Chapter 516: possibility?

However, this news was released by the Asian Space Force. This aspect also represents its authoritative nature, which is simply unbelievable.
After all, although the Asian Space Army is young, its influence is the most powerful space organization in the world.
At the same time, Datang Technology, an enterprise that represents the strongest technology of mankind, provides its technology, so even if many people do not believe in the Asian Space Army, they often choose to believe in Datang Technology.
But this news is really incredible, so soon, the rival of the Asian Space Army, NASA published another article.
Although it did not point out that the Asian Space Army’s news was false, it described the five billion light-year-old stars released by the Asian Space Army, which is just nonsense.
[UY Scutum can hold 6,400 trillion earths. If the earth is this big, what will be the fate of mankind? 】
The earth is an extremely vast world in human's field of vision, and one cannot see it at a glance.
In ancient times, people lacked advanced means of transportation and could not get out of the earth. Naturally, it was difficult to truly understand the earth as home.
In ancient people’s perception, the earth was so big that it was boundless, and the stars, moon, and sun in the sky belonged to the earth. With the continuous development of human civilization, we have entered the path of scientific and technological development hundreds of years ago. The power of science has given us the opportunity to understand the world. Powerful astronomical telescopes can see the stars beyond the earth.
With the astronomical telescope, we understand that there is a vast universe beyond the earth. And what really makes human beings feel the smallness of the earth is the moment we successfully sent artificial satellites into space in the middle of the last century.
Looking at the earth from space, we can see more intuitively and clearly that the earth is a planet surrounded by the ocean, and it is a very beautiful cradle.
The shape, size and color of the earth can be seen very clearly in space.
From this moment on, mankind finally understood that the earth is just a particle of dust in the universe. In fact, as mankind's understanding of the scope of the universe continues to deepen, we now understand that the Milky Way is only a particle of dust in the universe, and the earth There is dust in front of the Milky Way galaxy, not even dust in front of the universe.
There are so many planets in the universe that it is impossible to estimate. There are eight major planets in the solar system. Although the earth is a beautiful planet of life, it is not big.
The sun is the boss of the solar system, its volume can hold 1.3 million earths, and Jupiter is the planet's boss, its volume can hold 1,320 earths.
The earth is very small in front of the sun, so in the vast universe, how big is a star bigger than the sun?
A star is a kind of luminous and heating celestial body that exists universally in the universe. Relatively speaking, its volume is often much larger than other types of celestial bodies.
In the universe, there are countless stars that are much larger than the sun. For example, the volume of the corner star is 16,000 times that of the sun, and the volume of Antares is 310 million times that of the sun.
These stars are very far away from us. In the eyes of human beings, they are unremarkable star points. In fact, when we look up at the starry sky at night, those twinkling stars are basically stars, most of which are much larger than the sun.
So who is the biggest star in the vast universe? How big is it?
In the early days, scientists observed the VY Canis Majoris, a red supergiant star with a diameter equivalent to 1420 times the sun.
For a long time, VY Canis Major was considered the largest known star.
However, in 2012, astronomers again used astronomical telescopes to make a new measurement of a star of interest, UY Scuti, and found that its diameter was 1.2 times that of VY Canis Major, equivalent to 1708 times the sun.
Since then, it has replaced VY Canis Major as the largest known star.
Although the mass of UY Scutum is not the largest, its size is amazing, and the sun is just a small thing in front of it. In terms of volume, one UY Scutum can hold 5 billion suns.
The size of the sun is 1.3 million times that of the earth, so a UY Scutum can hold 6,500 trillion earths.
So if the earth is the size of UY Scutum, what will humans do?
Let’s not consider whether the planet could reach that size. We just assume that the volume of the Earth has replaced UY Scutum and become a super-Earth. What changes will happen to human life at this time?
First of all, we must understand that the larger the planet, the thicker its atmosphere is, and the earth itself has a strong magnetic field. If its volume is trillions of times larger than it is now, the thickness of the atmosphere will also reach a level. Amazing degree. Although the thick atmosphere can help the earth block solar radiation and cosmic radiation, it is very unfavorable for mankind to observe the universe and get out of the earth.
When the volume of the earth reaches the level of UY it is impossible for humans to get out of the earth with current technology, and the thrust generated by chemical fuel is far from enough to send satellites or aircraft into space.
It takes a longer time for mankind to get out of the earth. At least it takes a powerful energy source like controllable nuclear fusion to get out of the earth.
In addition, human communication on both ends of the earth will be very difficult, and may never be able to communicate. Why?
Assuming that the volume of the earth becomes 6,400 trillion times the current size, the diameter of the earth will reach 2.4 billion kilometers and the circumference will reach 7.5 billion kilometers. What is this concept?
Many people may not have any intuitive knowledge of this data. Let's talk about simple wireless communication.
We all know that the propagation speed of radio signals is the speed of light. The current size of the earth allows us to communicate with almost no delay, and the communication distance between people is close to zero.
But if the earth becomes the same size as UY Scutum, there will be a huge delay in the communication between the two hemispheres of the earth. Even at a wireless speed of 300,000 kilometers per second, it takes 35 hours for the signal to reach the other end. .
Communication between people will be very troublesome, and it will not arrive in time, and the communication can only be answered in the form of a message.
At the same time, traffic will be greatly hindered. The speed of our current civil aviation aircraft is generally 900 kilometers per hour. At this speed, it will take as long as 475 years to reach its counterpoint from one point.
Such a long time, with the short life span of human beings, it is obvious that they can only live in a limited area for a lifetime, and cannot travel all over the earth.
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