Chapter 7: Did you see

Qi Yang still thought about Lu Qipei in his heart, but she didn't dare to show any eagerness to leave in front of the emperor, so she spoke with the emperor for a long time. It was not until the emperor showed a little fatigue that she took the opportunity to retire.
When he returned to Jingchen Palace, Qi Yang stepped eagerly, so he could not worry about the person who was suddenly taken into the palace and left alone.
In the Jingchen Palace, everything went as usual. With Qi Yang's return, the palace people on duty greeted him with salute.
Qi Yang's footsteps didn't stop, and he passed through the road that the palace people had allowed. Until he entered the main hall, Qi Yang glanced around and didn't see the familiar figure, then he asked: "Where is Lu Qipei?"
Zhi Ting walked out and reported quietly: "Your Highness, Master Lu is bathing."
Qi Yang was stunned when he heard the answer-in this palace, it is not uncommon to wear a splendid silk, on the contrary, the short brown patch that Lu Qipei is wearing today is the most eye-catching.
Zhi Ting didn't know which Qi Yang's previous words were true or a joke, but he allowed Lu Qipei to hang around in Jingchen Palace dressed up like this, for fear that it would be eye-catching. It's better to pack up quickly, and don't let people doubt your Highness's vision.
Qi Yang naturally had no objection to this. After all, as Lu Qipei looked like today, besides Coke, she was actually a little distressed-others didn't understand, but she knew what Lu Qipei was escaping from.
Looking sideways at the faint sky, Qi Yang said: "Prepare dinner and bring it up when she finishes bathing."
After hearing the words, Zhi Ting glanced at Qi Yang again, feeling amazed again in his heart, but did not dare to ask too much. She bowed down, and was about to withdraw from outside the temple to give her orders. Suddenly, her Highness asked again: "By the way, Zhi Ting, where did you put her?"
Busily stopping the retreat, Zhi Ting turned around and replied: "The slave servant courageously placed Master Lu in the side hall."
Qi Yang was favored, and her deceased mother and concubine were not low, and the entire Jingchen Palace was her territory. Although Jingchen Palace is not big, the side halls and side halls add up to seven or eight. The side halls mentioned by Zhi Ting are the closest palaces to Qiyang's bedroom, but they are independent halls. Unless the closeness and affection shown by Her Royal Highness are all false, this arrangement will not go wrong.
Of course there was nothing wrong with this arrangement, Qi Yang wouldn't mind Lu Qipei living close to her, she would only feel that the other party was not close enough to her! However, this distance is just right before she actually abducts a person as a consort, and she is already anxious today.
He waved Zhi Ting away, Qi Yang quietly drank a cup of tea in the main hall, and then he couldn't sit still. She was noble and didn't need to care about the eyes of others, so she stepped out of the main hall and went to the side hall next door.
The hot water soaked all over the body washed away tiredness, Lu Qipei leaned against the edge of the bathtub and exhaled a deep breath-she didn't know how things had developed into the land like this, and it was enough to follow Her Royal Highness to steal into the palace as soon as her mind was hot, but she should do it again in the future. How to do?
Are you going to stay? Is it to remind me or not to meet again?
Lu Qipei had some contradictions. She thought it was best to stay away from the beginning and never appear in front of Qi Yang. But now they met in advance, and the little princess showed her a deeper affection from the beginning. She was really afraid that if she left, the princess would let people look for her, and then she would look for it accidentally. We arrived at Lu Qicheng who looked exactly like her!
She believed that with Lu Qicheng's scheming, she would not let go of such a great opportunity, saying that she would pretend to be her.
If this is the case, wouldn't it have killed the princess again for a lifetime?
Lu Qipei closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, not at ease how he thought about it, and even the thought of fleeing with him was weakened.
What if you don't escape? Not to mention how risky she stayed in the palace, nor how likely she was to be found by the Lu family after she left the palace, what was the point of saying that she stayed? Didn't you still want to stay and be the little princess again?
Thinking of this, Lu Qipei couldn't help but laugh, thinking that he was really thinking too much because of the little princess.
There are thousands of clues in my mind, but I can't think of a perfect solution. She was slightly short, irritated, and immersed her entire face in the water, until she couldn't hold her breath anymore when she couldn't breathe well, and then broke through the water under the surface. Then he wiped his face and finally decided to take a step.
Lu Qipei took a shower without hurriedly, and his hair and clothes changed in an orderly manner. Although she was disturbed in her heart, she still had a good mentality - after all, she was a man who had been a horseman in a previous life, and Jingchen Palace was not the first time she came back. She felt a little less natural fear of the palace in her heart. That's why he dared to follow Qi Yang to mess around, and because of this, he has never expressed panic since entering the palace.
After a brief cleaning, Lu Qipei's long hair was still dripping with water, and he left the bath room wearing a coat.
The layout of the palace rooms is always the same. In his previous life, Lu Qipei had accompanied Qi Yang back to the palace for a small stay. Therefore, she is still familiar with Jingchen Palace, knowing that in addition to the main entrance, there is always a small door in the bath room, so that the owner can return directly to the bedroom after bathing.
She had seen it before. There hasn't been a master in this side hall for a long time, and no palace person would wait in the sleeping hall. In addition, the bath room was full of water vapor after taking a shower, which made people feel a little uncomfortable.
However, what Lu Qipei did not expect was that as soon as she stepped through the small door and stepped into the sleeping hall, she saw a slim figure standing in the hall!
Looking at the back of his clothes, Lu Qipei recognized Qi Yang as the person here. But no matter who came here, she couldn't be seen with such disheveled appearance. Lu Qipei subconsciously wanted to turn around and return to the bath room, but Qi Yang had already heard the movement and turned and looked over.
At this time, Lu Qipei was only wearing a snow-white coat, Ruyu's cheeks were stained crimson by the heat, but his eyes were as clear and transparent as if they had been washed with water. Her long black hair was still dripping with water, and the drops of water had already wetted her clothes unknowingly. The soaked fabric was attached to her body, and the skirt of the clothes was slightly scattered. From Qi Yang's perspective, I saw the clothes. The scenery below is looming...
Qi Yang's breathing stopped, his smiling eyes fixed on Lu Qipei's body, and he couldn't move away after seeing it. Looking straight at the latter, his face was flushed like blood, with his arms around his chest subconsciously blocking his chest, and he asked with some shame: "Why is your Royal Highness here?"
After blinking and blinking again, Qi Yang finally closed his eyes.
The atmosphere seems a bit awkward? No, as long as someone will play stupid.
At this moment, Qi Yang, after she retracted her gaze, she quickly turned into a nonchalant expression, and then naturally replied: "It's getting late, I asked someone to prepare dinner, and I came here to wait for you to have dinner."
Lu Qipei didn't doubt Qi Yang at all, because in her heart, her little princess was innocent and would never lie to her. Right now, his face was slightly awkward, but his heart was still embarrassed, and the hand blocking his chest did not know whether to put it down or not.
After a moment of silence, she said: "Then, can your Highness go back to the main hall for a while, I will change my clothes and go."
Qi Yang didn't make her embarrassed, he really pretended to be nothing, nodded and walked out of the sleeping hall. Lu Qipei, who was standing behind him, couldn’t see it. As soon as he stepped out of the palace gate, His Royal Highness stretched out her hand and covered her face. The enthusiasm she finally managed to endure climbed onto her cheeks—Qi Yang immediately spit on him in his heart and didn’t see much. , Why can't she help her blushing heartbeat? It's really worthless!
The humble princess blew the cold wind at the door for a long time, until the warmth of the early spring breeze faded her hands and face cold. After a long time, Lu Qipei changed clothes and hair again, and walked out after tidying up.
Lu Qipei's clothes are the ready-to-wear clothes that Zhi Ting went to the Shangyi Bureau. When the prince's regular clothes were temporarily used-this is not uncommon, and princesses occasionally put on men's clothing and go out to the palace-Xue Bai Her brocade clothes, dark silver stripes, and white jade hair crown tied with her cloud-like ink hair, set off the handsomeness of the young Fengshen, but they were dressed similarly to when they first met in their previous lives.
Qi Yang looked at the same person as he remembered, for a moment in a daze.
Lu Qipei still remembered his previous embarrassment. Seeing that Qi Yang was staring at him again, he coughed and said, "Why didn't your Highness go back to the main hall? Standing here for a long time, you should be careful not to catch a cold."
Qi Yang regained his senses, replied indiscriminately, and wanted to lead the people back to have a meal. As a result, he was caught by his sleeves just two steps away.
Lu Qipei only squeezed a small piece of fabric on Qi Yang's sleeves. She seemed to be a little tangled and embarrassed. She turned her eyes left and right, and saw that there was no palace in the neighborhood. Then she asked quietly: "Your Highness, have you seen all ?"
The author has something to say: Qi Yang (pretending to be serious): I am not, I don't, I can be upright, so I won't peep because you look good! ! !
Lu Qipei (it is hard to say): Your Highness, I just want to ask if you know my identity...
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