Chapter 69: Jingcheng is not broken

At the end of October, the little snow in the capital fell one after another, which seemed gentle and beautiful at first glance.
At the same end of October, the northern Xinjiang was raging by wind and snow, and no matter how thick a thick fur coat was able to withstand the overwhelming cold invasion-such weather, not to mention dripping into ice, was also a bitter cold that people in the South could not imagine.
With a "hu", someone exhaled heavily, and the hot air immediately condensed into a white mist in front of his eyes, almost completely obstructing people's vision. He stepped out and stepped in the snow, half of his leg suddenly sank in. The whole person was caught off guard and lost his balance. He almost fell forward. Fortunately, he was pulled by a companion next to him, and he didn't fall into the snow. .
With lingering fears, the man stepped on his foot that was stuck in the snow, and then drew his other foot down, only to find that there was a small in front of him. It's a pity that it was covered by this heavy snow, and the whole area looked flat. The small pits and small stones were all hidden under the snow invisible.
"There is a in front, so be careful." He reminded the companion behind him aloud, and then casually folded the branches to explore the way in front.
The group of people stumbled forward, every step in the snow was quite exhausting, and they had been walking like this for a day and a night, and even the people would run out of energy. Finally someone couldn't help but ask: "When shall we go?"
The leader took a breath and replied, "Let's go to Jingcheng. Let's walk too slowly. Pingcheng has been broken, and the nearest one is Jingcheng."
Most of this line is not a native of northern Xinjiang. They first come here, at most they have seen a map, and they don't know how far Jingcheng is. So after a few steps, someone asked, "How far is Jingcheng?"
The leading Beijiang people stood still and took a sigh of relief, then looked back at the group of people. Two dozen people, with only three horses, were not only exhausted after a day and night of trekking, but even the three horses that were carrying people were equally exhausted and panting. He didn't think this would work, but he looked around but didn't see a suitable place to rest: "We have to go south for a day. If we can't walk, we have to find a place to rest first."
As soon as this remark came out, no one refuted it, and just rushed, but the string in my heart didn't know whether to tighten or loosen.
The change happened the night before. Huaicheng, which was originally located behind the army, was peaceful and comfortable. The prince personally guarded the city. With thirty thousand troops stationed in the city, many of the high soldiers in the city were invincible. But just the night before, the gate of the city was opened by someone unknown, and three thousand troops of Invalides entered the city silently.
Fighting, chaos, fire, wailing...
The prince personally went into battle and led Liang Jun to resist foreign enemies. How did he know that betrayal was behind him? In the end, a team of Habayashi desperately rescued the prince, but Huaicheng, which had suffered rebellion, was completely destroyed, and they took the injured prince on the road to escape.
Pingcheng was originally the nearest place, where it was the logistics granary of the army, and there were also three princes. But the group of people who fled could not have imagined that Huaicheng had fallen just now, and Pingcheng had fallen even faster than Huaicheng!
The group rushed to Pingcheng, and even almost sent themselves and the prince to the door. Fortunately, a few veterans from the Northern Frontier Army had escaped with them. They sensed something was wrong from a distance, and then they escaped with them. It's just that Pingcheng has no hope, and if he has to go to the next city, it is really difficult to drive in this icy world for this group of pampered Yulin.
Finally, everyone found a sheltered at the foot of the mountain. Many people seem to sit down anywhere, and when they are relaxed, they no longer have the strength to get up. Then tiredness, sleepiness, cold and hunger followed one after another, almost crushing the young Yulin.
Most of the people have collapsed to the ground, only a few people are still guarding the three horses, and they are helping them down.
Three horses carried three people, and the Prince was not surprisingly one of them. His lips were pale, but his face was flushed abnormally. At first glance, he knew that he was feverish. It was a sequelae of the wound before he could deal with it.
Although the prince was a little confused when he was helped off his horse, he was still awake. When asked, he shook his head unresponsively, and said weakly: "Nothing." Then he cheered up and asked, "How about the two?"
The prince asked about the people on the other two horses, one of them was his wife, and the other was his prince guard. The latter fought bravely for him, and after blocking the enemy, the former blocked the deadliest blow for him when he was sneak attacked. Now both of them are in bad condition, at least the injuries are much heavier than the prince.
Someone had already investigated the situation of the two of them, and the tone was not easy when they reported: "Both adults are in a coma."
The prince heard the words, but he was relieved, somehow he was still alive.
The group of people rested on the spot, and tried every means to light a bonfire to dispel some of the cold. However, everyone is still facing a dilemma, the first is starvation-when the city is broken, they rush to flee, and no one would think of bringing dry food. Now that they have been out of the siege and drove a day and a night, everyone is already hungry, and what is worse is the ice and snow, and they can't find prey if they want to hunt.
Someone looked at the horses that were tied to the side, watching them throw away the snow and mud and look for grassroots on the ground to eat. They couldn't help holding their stomachs and said enviously, "It's great that they can find something to eat."
The voice fell, but the person was already tired and fell asleep with his eyes closed.
Except for the few who stayed on alert, most people fell asleep quickly. They formed a circle, barely guarding the prince in the center, and left him the position closest to the fire.
At this moment, two guards were surrounding the prince to help him deal with the wound.
Unbuttoning the heavy fur clothes, the apricot clothes inside were almost completely stained with red blood. Even now, the blood clotted and darkened, but it was still shocking. There is a big wound lying on the prince’s right shoulder, which was caused by a knife being cut from the back. This is still quick to find out. He pushed the prince away and stepped forward to block most of the blade, otherwise the knife would be straight. It hit the crown prince on the back of his neck and directly killed him.
The guards carefully untied the temporary bandaged wound. The blood scab had clotted and stuck to the cloth, but the prince had to deal with the fever wound. In the end, the guards could only grit their teeth and sue, and then tore off the stuck cloth in one go.
The prince gritted his teeth and snorted, and red blood came out immediately.
Upon seeing this, the alert northern Xinjiang veteran hesitated and handed over a wine pouch. Facing the prince, he was obviously nervous and hesitating: "There is liquor in it. After being injured, it will be better to wash with this..."
The prince did not doubt, and even thanked him, let the guards check that there was no problem with the spirits, and then he poured himself on the wound.
Heart-piercing pain, the prince was so cold and sweaty that he was almost collapsed. He only felt that he had never suffered such a crime in his life. But in the end he gritted his teeth and endured it. Only when the pain subsided, he said in a dumb voice: "Put medicine."
The guards hurriedly re-applied medicine for him-wound medicine, everyone remembered to prepare some after the battlefield. Ordinary sergeants may not be able to prepare medicine, but at least Habayashi and the Prince's guard are not short of medicine.
The spirits cleaned the wound and put on good gold sore medicine. The prince's originally burnt brain was sober now.
He raised his sleeve and wiped the cold sweat on his face. The exhaled heat condensed into mist: "Where is this now? What is the situation?"
The guards collected the medicine and returned the wine pouch to the northern Xinjiang veteran. He replied: "His Royal Highness, Huaicheng is broken, and Pingcheng is lost. We are now going to Jingcheng. This is... it is said that we still have to go. Go another day."
The prince was obviously shocked when he heard that Pingcheng had been lost. He sat up abruptly, and the wound that had just been bandaged almost cracked open again: "How come? Pingcheng granary, there are heavy soldiers guarding..." He said as he thought of Huai. The rebellion in the city paused again. After a while, he asked with a heavy tone: "Where is the third prince? Did he escape?"
Before the group went to Pingcheng, the northern Xinjiang veteran also went to the front to investigate, and then replied: "The third prince abandoned the city and fled from the beginning."
They didn't know how Pingcheng broke, but the news came out that the three princes abandoned the city and ran away. The prince actually didn't blame him when he heard it. If Pingcheng is really like Huaicheng, the three princes will be able to run ahead or protect themselves.
Just thinking that this matter is still bad, the prince sighed after a long while and said: "It's better to go to Jingcheng as soon as possible."
In this situation, the prince obviously felt bad even if the news was limited. Huaicheng and Hepingcheng are both very important at this time. The former represents the location of the prince. After being broken, it is like beheading. The impact on the morale of the army can be imagined. The latter is even more important for granaries, and the importance of money and food to war is also unquestionable. It can be said that Les Invalides' sneak attack this time can be described as a marvelous achievement, and it is even expected to influence the battle!
At this time, even if the prince only breathed in, he had to appear in front of others as soon as possible to revive his military spirit. What's more, he still has worries in his heart, fearing that Jingcheng will change when he goes too late, and it will be even more difficult for the group of them to go to the next city.
The group rested for half a day without eating, and finally had to swallow some snow to get their stomachs down, and then started the journey again.
When it was getting dark, they met another group of people. A team of five or six hundred people, wearing military uniforms made by the Liang Kingdom, and embarrassed with blood-stained armor, was just a remnant who was defeated from Pingcheng and was also ready to flee to Jingcheng.
After the two parties met, the prince revealed his identity after the test, and easily gathered the remnant soldier.
From these remnants, the prince reluctantly pieced together some situations in which Pingcheng had been destroyed-very similar to what happened to Huaicheng, the sudden Invalides, the gates of the city opened by someone unknown, and then they fought and killed Pingcheng overnight.
Obviously, there are internal responses in both cities, which made the prince more worried. However, encountering this team of remnants was also considered urgent for the prince, because from the hands of these remnants, the prince and them finally got some food and barely managed to eat.
Then the integrated team continued to rush to Jingcheng, and they encountered many remnants one after another on the road. The prince did not blame them for losing, and all gathered together. Before arriving in Jingcheng, the team behind him had nearly two thousand people.
Fortunately, Jingcheng has not been broken.
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