Chapter 773: Already done

The Rock Continent is home to the stone ape family.
The projection of the stone ape king broke through the space and escaped into the ontology, and all the things he saw and heard belonged to the ontology, causing the stone ape king Caesar to squint fiercely.
Looking back at all the details I saw, Kasai, the king of stone apes, always felt that the army appeared a little clever.
However, considering that the polygraph reaction and the original crystal are not fake, it seems that the other party has had contact with the stone and has left a mark on the stone.
"In this case, isn't the panshi dangerous?"
"It doesn't matter if it's powdered and broken bones. Once the coordinates are lost, even our talents can't survive."
"That piece of lost power from the mainland is hard to conquer by the power of the non-clan."
Thinking of this, King Caesar, no longer wasting time, issued a convening order!
It wants to call the whole family to discuss!
Out of concern for the continent, King Caesar, the ape king, had already made a decision for stability.
The next wave of attack, the first wave is his strongest blow, it will personally lead the warriors of the stone apes to kill in the past.
Then immediately build a station to let more people pass by.
Once the 13,000 people of the stone ape family all arrived on the opposite mainland.
Stone Ape King Caesar believes that the lost continent without the power of the Morning Star wizard will no longer be able to stop itself.
This is the tactics of the sea of ​​people, and it won't be like that again!
Isn't it the technique of formation and energy gathering, it is not that the stone ape king Kaisa!
The art of war on the rocky continent is not as high as those in the backcountry.
The stone ape king is confident to rely on the stone ape warriors of the 1000 Warrior Battalion to defeat all the enemies he saw last time!
After a few hours.
With the supreme prestige of being a king for thousands of years.
Coupled with the enchantment of the original crystal fragments taken out, as well as the killer skill of the stone ape king Caesar.
Divine mating rights as a reward!
Stone Ape King Caesar easily mobilized the emotions of the whole family, and let the strongest group of stone ape warriors form a warrior camp, waiting for its dispatch.
Kasai, the king of stone apes, opened the treasure trove and distributed the weapons and armor he had collected for thousands of years.
Using his few contacts, he found a famous tribe of refining medicine on the Rocky Continent, and exchanged only a few resources for temporary strengthening potions and recovery potions.
After everything is complete.
Stone Ape King Caesar no longer remembers this rock continent that can no longer give it a chance to advance. With the power of the whole family, he has opened a door to a stable time and space.
"The door to the new world has opened!"
"You guys in the Warrior Camp, join me in the new world!"
"Ten people with the most meritorious powers~ can get the sacred mating right!"
"The blood of the Great Rock Saint is equal to me!"
Under the roar of Zhen Tian, ​​the 25-meter-tall stone ape king Caesar wore a purple crown, wearing white mail armor, holding a special trident in his hand, and led the same wearing armor of different sizes and weapons. Different fighters of the same race rushed into the door of time and space!
Outside the door is the lost continent!
The stone ape king Caesar rushed over first, planning to perform a stunt to kill the enemy, but he was surprised to find that this is a basin.
Surrounding the basin are rolling snow mountains.
Under the perception of this place, there is no trace of the enemy at all!
"It shouldn't be!"
"We have such a large space-time response that the other party has not noticed?"
"Is it really a coincidence last time?"
Putting down the trident, the stone ape king Caesar looked at him and knelt aside to greet his pan rock.
Pan Shi quickly said excitedly:
"My king, not long ago, the giant rulers of this continent fought with the fallen people of the abyss!"
Stone Ape King Caesar is no stranger to the abyss, knowing in his heart the difficulty of the forbidden forces.
"What did you see with your own eyes?" it asked for insurance.
Pan Shi nodded quickly.
It did see the abyssal depraved.
Just a day ago, Xiao Yu personally took Pan Shi to participate in the suppression of a lurking force who came over, just near the pre-selected battlefield.
"Detect evil!"
Shia Wang, Caesar's eyes glowed white, looking at Pan Shi and chanting a spell.
Soon I got feedback, and Panshi did appear in places where the abyss had fallen.
According to common sense analysis, the king of stone apes, Caesar, when the abyssal depraveds appeared bright, it was often when they had developed and almost started to harvest.
Against such forces, it's no wonder that the giant's forces are flawless and care about them.
Perhaps these new rulers thought that only one or two hundred stone apes would commit robbery?
Kasai, the king of stone apes, felt for a time that the world was destined.
It is the child of destiny in this continent!
Otherwise, why did the abyss crisis not break out sooner or later, but wait until now?
Looking around, I saw that a thousand stone ape warriors in the Warrior Battalion had come out of the door of time and space, and immediately expanded around, and then stabilized the stability of the door of time and space, so that the entire family of energy sources continue to come in.
Stone Ape King Caesar couldn't help but feel that this wave was already done!
It could not help but lift his head in excitement and laughed happily.
"This continent really is a land bestowed on my people. Clan people, seize the time and stabilize the time and space door, let all the people come over!"
It seemed to Xiao Yu that the sky was tens of thousands of meters away from the basin.
The sharp eyes of the Andean Condor, with the help of military high-powered telescopes, observed the movement of the stone ape family.
And these images are linked to Xiao Yu's computer through Bluetooth at the same time, and then projected out for your reference.
Wizard Ennodia looked at the women and children who came out of the space-time door and whispered:
"The situation is moving in our most optimistic direction."
"The women and children of the stone ape family are here. It seems that the whole family has really migrated."
"It's not difficult to understand, after all, it's better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, not to mention that the Rocky Continent is not easy to mix, and it's not safe."
"And..." Wizard Uturu understood this very well: "The Caesar King, an old ape, is already old and staying on the Rocky Continent, it will fall soon."
"In our lost continent, at least there is still the possibility of becoming a Morningstar wizard."
"Don't underestimate the urge to become a Morningstar wizard."
"Of course, I dare not underestimate. Without these impulses, the current situation will not develop to such a degree."
When Xiao Yu heard this, he remembered Tianyao, the master of Qianyu Empire.
In order to become a wizard of the Morning Star, they left everything behind, but they were still not enough, and they still failed...
Xiao Yu looked at the projection screen and saw that there were fewer and fewer people coming from the stone ape family.
He stood up and first let the ground armored forces move.
Then he summoned the Star Battleship Miracle to fly over and prepare to take it to attack.
The space-time door in the projection appears abnormal.
After a brief interruption, the space-time door suddenly showed a sharp ripple.
Then the two stone apes rushed out in panic, and yelled in their mouths that the sound of the surrounding stone apes changed.
Not waiting for Xiao Yu to ask questions curiously.
The space-time door has no ripples that subside, so it bursts!
A paw covered with black scales, almost half the thickness of Xiao Yu's arm, broke through the space-time door and came into this world, and grabbed the two stone apes who screamed and escaped, and dragged them back into the space-time door. The whole process is extremely fast, which means that Kasai, the king of the apes, may have time to respond.
But the king was obviously very afraid of the master of the paw. The first reaction was to rush to destroy the nodes around the space-time gate.
Attempt to close it!
It's just that the space-time gate vortex that just started to shrink into a circle.
A pair of sharp claws suddenly stretched out, and slammed on the edge of the door, trying to pull the space-time door back!
At the same time, a string of sounds resounded through the sky, so that Xiao Yu could hear the ancient language from the paw's main population.
"This is Dragon Language!"
The Uturu wizard was slightly startled, and the first responded and shouted:
"This monster is an ancient black dragon!"
"The best among the morning star creatures!"
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