Chapter 453: Dyson ball of alien civilization?

The dangers caused by solar storms cover a wide area and large losses. About 50% of the failures and errors in space activities are related to solar activities. The blow to the field of human communication and navigation is even more "one pot end" in half of the earth. .
   Although mankind has established a standard solar model so far, there are still very few solar activity laws that mankind has mastered so far.
   "Master, according to the deduction, the sun will enter an active period in one month. Within three months, the probability of a solar storm will increase to 70%. Our mining spacecraft must advance at full speed to ensure that the spacecraft returns on time."
"Advance the plan in four months to now, prepare for the rocket launch procedure. Three days later, at our annual meeting, we will start launching the rocket to ensure the safe return of the last mining spacecraft." Ye Fan rested his chin and said in a low voice. .
   This is the last mining spacecraft, and the mining time will remain within one month. When the mining spacecraft returns in a month, it will be the starting point for Datang Technology to fully enter the universe.
   At that time, ion engines can directly blast out of the earth’s atmosphere, and fossil fuel-based rockets will be completely eliminated and become a thing of the past.
   "Master, the information has been submitted, and we will announce to the public that it will launch three relay satellites between Mars and the Earth. The next step is to explore Mars in the future. It is now awaiting review."
  "Well, at the same time, start the construction of the Mars base, make modular parts, build large-scale mining factories, weapons factories, and uranium-235 refineries on Mars.
   I’m going to get a few nuclear bombs to bombard its north and south poles, and at the same time make new life-sustaining equipment, and start to transform the Martian environment
   In three years, I want to make Mars a new habitable planet and our second home in the solar system. Ye Fan said with a wave of his hand.
   "Good master, I have completed the relevant plan and deployment, and the production of related parts has begun."
   Nowadays, human beings have never hated extraterrestrial intelligent life so much. Nowadays, the number of views about extraterrestrial intelligent life on the Internet is increasing.
   And the status of astronomers has gradually improved. No one will think they are bragging anymore, because in today's situation, astronomers are the eyes of human beings looking up at the stars.
   The next day, an authoritative scientific journal published an article, which directly aroused widespread discussion around the world.
   If it were placed in the past, this kind of article would rarely arouse such a wide range of discussions, but now it is different.
   Whether it is the heavy casualties caused by the natural disasters to human beings, or the two monsters attacking Tokyo, almost damaging the entire city, people feel terrified.
   Human fear comes from the unknown, so people urgently eliminate this fear, and the astronomy industry has received great attention.
   [Tabby Star, 1840 light-years away, is suspected to have a second-level alien civilization under construction of the Dyson Sphere]
  The growth of all things on the earth depends on the sun. The essence of wealth is the energy produced by consuming energy, and wealth is actually a projection of the reality of energy utilization.
This is the law of entropy increase (the law of entropy increase is the law of thermodynamics proposed by Clausius. Clausius introduced the concept of entropy to describe this irreversible process, that is, the flow of heat from a high-temperature object to a low-temperature object is Irreversible, its physical expression is: QT) determined.
  Because creating or maintaining an isolated system with a constant order, work is required, and work is required to consume energy to generate energy. 120
   For example, if fruits need to be preserved for a period of time, they must be refrigerated, and refrigeration requires the manufacture of refrigerators that can be refrigerated. The manufacture of refrigerators and keeping refrigerators cool require energy consumption to generate energy.
   In a word, any object created by humans needs work, and work requires energy.
   The advancement of human civilization is also manifested essentially as advancement in the control and use of energy.
   In the 1960s, American’s physicist Freeman Dyson proposed a Dyson sphere theory.
   He believes that with the development of human technology, the limited energy contained in planets like the earth is far from enough to support the development of civilization to an advanced stage.
   In a star-planet system, most of the energy is wasted by "stellar radiation".
   Take the solar system as an example. The stellar radiation in the solar system is solar radiation, and the sun continuously releases energy to the surrounding in the form of electromagnetic waves. This phenomenon is called solar radiation.
   At present, the planetary systems of the solar system only receive about 1109 of the solar radiation energy.
A highly developed civilization must be able to enclose the sun with a huge spherical structure, so that most of the sun’s radiant energy is intercepted. Only in this way can it be able to sustain the energy consumption of this civilization for a long time and make this civilization develop to a sufficient height. .
   In 1964, on the basis of the "Dyson Sphere" theory, astronomer Nikolai Kardashev designed the hierarchy of interstellar civilization.
   First-class civilization: The home planet civilization means that the civilization can dominate the total energy of the planet and satellites.
   So far Earth civilization is still in the state of level 0.7 civilization.
   Secondary civilization: This civilization can collect the energy of the entire star system.
   Three-level civilization: This civilization can control the entire galaxy's energy for its use.
  The civilization develops to the second-level civilization, and it can almost do everything on its own planet. After all, human beings have developed to the 0.7-level civilization, and they have become the absolute masters on the earth.
  The civilization has developed to the second stage, and it can already survive across the interstellar. There is a high probability that civilization will not be cut off.
   At least all natural and man-made methods known to mankind now cannot touch a single vellus hair of second-level civilization.
   Extraordinary imagination requires extraordinary evidence.
   Human astronomers are also searching for alien civilizations based on the theory of the "Dyson Sphere" and the Kardashev hierarchy.
   This is because if the second-level civilization can create a "Dyson sphere", it will not only perform Dyson spheroidization on a star, it is extremely likely to colonize a cluster of stars with energy, and the impact will be observed by humans.
   Among the more than 100,000 stars observed by NASA’s Kepler mission, a planet named KIC8462852, which is 1840 light-years away from the Earth, has a strange brightness change on the star Tabby.
   There are pits on the light curve, but this is not a periodic appearance. Some pits are very deep, one reaches 15% in depth, and one even reaches 22%.
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