Chapter 69: Make you wait for extraordinary

  After verifying that Bai Yuanguo is a white radish, Xiao Yu was not so excited.
  He began to pay attention to the other gains after taking the capital.
   First of all, those defeated soldiers are defeated. For the steel capital kingdom of the small country with few people, they are all precious manpower.
   It happened that the aristocratic families who survived the Great Cleanup in the Kingdom of Steel wanted to please the protector of the kingdom, so they paid for the skills. These remnants will contribute to the construction of a road leading to the Valley of the Gods.
   Avenue does not require the stone slabs to be cut like Wang Du’s two horse lanes, but it must be leveled, which is also a major project for the small country.
   Even if nobles contribute, with the assistance of the extraordinary, the calculation of the entire project is enough to make the average person dumbfounded.
  However, in order to please the protector of the kingdom, this difficulty is nothing to you in the Kingdom of Steel Capital!
  Junior did not see, those nobles who stood in the wrong team were annihilated from the family. Was the body still lined up at the gate of that city?
   Xiao Yu just nodded and agreed, and a group of nobles over there competed for the right to build various sections.
   seems to please Xiao Yu has become a profitable business.
   decided to build the avenue, and Xiao Yu listened to Ainodia to report the special talents that Wang Du had harvested.
The craftsmen were naturally included in Xiao Yu’s direct camp, with a total of more than 1,500 people. The Wangdu artisan industry can be said to be almost completely wiped out, leaving only a few apprentices to support the facade of Wangdu, so that local residents do not even repair a latrine. No one can be found.
   Apart from craftsmen, some with special abilities are also on Xiao Yu's list.
   For example, the old curator of the library is very knowledgeable. Although he kept the library this time, he did not dare not come to work in the face of Xiao Yu's invitation.
   After all, Xiao Yu's prestigious Grand Duke Bianyan is much bigger! With Xiao Yu destroying the entire Philippine Kingdom Legion in an instant! His story became more and more widespread and bizarre.
   There are even rumors that Giant Xiao Yu likes to eat human flesh and blood, and especially like raw food. Then the army of the Kingdom of Phalan is swallowed up and killed by the giants, and then there is no complete body.
   Such rumors, and I don’t want to think about whether a few pounds of meat is enough for Xiao Yu's teeth.
   But the people just like to listen and love letters! It can be said that the more outrageous these rumors, the more widely they spread, the more people believe.
   also allowed Xiao Yu's prestige to cover the entire Kingdom of Steel Capital in a short time. Many small cities and towns did not see the banner of the King of Steel Capital and announced their return in advance.
  In addition to these intellectuals, those who are interested in Xiao Yu are those artistic talents.
   There are not many artists in Wangdu, that is, two painters, a bard and a singing and dancing troupe.
   Portraits of the two painters, Xiao Yu also took a look. Similar to oil painting, the style is biased towards realism, which belongs to the group of people who forget the addition of artistic talents.
   It's a pity that the painting market of Zhongzhengguo is a pit. In many cases, it is not worth your money if you paint well, and it is often touted each other to raise prices.
   Xiao Yu just accepted them as spares, and let them refer to several world famous paintings to create.
  Naturally, this new painting must be at least as large as a normal drawing board. Such a large-scale painting is unprecedented for the painters of the Kingdom of Steel!
   made the two artists question their physical strength and future life.
  Xiao Yu told Enochia to tell these artistic talents not to worry, they will give them a surprise after returning to the camp.
   None of them will regret their choice!
   Then Xiao Yu received the minstrel.
   This is a cream kid who made Xiao Yu doubt his at first glance.
  Pale blue short hair with ice blue eyes, coupled with snow-like delicate skin and slender figure, Xiao Yu suspected that if he was born in Zhongzheng, he would definitely become the second Obama to influence the gender concept of big fans.
  At the request of Xiao Yu, the bard sang a poem praising the great hero.
   He has a good voice, but unfortunately Xiao Yu wants to doze off.
   It was Ainodia, General Babu and others who were intoxicated. Surely it was because of different cultures. Can't you understand it?
   Xiao Yu shook his head secretly, and the singing and dancing troupe had not received it. He was directly taken to the car and packed with other craftsmen and various materials harvested.
  Xiao Yu's direct camp is still in the old place, near Rongtiebao. With Xiao Yu's return in full load, there is no doubt that this camp will continue to expand and become an important foundation in Xiao Yu's hands.
  Xiao Yu puts the craftsmen here, besides the important reason of being close to home, but also because there is an existing iron ore in Rongtiebao, and there are other channels for obtaining large amounts of coal mines and coke.
  In addition, here is rich in groundwater resources, and there are some rivers that flow through many countries to the south. When the foundation is enlarged, it can also save a lot of effort.
  Xiao Yu returned to Daying with his harvest. After some troubles, even if Xiao Yu also helped by his own hands, it was only when the moon was hanging high.
   There was a bonfire everywhere between the tents.
  In several masonry rooms where the rice is cooked, the chefs work hard to process the delicious food provided by the great protector of the kingdom.
   Ham sausage, luncheon meat, plus local grilled meat and vegetables, make up today's dinner dishes.
   As the staple food is naturally rice.
   But without the need for chefs to start, Xiao Yu ignited the gas stove and started cooking with a gas-type rice cooker.
  Including Xiao Yu's own food, it is a bowl of half a rice... Of course, it is undeniable that most of these rice will eventually fall into Xiao Yu's stomach.
   The gastrointestinal tract of a villain who can't reach tens of thousands can't compare with Xiao Yu's.
   Not to mention Xiao Yu has become a big stomach king after getting started with the knight!
  The Hoover couple is a couple of craftsmen. They lived well in Wangdu by craftsmanship and raised five children with good craftsmanship.
  The Hoover couple thought they would die like their fathers and grandfathers in this life, and then watched their son continue on the road of craftsmen.
   didn't think about it. They and their families were first called by Grand Duke Yanan to create the terrible armor-breaking crossbow, and then they were captured and became prisoners.
   Fortunately, the Hoover couple learned that the man who loved human-eating kingdom protectors wanted to find craftsmen, thinking that the monster would be greedy and would not eat himself. The Hoover couple and everyone actively joined Xiao Yu's craftsman camp.
  The following day, the giant figure of giant, the three-legged steel monster that could make a deafening roar, all horrified the Hoover couple to the present.
  Followed by working hard to build a tent and level the road.
   Finally... I can calm down and enjoy a dinner.
  The Hoover couple set up their tents, came out to the open space and waited for the others around the campfire.
   was here for the first time around. I was uneasy, but I was also looking forward to it.
   During this time of contact, the giant seemed not as terrible as he thought, and they also heard that the food here was so scary!
   Don't say there is meat, and there are delicious food that nobles can't eat!
  The Hoover couple is very skeptical about this, but they are just small craftsmen, how can they compare with the nobility?
  Eating delicious foods that noblemen can't eat, but they are going to be killed in Wangdu!
   Soon after today’s dinner was brought Hoover couple screamed excitedly and joined the army of predators.
   The taste of ham and luncheon meat conquered the tongue and stomach of these craftsmen.
   also relieved them all day of fatigue and mental fatigue.
   "Is this the surprise that Master Enodian Wizard told us?" The Hoover couple murmured while eating:
   "Adult is so good to us, even if we only eat such a meal every week, it is enough for us to work for him."
   "Yeah, even though I am still a little worried about Wangdu's shop, I don't know if we can hold it without us..." Madam Hoover nodded in agreement, but still remembered the situation at home.
   At this time, a voice was conveyed over the entire camp, causing every craftsman to stop eating.
   "My craftsmen, my subordinates!" Xiao Yu finished his dinner and stood behind the high platform about one meter high that he built, and shone on himself with the lights.
   "I, the protector of the Kingdom of Steel, I'm so glad you made the decision!"
   "I believe you will never regret the choice you made in the future!" Xiao Yu said this paused, and waited until Enodia nodded slightly and continued:
   "Because I can not only give you money, but also give you status..."
"is acceptable……"
   "Make you wait to be extraordinary!"
   Xiao Yu's voice fell, and after a short silence, the entire camp suddenly boiled!
   "God! Me, I heard it right!"
   "Impossible, I don't have the knight talent, can I become extraordinary?"
   "Fool... deceive, I'm waiting for the craftsman, but just an untouchable who kills and kills, how could he be willing to treat us like this!"
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