Chapter 503: wreck

The nine meteorites seemed to have sensed Anthony's intention to intercept the meteorites, and they turned their directions directly.
With the attitude of "the goddess scattered flowers", he swept in all directions.
Almost all the people on the Space Defense Council's side are in a mess, because such a situation has never appeared in the career of kicking the door.
A meteorite that can automatically turn to avoid attacks, is it still called a meteorite?
"Schet, what the are these things, Sam, recalculate the meteorite coordinates!" Anthony almost roared.
In an instant, he felt an unprecedented crisis.
If it is not meteorites that can automatically avoid attacks, then what are those?
"The coordinates are being calculated automatically, Sir Anthony, please adjust the target to the track shown on the computer system."
Sam, along with a group of P5 level staff, are all madly manipulating the keyboard like a chicken blood.
Their expressions are all solemn as never before.
At eight:50 in the evening.
Nine meteorites have entered the Earth-Moon orbit, only 200,000 kilometers away from the observation posts of Hans and Kalavsky.
But it is undeniable that the dangers of Hans and Kalavsky have been eliminated.
Because the trajectory of the meteorite has changed, the nine meteorites are scattered like "the goddess scattered flowers", and they will not hit their observation post at all.
Although their danger has been temporarily relieved, the current situation has escalated to unprecedented heights.
"The meteorite changed its orbit again, it, it can't be called a meteorite at all, this is obviously a alien conspiracy!"
Sam's forehead finally lost a little sweat, and a cold sweat broke out again.
Because the shadow on the day of natural disasters has been deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.
As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of well ropes, the nine meteorites using Jupiter's gravitational slingshot to fly to the earth alone have attracted his attention, let alone avoid their attacks automatically?
Being able to automatically avoid attacks from the Space Defense Council represents their previous interception plan and combat plan, which is completely ineffective.
What's more terrifying is that they even wonder if there are spies and spies from aliens inside themselves.
Otherwise, the aliens have no way of knowing that they used Gungnir to intercept meteorites. After all, there is a layer of space junk surrounding the planet like the rings of Saturn.
It is simply impossible for human technology to accurately find nuclear missiles that look like space junk in this circle.
From this point, it can be directly ruled out that these nine meteorites are from human society. Even if it is Datang Technology, Anthony does not necessarily have such a technology.
After all, Datang Technology's technology is against the sky, it is also in the modern developed society, stepping on the shoulders of giants, and gradually accumulating human technology to make breakthroughs and innovations.
After all, every technology launched by Datang Technology more or less has a shadow of the technology developed by the predecessors.
After excluding the technology of Datang Technology, all that is left is the threat of intelligent life from outer space.
They would rather believe that these nine meteorites are the ghosts of Datang Technology and the technology from their human beings. Even if they are the technology that they regard as the thorny opponent, they have willingly admitted.
After all, if it is human technology, they might not feel that terrible yet, they can still figure out the other side's foundation, at least know the roots.
And the biggest source of terror is often not terror itself, but from the unknown.
Where did these life in outer space come from? What is their level of technology? Is it the technology that can crush human technology?
Why did they come to Earth? Was the asteroid on the day of the natural disaster caused by them?
All of this stems from the unknown. If human beings don't know the reason for this one day, then the shadow of aliens will be shrouded in everyone's hearts.
After all, since the human society suffered heavy losses on the day of the natural disaster, the image of aliens in the hearts of people on earth that is also good and evil has completely turned into evil.
The previous movies E.T Aliens, and a lot of movies, novels, books, etc. that promoted aliens’ friendliness to mankind, all have been banned without exception.
At this time, Anthony was even wondering whether everything he was doing was under the control of the aliens.
If your team is infiltrated, then the aliens will definitely pretend to be humans, defraud them of their trust, obtain information about human society, and even occupy a high position to manipulate the destiny of humans.
Anthony glanced at the people around him, and he suddenly realized that if he thought about it in his own way, everyone around him might be an alien.
It may be the busy and battered scientists behind him. UU reading may also be Sam who is on a video call with him, and a member of the Space Defense Council.
Even the aliens may pretend to be the top hackers of human technology. At this time, the situation of their conversations is being passed on to the aliens.
What's more, the current human society is in chaos, and it is possible that aliens have made ghosts.
Anthony thought of this, he felt like he was going crazy.
Subsequently, Anthony thought of a more desperate scenario.
That is, the technology of aliens has far surpassed that of current human beings. Even outside the solar system, aliens already know everything about the earth.
Maybe the aliens don't even bother to engage in spying and disguise, sneak into the human society to obtain intelligence and manipulate the direction of mankind.
And this time the Space Defense Council used Gungnir to intercept meteorites. Maybe it was impossible to detect it with human technology, but could the aliens be able to see it directly from a scan?
No matter what kind of thought it is, without exception, it is depressing people out of breath.
"Sir Anthony! Sir Anthony!"
Drops of sweat came up on Anthony's cheeks, until Sam was yelling to Anthony, and he recovered.
"I will contact the Ministry of National Defense immediately to adjust the severity of the situation to the SSS level. At present, the alien intelligent life is likely to have penetrated human society.
At the same time, there are nine UFOs flying towards the earth at a high speed. At present, the possibility of meteorites has been ruled out. It is very likely that they are microscopic alien probes or spacecraft! "
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