Chapter 95: Far away from her

Although there was another change in Jingzhong, in the final analysis, neither King Wei nor King Wu was close to Qi Yang. The two have only heard of the news, and they have not even changed their schedules.
In the evening, the princess mansion and his entourage set foot on the way back to Beijing without rush. Only recently, there was an ox cart to pull goods in the team, and baskets were stacked on the cart. In addition to the grapes that Lu Qipei wanted to pick, he also brought a lot of produce from the village.
When he returned to the princess mansion, Lu Sheng was tired after a day of tossing, and was taken back by the maid to rest early.
Lu Qipei and Qi Yang also returned to the room. They changed clothes and washed as usual, and they relaxed when everything was cleaned up.
Qi Yang sat in front of the dressing table and let the maid help her remove her makeup and develop a bun. Lu Qipei glanced aside, stepped forward to take the matter, and by the way sent away all the maids who were serving in the room.
Through the smooth bronze mirror, Qi Yang glanced at the person behind him, lazily not wanting to say anything.
Lu Qipei did not speak, and concentrated on removing the hairpin on Qi Yang's hair, and then he took a small comb to smooth her long hair bit by bit. The movements are gentle, patient, and not worse than those maids.
The room was quiet for a long time, until Lu Qipei took care of Qi Yang's long hair, and squeezed her shoulders for her: "Why, today is just going out to play, you are so tired that you don't even want to say anything?"
Qi Yang was a little tired, but it was not because he was tired from going out to play. She raised her hand to hold Lu Qipei's hand, looked at the two figures in the bronze mirror, and sighed: "I'm not tired, but annoying. You said my brothers, if they are too smart, I have to worry about the emperor's brother and the king. The position is unstable, but now that they are so stupid, why don't I feel relieved at all, but more worried?!"
Lu Qipei thought and knew that she must still be upset by the afternoon news.
It's not how Qi Yang values ​​these brothers, it's that this year is a bit evil-since Lu Qipei took care of the King of Chu, these princes had accidents one after another, which always felt a little unusual.
Qi Yang's perception has always been keen, as if she could detect that her consort was replaced in her previous life, and in this life she has gradually sensed something from this unusual situation. This made her a little uneasy, but she couldn't guess why, so she became more worried.
Lu Qipei shook Qi Yang's hand back. He didn't know what to say for a while. After thinking about it, he said, "Wu Wang is injured, but he is still on his head. Most of them need to be recuperated. If you don't rest assured, you can visit tomorrow. "
Qi Yang didn't care much about King Wu, but he understood what Lu Qipei said. It’s just that the information from the imperial court is limited, so I should go to Wu Wang and ask why he fought with Wei Wang so much.
So after thinking about it, Qi Yang nodded, but muttered: "You have to give him a gift when you go to see the sick. It's really..."
When Lu Qipei heard the words, he smiled: "Even if you don't go, this gift is indispensable."
That's right, the princess thought that she was getting more and more upset: "Otherwise, if you carry a basket of grapes to send him tomorrow, it will be a gift for visiting the sick. I personally picked it from the Zhuangzi, but it would be cheaper for him."
Lu Qipei laughed and buried his head on Qi Yang's shoulder with a smile: "How stingy is your Royal Highness? At least you have to bring two packs of medicinal materials."
Seeing her smile, Qi Yang couldn't help but bend his lips. He pretended to respond with a serious face: "Since the consort said that, then add two more packs of medicinal materials. Don't have any more. The brothers will be fine and fight again. Injured, we are not over yet giving gifts."
The two talked and laughed, and the originally dull atmosphere became relaxed.
The atmosphere was just right, the beauty was present, Lu Qipei picked up Qi Yang and turned back to the bed. As soon as he put the person down and wanted to do something, he was rejected by a white and tender little hand against his shoulder: "The imperial doctor said, be restrained."
Lu Qipei choked and could only watch Qi Yang turn over and rolled into the side of the bed, far away from her.
After a relaxing break, he was on duty the next day.
Lu Qipei went out early in the morning. He first went to the palace to attend the dynasty meeting, and then went to Dali Temple on duty after the dynasty meeting. The servant of the Princess Mansion counted the time, and in the middle of noon, he pulled two baskets of grapes and sent them to Dali Temple to give Lu Qipei's colleagues a taste.
Qi Yang went out a little later than the two baskets of grapes were sent out. She knows that there will be a great dynasty meeting today, and only yesterday news of the Mingzhou flood disaster was sent. Today, the dynasty meeting must be discussed. But yesterday Wang Wei and Wu Wang even fought against this, and they will certainly not let go of the disaster relief. She left early, and the early morning did not leave, and she would not see King Wu.
Therefore, Qi Yang didn't rush out until midday. Although the prepared gift for visiting patients was not as shabby as the one mentioned last night, she actually took a basket of grapes to the Wu Palace.
Only when Qi Yang went there was still not able to see King Wu in the first time-she thought she had gone too late, but she didn't know that when she arrived at King Wu's Mansion, King Wu attended the court meeting this morning and did not return until then.
The last person who came to receive Qi Yang was naturally Princess Wu. After Qi Yang knocked on her side and asked her a few words, she knew that King Wu had come back with a broken heart yesterday. Fortunately, the injury was not serious, but Princess Wu clearly resented the King Wei who injured King Wu with her hands, and even ignored that Qi Yang was not close to King Wu, so she pulled her into a bitter stream. Mingli Secretly denigrated King Wei.
This is really... not only her brothers are not smart enough, even their princess seems not much better. What about her nephews? Don't you need to count on it? !
Forced to listen to the nagging, Qi Yang finally gave up the idea of ​​waiting for King Wu to come back to find out the news.
When Qi Yang was about to leave, Princess Wu seemed to be somewhat unsatisfied, but she didn't want to keep her, she stood up and saw her personally. Seeing her reacting like this, Qi Yang realized something in a daze, and realized that the other party was not as dull as he thought.
Just thinking about it, the two of them walked and sent them off, and as soon as they walked out of the front hall door, they heard a wave of announcements outside, saying that King Wu was back to the house. After a while, the two of them saw Wang Wu coming in stride—he was wearing a long-sleeved robe with a circle of gauze wrapped around his forehead, but he walked briskly with the wind, and he could see every move. With lightness and joy.
Seeing this, Qi Yang naturally stopped, and looked at Wang Wu and smiled: "I heard that the emperor was injured last night, and I came to visit today. I don't want the emperor to look like a happy event."
Wang Wu didn't seem to expect Qi Yang to be at the mansion, and he was a little startled.
A servant next to him immediately came to his ear and whispered: "His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness Qi Yang came half an hour ago. He said he was here to visit His Highness's injuries. The Princess has been accompanying him." But it was King Wu who had gone too fast before. There was no time to inform him.
Wang Wu glared at the servant severely when he heard the words, and then he lost his expression again, and said with a smile: "I am worried about Sister Lao. There is nothing serious about my injury, but I just accidentally knocked it on."
When Qi Yang heard this, he said: "The emperor brother should also be careful to rest, lest there is any root of the disease."
Hearing Qi Yang talked about retreat, the corners of Wu Wang's lips twitched. He held up his chest and was a little energetic, but pretended to be humble and embarrassed: "Thank you, the emperor's kindness, but I'm afraid it won't be enough to just rest. There is a flood in Mingzhou, and my father has already ordered me to go for disaster relief this morning. I immediately packed up and left, how can there be time to rest?"
After saying this, Wang Wu turned to the princess again and said: "The disaster relief work cannot be delayed. I will set off right away, and the princess will help me pack some clothes. Don't be too troublesome, it's better to be lighter."
Princess Wu didn't expect such a turning point in things, and she was taken aback before she retreated.
Qi Yang heard King Wu's words and was even more surprised than Princess Wu-she certainly knew that King Wu's head was not simply bumped, but was beaten by King Wei, or beaten before the imperial court! The two brothers made trouble in such a field. Normally, the emperor must be bored with both of them. They fight for disaster relief, but the emperor will probably not hand it over to them.
Qi Yang thought this way before, but the emperor's decision completely exceeded her expectations. This made her want to ask, how did King Wu convince the emperor and take this errand into his hands?
However, the relationship between the two is the most difficult to talk about, and the relationship between the brothers and sisters is not as deep as the brothers and sisters of ordinary people, so Qi Yang is not easy to ask. At this time, she didn't even stay for a long time, so she just said: "So, congratulations to the emperor."
King Wu raised his chin slightly, a little proud: "Congratulations on doing errands for the father and the people, for the people."
Qi Yang looked at his arrogant posture and was a little funny when he heard this. There used to be a group of elder brothers pressing on their heads, and King Wu was just a poor little one who had no days in his life, and he couldn't do anything. But now that the King of Chu and King Qi had a succession of accidents, King Wu finally found a chance to rise up, but he hadn't done anything yet, so he learned how to play officialdom first.
But what about King Wu has nothing to do with Qi Yang. Even because the disaster relief work finally fell on him, his previous fight with Wang Da Wei did not seem so important.
Qi Yang smiled, did not say more, and just said: "Brother Huang said that it was Qi Yang's failure to say something. Now the disaster relief is urgent, and Brother Huang is eager to travel far, so I won't leave any trouble. I wish the emperor brother a smooth trip."
King Wu didn't want to keep her in his heart. Everyone knew the identity of Prince Qi Yang and the party. King Wu was somewhat jealous of her: "If this is the case, I will accept the words of the emperor's sister. It's really urgent. When I come back again, I will have a banquet to make amends with the imperial sister."
Qi Yang didn't take these words to heart, the two exchanged a few words at random, and Wang Wu personally sent the people out of the house.
Sitting on the carriage returning home, Qi Yang thought this was a bit strange. She knocked on the case with one hand and thought for a while. The unexpected situation aroused her curiosity. She couldn't wait for Lu Qipei to go home and talk to her about the situation of the early morning, so she said aloud: "Let’s check it out. What happened, and how did Wang Wu get this job?"
In the empty carriage, there was a promise from nowhere, and then something seemed to leave quietly.
After that, the inside and outside of the carriage returned to calm, and only the horseshoes were stomping on the outside of the carriage.
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