Chapter 198: Strong interaction material?

This is an ultra-high-precision and sophisticated microscope. When zoomed in to the maximum magnification, the molecules can be directly seen.
Because this jade pendant is so smooth and very white, you can't even feel any friction on it with your hands.
Soon, the electron microscope began to start, and it could be clearly seen from a screen next to it. As the magnification increased, the picture gradually became clear.
However, what puzzled Ye Fan was that it was still a very smooth mirror, just like a mirror.
"Master, this is an image magnified a hundred times." At this time, the originating voice sounded from the instrument.
"It doesn't make sense to be so smooth." Ye Fan frowned tightly at this time, and at the same time asked Origin to adjust the magnification to a thousand times.
After a thousand times magnification, it is still smooth, with no traces at all.
"How is it possible?" Ye Fan felt something was wrong, and he even suspected that there was a problem with this high-precision, sophisticated microscope.
You must know whether it is a man-made object or a naturally formed object, as long as it is magnified hundreds of times, or even a thousand times, there will be traces under the microscope.
No matter how smooth it looks with the naked eye, the traces on its surface can be clearly seen under the scanning of a microscope.
"Master, this is this high-precision, cutting-edge microscope. The first time you scan an object, the possibility of error for the first time is very small." The origin at this time seems to have felt Ye Fan's suspicion. The mirror was placed on the stage, and the Pisces jade pendant was placed aside, allowing the microscope to scan the mirror.
What happened to Ye Fan’s surprise came. After being magnified a thousand times, the original smooth mirror surface became as rough as a rocky beach, and there were pits and pits everywhere, which looked terrible, like the moon. The pits on the surface are the same.
Afterwards, Origin replaced the scanned object with a Pisces jade pendant, and a smooth mirror surface appeared on the display screen again, which was completely different from what was displayed just now.
"Oh my God, what kind of ghost is this jade pendant made of?" Ye Fan no longer suspected that there was a problem with his high-precision and sophisticated microscope, but began to doubt the jade pendant itself.
There is no way, everything in reality is now in front of you, and it is impossible for Ye Fan not to believe it.
"Origin, magnify this to ten thousand times." Ye Fan said to Origin.
At this time, the magnification of 10,000 times has exceeded the ability of optical zoom and magnification. Origin switched the optical lens to the electron tunnel microscope mode, which can scan the surface of the observation object very clearly.
However, to Ye Fan's surprise, this thing was still a smooth mirror surface, and there was no trace of human processing.
We must know the limit of human industry. Even the smoothest mirror, when magnified to a thousand times, or even two thousand times, the surface looks rough, and it cannot achieve the mirror effect at hand. .
"On the basis of the original, magnify it ten times." Ye Fan also took a deep breath and said.
However, after some manipulation of Origin, what he saw was still a smooth mirror surface, not the slightest difference from before.
Whether it is ultra-micro quantum computers, large-scale integrated circuit diagrams, or today's mysterious materials, they are all clearly placed in front of you. This jade pendant is not the handwriting of the modern industrialization of mankind.
And it still appeared to him suddenly, Ye Fan didn't understand at all, someone gave him this jade pendant what to do.

I am afraid that it is not just a simple attempt to let him know the truth of this world and the so-called secrets from ten thousand years ago?
One hundred thousand times, still a smooth mirror, Ye Fan increased the multiplier to one million times.
As a result, the magnification was the same as Ye Fan had expected, and it was still a smooth mirror.
Ye Fan didn't believe in evil, so he asked Origin to scan the mirror just now. As a result, the mirror displayed at this time looked terrible on the screen.
There are scratches one after another on the top, and each scratch is as huge and deep as the Great Rift Valley. Although the mirror looks normal to the naked eye, everything is revealed under this microscope.
"Ten million times!" Ye Fan almost gritted his teeth and said such a thing. As a result, the picture displayed on the screen was still a smooth mirror.
At this time, it can no longer be magnified, because this has reached the limit of the electron microscope.
At this time, Ye Fan could only think of the last possibility.
This thing may be a legendary material with strong interaction.
You must know that this thing completely surpasses the existing industrial system. It is no exaggeration to say that it is ahead of the current level of human technology for more than 500 years, even 800 years.
Ye Fan remembered a science fiction.
There is a description of an extraterrestrial super civilization and a black tombstone left on the moon. At that time, human observers used ordinary rulers to measure the three edges of the tombstone.
Therefore, the accuracy of the measurement is 1:4:9. After that, no matter what tool is used to measure, even if the most sophisticated measurement tool on the earth is moved over, the ratio of the three sides is still accurate 1:4: 9. A few pens are exhausting the highest accuracy of measurement technology on the earth at that time, and the ratio is also accurate 1:4:9, without the slightest error.
At that time, the humans in science fiction were arrogantly displayed their absolute power by this civilization in such a special way.
And what was placed in front of Ye Fan now was a more arrogant display of power.
"And this power seems to have a lot to do with me." Ye Fan was even more surprised when he thought of this.
The girl in the dream said the time point was 10,000 years before history, so this also means that it has an absolute connection with her dream in Datang Heavy Industries, but the girl in this dream said A place name "Lop Nur".
"Could it be that Lop Nor has anything to do with this material?" Ye Fan felt his chin at this time.
In fact, in the universe, there are still objects with absolutely smooth surfaces, and they are not man-made objects, but naturally generated objects.
That is the neutron star. The nuclei of the neutron star are all squeezed together and arranged very neatly, so the surface is absolutely smooth. However, what is surprising is that the quality of this Pisces jade pendant is completely normal.
If you want to achieve the effect of a neutron star, you must ensure that the quality is normal. This is completely impossible to achieve at the same time. After all, the proportion of neutron star matter is equivalent to 1014 times that of water, that is, if it is normal. , This jade pendant should be 1014 times heavier than it is now.
But the quality of this thing is normal!
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