Chapter 30: She's just a little sour

The date on Xiu Muri was very pleasant, but the happy time always passed quickly, and Xiu Mu passed in a blink of an eye.
Qi Yang has started to run to the Palace of the Xuan Dynasty again in the past few days. Due to the remaining reservedness, she will not directly urge the emperor to make an order for the marriage. But such a big person is always in front of his eyes, how can the emperor know his daughter's mind?
I sighed in my heart that "women's college is not staying", but the emperor really didn't mean to make an decree to give a marriage soon. It's true that he loves Qi Yang very much, but it is precisely because of this love that he needs to study her husband more so as not to be trusted. And Lu Qipei has only been in the Imperial Academy for a decade, and he doesn't have the dazzling aura of the former champion, the emperor naturally has to wait.
After Qi Yang ran a few times to the Palace of Xuanshi, she also understood that she could not blame the emperor, but she couldn't help but regret it - if she didn't bring Lu Qipei back to the palace that day, would she have replaced Lu Qicheng as in her previous life? Identity set foot in the examination room, and finally dominate?
You know, the former emperor gave her a marriage to the champion Lang, it was very happy!
However, it is too late to say anything now, Qi Yang can't help but feel a little bit anguished. In addition, she has been out of the palace too many times recently. After the emperor mentioned it once, she would not be able to go in and out of the palace so unscrupulously. The next few days will be much more peaceful.
But not seeing each other does not mean not contacting each other, especially for the two who have just exchanged their minds, how can they stand loneliness? So the spies who Qi Yang stayed outside the palace were transferred to messengers, and they passed letters or objects inside and outside the palace in two days.
Occasionally it is a letter, occasionally a flower, occasionally a small gift made by Lu Qipei...
When Qi Yang received the two boxes of new spices from Lu Qipei again, she also learned a piece of news: Lu Qicheng, who disgusted her so much, hadn't waited for her to make a move. It seemed that someone would look at him first.
Falling into a drowsiness for no reason, and less and less time to wake up during the day, but the famous doctors who were invited were helpless. In other words, they didn't diagnose Lu Qicheng's body at all! Under such circumstances, there are only two explanations. Either Lu Qicheng suddenly suffered from an unknown strange disease, or he was secretly handled by someone, and the person who did it was very concealed.
Qi Yang selfishly thought it was the latter. No matter how innocent she was born in the palace, the secret methods she had seen were not comparable to ordinary people, so she didn't believe in such a coincidence. Besides, Lu Qicheng is so annoying, how many people have offended him!
After gloating for a while, Qi Yang didn't take it too seriously. As she asked people to check it, she began to fiddle with the newly received gift-of the two boxes of spices, one was Lu Qipei's new fragrance, fresh and elegant, and the other was her own plum fragrance.
Qi Yang was a little happy holding the fragrance of plum blossoms, turned his head and told Zhi Ting to smoke all her bedding with the fragrance of plum blossoms.
After receiving the order, Zhi Ting's expression was a little hard to say, and she wanted to remind her to be more reserved, but she swallowed it when she said it... Forget it, no one else knows, just use it as an ordinary incense.
That night, Qi Yang lay on the bed full of plum blossoms as he wished, and the faint fragrance of flowers enveloped her. The only regret is that the same incense, but without the person, seems to be missing something, which makes people feel a little sad.
But when he heard the dark guard's return the next day, Qi Yang's melancholy became hard to say.
A small piece of soothing fragrance was placed on Qi Yang's desk, and it was almost unnecessary to think about who did it. And the most amazing thing is that this calming scent is the same as the scent used by Lu Qicheng before-it is made by the same person, and even the best perfumer may hardly smell the difference.
When a person gets used to something, it is easy to ignore it, and Lu Qicheng has been using Lu Qipei's incense for five years!
The incense that I use every day, or the ordinary smell, burns quietly in a corner of the house. Who can notice?
This is really a simple and direct method, but it turns out to be quite useful.
Qi Yang was surprised and surprised, but he did not feel that Lu Qipei was cruel.
At best, she was...a little sour.
Although knowing that it is unreasonable to be jealous about such serious things, Qi Yang could not help thinking when he learned the truth. Is the box of spices that she almost used as a token of love, is it just the other party's handy match? !
What is even more frustrating is that reality has proved that 80% of the box of spices is really a gift prepared by the other party. After all, at that time Lu Qipei had never thought of relying on this box of spices to confess, her main purpose was obviously to be unruly. Lu Qicheng's revenge.
As a result, the revenge was very successful, and the relationship went smoothly, but the princess who realized later was a little depressed.
However, the depressed princess had to straighten her face and instructed the secret guard: "Do a good job of the aftermath, don't let others notice."
Hearing the order, the dark guard showed a subtle expression on his rigid face: "His Royal Highness is too worried, the strange spices in the Lu family's warehouse have been used up, and this last bit is left in the incense burner."
It was the time when someone noticed the difference after the attack broke the fragrance. I have to say that Lu Xiu's timing was too clever.
Compared with Qi Yang's complicated mood after learning the truth, Lu Qipei's days can be said to be relaxed and comfortable.
In the imperial court, I got mixed up like a fish, and when I got home, I wrote a letter to my sweetheart, Hongyan. Occasionally combine incense or prepare some small gifts, all of which are sent to the palace-the little love is worrying, but it also fills the whole heart.
Lu Qipei put all his attention on official affairs and romance, so that he almost forgot what he had done.
Until another day of rest arrived, Lu Qipei and Qi Yang made an appointment to meet at the other courtyard. Before leaving the house, she was blocked by Lu Qicheng at the entrance of the courtyard. At this time, Lu Qicheng could already abandon the crutches and walk a few steps, and the scars on his face were also The scab fell off, revealing new tender flesh and slightly bulging scars underneath. But at the same time, he fell into a lethargy for more than nine hours a day.
Lu Qicheng was a little scared. No amount of ambition could match the threat of death. He was afraid that one day he would die in a dream. But in the limited waking time, he couldn't think of any enemy he had, and would put such a bad hand on him.
Finally, he thought of Lu Qipei, even if he didn't feel that this kind and soft sister would have such a sharp means. But who made him let Ayu poison her with his front foot, and he was conspired on the back foot himself?
It was such a coincidence that people had to be suspicious, especially Lu Qicheng was a suspicious person.
Lu Qipei was also in a mixed mood when he saw Lu Qicheng, and it was rare that he didn't have a good face: "I have something else, Acheng, you get out of it first."
After several meetings, the relationship between the siblings and brothers took a turn for the worse. Even if Qi Bo suppressed the poisoning matter, how could anyone inside know who could not guess? Although Lu Qipei still doesn't understand why Lu Qi became so murderous to her, they obviously can't go back to the past.
Now that he had torn his face, Lu Qicheng didn't bother to pretend to be gentle and innocent. He took a few steps to grab Lu Qipei's skirt. Upon seeing this, Lu Qipei hurriedly withdrew a step back, making him pounced: "What are you going to do?!"
Lu Qicheng staggered, then raised his head and looked at her fiercely after hearing the words: "Are you right? You did it on me, right? You ruined my face, and you broke my leg. Now you still want to Take my life!"
Lu Qipei felt a guilty conscience when he heard the questioning, but after hearing that he frowned again: "What are you talking about?!"
Lu Qicheng wanted to be cruel, but when he looked at this face very similar to himself, his expression suddenly softened: "Sister, sister, you can't do this to me. We grew up together, we depended on each other, you said we should be good Protect me, you can’t do this to me! Will you give me the antidote? I was not good before, I promise I will never be jealous of you again, and never do it to you again..."
When he softened his voice and begged, he seemed to be asking her for help when he was young. At that time he begged her to help him copy books, help him be lazy, help him fool Mr. And now he begged her to disregard the past, begging her to give him an antidote, he wanted to live.
There was a moment of trance in Lu Qipei's eyes, but looking at the person who had become disgusting in front of him for some time, the trance quickly disappeared. She took a few steps back and said coldly: "I don't understand what you are talking about."
Lu Qicheng seemed to be irritated by these words, and his pitiful expression returned to his hideousness again, as if he was about to pounce on the person in front of him the next moment.
However, it was just like, because Lu Qicheng's fingers just touched the corner of Lu Qipei's clothes, he suddenly lost his strength. Immediately after a "puff", he hit the ground hard like an unconscious stone!
The shallow dust raised, Lu Qipei frowned and took two steps back, shocked Puding.
Just at this moment, Qi Bo led a few guards into the yard, and at a glance he saw the two brothers and sisters standing and lying down.
Lu Qipei pursed his lips. Today's good mood has disappeared and turned into full dignity: "Qibo, what's wrong with him, Ah Cheng?"
A guard had already stepped forward to help Lu Qicheng, and when he turned the person over, he was undoubtedly asleep again-although the special soothing fragrance had stopped, Lu Qicheng's symptoms were getting worse and worse. I can't control myself, and may fall asleep anytime, anywhere. And the reason why he waited until now to find Lu Qipei was entirely because she went out early and returned late every day, and he couldn't wait.
Lu Qipei’s question seemed to be as concerned as in the past, but she did not go to help Lu Qicheng to know that this concern was not as pure as before... The two sisters and brothers had a discord. This is obvious. After all, Lu Qipei is not stupid. .
Qi Bo's attitude towards Lu Qipei was noncommittal, but a pair of sharp eyes stayed on her for a while, as if he was trying to figure out something, and he seemed to be evaluating something. It took a while before he said, "The young master is in ill health, so let's take care of him."
Lu Qipei didn't ask any more, watching the guard set up Lu Qicheng to leave, and then left soon.
Qi Bo was left alone, looking at the back of his siblings, and had not left for a long time.
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