretted that she was too pampered at the time, so that her arrogant temper could not be changed at the same time.
The morning star wizard Uturu suddenly looked serious.
He can feel that the outer wall of Jinge City has once again encountered an unprecedented strong Countless black gasified birds are forming a dark cloud that spreads from the horizon. Over here.
It was a new incarnation of the abyss lord who urged these black gas birds.
Beside the incarnation of the abyss lord, there are dozens of abyss flame demons and great demons around him.
Such a force, in this world... With little attention, it is possible to break through the last stronghold of the Jinge continent, so that the moment when the morning star wizard Uturu can't wait for the two continents to come close to each other comes.
Fortunately! Just traded with the giant.
Not only get supplies, but also this exorcism solution!
If the data given by the giant is correct, drive these exorcism solutions with your own methods. This time, you have 80% of your defense to defend yourself!
The morning star wizard Uturu took a deep breath and cast a witchcraft to shake up the super giant bucket filled with iodized salt solution, and quickly flew to the outer city wall.
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