Chapter 371: Asteroid impact confirmed

Chapter 375 Asteroid Impact Has Been Confirmed
All this shows that this is just a building forgotten by mankind.
But here comes the problem again. If this is just a simple building that has been forgotten by mankind, how can such a huge building be hidden from everyone with such a developed satellite today.
Not to mention that on the Taklimakan Desert, it is not a scientific research team, or a variety of big men who want to challenge nature to cross the desert alone. Buildings of this level can be seen far away.
The possibility of concealment is infinitely zero, not to mention there are so many two pyramids.
Moreover, pyramids have appeared all over the country, but they have never been discovered before. Everything can only show that these things, unless they fall from the sky, are directly emerging from the ground.
At this time, three control areas have been divided inside the pyramid. There are three levels inside the pyramid, and the control intensity of each level will increase accordingly.
The third-level control area is the most restrictive, and it is also the place where the solar system coordinates are found.
Ten soldiers armed with live ammunition were guarded here. At the same time, the highest secrecy regulations were enforced. Mobile phones must not be brought in casually, and a body search was also carried out. Everyone was accompanied by a soldier throughout the process.
Zhao Bao, Chen Jia and others, because they were the first to come here, they had touched the inside of the pyramid a long time ago, and had seen everything that should be seen, so they didn't bother to join in the fun.
And because Ye Qingcheng was not the person invited by the military, but just Ye Fan's secretary, he was blocked outside and could not enter. He was also asked to sign a confidentiality agreement.
It was Tang Xue who went in with Ye Fan. After handing over the phone to them for safekeeping, Ye Fan and Tang Xue were searched by a male and female soldier, and then walked into the third floor.
"Look, there is the coordinate map of the solar system." Tang Xue pointed to a coordinate map composed of holographic projections inside the pyramid and said.
"Holographic projection? This is absolutely impossible to be our existing technology." Ye Fan glanced at it and said directly and positively.
At this time, the holographic projection inside the pyramid was very clear, which definitely surpassed Ye Fan's current holographic projection level.
After all, the knowledge that Ye Fan extracted from the system, if he wants to build a finished product, is absolutely inseparable from the current human industrial chain and industrial system.
In Ye Fan's holographic projection, the projection reality rate of simulated objects is probably above 95%, and if it is exposed to strong sunlight, the reality rate will drop to about 87%.
Although the human eye cannot tell the difference, there are subtle sensory differences in texture.
And the reality rate of this holographic projection in front of us has definitely reached 99%, or even 100%, just like a real picture of the universe.
The pattern shown in the holographic projection in front of me, said to be the coordinate map of the solar system, is already very reluctant. In fact, this thing is a model of the solar system's orbit.
It's just that this model does not come from 3D modeling that humans can build, but a clearer real shot!
That’s right, it’s the real shot picture. This level of clarity is much clearer than the picture taken by the human detector. It can be said that the picture taken by the human detector is in standard definition, so what is displayed in this picture is Blu-ray.
This is the difference.
It can also be seen that between the orbits of the major planets, very detailed parameters are marked, including the orbits of the planets, as well as the revolution rate, and angular velocity.
And it seems that this holographic projection can still be interacted, but I don’t know why, it seems to be forbidden by something. You can only look at the coordinate map, and you can’t interact with it.
In addition to the coordinate map of the solar system, there is also a small red dot shining in the orbits of the major planets.
"Origin, substituting the content of the pattern into the planet's orbit, calculating the red dot as an asteroid, and calculating the possibility of hitting the earth." Ye Fan lowered his voice and said to Origin.
"Good master, calculation is underway." Origin's voice sounded in Ye Fan's glasses.
Ye Fan's idea was actually remembered when he was on the chariot, but he didn't say it to take care of everyone's emotions.
"After calculation, the probability of impact will reach 100%. It is not yet clear how big the asteroid is, but no matter what, the impact of the asteroid will cause incalculable damage to humans."
In less than a second, the origin was calculated through the database, the revolution orbits of the major planets, and the red dots on the coordinate map to calculate the collision probability.
Sure enough, it really is like this.
Ye Fan seemed to nod as expected, but he didn't have the joy of guessing the reason, instead he had a solemn expression.
"Can you contact the observation satellites and radio telescopes of various countries?" Ye Fan asked again in a low voice.
"At present, all observing satellites are offline, all radio telescopes are offline, and the unified offline time is one day ago." Originating came Ye Fan's expected answer.
"Try to invade observation satellites or radio telescopes. If it fails, they will forcibly break into the database of various governments.
If it is really an asteroid colliding with the earth, then the upper layers have already known it, and it is impossible to have no traces in the database. "Ye Fan said.
"Good host, is looking for an intrusable port. If the intrusion is successful, you will be notified as soon as possible."
Ye Fan nodded and started to turn around on the third floor, but after a round, no other problems were found.
If this pyramid really came from the hands of extraterrestrial life, then there is no reason why it will be what it is now.
After all such high-tech things as holographic projection have come out, there is no reason why the inside of the pyramid will be empty, there is nothing, only the yellow stone!
What Ye Fan didn't know at this time was that under his clothes, the Pisces jade pendant that he had been wearing was gradually lighting up.
The only difference is that the light emitted by the jade pendant at this time is a blood-red color that is almost bloody.
"Mr. Ye Fan, we can't bring in electronic items." At this moment, a soldier who was following Ye Fan stopped Ye Fan and said.
"Electronics? Didn't I give you the phone?" Ye Fan looked at the soldier in confusion, asking for unknown reasons.
(End of this chapter)
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