Chapter 85: May I be my Lord

After the early dynasty, Lu Qipei quickly caught up with the Dali Temple Qing who was one step ahead.
Dali Siqing looked back at her and asked with a smile: "Lu Shaoqing is in a hurry today, but what's the important thing to tell me?" After thinking about it, he curiously said: "The case of the King of Chu is over. The case is important."
Hearing this, Lu Qipei hurriedly arched his hands at him: "I would like to thank Master Siqing for the matter of the King of Chu."
Dali Temple shook his hand and continued to walk towards the palace gate: "The evidence in this case is solid, and the king of Chu deserves it. What do you want to thank me for? Okay, just say anything if you have anything."
Lu Qipei entered Dali Temple for three years. At the beginning, he was led by the Dali Temple Qing who was Shaoqing at the time. The two said that they had a half-teacher friendship. Now that Lu Qipei is the deputy of Dali Temple, the two get along well, so Lu Qipei didn’t go around the corners, and simply said: "Recently the princess went to Huguo Temple for fasting. My house is very deserted. The Hequ case is better. Let me go."
Dali Temple is in charge of the world's criminal prisons. It is not just a joke. Not only the big case in Beijing and the conviction of Baiguan are reviewed by Dali Temple, even some difficult cases in the local area require Dali Temple to intervene. Therefore, Dali Temple has a lot of expatriate jobs every year.
Repatriation is not an easy task. It is difficult to investigate cases reported by the locality without mentioning it. It is a toss to go back and forth from the capital to the local area. For the sake of fairness, or perhaps for other reasons, in short, I don't know when it started, there was an unwritten rule in Dali Temple, that is, except for Siqing, all expatriate work is done in turn.
In short, it means that at least the secretary, down to the main book, everyone has a part in the assignment and never fails.
Lu Qipei has not been dispatched this year, and Hequ is not too far from the capital. If the case is investigated quickly, he will be back in half a month. At this time, Qi Yang was not in the house, and she was less troublesome if she left the matter.
Dali Siqing understood her meaning as soon as she heard it, tapped her finger twice, and couldn't help but smile: "You, you will pick good things. Hequ is so close, if you make a round trip, the princess will also be back home. It won't delay your staying together."
Lu Qipei did not defend himself, and smiled with a pursed lips: "Sir Siqing is that allowed?"
Of course, Dali Siqing didn’t care about this little thing, so he nodded and said casually:
You can go if you want, but your Majesty’s Longevity Day is not far away. You can’t be a concierge. Don’t delay too much in Hequ. Long."
Lu Qipei responded, returned to Dali Temple and handed over all the affairs at hand, leaving the government office at noon.
The princess mansion sent away her Royal Highness the day before, but I didn’t know that it was only a day’s work, and the horses didn’t stay—he packed his bags at noon. In the afternoon, Lu Qipei led the two Dali temple officials out of the city and went straight to He meander away.
No one had noticed. Soon after Lu Qipei's carriage left the city, another carriage was adorned far away.
In the carriage, Qi Bo was sitting in front of the small case, his beard and hair grayed, his shrewd eyes closed slightly.
The Hequ case is simple and simple, and complicated and complicated. In short, it is a murder case.
After Lu Qipei arrived at Hequ, he first went to the county government to take over the dossier, and then went all the way to search and explore, but the case was solved within three or five days. It's not that the local government is incompetent, but that the art industry has specialization. The people of Dali Temple specialize in this way. It is not comparable to ordinary government in solving cases. So every time you send out, the time for investigating the case is often less than the journey. This is the source of the complaints.
Luckily, Lu Qipei had a good temper, and the case was solved without much complaint. Only the county magistrate of Hequ rarely came into contact with such a high-ranking official, and worried that his incompetence would leave a bad impression on the consort, so he tried every means to keep the people for a few more days.
If it is normal, Lu Qipei will of course ignore it, but this time it is a little different...
In the middle of the night, the guest room of the county office where Lu Qipei lived was rang, and the person who had been lightly asleep immediately stood up. If you look closely, you will find that when she went to bed, she hadn't even pulled down her coat, slept in her clothes, and jumped up.
Hurrying to the window, Lu Qipei asked in a low voice, "Who?"
Qi Bo's familiar voice immediately sounded outside: "It's an old slave, did the young master ever get up?"
When Lu Qipei heard the words, he opened the window directly. Seeing that she was well prepared, Qi Bo leaned back slightly and said, "The young master is ready, so let the old slave go."
Where to go and what to do, the two seem to be tacitly aware.
Lu Qipei didn't say much, and with a soft "um", he turned the window and followed Qi Bo. The two of them walked in the dark like shadows in the dark night, without disturbing anyone, and left the county office directly.
The town of Hequ County is not too big, and Lu Qipei has been familiar with investigating the case in the past few days. Following Qi Bo's circling around, he soon entered the mansion of a wealthy family in the city. What's interesting is that this house is very close to the murder case. Lu Qipei passed by the door in the past two days and heard of many deeds of the host.
I don't know that this place is actually the Lu family power.
The two entered the door with their front feet, and before they had time to set foot in the house, many people greeted them with their back feet. They looked at Qi Bo and Lu Qipei, and they looked at Qi Bo and Lu Qipei, and then they leaned over to salute and called out: "Young Master."
Lu Qipei's heart couldn't help beating wildly, but three years of time had already taught her to be happy and angry, so she raised her hand at the crowd and said, "Everyone. I finally saw it today. I have worked hard for the past few years in vain."
Everyone dropped their heads lower, and they didn't dare to ask Lu Qipei to enter first.
Lu Qipei didn't refuse, and as soon as he flicked his sleeves, he passed the crowd and walked ahead, his manners were convincing.
Someone walking behind, secretly pulled the sleeves of his companions, and then questioned: "This... is really the new young master? I think she was born almost exactly the same as the previous young master. , Isn't the bento like this now?"
The companion was also murmured in his heart, although it has long been heard that the two young masters are born alike, it is really surprising that they look like this.
These two people were not the only ones who were surprised. After seeing Lu Qipei, almost everyone couldn't help but keep their eyes on her. Especially a few who knew her daughter's body, looking at her handsome and angular appearance, they secretly compared with Lu Qicheng in their hearts, and then became more and more impressed.
Lu Qipei allowed them to look at them, and while everyone was looking at her, she was also looking at these people-three years was not wasted, although Qi Bo complained a lot because of her bias towards Qi Yang, but other than that She can do it perfectly.
After a long time and no choice, Qi Bo can only entrust his power to him.
As long as he used to be in Beijing, there were still too few people and things that Lu Qipei could come into contact with. When she came to Hequ today, it was the first time that she really met with all of her people, and then those who had contacted them with her in letters for three years were in the seats.
Of course, three years, in addition to Qi Bo, is also enough for Lu Qipei to convince these people.
When everyone saw the new young master, a big stone fell in their hearts. Someone stepped forward and asked: "The young master now has a princess in Beijing, and he is trusted by the prince, and his power is growing. I don't know if I will be called here today. But something to order?"
Lu Qipei looked down, tapped his fingertips on his knees twice, and said calmly: "No. It's just that my brother has died of illness for nearly four years. I have been in correspondence with you for more than three years, but I haven't seen it. I can't help but regret it. When I had a rare opportunity, Qi Bo arranged this meeting. When I met you again, I had crossed the road."
This is true, Lu Qipei is far more difficult to be this young master than Lu Qicheng. Lu Qicheng only needs to wait for his age to get older, and the position of the young master is of course his, but it took Lu Qipei a lot of time and effort to truly take over all of this.
However, things have disadvantages and advantages. Although it took Lu Qipei more than three years to meet these people as a young master, it is far from what Lu Qicheng was four years ago when it comes to controlling these forces.
It was Qi Bo, who led Lu Qipei here, and stepped aside, and did not disturb Lu Qipei's contact with everyone.
Of the people present, Lu Qipei didn't know them, but they all knew each other. Everyone, you came and I exchanged a few words, the initial isolation and restraint disappeared, especially Lu Qipei is better than Lu Qicheng, and everyone is closer to Lu Qipei than the next.
In a meeting, both parties are satisfied.
Lu Qipei's gaze swept across the crowd, and suddenly said: "I am very happy to meet you this time, I wonder if you think it?"
When everyone hears this, how can they deny it? Not only did he praise Lu Qipei a lot, but also many people took the opportunity to show loyalty again.
Hearing what they said, Lu Qipei smiled slightly at the corners of his lips, and then asked: "If this is the case, do you really wish to serve me as your master?"
As soon as this remark was made, everyone agreed in unison. However, many people still turned their attention to Qi Bo who receded. But Qi Bo lowered his eyebrows and looked like an old was there, and he didn't respond to them at all.
Some people can't figure it out, others don't care at all, but for the newly appointed young master, everyone is close and complimented-they dare not fool her when she was young. It is the past three years that have witnessed her growth. Knowing that she will be good in the future.
Lu Qipei listened to everyone's compliments, and finally stood up and said: "In that case, I hope you will never forget what I said today."
After saying what he should say, Lu Qipei didn't stay in this house much, as he did when he came, and hurried away with Qi Bo.
The people who were sent off were quiet for a while, before someone asked in a low voice: "What did the young master say before? So emphasized, why do I sound like I intend to... seize power?"
Someone acquainted with him pulled his sleeve and motioned him to speak carefully. Only this person didn't say anything, and others said, "Whose power to seize? Qi Bo? It's really ridiculous. Did you forget your identity?"
No one knew the voice fell, and no one answered.
The person who spoke was a little annoyed, thinking that everyone did not want to share with him. As a result, he was about to say something more, but saw someone lift his finger and pointed to the north.
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