Chapter 121: Best for me

As the emperor recovered from his illness, Liang's court gradually recovered its stability. It's just that the prince, who had been supporting the administration and taking care of the emperor's illness before, fell seriously ill after the emperor completely recovered.
The father and son became seriously ill one after another, but fortunately, there was always someone supporting the DPRK, and the whole DPRK situation was still stable.
Seeing that the end of the year was approaching, Qi Yang went to visit the palace again. When he returned, he couldn't help but sighed at Lu Qipei: "This year I saw that the emperor's health is getting better, but after the winter, the toss is full. It was in vain."
Lu Qipei was not surprised when he heard this. He only said: "The prince in winter is not physically well. His Majesty’s condition was fierce before, and it was not good for him to hurry up. Later, he insisted on governing, and he only fell ill now. It's not easy. But I also asked the two famous doctors who treated the prince. The prince looked dangerous this time, but it was no different from the past. The spring will be much better."
After four years, the prince became accustomed to illness. Not to mention Qi Yang and Lu Qipei, even the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty were calm. On the contrary, this time the emperor is seriously ill, and he can actually support it, which is impressive.
Only the prince’s illness was the same. It didn’t make any difference whether to say or not, to say more or less, and Qi Yang hadn't used it to add to himself. She just came back after visiting the prince to mention it in passing, and then changed the subject: "I saw Aqi. He was praised by His Majesty last time, and he seemed to be more confident when he came back. Now the emperor is ill and teaches him more. Got up."
In fact, there is no way. After the emperor, his body is not as good as before, and the prince is weak and it is difficult to predict the future. The emperor sent a letter to the prince, but he didn't try to train other sons, and all of them became crooked.
To put it bluntly, if the emperor died at this time, the prince would not know whether he could hold it. And if he can't hold it, neither the abandoned King Chu nor the imprisoned King Qi need to be mentioned. Where is the remaining King Wei? On the contrary, this eldest grandson, who has grown up, can make people look forward to it twice. It is no wonder that he has gradually stepped into everyone's sight after Qiushou showed his face.
However, Qi Yang didn't have much interest in mentioning his grandson. He simply sighed when he saw the young boy who was quite close to him. He is twelve years after the New Year. As long as the prince can last another four to five years, the eldest grandson will be able to stand up.
When Lu Qipei heard the words, he only took a few words: "That's fine."
After a few conversations between the two, Lu Qipei's reaction was light. Qi Yang also seemed to have noticed something, so he approached her and asked, "How do I think you are not in a high mood, but what happened?"
Lu Qipei sat down with her hand in hand and thought for a while and said, "It's nothing, but I count the days, Beirong should have results. It's just that the snow has become heavy recently, and even the homing pigeons can't fly. I don't know the news. When will it be sent back."
In fact, after the incident of the three princesses, whether it was Xie Yuan's follow-up, the design of the Zuo general to reverse the case, or the ruling and meeting of emperors and ministers, all happened within a very short time. However, the messages were transmitted in order, so Lu Qipei couldn't wait for a long time after receiving the first letter. By now, he was a little bit nervous.
Hearing this, Qi Yang stretched out his hand to cover the back of her hand and said with a smile: "Why, Ngai has no confidence in his arrangement?"
Lu Qipei was a little ironed because of Qi Yang's soothing actions, but he laughed when he heard the words: "I am not a god, can I control things thousands of miles away? This time, I can only use the situation opened by your majesty to guide you. Bei Rong has never been there, and his understanding of those people is very general. It is not surprising that if the plan differs from reality, it is difficult to achieve results."
She was magnanimous, but Qi Yang also knew that she cared, and didn't want to comfort him, so he simply said: "Are you worried about what these many do? The sickness of the father and the emperor is healed, and I will definitely fight Xie Yuan. "
They actually don't have to intervene in the struggle of their parents. If Xie Yuan hadn't been too ambitious, it would be nothing if Qi Yang took Lu Qipei directly with Lu Qipei if he was calculating the entire royal family and even the world of Liang.
Lu Qipei couldn't help laughing when she saw that she had betrayed her father without hesitation. As I turned my mind, I hugged my daughter-in-law, and kissed her unceremoniously on the cheek: "Okay, your Highness is still the best to me."
In the palace, the emperor who recovered from his illness did not spend much time, and regained control of the court. He finally had a good time, and finally remembered that there was still a confidant in the north, so he turned to ask Zhang Jian, "Is there any news coming back from the north recently?"
Zhang Jian would be wrong for a while, so he replied: "The Northland sent a message two days ago. There is a heavy snowfall this winter, and there is a risk of snow disaster."
The emperor was speechless for a moment, did not say anything, just stared at Zhang Jian twice.
Zhang Jian reacted immediately, patted his mouth hurriedly, and said with a smile: "It's a minion who misunderstood. Your Majesty asked Bei Rong, right? The spies sent two secret reports. The previous prince read it and read it again. It is sealed, but the new one sent yesterday has not been opened yet."
While speaking, Zhang Jian had found out the two confidential reports and placed them on the emperor's desk respectfully.
The emperor glanced horizontally at him, and then he retracted his gaze and began to take a look. The first to be disassembled and read was the one that the prince had read. The content was not very well-regulated. It was just a custom report, and the emperor threw it aside after reading it. However, after he opened the second confidential report, he was startled at the beginning, and then the expression of the emperor, who had always been in front of the Taishan collapse, did not change his face.
Zhang Jian looked at the emperor’s expression and then looked at the secret report in his hand. He couldn’t help but be curious about the contents of the secret report—I really don’t know what was written on it that could make the emperor care so much. ?
Just thinking about it, when the emperor suddenly laughed and yelled hello, the palace people in the room were all startled.
Zhang Jian was staring at the back of the secret report. He suddenly blurted out the sound, and couldn't help being bluffed. But fortunately, he has been with the king for many years and has already developed the ability to hide emotions. He immediately smiled: "Your Majesty has met a good thing, so he is so happy?"
When the emperor was overjoyed, he didn't hesitate to share it with others, and Zhang Jian asked this question arrogantly, and the decision to say or not is still in the hands of the emperor. Therefore, the emperor never blamed Zhang Jian for talking, and even was willing to tell him many things.
This was the case at the moment. The emperor waved away the others, but smiled with Zhang Jian: "It's a good thing. The emperor of Bei Rong and the prime minister have fallen out. Now his two generals led a division against each other, and one shouted to punish him. Nichen, one shouted at Qingjun's side... Counting days, this news reached my hands, I'm afraid that the Rongguo capital is already out of hand."
When Zhang Jian heard this, he was also happy, and said with joy, "That's not bad, you should let the barbarians beat themselves."
The emperor smiled even more. He didn't know Xie Yuan's details. To him, the entire Rongguo was his opponent. The previous divorce plan was not only aimed at Xie Yuan, but the main purpose was to weaken Rongguo's national strength. And Xie Yuan is such a talented person. It is just like a tiger with him to assist Emperor Rong, so the emperor will be the first to deal with him.
It's just that the previous serious illness has been delayed for too long, and there is no time to follow up with the follow-up measures. The emperor thought that his previous plans were all in vain. I don't know what the wind is like, and I don't know what kind of wind Xie Yuan made, and even ordered his princess's wife to be hacked to death!
In this way, it is no different from conspiracy. There is no need for the emperor to do anything, and it is impossible for the emperor to let Xie Yuan go.
Now it is better for them to bite each other with their monarchs and subjects. It can not only consume the national strength of the glorious country, but also make this pair of monarchs and ministers who once cooperated sincerely fall apart. Without Xie Yuan's planning, the newly-built Rongguo and Rongdi would not be so difficult to deal with.
The emperor collected the secret report, vaguely feeling that there was something strange behind the matter. But since things were beneficial to him, he didn't want to think too much. He turned around and handed the secret report to Zhang Jian, instructing: "Send it to the East Palace and the Prince to see it, so that he can be happy in his illness."
Zhang Jian responded with a smile and quickly ordered the secret report to be sent to the East Palace.
In the East Palace, the prince was seriously ill and was bedridden, but his diligence was not comparable to others-he would also take time to care about government affairs during his illness, so he could not see if he only played a little, so he simply asked the grandson to read in front of the bed. Listen to him. In the past, the eldest grandson finished reading the prince and then ordered him to write, but now the prince has two more expectations and patience for this son, and he is willing to teach him the government affairs carefully.
The father and son taught and learned, and got along three minutes closer than before. On the contrary, before the sickbed, they were exceptionally warm and harmonious.
It was at this time that the secret message sent by Zhang Jian was delivered. After receiving the secret report, the prince read it three times, but it was not as pure as the emperor. He knew more and thought of more, his expression was very complicated for a while.
When the eldest grandson saw this, he couldn't help being curious, and coupled with the improvement in his relationship with his father, he asked carefully: "Father, what is written on it?"
After hearing the words, the prince thought for a while and passed the secret report. The eldest grandson has little knowledge of state affairs, and he hasn't even finished studying the affairs of Liang's country. Naturally, he hasn't learned about the affairs of other countries. After reading it, he is a little ignorant. However, he was aware of the most basic Beirong civil strife. He just didn't understand the attitude of the prince, so he asked more carefully: "Father, Liang Rong is a rival, is there anything wrong with Beirong civil strife?"
Of course there is nothing bad, but the prince is worried, but it is not easy to talk to his son. He thought for a while, and then ordered the people to send the secret report to Qiyang Mansion, and the grandson was even more puzzled when he saw it.
The prince didn’t explain anything in the end, but he didn’t know what he said,
A Qi, your aunt Qi Yang is a trustworthy person, and her husband is also very talented. But for you, uncle, you always remember to be two guards. it is good."
The eldest grandson became more and more ignorant, and it was obvious that his father deliberately told him to write it down.
It’s just in his own heart that he has a good impression of his uncle, who is thin and handsome, but who has wonderful archery skills-there are good-looking people everywhere, not to mention that they are good-looking and capable, even The prince personally praised the incomparable man.
The prince may not know, because of his own words, the eldest grandson is more concerned about Lu Qipei. He is planning for his son's future, but certain worries are actually unnecessary.
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