Chapter 126: Difficult Geraff

The attacked Jelav, because he felt the danger ahead of time, escaped in time and escaped.
Jeraf's eyes fixed, looking at a figure falling from the sky, he could feel that this figure was full of malice to him, and at the same time felt a strong sense of danger from the other person's body.
"Kill you."
The four-winged praying mantis, the four-winged Mania fan, slowly landed from the sky, stopped in the air one meter away from the ground, a pair of scarlet triangle eyes stared at Geraf, flashing fierce light in his eyes, Coldly.
As soon as the words fell, Demonia urged the dark magic in the body, breaking through the speed of sound instantly, waving his hands frantically, transforming into countless blades, and rushing towards Geraf in an attempt to solve Geraf in one fell swoop.
"Want to kill me, dream it."
Jelaf's eyes flashed a cold mang, instantly launching his ability, his body's white light shone, disappeared from the spot instantly, and appeared a hundred meters away.
Countless blades of the sword passed across the original place of Geraf, tearing the earth apart, and the ground paved with blocks of bluestone was chopped into countless pieces, and stone debris splashed.
"Teleport? No, it should be similar to the ability of teleportation. He has also shown the ability of fire before. What kind of devil fruit is he?"
I did not encounter a hairless magician from Geraf again, his eyes flashed with light, and his thoughts fluttered in his heart.
Demonia is analyzing Geraf's ability. It has two abilities similar to teleport and fire control. Among the devil fruits, the two abilities are extremely rare and very powerful.
It's a pity that Luo Kun did not get any demon fruit book, so these magical demons created by Reids using biochemical genetic technology did not know what the fruit ability of Geraf was.
Redes once scanned Luo Kun's memory and obtained a lot of information about the world of Pirates from Luo Kun's brain, among them the devil fruit, a strange treasure that can give the eater a powerful power.
Reddes incorporated the information of Luo Kun's known devil fruits into the database, and engraved it in the brains of all artificial demons made by it.
Geraff possesses the magical fruit of Superman. This fruit gives him a variety of strange and powerful abilities, such as manipulating fire, ice, storm, lightning, and teleport.
Unlike Comon and Shuke, which are mainly based on human body skills and supplemented by abilities, more than 90% of Geraf's strength is in terms of ability, and physical skills are only slightly better than those of major generals.
The enemy is a strong person who is good at melee combat. You cannot fight with me. You must use long-range attack to deal with the enemy.
Jelaf's eyes flashed with light, a finger of his right hand, a strange gray wave from his fingertips, swept away toward Demonia.
Although he didn't know what the strange gray ripples had, the magician didn't have the idea to try it himself.
With a flicker of body shape, the magician turned into a residual image, soaring into the sky like a ghost.
"You're in a good position, explosive arrows!"
A smirk of a successful and successful smile appeared on Geraf's face, and he waved his right hand, and one-meter-long red fire arrows appeared out of thin air, like an off-string arrow, bursting towards the magician in the sky. go with.
"Even if you don't know what your ability is, you are dead today."
Hundreds of crimson flame arrows enveloped the area around the tens of meters with the center of Demonia, and shot fiercely towards Demonia with hot heat.
With a smile on his face, a vast magic of darkness erupted instantly, surrounded by dark magic, and his whole body was greatly strengthened. A pair of blade arms turned into a shadow of Dao Dao, and in a moment, 30 were cut out. The razor-sharp sword, which was dozens of meters long, was slashed wildly towards Jelav.
Thirty black blades across the void like lightning, like smashing foam, chopping hundreds of flame arrows that are enough to melt steel and flatten the hill, and chopped down towards Jelav above the ground.
There was a scorn of contempt in his eyes, a cold smile, and his ability was re-launched. The white light on his body flickered, disappeared from the spot instantly, and appeared a hundred meters away.
The demon ninja was surrounded by the dark magic, and his body flickered. He appeared on top of Geraf's head like a teleportation, and severely cut it off towards Geraf's head.
If this time was cut by Demonia, even if Geraff had a body as hard as a diamond, he had to be killed.
Jeraf's eyes narrowed down to the size of the needle tip, a strong breath of death enveloped the whole body, the ability to activate instantly, a layer of translucent twisting force field emerged from the sky, enveloping Geraf.
The terrible sword of Mania that is enough to open the mountain and crack the ground. It was cut on the layer of twisted force field. A powerful and powerful twisting force erupted instantly and swayed a little. Fly away.
Seeing such a weird scene, the magic light flashed in the eyes of Demonia, the left blade arm was as fast as a shooting star, exhausted with all his strength, and cut sharply on the layer of twisted force field. Splitting, he took the opportunity to cut Jelav in half.
I only saw ~ ~ Jeraf who was cut in half by the magician, without any blood flowing out, his body gradually faded and disappeared.
When he saw that his full strength was emptied, Mania couldn't help but feel bad. Just when he wanted to leave the place, dozens of barbed black rattans suddenly appeared on the ground around him. Entangling him tightly makes it difficult for him to move.
Wu Fengrui's incisive barb stabbed at Mania's body, but seemed to be stabbed on the steel plate, blocked by the scale armor of Mania.
Geraf appeared on a palace one hundred meters away from Demonia. With his right hand and one finger, one by one meter of cyan wind blades condensed into shape, with a violent sound of breaking through the air. Niya's body.
Ding Ding Ding Ding!
There was a sound of golden iron and iron clashes, countless sharpness, the turquoise wind blade that cut iron and mud, cut on the mania, but could only leave a faint trace on his scale armor.
"Human, you are dead."
The fierce light flashed in the eyes of Mania, staring at the not-so-distant Jeraf, an outrageous dark magic energy erupted instantly, directly shattering all the rattan on his body, fast Just like lightning, he hurled directly towards Jelav.
Geraff felt as if he had been followed by a peerless beast, a chill rushed into his heart, and he quickly launched his ability to disappear from the place.
Seeing this, Demonia flew directly into the air, fluttering into the air, a large mouth, a huge dark magic condensate, a black energy ball exuding a hint of destruction, quickly formed.
"Damn monster!"
拉 Gelaf, who originally wanted to use his ability to fly a kite, saw that Demonia was flying high, and apparently he was preparing for a large-scale killing move, and hated.
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