Chapter 789: Good weather

The high-speed train arrives at the station where the destination is located.
After slowly stopping, the door opened, and the passengers who got off at the terminal hurriedly dragged their bags and left.
After opening his eyes, Xiao Yu lifted the white circle and lifted the magic circle. After a little light on the roof, the whole person floated out like a fairy outside the sky and landed on the roof of the station building.
"Unfortunately, invisibility is now used, otherwise I will be able to reap countless cheers and screams in conjunction with the leap of floating and grand knight body."
Xiao Yu said to herself, but remembered the conversations with passengers in the car when he was sitting on the roof.
Among the passengers who came to Longshan City by high-speed train this time, several cars belonged to a team.
The team is tightly organized, the division of labor is orderly, and the discussion is also related to Xiao Yu.
They even claimed to be outside disciples of a certain Xianmen school. This time they came to Longshan City from a distance of thousands of miles. The purpose was to come and learn and communicate with the team where Shimen was.
According to the key complaints repeatedly mentioned by several masters, the ultimate goal of their team is to learn and communicate to further develop themselves, so that they can be promoted from outside disciple status to inner disciple status, and get the cultivation of immortality. , Thus incarnate extraordinary!
Xiao Yu split his heart and listened very carefully to the lectures of the masters in the carriage.
I just think that these are all talents. The theory of Xiu Xian said that it is a logical and self-consistent and well-defined.
If it were not for Xiao Yu to feel that this team is a group of sleepless and insane people, maybe one or two.
I wonder if the masters in their mouths have found any relics of Xiuxian Gaoren.
However, their success still caused Xiao Yu's curiosity.
Especially after learning that the destination of these Xiuxian team is the Longyuan Villa in the depths of Longshan.
Xiao Yu could not help but stunned slightly, even more curious.
Because Xiao Yu is planning to promote Dabai to the extraordinary place, it is in the depths of Nalong Mountain, according to a satellite map, it looks like a natural gathering place.
Xiao Yu is ready to quickly arrange the magic circle and enchantment with the help of the location there, and then use the pot of the world's singular greed to refine the aura to turn it into a temporary blessing.
Unexpectedly, this team of Xiuxian will also go to a meeting nearby!
Um... interesting, I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional?
Xiao Yu stood on the rooftop and watched the team members leave. He flicked his fingers gently.
Suddenly, several surveillance eyes clapped to the leaders.
Then Xiao Yu planned to leave, and suddenly found that a large group of people were meditating and practicing on the park square not far from the station.
They wore various exercise clothes, led by several masters, crossed their knees on the ground, and then performed various strange movements with their hands.
The mouth is quite rhythmic.
There are men and women who do not speak in the practice group, and there are many elderly children.
The team leaving the station came to these people, and the two were still together.
It seems that this team is already a bit big.
Xiao Yu chuckled, and he could only shrugged helplessly about the phenomenon of the nation's cult of immortality.
Fortunately, people in this land have a stronger religious atmosphere than other countries, because the extraordinary phenomenon has caused a chain reaction of cult worship.
The upsurge in the cultivation of immortals in the ancient eastern countries caused this kind of cultivating and immortal group that mainly squeezes out money.
Moreover, these training actions are not completely invented by them, and most of them come from the content of regular martial arts training materials.
Practicing undead people is a kind of fitness exercise, and it can also make some mentally sensitive people feel abnormal.
But the efficacy stops there.
Most of the problems are caused by obsessive-compulsive disorder, practice all day long, and finally get tired.
Xiao Yu took a closer look and noticed that around these cultivation teams, there were surprisingly familiar survey team members.
Xiao Yu immediately realized that this team had already attracted the attention of the government with the expansion of the scale.
Judging from the current attitude of the government.
The little money of the masters can't be hot for a few days.
Gently shook his head.
Xiao Yu felt that it was still important to do the right thing. Hold on to the white. After casting a flying witchcraft, he left the station at a speed of 70 to 80 kilometers per hour.
The leader of the investigation team responsible for investigating the Qingyun School Xiuxian team in Longshan City suddenly felt cold and couldn't stop sneezing.
He squeezed his nose for some unknown reason, and quickly left the group of Xiuxian team, grasped the communicator in his hand, and reported the situation to the superior.
"Secretary... Did the people sent above investigate clearly, they really have no extraordinary power to rely on?"
After the report, Leader Jiang stood upright and asked in a low voice.
"Why, did you notice the anomaly?" The voice of the secretary in the headphones was also tense.
"No, I'm just a little worried." Team leader Jiang quickly shook his head, and he just intuitively felt that he was being stared at by some kind of terrifying extraordinary existence.
But this feeling is fleeting, and Team Leader Jiang is not sure if he is too tired to produce the illusion.
The Secretary heard that it was not, and the tone softened: "Relax, the people above have investigated the files of the core characters of this team."
"It's a group of remnants from the Southern School who took advantage of the recent cultivation of immortals and combined it with classics and cultivation theories copied from the classics to make up."
"They are very cautious, and they may have recently realized that the scale has become larger, so they are prepared to take advantage of this conference to make a fortune."
"Xiaojiang, keep an eye on them, but don't let these scammers run away!"
Hearing the details of this group of people.
Team Leader Jiang also felt relieved.
It's just... inadvertently looking across the sky.
He suddenly felt that the surrounding environment seemed to be different.
But he couldn't tell the difference again.
no doubt.
This Jiang team leader belongs to the kind of talented person.
The abnormality he felt came from Xiao Yu's ongoing big project!
Xiao Yu came to the depths of Longshan, and quickly found a place in the mountains that the locals called Hualongchi.
The scenery here is magnificent, the environment is beautiful, and the deep water pool in the middle of the mountains surrounded by the mountains is sparkling, especially attracting attention.
It's just that because it is a nature reserve, there is not even a path, so few people here can witness it.
The nearest smoky place, also separated by a mountain, is the Longyuan Mountain Villa under the banner of the Holy Land of Vacation.
Xiao Yu felt it on the spot, and according to the knowledge imparted by Uturu Wizard and Mafa Wizard, he began to set up the magic circle on the spot.
At the same time, the pot of the greedy person was also placed over the water pool, and began to madly transform into the surrounding aura.
"The geographical location here is beyond my original assumption. The power of nature can't be overlooked!"
Xiao Yu arranged the circle, and the more he arranged, the more shocked he was.
He found that the surrounding terrain cooperated with the deep pond, and it was a natural formation of the Spirit Strengthening Circle.
A lot of spiritual power is concentrated in the deep pool, and the concentration and quality are amazingly high.
After being transformed by the pot of the greedy.
This valley has suddenly become a Jedi, and the flying insects and beasts all feel abnormal and escape!
After all, the concentration of spiritual power is too high, and it is not a good thing for ordinary living bodies.
Just as drinking too much water can cause water poisoning, too high a concentration of spiritual power can also cause discomfort!
However, Dabai needs extraordinary evolution, and the spiritual energy is not enough to support to the end!
Xiao Yu couldn't help but feel that the possibility of the perfect evolution of Dabai came out a few more layers.
After setting up the magic circle, just starting, Xiao Yu felt his body sink.
Then... the effect of gathering spirits is beyond so that even a hundred miles of aura has been forcibly gathered over and over again!
So that the surrounding area, there is no shortage of aura phenomenon.
It attracted the attention of talented people like Team Leader Jiang.
Of course, for the real world, they don’t even know what Reiki is, and they can’t perceive the specific situation. When they detect anomalies, they can’t tell the truth.
Most of you will think this is your own psychological problem.
When the night is quiet.
The moon hangs high in the sky.
It was just when the government of Longshan City quietly mobilized a lot of manpower and material resources to prepare for a sweep of criminals.
A golden light suddenly burst into the sky from the mountains in the distance, breaking through the dark night!
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