Chapter 103: A tiger roar

Because of the influx of a large number of people and horses in the peaceful hunting ground, the chickens and dogs jumped up like water falling in boiling oil.
Qi Yang and Lu Qipei searched for places with few people, and they had a good harvest all morning. And because Qi Yang wanted to fight for Nanping, the two of them hardly let the attendants who were accompanying them take action, and the prey was both personally shot by her.
When it was almost noon, the arrows in the two men's quiver had been shot out, and everyone's saddle was full of prey. It's a pity that they were not very lucky. They hunted for small things along the way. Most pheasants and rabbits, two foxes, and a brood of small wild boars, other than that, they never encountered any precious prey.
This is the case with hunting, and you cannot use your ability to meet suitable prey.
Lu Qipei looked at the prey on the horseback of the attendant and sighed, and said helplessly to Qi Yang: "These things are not worth anything, maybe they are not better than the Nanping cohort. In the afternoon, let's go into the deep forest and look for it. Maybe we can. Find better prey."
Qi Yang was also disappointed in his eyes. She looked at the prey that the attendant was hanging immediately, then looked up at the sky, and finally nodded and agreed to Lu Qipei's proposal: "It's okay. But it's not early, so we don't have to be too anxious. Let's go back to the hunting ground to eat first. Order something. There is no agreement to compare with Nanping anymore. These prey are enough to explain."
After that, he pulled the rein and turned the horse's head, and trot out of the hunting ground.
Lu Qipei naturally followed up, knowing that she was still disappointed, and while riding a horse, he comforted her and said: "Today there are so many people, most of the beasts in the forest are startled away. We are not lucky, and the luck of others may not be better, maybe better than us. Playing less."
Qi Yang laughed, seeing Lu Qipei's serious persuasive appearance, and she was coaxed by a few words.
The two rode horses and walked in front. The twenty or thirty attendants who were accompanying them followed closely. As they walked, someone whispered: "His Royal Highness, there is a rabbit hole here."
Qi Yang had promised Lu Sheng to bring her a rabbit back, and Lu Qipei also promised to help Qi Yang catch the rabbit. But the hares in the mountains and forests are not like those raised by people, they are foolishly allowed to be caught. The two also met a lot of rabbits along the way, but unfortunately the little thing was extremely sensitive and ran so fast, even if the attendants were able to block it, they couldn't catch it. In the end, they could only be left with an arrow.
Reluctantly, Qi Yang and Lu Qipei decided to dig out the rabbit's nest at the suggestion of the attendants. But the rabbit nest is not so easy to find. Qi Yang is ready to go home and send Lu Sheng a piece of rabbit skin, plus a plate of rabbit meat.
I didn't want to find the rabbit nest all morning, but accidentally found it on the way back.
Qi Yang immediately stopped the horse when he heard the words, turned his head in some surprise and asked, "I found the rabbit hole? Where is it?"
The attendant who had spoken before jumped off his horse, ran to a bush of grass beside the road, pointed to a hole on the ground that was dark and covered by weeds and replied, "Go back to your Highness, this is it, this is the rabbit hole. ."
The inconspicuous opening was difficult for the attendant to see when he passed by. But this is not uncommon. The lower-rankers will naturally do everything possible to achieve the higher-ranking requirements. Just as the attendant found the rabbit hole, he was able to show his face in front of the princess consort.
Sure enough, Qi Yang drove his horse over with great interest. He only looked at the black hole, and he was a little suspicious: "There really is a rabbit in it? There is just such a hole, deep and small, how can I dig it?" After finishing speaking, he frowned at the entrance of the cave, and said: "I heard that the three caves of the cunning rabbit, the rabbit den should be more than this one."
Qi Yang doesn't need to worry about these. As a princess with golden branches and jade leaves, naturally she has never done anything like digging a rabbit hole, but how many of these attendants are selected from the folks, what naughty things did she not do when she was a child? There were a lot of people meeting about digging the rabbit hole, and almost immediately when Qi Yang's voice fell, many people asked for orders.
This is also no way, who told me that all the princesses and the horsemen showed their talents in the morning. They did nothing except pick up their prey and find arrows. If you want to get ahead, you can only rely on this rabbit now.
Qi Yang was quite novel, and he waved his hand and agreed: "Go, I caught a live rabbit, I will have a reward when I return home."
The attendants were even more excited as soon as this was said. They didn’t need to order anything. They turned their heads and got busy. After searching, they found a few more holes nearby, and experienced people tried it. , I was lucky to find a rabbit hidden in the rabbit hole. After that, things were much easier. Dig a hole, light a bunch of fireworks, and just blow smoke in.
After a short while, white smoke gradually emerged from the other holes. There are early guards at the entrance of each cave, and you can catch the rabbits directly after they are smoked out. It is definitely easier than catching rabbits in the open space.
Qi Yang watched with great interest, and Lu Qipei had never seen such a scene. It was strange for the young couple to look from a distance.
There were princesses and horsemen watching, and the attendants were obviously very hardworking. There was nothing wrong with their plan. After waiting for a while, the rabbits in the hole finally couldn't stand it, and they started to run out.
The attendants had quick eyes and quick hands, guarding at the entrance of the cave and catching one by one, it was far easier than before.
Not long after, four or five rabbits were sent to Qi Yang.
There is an explanation for Xiaotuanzi. Qi Yang was also very happy to see these hares, and was about to order everyone to bring the rabbits back to the camp to raise them. When he returned to the mansion, he went to receive the reward, but the horses around him suddenly became agitated.
Qi Yang frowned suddenly, tightened the reins and asked while comforting the horse: "What's the matter?"
The attendants didn't react for a while, and there was no abnormality when they looked around. Lu Qipei frowned and said, "The horse is keenly aware, and there is probably something dangerous in the forest. Let's go back first, don't stay here for a long time."
Sure enough, just as Lu Qipei's voice fell, a tiger roar suddenly came from the mountains and forests.
The horse is more agitated. If it hadn't been trained, he would be able to raise his hoof and run on the spot in the face of such a beast.
Qi Yang's expression was particularly ugly, and he took the lead to run out of the hunting ground, and while running, he said: "That was the tiger's roar just now? How could there be tigers in this hunting ground?!" After she had finished speaking, she thought of something and turned to look at Lu Qipei.
Lu Qipei's face was also not good, she and Qi Yang looked at each other, and the two almost tacitly understood.
Jiuyang Mountain is a royal hunting ground, not a wild land. Although the breeding of beasts here is uncontrolled, beasts such as tigers and leopards will not be left alone, especially before the start of autumn hunting, this hunting ground will be sorted out three or five times by sergeants-after all, those who can participate in autumn hunting They are not ordinary people, but it is impossible for all of these people to be good at killing tigers and leopards.
At this age, the emperor also brought a few emperor grandchildren. Even these young emperor grandsons really took their attendants into the hunting ground for performance! And when the prince is responsible for the safety of the hunting ground, he must be very important. Not to mention tigers and leopards, even bears and wild wolves will not stay this time!
But now, the tiger that would never appear on the hunting ground has appeared...
Qi Yang and Lu Qipei’s hearts both sink a little, especially when they both thought of those little emperor grandchildren—the beasts suddenly appeared in the hunting ground. If they were really targeted, then Wei Wang and these little emperor grandchildren were obviously the best. Important goal!
Watching Qi Yang's expression change, Lu Qipei hurriedly persuaded him when he rode a horse with her: "Don't think too much about Aning, let's go out as soon as possible. It is best to find Yulin to solve it."
Qi Yang pressed his lips tightly, nodded and drove a little faster, his ears were full of howling wind.
They are determined to go, and the horse runs hard enough. But I don't know whether it was bad luck or the wrong direction. When the tiger roar from a long distance sounded again, it seemed to be a little closer to them.
Lu Qipei grabbed the reins abruptly and said, "No, did the tiger run toward us? If you run like this, don't run into it. Let's change the direction."
The voice fell and there was no objection. The attendant who knew the path of the hunting ground ran forward and began to lead the crowd around.
However, they didn't run long after turning around, but they heard a rush of horseshoes, hurriedly, as if being chased by something-in such a situation, the sound of the tiger's roar just now has not gone far, what is chasing the group of people, It almost goes without saying.
Lu Qipei's and Qi Yang's expressions changed, and it was too late to make a turn.
Sure enough, a group of people rushed out of the forest in a hurry. The leading young boy, wearing a brocade dress and a crown, only flees for a while. Even the crown on his head is hung from a branch, and his hair is slightly scattered.
Seeing Qi Yang and his party from a distance, the young boy's eyes suddenly brightened, revealing some hope. But just for a moment, he gritted his teeth and ordered the few attendants behind him: "Turn around and run out of the hunting ground!"
The attendants obviously also saw Qi Yang and his party. They wanted to ask for help, but due to the young boy's order, they had to slightly adjust their direction after him. And just behind them, the gorgeous tiger that only heard its voice finally revealed its features-tall and majestic, extremely mighty, running fast, not slower than the horses that everyone rode.
Quite a few of Qi Yang's group changed their faces when they saw the tiger. They didn't seem to want to pay attention to them until the tiger followed the young boy and his group. They were relieved.
But Qi Yang and Lu Qipei were not relieved, they only felt their hearts lifted.
Especially Qi Yang, chasing the group of people almost without hesitation. Upon seeing this, Lu Qipei followed, and at the same time took the bow and arrow hanging beside the saddle and held it in his hand. He also took time to count the remaining arrows in the quiver.
The attendants didn't know why, but they were scared again, the princess and the horse had already rushed out, and they naturally had to bite the bullet to keep up. When he chased the tiger far behind, he listened to Qi Yang's solemn voice command: "Let me shoot the tiger!"
The first arrow was shot by Lu Qipei. She had a good head, and she originally shot it at the back leg of the tiger. However, the king of beasts was extremely keen, as if he could even detect the attack that appeared behind him, jumped to the side in time, and easily escaped the arrow. Then he didn't stop, still chasing the "prey" ahead and refused to give up.
When Lu Qipei shot the second arrow, the attendants who followed him all reacted and followed them.
Twenty or thirty arrows are not dense, but they are all concentrated in one place, which finally forced the tiger to stop.
The tiger turned his head and roared, shocking everyone's mounts to stop and raise their hooves.
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