Chapter 171: This is a big bet

"Huh, Dr. Kingsley, this is why you failed seventeen times? I don't want to listen to your tirades, I just want to see your research results." The thin man was called Mr. Tang, and he was right at this time. Dr. Kingsley said silently.
It's not surprising that he had such a reaction, because Dr. Kingsley has failed 17 times, and before each experiment, this guy would talk about it.
Mr. Tang has had enough.
"Believe me, Mr. Tang, I just incorporated a new algorithm. The brain waves of a person before death will be unusually strong. Do you see the helmet on her head?
It is a special helmet that can absorb strong brain waves. We only need to analyze and collect brain wave data, and through a series of operations of copy and paste, we can achieve the effect of perfect operation on the supercomputer.
Yes, these are the experimental steps and theoretical data analysis that I have just done. Follow the above steps and everything will be right.
This is my perfect improvement plan after 17 experiments. "Dr. Kingsley handed a thick stack of experimental reports to Mr. Tang.
The girl couldn't hear what they were talking about, because the inside was completely soundproofed. She only felt very scared and horrified. She was trembling constantly, looking at the lunatics in front of her.
"Please let me go..." the girl shouted weakly, but the outside world couldn't hear her at all.
"This special culture fluid can make people breathe in the culture fluid, but it will cause irreversible fibrosis in the lungs. At the same time, the helmet you made,
Basically, absorbing a backlash caused by a strong brain wave can easily cause brain death. Dr. Kingsley, you have to know that the material for this experiment is very important.
I don't know why you chose her among a bunch of experimental materials. You must know that her identity is not simple in China, and if something went wrong, none of us can afford it. "
"Even if you are really successful and have created a real artificial intelligence, if you can't control her well, and leak the news here, or her experience, you have to know what consequences you will bear."
"This will trigger a new war, so if you are not absolutely sure, you must not give it any permission to connect with the outside world, do you know?" Mr. Tang looked at the report in his hand and looked at Jin with a serious face. Dr. Slee said.
"I know, Mr. Tang, you can rest assured that her gene is the best one of the 1018 materials in our warehouse. At the same time, after testing, the brain waves are also the strongest one, so this experiment,
I am 90% sure. "Dr. Kingsley also said to himself, while pressing two buttons on the console quickly, turning his head to look at Mr. Tang:
"Look, Mr. Tang, we have the most complete insurance measures. At present, I have investigated and found that in this world, China has developed the so-called artificial intelligence.
But I think that is nothing more than low-level artificial intelligence. Even having the world’s strongest supercomputer is useless, as long as there is no such thing as a quantum computer with powerful computing power.
With my artificial intelligence data, coupled with your most powerful supercomputing system in the world, Mr. Tang, we can completely crush the artificial intelligence of China!
Even if you, Mr. Tang, for the sake of safety, I have set up a new security system. As long as she contacts Huaxia, the security system will automatically cut off the power and give physical punishment, just like this. "
Dr. Kingsley pressed a button, and in an instant, a powerful electric current passed through the pole where the girl was tied.
Zi Zi Zi Zi....
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu has the huge pain that no one else could imagine.

It hurts, it hurts!
At this time, the girl felt that every tendon in her body was twisted together, and every piece of skin didn’t know whether it was swelling or squeezing each other. The pain made her feel like she was shrunk into a ball. .
If you have to describe it, then it's like someone pinched a piece of her flesh, and then it was spinning and tearing frantically, and it was the kind that was in the whole body, and the feeling was still constant. Intensify.
This kind of pain is 10,000 times more painful than the so-called 10-level pain.
She struggled wildly, but her whole body was in it, and even her fingers could not move. She grabbed into the flesh because of the huge pain. The irrational struggle seemed to twist all ten finger joints to dislocation, but it was also There is no way to isolate this pain.
Gradually, she felt as if she was about to lose consciousness, but soon there was a potion injected into the body through two hoses, allowing her to stay awake again, but the pain that followed became more intense, making her feel My heart was pinched tightly by someone, and then squashed.
I don't know how long it took, the pain seemed to have stopped, and the girl was also leaning on the iron rod, panting heavily.
"You see, she is the best gene, otherwise ordinary people would have been crazy under such pain, even if they had tranquilizers, she didn't.
So you know why I don’t experiment with white people. "Dr. Kingsley shrugged and said.
"Hmph, in short, you must remember that even if the experiment is successful, you cannot let her leak the news until she is completely under our control.
I know you are an experimental lunatic, but I advise you to look at this survey report honestly and consider the next step. Sometimes I really don’t understand you scientists.
Obviously safe experiments are not done, but people with such a dangerous background are required to do this kind of experiment. If I hadn't tried to protect you in front of the family, I guess they had seen the experimental materials you selected.
Will immediately arrange for mercenaries to beat you into a sieve. She can do other experiments, but this kind of networking experiment is really very dangerous. "Mr. Tang took out a portfolio from the briefcase and threw it to Dr. Kingsley.
Dr. Kingsley also took the portfolio, opened it, and carefully checked the various identification information inside. Soon, a piece of information caught his attention.
"Lan Lan, a native of Huaxia Imperial Capital, once studied at Jiangcheng University, and disappeared in the fire four years ago. His father" Dr. Kingsley saw her father's name and took a cold breath. Angry, looking at Mr. Tang in disbelief.
If he doesn’t give himself this report, he really doesn’t know how terrifying the identity of the girl in front of him Tang, this...I’m really puzzled, how did you catch it? her? "He still looked at Mr. Tang in disbelief.
"You don't need to worry about this. In short, you have to know that this experiment failed. It's okay. I'm afraid your experiment is successful. If you really use her as the core of artificial intelligence, and let her expose her situation here. If I go out, I don’t need to say more about the consequences."
"Don't say that our consortium will be destroyed in an instant, even the entire world will be destroyed in the flames of war, so you must be careful. If you are really unsure,
Just change to a safe experimental material. The consortium has just issued a grace order and can give you another three years to make it, so you are not in a hurry. "Mr. Tang also patiently explained to Dr. Kingsley.
Although artificial intelligence is something, if it is developed, the wealth and strength of their consortium can instantly surpass Bill Gates.
But compared with the successful harvest, the consequences are also very serious.
It can be said that this is a gamble.
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