Chapter 124: 1 star demon

魔 Demon Carter suspended in the void smiled faintly.
"Weak meat and strong food, this is the law of nature. Just like you humans are better than cattle and sheep, you can eat cattle and sheep. We are stronger than you humans, and we can naturally treat your humans as food."
"Really? Then ..."
Hasses clenched his fists, and his two arms were covered with a strong layer of domineering color with a metallic luster, giving a feeling of hardness and strength.
"That's the end of nonsense, you monsters, all of you will die."
"Oh, can you do that? It's because you are better than him."
A wanton smile appeared on Demon Carter's face, and his scale-filled tail fluttered, distorting the body of a major general who apparently died after suffering great pain, and threw it at random in front of Hases .
"Too arrogant, you monsters, die for me."
Hasses glanced at the corpse of the army general who had broken his bones and died in pain, his eyes spitting and growling.
The body flickered, Hasseth appeared in front of Demon Carter like a teleport, Demon Carter had not yet responded, and a black fist appeared abruptly in front of his eyes. In his senses, it was like it It was there, just waiting for a glance.
There is no time to think about what to avoid, even the body has no time to react. As if the face of Magic Carter was hit directly by a heavy hammer, he flew out involuntarily and smashed into a six-story building. Among the buildings, the buildings collapsed and were torn apart.
Hasith did not initiate a chase after the water dog.
Because a fist with terrible power also caught in the eyes of Hasses, and became bigger and bigger in his vision.
魔 In the moment of being struck, Demon Carter immediately bounced back and returned to color.
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The collision between the punches and punches must not be a bit slack, and there is no fancy.
There is nothing amazing, dazzling battle scenes, nothing amazing, self-defeating, thinking that you ca n’t learn all your life, difficult combat skills that you ca n’t master, and some are just you Come and go. Concisely frightening melee combat.
But it is such a simple technique that it can be said to be a monotonous battle, but it has a feeling that makes the spectators feel the blood and surge of energy, and the whole person's blood and emotions are burning at the same moment.
Playing close-to-close combat with a battle-hardened person like Hassies, playing with any seemingly ingenious technique of leveraging strength will be directly caught by the opponent, leaving no chance at all Directly into the abyss of defeat.
This is a purely extreme contest of strength. With the enhancement of the rules of this pirate world, it can't be ignored or ignored.
A raging wave of raging air swept out, the ground was overwhelmed, crushed stones splattered, and violent vibrations occurred. The slate ground within a radius of tens of meters followed by the battle of Demon Carter and Hasses, continued to collapse and shatter, cracking The rest of the demons had to step back and dodge, and dare not intervene in the fighting between the two.
The two men in a fierce fight separated after another fight.
No wonder David would be killed by these monsters. Their powerful strength, much faster speed than ordinary people, and their physique and crisis response comparable to fierce beasts, are really dangerous monsters. "
The two have not fought each other for a long time, but it is this short battle of less than twenty seconds that has made Hasses's brow tightly frowned again.
Enemies seem to be more difficult than expected.
In close combat, whether it is fighting skills or combat experience, at this time the magic carter is no less indulging in this path for more than 20 years.
The enemy ’s excellent physical fitness and response, as well as the strength and speed of surpassing ordinary people, are not under Hassace, which has made Hasseth a headache.
"Humans, your strength is good. As long as you are willing to surrender, I can save your life and let go of your family and friends. Otherwise, you will absolutely have no place to die. Our demons come to more than 10,000 people. And I am not the strongest of us. I am just a one-star demon. Above me, there are two-star and three-star demons. The strength of adults is much stronger than me. "
The demon Carter looked at Hases, the opponent's strength won him face to face, could not help but advised Hass to descend.
what? With this monster that is not inferior to me, isn't it the strongest among the opponents?
There are more than 10,000 monsters. If each of them has the strength of the major of our country, ten of them have the same strength as the monster in front of them, and three are stronger than the monster in front of them, it will be difficult to defeat the opponent with our strength.
However, if you ca n’t win, you have to play.
"You can only use that trick."
Hassi took a deep breath, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and drank low.
"Flame Boxing Waves!"
Hasith's domineering color on his hands turned black and purple, and his hands blasted out quickly. Within a second, thousands of punches were thrown at Demon Carter.
A horrible boxing force erupted instantly, and the fist wind and the air fiercely produced flames. Compressed air formed a shock wave. The shock wave and the flame merged into a flame fist print like a meteor shower, as if a peacock opened the screen. Carter bombarded wildly.
"Human, you are looking for death!"
There was a flash of fierce light in Demon Carter's eyes, and the huge dark magic in his body suddenly boiled. A violent and fierce breath erupted on his body, spreading out in all directions, and a dark magic light condensed above his fists, with a circle. The white cloud ring broke through the speed of sound and blasted towards Hassace.
In the face of the flame punches that are constantly overlapping and advancing like layers of waves, Magic Carter is surrounded by magical energy, spurring the magic of darkness, making nine punches in a row. The power of one punch is better than one, as if to A big mountain was smashing and blasting towards those flames.
The fist seal and the fist seal collided with each other without any coincidence.
Chi Zhen's deafening roar rang ten miles away, and an air wave visible to the naked eye whistled, causing the ground to crack instantly and shake violently. The two forces competed against each other, and the resulting waves spread beyond a kilometer.
In such a terrible aftermath, the hundreds of young male and female students of the Army College burst apart one by one at the moment they were affected by the aftermath.
The rest of the demons are better. The weaker demons were directly bombarded by the aftermath. Some unlucky demons even fell directly into the cracked earth fissures. The stronger demons also retreated wildly, one by one. Staring at the battle not far away.
In the face of the thousands of flame punches blasted by Hases, with the powerful power of damaging or even killing the lieutenant generals, Demon Carter did not retreat, urging the dark magic, as the same Demon King came to life , Overbearing, in the most violent way directly blasted with nine punches, the ninth punch was also heavily bombed on Hasseth's body.
The magic Carter power that spurred the dark magic power increased from the rank of lieutenant general to the brigadier general, and the power of the ninth punch was even more amazing. One punch hit Hasseth, and the power of terror burst instantly.
In the punch of Demon Carter, Hasseth directly spit out a large mouth of blood mixed with visceral debris. The whole person flew up like a flop, and the bones in his body also made a clicking sound. Dozens of bones were broken by a single blow.
After a black streamer flashed, Hasseth's head was directly cut off by a hand knife of Demon Carter, and he ate it with a big mouthful.
After dozens of seconds, he devoured Hasseth's Demon Carter, and his breath was strengthened again. He was promoted from the lieutenant general to the elite general. Once he fully urged the dark magic in his body, he would temporarily have the general. Combat power.
As biochemical warriors manufactured by Reds using biological gene technology, demons such as Demon Carter are almost no different from real demons. The only difference is that they are not as powerful as real demons.
In the plane where Reids is, he developed the technologically crystallized interstellar empire that fought the Quartet and fought against countless civilizations and countless creatures. At its most brilliant time, it even had three star fields.
Among them, in the database of Rhodes, among the many civilizations and creatures he encountered in the interstellar empire, the strongest and most difficult opponent is the demons and gods who cultivate civilization, followed by the biochemical civilization. Man and biochemical beast.
The most powerful thing about demons is that they can devour the flesh and soul of the strong in the battle ~ ~ keeps evolving and becoming stronger. Leapfrog battles are just commonplace for demons.
The most powerful thing about the gods is that they have an almost eternal life and a small world kingdom of God. Within the kingdom of God, it is almost impossible to be in the kingdom of God unless they have a powerful strength that is stronger than the master of the kingdom of God. Defeat or kill the master of the kingdom of God.
The biochemical humans and the biochemical beasts are combined with the genetic power of many powerful creatures, possessing the special abilities of many powerful creatures, and they are not inferior to demons.
The interstellar empire where Reids once once defeated and captured a demon legion that surpassed a billion in number. After a large number of experimental studies, the demon's powerful abilities were also acquired. Using superb biochemical genetic technology, You can also create a biochemical warrior that is almost exactly the same as a demon. Compared to the real demon born from the dark abyss, the demon biochemical warrior just lacks the power of the abyss.
The dark abyss is where the endless dark power of Redes's planes converges, among which there are countless abyssal creatures, the most powerful of which is the abyssal demons.
The abyss demons have countless powerful people, and thousands of powerful demon gods and demon kings.
The dark abyss is connected to the space with extremely high power of darkness. However, when the abyss creatures go beyond the dark abyss and fall into other spaces with various elemental energy, they will be greatly repelled and their strength will be greatly suppressed.
Stronger than the gods, if you dare to leave the kingdom of God and come to the abyss, you will also be eroded by the power of the abyss, from strength loss to lightness, and directly eroded by the power of the abyss. .
力 The power of the abyss is highly toxic to the creatures of other spaces, but to the abyss demons, it is a very high-purity heaven and earth spiritual force.
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