Chapter 935: I recognize you!

Metal nitrogen is a very powerful weapon.
It is more than ten times more powerful than the most commonly used bombs.
And this increased power seems to Xiao Yu to be an increase in real damage, rather than a simple increase in the range of damage obtained after adding the amount of medicine.
This is especially important.
Especially when dealing with the high-end combat power of the villain.
The morning star protection witchcraft, because the scope of the shelter is relatively small, a kilogram of explosive explosion can already cover it with 360 degrees without dead ends.
In this case, after adding more medicines to 10 kilograms of explosives, is there any pressure on the protection of witchcraft?
The answer is certainly enhanced.
However, it does not increase by as much as ten times. Ten kilograms of explosives expands the range of energy radiation more than one kilogram of explosives. The high temperature and high pressure generated inside have increased, but they are extremely limited.
The new weapon of metal nitrogen is different. Its energy level naturally exceeds that of explosives.
Explained by the level of witchcraft, that is, the essence of explosives is only first-level witchcraft, and the metal nitrogen is second-level or even third-level witchcraft.
If the first-level witchcraft wants to achieve the same effect as the second- and third-level witchcraft, it will need to pay more, and often there will be a situation where the power is not enough.
Of course, the power of the nuclear bomb soared directly to the realm of the Morning Star, and even the destructive power of the explosion's central point. Xiao Yu doubted whether he could resist the past when he arrived at the Wizard of the Moon.
After all, the ultra-high pressure and ultra-high temperature of the core of the nuclear explosion is really terrifying.
The power of the same unit area is at least one million times that of the first-level fire magic!
However, on the one hand, the nuclear bomb is too sensitive. On the other hand, it is not easy to produce and store, and it is not as simple and convenient to use as it is.
Most terrorists in the movie can get dirty bombs.
Although the nuclear missiles were fierce, Xiao Yu couldn't carry the entire system to the Little China.
Even if it is transported, how can satellite navigation be solved?
The continent of Little China flows through the oceans of time and space like bubbles.
After being lifted to a certain height, the only thing left is the invisible barrier that squeezes through the space, falls into the chaotic flow of time and is torn to pieces.
There is no such thing as a space zone where satellites can stay.
Of course, Xiao Yu also has magical options such as nuclear rocket artillery and nuclear artillery.
However, compared to this, if metal nitrogen can be put into practical use by Xiao Yu, it will undoubtedly be able to strengthen Xiao Yu and the overall strength of Xiao Yu's forces more comprehensively.
Not to mention, the use of metal nitrogen-charged shells alone has changed the power from equivalent to large-scale destruction witchcraft of the first level to large-scale destruction witchcraft of the second-level or even pseudo-third-level strength, which is a huge leap!
Not to mention the large-scale witchcraft of pseudo-three degree, which is the second-level monomer witchcraft, as long as the number increases, even the morning star wizard must avoid three feet!
After all, even if the Morning Star wizard is on his own continent, the infinite mana is just the blue medicine unlimited. For a certain period of time, there is also a consumption limit!
A small town on the outskirts of ancient Wudu.
Professor Marov, who had just turned sixty, picked up the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and placed it on the table, rubbing his sore eyes with his right hand.
As he got older, even Professor Marov, who was from Mosca, had to admit that he was old.
It's just that I'm not reconciled.
At the time, he was the leader of the metal nitrogen team and the first expert to make key research results.
Why, in the end, was defeated by his own men that year and will be the first?
Huh, it must be the mysterious power of the ancient eastern country that is affecting this result.
That metal nitrogen must be a product of extraordinary power!
I didn't lose myself!
Although...Professor Marov has always comforted himself like this.
However, after the urging of the official and the gold master after three consecutive times, he still couldn't get out the physical metal nitrogen.
Professor Marov can feel that they have no trust in themselves.
This can be guessed from the fact that the funds declared this week were stuck.
"Scientific research is not in a hurry!"
Professor Marov groaned and sighed softly when he heard the sound of his phone.
He picked up his phone and looked a little stunned.
His face was dark again for a moment.
But his colleagues from Citigroup used a better laboratory to try to repeat his anion experiment, but the result ended in failure.
So the peers who lost a lot of money there couldn't hold back and jumped out to openly question in the circle whether Prof. Marov's academic report was fraudulent.
This made Professor Marov very uncomfortable.
Well, he admits, doing their job, there is some good mathematics related content of the report.
But swear to the Lord, he, Professor Marov, never engage in academic fraud!
Um... at least not subjectively!
After all, Professor Marov himself failed to re-experiment the results in subsequent experiments.
But this is definitely not his fault, it is just the dice thrown by the Lord.
"We just received a letter."
Professor Marov suddenly heard a female voice coming from his ear. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was his graduate student, and a genius from Proslin College was talking to himself:
"British officials are preparing to establish a new joint research institute."
"They hope we can transfer the equipment and information."
"Huh? That's impossible!"
Professor Marov heard that his neck was red, and he shouted a little irritably.
He knew very well that once the past was merged ~ ~ soon the person in charge of this research project would be replaced.
That's right, he is indeed the authority on the research of metal nitrogen, Daniel.
But an authority that has been unable to produce results will also be abandoned.
Maybe they can be arranged to study theory?
But... How can I apply for huge sums of money in theoretical research?
"I shouldn't have come to Britain at the beginning. I should go to my neighbors so that I can get help from the mysterious forces to complete the experiment."
Professor Marov snarled for a moment, sighed, and announced the end of get off work.
Professor Marov did not know that when he passed by a teenager during the day, he was already boarding his eyebrows with a surveillance eye, making all his encounters and secrets stunned in Xiao Yu's eyes. No deposit.
Alone, he silently checked the experimental data again, confirming that Professor Marov, who did not show signs, also drove back to his residence, a three-story residential building with a garden and a garage.
Professor Marov walked down, just opened the door and turned on the light, he was slightly startled, and found that there was an extra figure of a young man in the unmanned living room.
"Hello, meet for the first time."
Andrew Yu, who was transformed by Xiao Yu, wore a decent tuxedo, and the little adult looked at Professor Marov seriously, and bowed slightly to him.
"I am Andrew from the remote Mosca region."
"Long admiring your name, I am very happy to meet you."
Professor Marov's eyes widened, and his finger, which was about to press the alarm button prepared close to his body, could not help loosening:
"I know you!"
"You are the champion of the Mosaic Spirit Master Competition!"
"A truly extraordinary person!" ()
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