Chapter 94: Behind us is the king capital

   What a terrible giant this is!
   The dragon-killing crossbow that can kill the second-class extraordinary dragons can't hurt him, even the crossbow arrows can't pierce the other party's shield!
  Who can come and tell yourself, what is the name of the shield held by the giant, what a glorious history it is, and what level of world wonder!
  What is the price to pay for using such a powerful world wonder?
  Why did the giant seem to hold the shield for so long without any hesitation?
   "Dragon crossbow combat plan has failed." The black robe sighed: "The only thing left is a dead fight!"
   From launching the dragon crossbow arrows to latex paint, the whole process is actually no more than ten seconds!
   But in such a short time, the black robe wizard has lost confidence in the ups and downs!
   "Swear not to die!" On the city wall, in the gloom, a bearded knight raised his arms high and shouted.
   This sound seemed to ignite the unwilling anger in the hearts of the people, causing them to yell again.
   It's just that Xiao Yu on the mountainside didn't care about these things. He had already thrown out the fire truck that was blocking the road, and he also killed the Dragon Crossbow.
  Out of concern about whether there will be other traps against him in the Eagle City, Xiao Yu did not directly rush to jump over the city wall and opened unparalleled.
   Xiao Yu chose to retreat, and quickly retreated back to the electric tricycle in the eyes of the wizards and knights of the Kingdom of Phalan.
   Immediately, a drone blew into the sky with a group of extraordinary barbarians!
   "It's a giant flying creature!"
In the    airship, the generals who had always felt safe on their side saw the drone and screamed in a hurry!
   Twenty airships moved together and began to climb the height.
   However, it seems that the drone, which is not yet half the size of the airship, climbed up to the airship at a faster speed, and approached from the top to the top of an airship!
   The extraordinary barbarian opened the gasoline that Xiao Yu bought and distributed it to a small bottle over one person tall in the villain.
  The extraordinary barbarians lifted them high and threw them out.
   The head of an airship was suddenly smashed with two bottles of gasoline, and the body of oil splashed around.
  In order to increase the viscosity of these petrols, Xiao Yu added a lot.
   Although it is not as scary as the self-made by the Phoenix Dance Jiuzhongtian God.
   can be done forever!
   An extraordinary barbarian shot with a bow, a rocket flew out, and the gasoline was ignited. The airship was suddenly covered with flames at the top.
   It seemed that something was detonated. With a loud noise, the entire airship turned into a big fireball hanging in the air!
"Army attack!"
   The demise of the first airship was like a signal. With the order of Enodia, the fifty thousand troops of the steel capital kingdom at the foot of the mountain moved together and rushed to the mountain road.
   At this moment there are also tracked robots and small white cat tanks on the mountain road.
   didn't have to say that the tank car naturally used as a shield to block the falling rocks of Eagle City.
  Crawler robot Xiao Yu has no time to ignore, but is free to press the attack button to let its water gun shoot at the high wall to provide remote fire support.
   So at this moment, fierce fighting broke out in heaven and earth!
  Well... It's not right, the airships in the sky are faced with more flexible and faster drones, and they are simply slaughtered one by one and ignited one by one!
  Under Xiao Yu's operation, the drone has kept a distance from the airship and has been suspended above them.
   All kinds of fireballs of airships, ice storms, were all doing useless work, or the ammunition on the drone was used up, and Xiao Yu let it return to supplement.
   thus gave the airship a gasp almost.
   For just a while, twenty airships have been ignited by half!
   These airships turned into fireballs, basically no one can survive!
   Although the gas in the airship airbag is not terrible hydrogen, but a mixture of gas studied by alchemists, it can still explode at high temperatures, and it will bring fatal sound waves and high temperatures under a loud noise.
   These are enough to kill the members of these airships dozens of times.
  The airship that turned into a fireball happened to fall into Eagle City, and many buildings were destroyed, which caused another fire and chaos.
   The fire spread, but at this moment, who is still thinking about fighting the fire?
   The army of the Kingdom of Steel is already in the city!
  The telescopic siege ladder leaned against the walls of Eagle City.
   One by one, the barbarians who swelled up the delicious Pepsi armor on the wall first took the lead, and they fought violently.
   On the city wall, the royal knight who was deeply favored by the country also yelled at the death battle and greeted him.
   "Never go back!"
   The bearded knight carried the extraordinary power, holding the big sword in both hands, and the two swords flew two violent barbarians.
   "Masters, can you still remember the words Your Majesty asked us to bear in mind before going out?"
   "Of course I remember!" Beria's left arm was broken and she still gritted her teeth and shouted:
   "The king is behind us!"
   "After the Eagle City is the city of victory!"
   "The brave soldiers of the Kingdom of Phalan!"
   "We have no escape route!"
   "Long live Phillip Kingdom!"
  Belia had just finished exhaling, listening to the shouting in his ear, he suddenly saw a huge monster leaping from the wall!
   his figure almost occupied his entire sight!
This is Xiao Yu's soil dog rhubarb. It is wearing a armor and jumped directly over the wall of the dwarf Eagle City in his eyes. When he landed, he shot with a paw and flew Beria and several guards around him. .
   "Monster!" Looking at the earth dog whose eyes are larger than himself, the bearded knight growled and gritted his teeth to suppress the fear in his heart, leaping high, his hands and big sword split into the earth dog rhubarb's nose.
  At this moment, the bearded knight had no fear in his mind.
   He only remembered... he had already betrayed his country for his family.
  Ran...He still deeply loves the kingdom of Phyllan and worships the current Phyllan King!
   Maybe... it is relief to die here!
  Rhubarb opened his mouth directly and broke the body of the bearded knight who flew like a flea, and soon spit out.
   This guy is meatless and has a bunch of iron bumps.
   And the thick toothpick is a bit sharp, it seems a bit bleeding in the teeth
  Turkish dog rhubarb turned around and began to sweep the resistance in this area according to Xiao Yu's order.
  At the same time, a little Griffon flew up behind the big dog's neck, holding Xiao Yu's eyes.
   Seeing the terrier dog rhubarb raging through the city gate, unstoppable, two alchemy artillery was pushed out, aimed at rhubarb and fired.
   The instinct of the beast made Rhubara lean his head away from the head, UU reading www.uukanshu. com was only hit in the chest, causing the armor of his chest to shatter into a cobweb!
  The pain made the dog rhubarb angry, and it rushed past with a roar.
   "Keep firing!"
   "No... no!"
   "It's too fast ~ run!"
   The artillery took a breath, just reacted, and were about to flee. They were caught by rhubarb, which was much faster than Qingqi in their eyes, and fell to the ground.
   After the claws killed the artillery, Rhubarb jumped a few steps and stepped on the rooftop of the city's main palace.
   At this time, the surviving airship was also divided into two groups.
   Some want to die with the Eagle City, while others want to escape from this dead place.
   Soon after the soil dog rhubarb tore the line of defense, the two of the airships couldn't help but fly to rhubarb.
  The other eight ships turned around when they gradually climbed higher and started to stay away from this land of war.
   Faced with the airship, the soil dog rhubarb is a little puzzled, and can only continue to avoid their spells and crossbow arrows by relying on the speed advantage.
   Fortunately, as time passed, the drone with the supply completed again flew up.
   The last two airships that were suddenly still above Eagle City also turned into fireballs, and fell into the city unwillingly!
   "Long live the Kingdom of Steel Capital!"
   "For Lord Son of God!"
  The resistance in the city is getting less and less. The army of the steel capital shouted slogans to enter the city and began to clear the remaining enemies.
   Xiao Yu relied on sharing the vision of the little griffon, and did not intend to let go of other escaped airships!
   After letting the little griffon fly over and lie on the drone.
  The drone accelerated and flew in the direction of the remaining airships.
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