Chapter 780: It's a pity to meet your Highness

The ancient black nether dragon Ivan caught in the siege looked deeply at the giant.
Then I looked around and lived my lost mainland enemy troops around.
The corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitched, grunting softly:
"Is he clearly cheating!"
"When will the lost continent be so strong?"
The black nether dragon Ivan looked up at the sky and looked at the steel floating battleship of at least 750 meters in the sky that dreaded him.
Ivan couldn't help facing the sky at forty-five degrees, and the longan flashed a tear of unwillingness.
Compared with the ancient black dragon, this time the guilty performance.
Those dragon eagles and thousands of giant wolves and cheetahs, aided by witchcraft allies, seemed to be much calmer.
Of course, this is also related to the projection of all of them from different continents.
If it is dead, it will disappear, and it will not affect the noumenon living on the different continents.
So even if they were surrounded by ten times the enemy in front of them, they still fanatically vent their war in their hearts.
In the distance, in the family of the elven dragons watching, the elven dragon mother expressed sympathy for the encounter of the ancient black dragon.
And a certain degree of empathy.
"Ivan, the ancient black nether dragon, wouldn't be so passive if he didn't meet His Royal Highness."
The wizard dragon mother sighed: "Look at the allies it summoned."
"Those giant wolves are called forest giant wolves. They are blessed by the goddess of the forest and the of wood elves. They have all kinds of talents and abilities. Every adult body will not be inferior to the ordinary knights."
"Those wolf kings have even reached the level of extraordinary knights, plus the size advantage, even if they encounter pseudo-three-level extraordinary knights, they can't be delayed."
"Look at the cheetahs again. They are distant relatives from a subspecies of the Red Dragon family that most likes cloth in the world. They have a trace of red dragon blood. They are one of the favorite servant races driven by the higher dragons. "
"Their strength is the same as that of the forest giant wolf, and you see that part of the body is particularly huge. There is also a cheetah with dragon horns, which is the dragon leopard awakening the blood of the red dragon!"
"This kind of dragon leopard's combat power is generally not lower than the level of pseudo third-level super knights, and it is good at the art of combined attack, even if the enemies at the higher level encounter it, they will cry."
"The last are the dragon eagles, but they are the treasures of the higher dragon clan, whose identity is much higher than that of ordinary servants, and belong to the rank of the of the dragon clan."
"Dragon eagles are good at witchcraft, although most of them are only the level of a formal wizard, but the combination of hundreds of dragon eagles can often release super-large witchcraft that is one or two above their own level, which can be regarded as firepower in the hands of higher dragons. Take responsibility."
"If the ancient black nether dragon Ivan encounters other enemies, once they are summoned, the offensive and defensive momentum can be immediately reversed!"
When the elven dragon mother said here, the elven dragon girl blinked and chuckled and laughed out loud: "Unfortunately, you met your highness, right? The army of your highness is better than the ally called by the ally assistance of the ancient black dragon There are many more troops."
"Human sea tactics... It's still His Highness occupying the absolute advantage!"
"Yeah... Without the use of His Highness's manpower, it can be achieved to such a degree, and it can be done by His Highness."
"But this is also normal, as expected, after all, our Highness has been doing this since the miracle city was built?"
In the battlefield, the Elven Dragon family's conversation was not over, and the war broke out again.
More than 1,500 giant wolves, a thousand cheetahs, and more than 300 surviving dragon eagles.
These two eight hundred and eighty ancient black dragons Ivan's final strength, after screaming, could not help but take the initiative to attack, like a moth rushed to Xiao Yu's raging fire.
"For the Son of God!"
When the war broke out, troops from all directions waved their weapons, accelerated their pace, and made a cry.
The dragon eagles rushed to the floating battleship in the sky.
It was washed by the rapid-fire guns on the floating battleship before it rushed out of the 100-meter.
Then the wizards who were standing on the drone used witchcraft to control the weapon vehicle hanging under the drone, aimed at the target area, and fired a tongue of fire, shooting a piece of body no less than those of the dragon eagle itself. High temperature armor-piercing projectile.
More skilled wizards were able to fly toy helicopters and flew hundreds of meters above the dragon eagle, spraying a highly corrosive solution towards the bottom.
On the ground, the running giant wolf collided with the dragon-style main battle tank.
Just like a kitten just born, it must be the same as the track-type iron of the Dragon-type main battle tank. It can't even stop the Dragon-type main battle tank, so that it can't do a little stagnation. Squeezed over, turned into a part of the soil mixture after the track left.
A king of wolves flew a hundred meters and hit the front armor of the dragon-style main battle tank, making a loud noise.
The thick armor was smashed with paint.
The wolf king was bounced back to the ground by the reaction force, and then... was crushed and crushed.
The cheetahs were divided into two parts to fight the extraordinary barbarian and the guard.
The result was also one-touch.
Their individual strength is not bad, but they are too weak in quantity.
The phalanx of the Divine Guard Army walked like a wall, and the cheetahs rushed to the wall of the steel city, which was only to break their blood.
The barbarian side is even simpler.
When the two sides ran together and saw that they were about to crash together within a hundred meters.
Bazaar sounded.
The extraordinary barbarians took out the flying axe skillfully and threw it out.
So the cheetahs who are about to kill each other are first attacked by thousands of flying axes with extraordinary aura blessings and blessings of the collective blood will of the barbarians.
The surviving heads were also seriously injured, and were easily killed by the leading barbarians who shouted slogans.
The extraordinary female barbarian Shaya pierced into the rear of a cheetah with a spear of ice, and after the cheetah screamed unwillingly, its entire body froze into ice.
After pulling out the ice spear, Shaya gasped lightly and turned to look around.
It turned out that it was their side that ended the battle at last and couldn't help getting angry.
Then look at the ancient black nether dragon Ivan who has been surrounded by them.
Shaya reignited the fighting spirit, raised the spear of ice and brought the barbaric people to go forward.
But I saw that the ancient black nether dragon Ivan, who saw the last summon also fell under the enemy's weapon, suddenly snarled.
A black flame burst into flames.
Then it flew up suddenly, avoiding many witchcraft and the supernatural aura rifle thrown out by the guards.
Heran flew to a kilometer away He left an unwilling voice:
"Giant, this black enmity Ivan remembers this time!"
"You have to say that it can force me to such a degree that you are the first one!"
"But wait, soon...I will come to avenge Xuefen!"
The ancient black nether dragon Ivan is getting faster and faster in the air.
Seeing it will disappear out of sight.
Xiao Yu jumped up calmly, stepping on the Star Battleship Miracle, the Silver Hammer pointed forward and shouted loudly:
"Listen to the Star Battleship Miracle!"
"The engine runs at full power!"
"Pay attention to increasing the mana output at the solid structure of the magic circle! Meet the explosive acceleration of the energy storage system!"
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