Chapter 139: Arrival at Shampoo Islands

When Carmen returned to the deck of Po Hai-1, there was already a mechanized sentry soldier waiting here, and when he saw him, he approached him. A pair of scarlet electronic eyes swept Carmen's body. And then, the cold and emotionless electronic audio sounded.
"The commander is waiting for you in the captain's room."
Carmen nodded, indicating that he knew that the sentry soldier returned to his post and continued to stand.
After a minute, a beautiful girl transformed by a liquid metal robot took Carmen to the Captain's Room at Po Hai 1.
In Captain's room, Luo Kun suspended in the air, quietly practicing meditation.
"Master, this is a permanent pointer to the Shampoo Islands."
Carmen respectfully put the permanent pointer of the Shampoo Islands on the table in front of Luo Kun, and then whispered a report.
"Immediately follow the direction of the pointer and head towards the Shampoo Islands."
Luo Luokun still closed his eyes and said lightly.
"Yes, master."
Carmen salutes Luo Kun respectfully, and then directs the robots, and controls the Po Hai No. 1 towards the direction of the Shampoo Islands.
Permanent pointer is a kind of nautical props in the Pirate World. In the great channel, the weather, currents, etc. do not change according to common sense. The magnetic field is also extremely chaotic. It completely loses its effect, and the permanent pointer is a unique magnetic force that records and locks an island. It will always point to an island and will never change, so it is called a permanent pointer.
记录 The record pointer is an indispensable item to travel across the islands of the great channel, and is usually worn by sailors on board.
The recording pointer can record the magnetic force between the islands in the great channel. It can allow the navigator to follow the correct guidelines to reach the next island. The magnetic force of each island is different. The recording pointer needs to be recorded locally for a period of time. It will not point to the next island until it is fully charged.
If you do not reach the island pointed to by the record pointer and reach other islands, the magnetic force will be replaced.
Some islands take too long to be full of magnetic force. If you don't want to wait, you must use the permanent pointer to reach the island pointed by the permanent pointer to replace the magnetic force, and then proceed to the next island.
Luo Luokun still knows a little about the Shampoo Islands. After all, in the original Pirate Works, this is the back garden of the Tianlong people!
The Shamphat Islands is a very special island, because this island is very close to the Marine Headquarters Mariindo, and it is also the last stop in the first half of the Great Channel, near the laterite continent.
It is precisely because it is the last stop in the first half of the Great Channel, so in the original Pirates' work, especially the words before the death of G. Roger, known as One Piece, triggered the era of the Pirates. For a time, the Chambord Islands turned into a place of chaos, so that the navy could only uphold justice within a limited range, and the rest were either commercial districts or pirates and bounty hunters.
In general, when the original Pirates wrote, the Shampoo Islands were very chaotic, but at that time the navy was still the most powerful protective barrier here.
Luo Kun, once a fan of pirates, knows this island naturally.
Under the powerful power system of Pohai No.1, in more than a day, it reached the outer waters of the Shampoo Islands.
During the tragedy, none of the pirate ships encountered by Luo Kun were spared.
There is no way out, there are always some pirates who do not know how to live and die, trying to the steel warship No. 1 of the sea. They are greedily stunned, lose their original reason, and lead to destruction.
The shampoo islands in sight are getting clearer, and it takes about a few minutes to land on the island.
I saw this spectacle in my own eyes and saw it in anime, this visual impact is very different.
"What an amazing and beautiful world!"
A few minutes later, Luo Kun's Po Hai No. 1 docked at Pier 33.
According to the information in my mind, there is a world's largest mangrove tree [Yarqimangrove] near the Marine Headquarters in the navy headquarters, because the roots of the tree are always exposed on the water, forming the Shampoo Islands.
The biggest characteristic of the Shampoo Islands is that the roots of the yarqi mangrove tree secrete special natural resin due to breathing. The resin expands to form bubbles and then flies to the sky.
泡泡 Because bubbles are only suitable for the climatic range of Alqi Mangrove, once the bubbles leave the climate area of ​​the Shampoo Islands, the resin component will be blown up because they cannot fully exert their power.
Bubble car, bubble ferris wheel, building on the bubble ...
Bubble culture penetrates every place in the Shampoo Islands.
The whole island is composed of 79 trees, each of which has a corresponding number, and each tree has towns and facilities. People call these islands an archipelago composed of [Shampoo Islands].
The regional division of the Shampoo Islands is also very clear, which is based on the number on the tree.
岛屿 Islands 1 to 29 are the most chaotic and disorderly areas in the Shampoo Islands, and are also called illegal places. A large number of pirates and bounty hunters gather here, mainly human trafficking shops and population auctions.
岛屿 The islands 30 to 39 are full of entertainment facilities, and there is a giant amusement park. This amusement park occupies the area of ​​ten islands and is one of the best amusement parks in Pirate World.
岛屿 The islands from 40 to 49 are tourist attractions, with a variety of shops, restaurants, etc. Usually people who come here will come here.
岛屿 50 to 59 islands are the gathering place for boatmen, and they are also where the coating is located. As we all know, the first half of the great route must pass through the laterite continent, and there are two ways to cross the laterite continent.
The first is to pass through the holy place of Marjoya on the top of the red earth, but there is the headquarters of the world government. Pirates will undoubtedly seek their own way, and ordinary people will never get a pass.
The second type is to coat the boats in the Shampoo Islands, so that the boats can sail under the sea, directly through the huge hole at the bottom of the laterite continent, and there is a deep sea island in the hole.
The Tatar Island is named Murloc Island, an island where the Mermaid and Murloc peoples live together. After passing through the Murloc Island, it is the second half of the great route.
The 60 to 69 islands are under the control of the Navy and are the safest place in the Shampoo Islands.
From 70 to 79, there are mainly hotel blocks. Whether it is pirates, bounty hunters, or tourists who come here, it is the best place to rest. ~ ~ The above is the situation in the Shampoo Islands. The above is a mixture of dragons and snakes, which can be described as intricate.
However, these are just the situation in the original Pirates. The current situation in the Shampoo Islands is very different from the future.
The current Pirate World is not the era of Pirates after Roger's death, but the era of peace that the world government controlled nearly half of the world nearly 50 years ago.
At this time, the Shampoo Islands, islands 1 to 19 are also areas under the control of the navy, and islands 20 to 29 are areas where pirates and bounty hunters are inhabited. Others are almost the same as the original.
I want to say that the biggest difference is that the Shampoo Islands at this time is not as prosperous as the future, the entertainment facilities and tourist attractions are not yet complete, and the existence of various races can be seen everywhere.
There are long-handed, fur-like, giant, fish-man, and so on.
Because of the long-term presence of tens of thousands of naval forces in the Shampiti Islands at this time, ordinary pirates are afraid to come here. After all, the current naval strength is one of the most powerful forces on the sea.
Stubborn, such as a supernova with a bounty of over 100 million yuan, does not dare to prey on the Chambord Islands.
Because the Shampoo Islands at this time had tens of thousands of elite sergeants based in the navy headquarters, it was a lieutenant in the naval headquarters, two major commanders in the naval headquarters, plus dozens of school-level officers, and tens of thousands of sergeants. A family that manages the entire Shampoo Islands.
Niantianlong people did not settle here at this time, because the Shampoo Islands were not prosperous at this time, although there were many races coming and going there, they could not attract the people.
This day, history will record this day's significant change to the entire Pirate World.
Because Luo Kun has come to the Shampoo Islands!
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