Chapter 626:

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To drive such a huge mech, a new generation of operating system combined with the human nervous system is the best method of operation.
It's like the people in "Pacific Rim" manipulate those large mechas to fight.
It's just that the human-controlled mecha in "Hu Taijing" requires two people to control it at the same time, because the human technology in the movie is not mature.
If humans control such a large mecha, the driver’s brain nerves cannot withstand such a large load, which will eventually cause the nerve to burst and eventually die.
Therefore, the way shown in the film is that one person controls the other hemisphere for manipulation, and the two neurons and brains are combined into one, so that the big mecha in the film can be perfectly controlled.
The single-player version of the neuron system is better than the neuron system in the movie and has better performance. At the same time, one person can accomplish things that cannot be done in the movie.
The neuron control system is similar to the human computer in "Three-Body", except that it is not composed of people, but is an electronic computer composed of real artificial neurons that simulate the propagation of electrical signals from neurons in the human brain .
The human column computer in "Three-Body" is a majestic square array composed of 30 million soldiers, and a computer motherboard covering an area of ​​36 square kilometers.
The basic components of this computer are "door parts" one by one, and each "door part" is composed of several soldiers.
For example, the "AND gate" consists of three soldiers, each holding two small flags, one black and one white (black represents 1, and white represents 0); two soldiers represent input and the third represents output.
Only when the current two soldiers raise the black flag, the third soldier raises the black flag; in any other case, the third soldier raises the white flag.
In the same way, three soldiers can also form other parts such as OR gate, NAND gate, or NOR gate.
As von Neumann (a game character, representative of a computer expert) in the three-body game said, the complex universe is actually composed of the simplest units.
These simple logic components can be connected together to form a complex system to complete complex calculations.
This is actually a description of "personification" in "Three Body".
If such a system is really composed of human soldiers, then there is no doubt that the efficiency of this system should be extremely low, because human response speed is too slow. But the real human column computer in the novel is composed of trisomy.
According to the speculation of the characters in the novel, the appearance of the trisomy may be covered with a layer of total reflection mirror, and they communicate through the language of light focused on the mirror.
Imagine that each trisomy can wave the black and white flag 100,000 times in one second. At this speed of calculation, perhaps 30 million trisomy can really form a practical computer system.
The author of "Three-Body" did an excellent job of popularizing science with this. Even people who don't understand computers at all will have a general understanding of the principles of computer composition after reading this paragraph.
However, if you think about it carefully, the setting of the novel here may not be able to withstand scrutiny. The computer composed of logic gate components is actually just a human computer, and the three-body computer may not work in the same way. There are at least two reasons:
First, for organisms, binary logic and binary are not the most natural choices.
Second, discrete input and output are also different from the real world. The physical quantities in the macro world are continuous.
Imagine a basic computing component whose input and output are continuous real numbers and are not limited to binary logic operations. It is closer to the basic components that make up an artificial neural network.
We call it a neuron.
If the trisomy in the novel can really react 100,000 times a second, and many trisomy are connected in a neuron-like way, then what they constitute will no longer be an ordinary computer, but It may well be an existence with super artificial intelligence.
The power combined by simple components has truly appeared in the real-world artificial neural network.
The most basic unit in a neural network-neuron, also known as perceptron, is an early neuron structure, which was proposed in the 1950s and 1960s.
Now it is rarely used in neural networks, but understanding it helps to clarify the basic structure and design ideas of other types of neurons.
The defining elements of a perceptron include:
1. There are multiple inputs: x1, x2, x3,..., they can only be 0 or 1.
2. There is one output: output. It can only be 0 or 1.
3. Each input corresponds to a weight value: w1, w2, w3,..., they can be any real numbers.
4. There is a threshold: threshold. It can be any real number.
5. The output depends on the weighted sum of each input and the size of the threshold threshold, that is: if w1x1+w2x2+w3x3+...>threshold, output output=1, otherwise output=0.
Intuitively, the perceptron is equivalent to a decision-making model. The input indicates the external factors or conditions that need to be considered when making a decision. The weight indicates how much you attach importance to an external factor, and the threshold indicates your own decision-making event itself. Preference or acceptance.
To give an example: Suppose there is a classmate gathering on the weekend, and now you are deciding whether or not to attend. The factors you consider are as follows:
1. If the weather is good that day, then you are more willing to participate. Use x1=1 to indicate good weather, and x1=0 to indicate bad weather. Your degree of importance to the weather factor is w1=3.
2. If someone you hate also goes to the party, then you are not interested and not happy to go. Use x2=1 to mean that the person you hate goes to the party, and x2=0 means that the person does not go to the party. Corresponding weight w2=-5, a negative value means that the presence of this factor will reduce your willingness to go to the But if a girl you have a crush on goes to the party, then you want to go anyway. Use x3=1 to mean that the girl goes to the party, and x3=0 means she does not go to the party. This girl is too important to you, so there is a big weight: w3=10.
Now suppose that the threshold value is threshold=2. We calculate output according to the previous rules. This calculation process is equivalent to the decision-making process. If output is calculated to be equal to 1, then you go to the party, otherwise you don't.
The decision results are nothing more than the following:
1. If the girl you have a crush on goes to a party, then regardless of other factors, you must go. Because the weight w3 is too large, no matter what the other input is, it will cause the weighted sum to exceed threshold=2.
2. The girl you have a crush on does not go to the party, and the person you hate goes to the party. No matter what the weather is, you will never go.
3. The girl you have a crush on and the person you hate do not go to the party, so whether you go will ultimately depend on the weather.
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