Chapter 19: Smile extra sweet

"Father, this answer sheet was sent to the Gongyuan by your ministers." Qi Yang said frankly, as if it should be.
The emperor was a little surprised, and then furious, even if he had guessed it, he couldn't believe it. The more he was kneeling on the side of the equation, the more he was not surprised, it was just that he dared not look up at this moment, simply lowering his eyebrows and pretending that he did not exist.
With a "bang", the emperor slapped the imperial case with a heavy palm. He even jumped three times with the tea cup at hand, and made a crisp sound of porcelain clashing: "What a shit! The imperial examination is for the country. How could it be you? What's the trick?!"
Qi Yang did not panic. He still maintained an upright salute, but he explained: "My father misunderstood. The son did not intend to intervene in the imperial examination. The reason he sent this answer sheet was just to borrow the hands of the examiners from Chunwei. , Help me evaluate the answer sheet." After speaking, he added a sentence: "It is deliberately not to leave a name, just to prevent accidents from being selected."
There seems to be some truth to this statement, although it's all wrong to hear it.
The emperor squinted slightly, did not speak for a while, only looked at Qi Yang, his expressions could not distinguish between happiness and anger.
Qi Yang also looked at the emperor, his eyes were so clear that he could not see the city mansion, with only some cunning and small ingratiation-she had to be favored by the emperor, and she had always acted appropriately. At this moment, she showed a flattering appearance, which really made the emperor feel soft. A bit.
Seeing that the emperor was being comforted for the time being, Qi Yang looked at Ji Yue again, and asked as if nothing had happened: "Master Fang, how about this answer sheet? This palace just heard you say that you should nod your name. The current ranking is not counted. What about the answer sheet itself?"
What else? Don’t you all say you nodded? !
The more the equation understood Qi Yang's meaning, he only felt that he was really unlucky, but at the moment he had to bite the bullet and say: "If you can win the eyes of your highness, the answerer is very talented, and this answer sheet is also rare." In fact, I also appreciate these articles, so I added: "If you point as the first name, the minister and the examiners agree."
As soon as he said this, the emperor also became curious, and temporarily turned away from Qi Yang's presumptuous presumption, and asked: "Is it so good?" After speaking, he looked at the waiter next to him: "I will take the exam paper. Let me have a look."
Hearing the words, the servant stepped forward and finally took the test paper that had been presented for a long while.
In the three nine-day exams, the answer sheets add up to a thick pile. After the emperor took it, he ignored others and looked through it casually. He didn't read it fast. After reading the two pages, he suddenly raised his head and said to the equation: "It is not in compliance with the rules and has not been referenced. This test paper does not count. Fang Aiqing will go back first and postpone the following rankings."
The more accurate the equation was, the emperor was not accountable, and he was secretly relieved, hurriedly agreed to leave.
He only felt that his back was wet with sweat after he got out of the door of the Xuanshi Hall. On the way back, while secretly scolding Princess Qi Yang for recklessness, while thinking of the answer sheet, she felt that the good talent was delayed by the princess in this way, regretting it.
Here, the Xiangjiu had already walked out of the palace gate, and went back to the Gongyuan to give everyone an explanation. The emperor Xiang over there was still looking through the exam paper. The slower he read it, the more careful he read, the more attentive he became, and he gradually became fascinated, and even forgot Qi Yang's accountability.
Of course Qi Yang and the prince would not bother him. The brothers and sisters looked at each other, and both felt that the matter had become eight points.
Sure enough, when the emperor finally read the stack of answer sheets in his hand, the first sentence he raised his head was: "Where is this person now? He is so talented, why not go directly to the Gongyuan for reference?"
Qi Yang stepped forward and replied, serious before he missed seeing him with a smile: "It was the son of the minister who met by chance on the way back to Beijing. She is talented, but she has never participated in the scientific examination, and has no merit or fame. The son of the minister also took a lot of thought and thought. She wrote these test papers in the other courtyard." After speaking, she blinked her eyes again, revealing the attitude of a little girl: "She not only writes well in the article, but also has a beautiful birth."
When Qi Yang mentioned the other courtyard, the emperor had a guess in his heart—after all, there was something that Zhang Zhen had made in front of him—after listening to Qi Yang exaggerating that people were good, and still showing such a gesture, how could the emperor not understand her thoughts?
It was a bit funny in my heart. If the imperial examination court did not really involve the incident, it meant that it was just the little daughter's mischief. The emperor was much more tolerant: "This person is indeed talented, and the emperor recommends meritorious services. What reward can I expect?"
In one sentence, the matter was defined on the recommendation, and by observing the meaning in the words, he was about to grab someone from Qi Yang.
How could Qi Yang not understand that the emperor was joking again, she blinked her eyes and turned her eyes slightly, and then smiled: "It's too late for my son, and I want to ask my father for a princess mansion. And the person who wrote the article, it would be better to How about doing a long history for your children?"
The princess always wants to build a princess mansion when she grows up, so this is not a reward, after all, she is still asking people.
How could the emperor know that, pointing her finger at her and laughing, "You, you, you have such a talent, wouldn't it be wrong to go to the princess mansion to do a long history?" After that, he said, "What's more, the official position you want to ask for is not the emperor's official position. What long history, right? Du Lie Ma Ma should be your heart."
Qi Yang blinked again when he heard the words, and smiled with a particularly sweet smile: "Father, the emperor is aware of Qiuhao, and his sons and ministers also think that they are very good."
Her Royal Highness was too upright, not as shy as an ordinary woman when talking about marriage. However, the matter of the husband and the horse cannot be settled in a few words, even if the emperor himself has no plans to find a son-in-law among the royal family, basic investigations are still indispensable.
But character background needs to be investigated, talent ability is not necessary-that answer sheet can already prove many questions. At least after the emperor read the first ten examination papers sent by the equation Yue again, he has determined that Lu Qipei's talent shown in the article is indeed worthy of the current leader. It's a pity that she didn't come out on a serious imperial examination path, and she had no merit or fame before, but she couldn't take up a place for the examination.
After that, the emperor thought for a moment, and at the suggestion of the prince, with a stroke of a pen, he directly decreed that Lu Qipei should be appointed as an official. It was compiled from the sixth-grade imperial academy, and the grade was not comparable to the princess mansion’s regular fifth-grade long history. The starting point for the top scholars!
When there was no rule of not being allowed to participate in politics, the emperor was unwilling to let go of talents, and he believed that Lu Qipei had the talent and ability to subdue the literati of the Imperial Academy. If she can't do it, then he can't even stand in the Hanlin Academy, and don't even think about it!
The little abacus in the emperor's heart was smashing, and the princess was also very satisfied after knowing. Only this imperial decree was passed to the Lu Mansion, but everyone was shocked, including Lu Qipei himself, with a dazed expression.
After the palace clerk left, Lu Qipei was surrounded by everyone's eyes.
The calm was suddenly broken, and the poor, ignorant Lu Qipei trembling with the imperial edict, was finally taken away by Qi Bo with a blank face. But when she returned to the guest house where she lived temporarily, what she faced was nothing more than a more direct questioning.
Qi Bo looked at the imperial decree in her hand with a complicated expression: "Little...Young Master, what's the matter with this imperial decree?"
When the imperial decree comes down, Lu Qipei's female identity will be completely hidden, otherwise, no matter what the emperor's decree is, they will be the crime of deceiving the emperor. No one dares to neglect this serious crime of the nine races, and it is necessary to be cautious in private.
Lu Qipei was at a loss at the beginning, but when she returned to the guest house, she actually had guesses in her heart--no need to think about it at all, except for Qi Yang, she didn't know anyone who could come into contact with the emperor, or even apply for an official position in front of the emperor. people. In particular, Lu Qipei remembered the Chunwei answers he had left in the other courtyard, and he was afraid that it was because of this that he entered the emperor's eyes!
I thought it was to catch a knife for others, but unexpectedly it was my own villain's heart, but this result was not what she wanted!
Thinking of the answer sheet he had written with all his energy, Lu Qipei suddenly felt the feeling of lifting a rock and hitting him in the foot, and he was so suffocated that he could not cry. In the face of Tibo's cross-examination, he only replied with sorrow: "Xu is because I did a few articles for others a few days ago."
A few articles can change a sixth-grade official position? Don't say Qi Bo doesn't believe it, no one can believe it!
However, Lu Qipei is not a liar, Qi Bo can tell at a glance that she is telling the truth. Looking at the sudden decree of canonization, I became more suspicious: "What article is it?"
Lu Qipei thought about it for a while, but didn't mention a sentence beside it. He simply repeated the Chunwei exam questions one by one.
She was telling the truth, but Qi Bo felt more frightened as she listened. There is no reason for him. Even if Lu Qicheng failed to finish the exam this time, he ordered the test questions to be collected-three years later, he had to take another test. It's always right to prepare more.
Qi Bo is a shrewd person, even if Lu Qipei didn't say much, he guessed that the other party had met a noble person. This was a little bit inconsistent with his investigation, and his brows were unscrewed, but he didn't say much, he just said: "The son is good luck, I met a nobleman recommended. Now I have entered the Hanlin, but I have saved the trouble of the scientific examination, son You should also do something in the Imperial Academy..."
Lu Qipei was a little uneasy when he heard it, and always felt that things were moving in the direction of the previous life-looking at Qi Bo's chattering advice, how similar is it to the previous life? They still count on themselves to be that puppet stand-in!
While in a daze, Qi Bo suddenly asked: "My son, I don't know who is the nobleman who helped you? For such a great kindness, we should prepare some gifts to thank you."
When Lu Qipei heard this, he made up his mind to stay away from Qi Yang, and said, "I don't know her identity."
Qi Bo looked at her again when he heard the words, not forcing him, but his eyes were meaningful.
The person who was awarded an official here was frowning. On the other side, Lu Qicheng, who was injured in bed, also felt angry. When he heard the news, he directly smashed the bronze mirror on his hand. His face was not healed and Lu Qipei was awarded an official , Even if one day he restores his appearance and replaces it, that would replace Lu Qipei's name identity. The person acting as a stand-in became him!
Self-esteem was as high as Lu Qicheng, and he couldn't accept this, and Fang Tingping's mood suddenly collapsed not long after.
The author has something to say: Qi Yang (laughs cleverly): The emperor's father is observant of Qiuhao, and the emperor's father Chinchilla has something to say, and the sons and ministers thanked the emperor for his husband!
The emperor (with a dumb look): Wait, I didn't agree to anything, did I?
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