Chapter 938: Crystal mine

Professor Marov was very worried that the Anderson boy would choose to steal.
Judging from his contacts with the Anderson boy, he had no confidence in whether Anderson would confess himself.
Fortunately, Anderson Junior just told Professor Marov that they didn't need to worry about the equipment, and let Professor Marov keep it as it is for a few days.
He will ask someone to help.
Professor Marov was relieved to hear that he didn't need to go to rob his institute overnight, and he had some confidence in the extraordinary mysterious means represented by Anderson.
He was naively inclined to contact the parents of the Anderson Junior Club, and the elders of his family would come forward to communicate with the British authorities, so as to successfully borrow the equipment of the institute.
Of course, if you can borrow yourself by the way, it will naturally be a happy situation.
Want to come here so that the British officials not only dare not be angry, but also have to wait for their relatives?
Professor Marov did not know that after Andersen pacified him and left his house.
He ran to the scientific research institute for a lap all night.
"The town near this institute is an emerging town, and when combined, there are more than 1,000 houses and the total population does not exceed 5,000."
"In addition to serving the institute, most of the residents here are greedy renters who need to get up early every day and go to get off work in the city by subway."
"In addition, there is a small crystal mine ten kilometers away in this town, which is worth my visit."
"If the quality is okay, I will take this town and the crystal mine as the first territory of the heart of the world's kingdom of wonders."
After thinking about the next thoughts, Xiao Yu first used witchcraft to cover the eyes of the whole town with witchcraft to ensure that there were no dead ends.
Then Xiao Yu ran all the way, crossed a mountain of forest in a straight line, and arrived at a hill marked as a crystal mine on the map material and stopped.
According to information known to Xiao Yu, this crystal mine was originally owned by the British government as a mineral enterprise.
After the internal turmoil in the former Mosca empire exploded, the shadow over the Europa League finally dissipated, and the newly appointed British Prime Minister began to tearfully sell these official companies.
The crystal mine became privately owned from the official, and the scale became smaller and smaller with the excessive exploitation.
Um... at least that's what it looks like on paper.
After Xiao Yu came to the scene, he found that the crystal mine was all lit up and the sound of the engine was still there.
Xiao Yu discovered that it was being mined overnight.
This made him a little surprised.
This is unscientific. Are the British workers so desperate?
Xiao Yu immediately became curious, but instead of running in stealth, he used the means a wizard should have, opened the spell book, and exhibited a witchcraft called true detection.
This is a well-known witchcraft of the detection system, and it is easy to kill the snake when placed in the little country.
Put it here, but there is no such worry.
At most, it is to make those mentally abnormal geniuses who pick one out of ten thousand miles feel a slight illusion of being peeped.
Witchcraft is released.
The entire building on the surface of the crystal mine is under Xiao Yu's control, with all the movements at a depth of hundreds of meters below the ground.
After seeing the hollowed holes in the crystal mine being continuously widened, some places were even strengthened as a warehouse to store a large number of various materials.
As well as coming and going, except for a large number of laborers and soldiers who appeared to be from the Roba region of Eastern Europe rather than local gun patrols.
Where can Xiao Yu not know? This geographical environment is in the mountains, but it is close to the main road. The crystal mine with convenient supply has been requisitioned by the government to build underground protection facilities.
"It turned out to be a paramilitary base under construction!"
"It seems that the British authorities have also noticed something, have they started preparing in advance?"
"Um... waiting for the millennium great changes to be confirmed, there should be more and more such strongholds?"
Xiao Yu thought, holding out his right hand and holding it against the meniscus under the night sky.
Suddenly, an invisible eye of the void opened slowly at high altitude and looked at the earth.
In an instant, the topographic environment surrounding the crystal mine was a hundred miles away, between Xiao Yu's eyes.
"It's slightly worse than the natural mountain of flowers and fruits."
"However, it is also a natural blessed land. If you follow the trend of the mountains, you can save most of the effort!"
"And more than half of the crystal-rich mountains in this crystal mine are hundreds of meters deep and have not been mined."
"These natural crystal rough stones can also be my help, which can make the Kingdom Heart refining a lot smoother!"
Xiao Yu was quite satisfied.
With a good decision in mind, this British official has made great efforts to develop underground facilities and research institutes in the nearby town.
He is all about it!
He wants equipment, and he wants land.
Those people are not necessary to stay.
As the saying goes, people stay and stay.
"It seems that I have to be a demolition worker again."
Xiao Yu whispered, escaped back into the mountains and began to prepare.
At this time, in the camp outside the entrance of the crystal mine.
An engineer with a hook nose who was looking at the map suddenly felt cold, and couldn't help turning to look at the crescent moon outside the window. He always felt that there was something peeping over himself.
"A long time in the suburbs, is it an illusion?"
It soon became clear that the seemingly normal engineer, the agile nose, shook his head and felt suspicious and refocused on the drawings.
"The progress is too slow."
Opposite the conference table where the engineer with an aquiline nose sat, a middle-aged official with noble ancestry responsible for the construction of this place complained quite dissatisfiedly.
"We invested so much money, and despite the opposition of the gang of workers, it attracted so many engineering teams in the Robba region of Eastern Europe. Why is the project so slow!"
"As far as I Similar facilities in Mosca are about twice as fast as ours!"
After hearing this, the Eagle-nose engineer looked back at the official. He sighed: "We have started working in three shifts 24 hours a day."
"But the manpower is still insufficient, and the machinery and equipment are not enough."
"This is already our best speed."
"As for Mosca, they have the help of the construction companies of the ancient eastern countries with the best engineering capabilities. We want it to be as simple as that. Just ask for their help."
"This is impossible!" The middle-aged official's white and tender face flushed: "These fortifications, even if all the British engineering teams are bankrupt, the British officials are dead, and they will not let the construction companies of the ancient Eastern countries take over. !"
"You sort out the missing things, report as much as possible on the data, and I can fight for you more."
The middle-aged official sighed softly and thought of the best way he could do at the moment, making a report and asking for help from the superior.
In his view, if he is willing to make up his mind, construction machinery and workers can always be found.
The locals are not good, it is not the Prussian area... uh, no, the engineering team in the Prussian area seems to be finished earlier than the British one.
The middle-aged officials conducted a silent investigation according to known forces.
Suddenly found.
Looking around, this vast continent really has several major forces in the East, as well as a high-efficiency and high-quality engineering team!
"No, no, unless the end of the world, otherwise, according to the above urinary nature, slow down slowly, will never go to the engineering team of the Eastern Forces to help!"
"Anyway, my report is up, the difficulties can't be solved, the progress and tasks can't be completed, can't I say it's my fault?
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