Chapter 369: Northern Xinjiang Military Base

Chapter 373 Northern Border Military Base
"Okay, let's go over to meet him." Tang Xue said, and then took the four-member team to defend the home and the country and walked to the No. 4 apron together.
After a long flight, the huge Yun-20 finally stopped firmly on the runway of the Beijiang Air Force Base.
The remaining four escorted F-20s, after hovering over the airport for a week, also began to land in an orderly manner. After all, their mission has been completed.
Accompanied by a group of soldiers, Ye Fan and Ye Qingcheng slowly walked out of the opened rear hatch.
At this time, four fighters wearing round helmets were standing side by side under the plane, waiting for Ye Fan and others to leave the cabin.
"Thank you, everyone." Ye Fan also saluted the soldiers.
"No hard work!" the soldiers shouted in unison, and also solemnly returned a military salute.
While talking at this time, a group of soldiers ran close to the parked Yun-20 from a distance.
"Mr. Ye Fan, we are here to greet and go to the headquarters, please come with me." A soldier came up from the group of soldiers and said after a salute.
"Okay, let's go." Ye Fan nodded and followed behind the group of soldiers.
Soon, they took Ye Fan and Ye Qingcheng to an apron. On the apron, a Z-9 multifunctional helicopter and two Z-10 armed helicopters were quietly waiting for their arrival.
"Mr. Ye Fan, this is Dragonfly Unit 1. This unit will you two to the headquarters."
With the help of the crew members, Ye Fan and Ye Qingcheng boarded the helicopter and put on a black headset.
"This headset can resist noise. If you have anything, you can just say it. We have turned on the headset. We and your wife can hear you when you speak."
After a brief explanation, the soldier jumped out of the helicopter, opened the cockpit door, and sat up with the co-pilot.
"Uh...I...I am not." Ye Qingcheng was taken aback for a moment. Just about to say something, he found that the other party was already sitting in front of him and was about to launch the helicopter.
To be honest, she has always been confused until now, starting with a few military planes parked at Jiangdong International Airport, and then boarding the Yun-20, and then boarding the helicopter at the military base here.
One after another equipment that can only be seen on TV, I have seen almost all of them today, and it seems that they are going to some command post.
This immediately gave her a very unreal feeling.
Soon, the helicopter's rotor began to rotate and slowly lifted into the air. Then two Z-10 gunships also lifted into the air, guarding the sides of the helicopter, and flew southeast.
The command post seemed to be not far from the air force base here. After flying for about half an hour, it was almost at the destination.
At this time, a clear female voice came from everyone's headphones.
"Dragonfly 1, this is the headquarters. You have entered the 50-kilometer defensive circle of the headquarters. Please follow the instructions and fly."
"Dragonfly 1 understands that the indication signal has been confirmed, the speed is 330, the altitude is 3000, please guide the landing."
"Please land from the apron No. 4. The apron is cleared and landing is allowed."
"Dragonfly 1, this is Flying Wolf 3, Flying Wolf 4, our mission is over, now we leave, I wish you a smooth journey."
"Dragonfly 1 understands, I wish you a smooth journey."
While speaking, the armed helicopters on the left and right sides of the helicopter that Ye Fan was sitting on lowered their noses and turned back to the northwest.
"Two guests, we are about to reach our destination, and our headquarters is in front of us."
Ye Fan followed the captain's gaze. At this time, in the desert ahead, one temporary steel plate building after another had been built, and there were even a large number of field tents neatly arranged around.
It can even be seen that a large number of defensive circles composed of anti-aircraft missiles have been built on the periphery of the headquarters, and there are thousands of soldiers on guard around them.
It was already afternoon, and from time to time there would be strong winds blowing across the sand, sweeping up smoke and dust, and the helicopter stopped steadily on the 4th apron.
The rotor gradually slowed down. After the door was opened, Ye Fan was also used to bend down and walk out of the cabin with an elegant demeanor. The corners of his clothes fluttered with the wind under the blow of the rotor.
Ye Qingcheng walked down from the cabin nervously and looked around curiously. To be honest, this was her first time in the barracks. Everything here was full of strangeness, but she felt full of security.
At this time, six people were standing not far away. Ye Fan immediately saw Tang Xue in the crowd, as well as Zhao Bao, Chen Jia, Lin Wei, and Zhao Guo.
And the other bronze-skinned person standing next to him, who is not tall, but looks very powerful, should be the special soldier they have mentioned many times, who has gone to Africa.
Tang Xue was wearing a military uniform, her shoulder-length short hair fluttering in the wind, under the reflection of the afternoon sun, she looked extraordinarily heroic.
This is a brave girl, and during the time when Datang Technology was with Ye Fan, apart from fighting very hard, she was a simple lady next door.
Maybe Tang Xue had some thoughts about Ye Fan, but she was not the type that Ye Fan liked, so she fooled it every time.
"Good afternoon, boss." Tang Xue and the others said to Ye Fan.
Ye Fan looked at them with a smile: "You have been performing this task for a long time, and it has been almost two months before you come back."
Zhao Bao got to Ye Fan’s ear and said mysteriously:
Hurt, if there is an urgent task, we were called back to the border of southern Xinjiang, and then the task was cancelled. We were instructors in southern Xinjiang for two months. ,
Train a group of Later, we followed the troops to Northern Xinjiang, boss, guess what, we had a fight with someone. "
"Oh? It's a drill again, right?"
"No, this is much more explosive than the exercise. Anyway, the whole army already knows it, and it's not a secret." Zhao Bao lowered his voice and said, "We seem to have beaten the aliens."
Ye Fan looked at Zhao Bao with a foolish look: "Have you beaten an alien? Hey, I was in "Top of the Gods" a few days ago, and I hanged and beat Lu Lai Buddha. "
"Boss, what he said is true. We are indeed in trouble. Half a month ago, a few travel companions in northern Xinjiang disappeared, as well as two scientific research teams.
Later, we launched a search and rescue following the traces, and found unidentified buildings, that is, two pyramids, and there were a large number of humanoid creatures. We have eliminated those humanoid creatures, and one pyramid was blown up. "
Tang Xue explained.
(End of this chapter)
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