Chapter 114: Get sick

The doctor diagnosed nothing wrong. Although the emperor had a fever and fainted, he did not fall into a coma for too long. Only an hour or two before, the emperor woke up too, but he looked at the familiar bed net above his head and couldn't recover.
Zhang Jian was the first to find that the emperor was awake, hurriedly greeted him, and said a little excitedly: "Your Majesty is awake?!"
The emperor blinked, feeling a little groggy in his head. He is not young, his energy is not as good as before, and he has a lot of minor problems. So today he was a little unwell and didn't pay much attention to it: "Zhang Jian? What's wrong with me? Didn't I still discuss matters with the ministers in the hall before? Why did he suddenly go back to the inner hall and lie down?"
Seeing that the emperor seemed to be a little uncomfortable, Zhang Jian frowned and hurriedly summoned the doctor on the side to diagnose the emperor’s pulse. At the same time, he asked for sin. "Your majesty has been suffering from cold and fever for a long time today, but the slave has not been able to find out. Please also punish your majesty."
The imperial doctor had asked the emperor to stretch out his wrist to check his pulse. The emperor heard Zhang Jian's words again, and then he remembered his previous fainting. He frowned and immediately asked: "How long have I been in a coma, can the news spread?"
Zhang Jian knew what the emperor was worried about, but he could only lower his head and replied helplessly: "There were several adults present when your Majesty fainted, and the news cannot be kept. Now the kings and princesses and some important officials are waiting in the outer hall." The emperor's complexion changed slightly, and he added: "Your majesty, don't worry, the prince is here early, and he is presiding over the overall situation outside, so there will be no trouble."
The emperor was relieved when he heard that the prince was coming, and he stretched out his other hand and swayed: "If you go out and preach, just say that I'm fine, let the prince go back to the East Palace sooner. If he doesn't listen, just Burn a few more charcoal basins and let him add more clothes, so that he won’t catch a cold and fall sick."
Their father and son can't get sick together, they need someone to take charge of the overall situation.
Of course Zhang Jian understood. First he raised his eyes to see the imperial physician who diagnosed the pulse, and saw that his expression was relaxed, then he obeyed his orders and went out to spread the word.
The prince and others were relieved when they heard that the emperor woke up without problems. Wang Wei wanted to see the emperor again. After Zhang Jian gave a message, the emperor asked everyone to meet him. He saw that there was nothing wrong with the exception of his bad spirits, and everyone was completely relieved of his concern.
The emperor showed up, didn't want to say anything, waved his hand: "Okay, I'm fine, you all retreat."
This time everyone didn't force it, only King Wei repeatedly told the emperor to take care of his body before he left, and he looked more sincere than before. And his behavior fell in the eyes of others, which means a lot, but even if he doesn't like it, no one will say anything at this time.
The winter days are short, and it is still half afternoon when entering the palace, and the sky is already dark when leaving the palace.
Qi Yang and Lu Qipei were sitting on the carriage returning home, and the atmosphere was a little dull.
After a long while, Qi Yang lowered his head and said in a low voice: "The health of the emperor father is getting worse and worse. Since the previous emperor father was not sick, his body has always been healthy. Until then, when I... It's fine too."
Others might not understand, but Lu Qipei knew that Qi Yang was talking about a past life. In the previous life, Qi Yang died two years later, so she was still a "prophet" for some things. However, with the changes brought about by her two in this life, many things have also changed. On the good side, the crown prince is still there, and temporarily got rid of the fate of the premature death in the previous life. On the bad side, it seems that the emperor's body has deteriorated early.
These two are Qi Yang's father and brother. Lu Qipei can't really say anything, so he can only caress her back and calmly said: "This is a variable, and you and I have nothing to do. I just hope that after this matter, your Majesty can take more care of your health. "
Qi Yang could only nod her head when she heard it, but fortunately, the emperor was really not very ill, and she reluctantly put away her worries.
Abandoning these emotions, Qi Yang began to calmly face the current situation-and closer to it, the emperor's illness will cause some turbulence in the political situation, and even the layout of Beirong may be because of Xie Yuan's opportunity to counterattack. Going farther, the emperor's body will inevitably be damaged after being ill, and his life span may not be as long as expected, and the crown prince's accession to the throne is not out of reach.
The latter is not mentioned. As far as the former is concerned, the emperor should not be ill for too long.
The king of Wei hoped that the emperor would recover as soon as possible, and Qi Yang also hoped that the emperor would heal as soon as possible, including the prince and his clan members, and no one hoped that the emperor’s condition would worsen. Everyone was looking forward to his good, but it turned out to be counterproductive.
When the emperor fainted and woke up, there was nothing serious about it, and the doctor assured him that he was only infected with wind, cold and fever, and everyone also let go of their hearts. However, on the second day, the emperor missed the early dynasty, and for a few days after that he did not meet the ministers to discuss politics, but instead transferred all the government affairs to the East Palace. It is called resting after illness, but everyone knows that a powerful person like the emperor can't be so quiet even if resting!
Gradually, there was a discussion in the court, and the Emperor Dudao became seriously ill.
When King Wei and several princesses got the news, they went to the palace to see each other, but they failed to see Sheng Yan, which also made the rumors more rampant. Fortunately, there is still a prince sitting in the palace in the court, so there is no major trouble!
However, compared with King Wei and other princesses, the benefits of Qi Yang and the prince being close and receiving a holy pet were revealed-she was probably the only princess who knew the true condition of the emperor.
According to Qi Yang's knowledge, the emperor was really cold and low-heat at the beginning, and the imperial doctor awakened him with a single dose of medicine and soothed everyone's mind. But on that night, the emperor's condition repeated, the low-grade fever turned into high-grade fever, and the repeated use of medicine was useless no matter what. The prince guarded him in front of the hospital bed all night, and when the emperor woke up the next day, the prince almost fell ill.
If it's only once, it can be the same for several days in a row. The emperor had a fever shortly after entering the night, and almost all the imperial doctors of the Taiyuan Hospital were in the Xuanshi Hall, and all the means could not make the emperor's condition improved.
The palace was too sad, and the prince also became haggard a lot, which made his thin body thin again.
Qi Yang knew all this, but she had no choice but to help the prince to stabilize the situation as best as she could, and she couldn't even get involved in the emperor's condition. Just looking at the imperial doctor's helpless appearance, my heart gradually sank to the bottom.
After half a month, the emperor woke up from a drowsy drowsiness. He heard a small servant whispering in his ear: "Your Majesty has been ill for a long time, and the hospital hasn't come up with anything. That bowl of bowls. After taking the bitter soup medicine, how do I feel that your majesty’s condition is getting worse? It's better not to take it, maybe it's better to take it for two days."
The emperor was already very ill. Hearing this sentence in a daze, he felt very reasonable for a while. He is not a person who avoids illnesses and doctors, but after drinking the soup for half a month, he himself feels more and more empty, and even his mouth is full of bitterness. It is really hopeless to see it!
The sick people were a bit extreme, and the imperial doctors had no achievements for a long time, and the emperor also questioned their medical skills. He didn't drink the decoction that Zhang Jian sent that day, and Zhang Bang asked for another famous doctor.
No one could stop the emperor's temper, and Zhang Jian was no exception. In the end, he didn't drink the soup.
The prince knew that he still wanted to persuade him the next day. Unexpectedly, a miraculous thing happened-on the night when the emperor refused to take the medicine, he continued to toss for most of the night and the fever ceased. It didn't stop all, and it burned for a while, but it was obviously better than before!
The people living in the palace are very keen, even if it only gets better overnight, this kind of connection is still secretive. After Zhang Jian reported the matter to the prince, the prince, who had always been gentle and benevolent, had a cold face, leaving Yulin to encircle the hospital. After waiting for another day to stop the medicine, the emperor's improvement became more obvious, and the prince was surprised and delighted. He turned his head and summoned the Dali Temple to investigate the matter.
The incident that the emperor was suspected of being assassinated by the hospital didn't spread, but Qi Yang knew it soon. She deliberately visited the palace, and she didn't know what she had discussed with the prince, but she was obviously relieved after returning home.
After a rest for half a month, the emperor who had been absent from the government for more than a month finally appeared in front of everyone.
This time, anyone could see his aging, and his black hair and beard were half white six months ago. It is conceivable that although this "illness" did not cost the emperor's life, it actually hurt his physical foundation, and it was difficult to make up for it.
When Qi Yang saw the rapidly aging emperor, he was very sad. King Wei was even more exaggerated than she was. When facing the saint, he threw himself on the emperor's lap and cried bitterly. He just didn't know whether he was crying for the emperor's physical damage, or crying for the long way ahead.
In the cold winter of this year, the atmosphere of the entire Liang Guochaotang was low and depressed.
Thousands of miles away, in the prime minister's residence of Bei Rong, Xie Yuan had just set off a homing pigeon. He still held a small roll of paper in his hand, and read it again after unfolding it, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more obvious.
After a while, Xu was enough to watch and feel proud, and Xie Yuan threw the note into the stove and burned it.
A small red clay stove, boiled with snow water, soaked tea, the dazzling heat swayed up with the fragrance of tea, which was very artistic. Look at Xie Yuan's wide robe and slowly, making tea by hand, showing her grace and grace. When people see him, they think of elegance and style, as if they are in a Jiangnan family. It is hard to imagine that this is Beirong, and Xie Yuan is not an elegant and leisurely person.
This kind of artistic conception was finally interrupted by a burst of extremely light footsteps. The visitor was Meng Fei. He had just taken the order to release the carrier pigeons, but he came back now with a message: "Lord, please, the princess."
Xie Yuan raised a cup of tea with his hands, his brows frowned slightly, his expression was not as happy as before.
Meng Fei didn't get up when he saw him, so he stepped aside and said nothing. He was like a shadow, following Xie Yuan and protecting Xie Yuan, but he would never interfere with his decision.
At this moment, Xie Yuan obviously didn't want to care about his barbaric wife, he had also gained the upper hand between the two over the years. But now the situation is different. Emperor Rong is renunciation and alienation from him, making him understand the difficulties of being a foreign race in another country.
Xie Yuan's hand holding the teacup was a little tight, but in the end he put down the teacup and got up, and walked out with a flick of his sleeves-if he can't bear it, he will make big plans, and wait for him to remove the hidden dangers, then come and clean up the situation!
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