Chapter 253: Skyy Sailor, Broly

The capital of the West, the Boma family.
In a mirrored space of a laboratory created by Luo Kun's design drawings and a series of space science and technology, and funded by Dr. Breve's father, Dr. Brive, Luo Kun and a three or four-year-old have a hedgehog hair style and look handsome. The cold little boy was fighting madly.
The two relied on each other's physical strength to fight madly. You gave me a punch, and I gave you a kick. Both of them completely gave up the defensive action. They kept attacking and attacking, and kept themselves The power blasted towards the other's body.
Fist-to-fist, each time two people's fists and feet collide, it will cause a violent and terrible shock wave to erupt instantly, and the roar will be endless. A wave of violent waves comparable to the twelve hurricanes will sweep around, within a few hundred meters. The air was trembling violently, ripples after burst.
The fighting between the two of them caused a burst of crackling sounds in the surrounding air, the atmosphere was shaking, and it seemed to be in awe of the terrorist force they had.
Luo Luokun wears a pair of glasses similar to a virtual holographic game. It is a multi-element combat power detector he bought from the system mall. It has a value of 100,000 energy points and the maximum combat power that can be detected is one trillion.
"Yeah!" With a cold face and a cold, sharp look, the little boy suddenly sighed, and a pale gas flame erupted on his body, covering his whole body. Luo Kun suddenly felt an invisible pressure on his face, and then he Seeing the little boy's own combat effectiveness figure displayed on his detector, it rose rapidly from more than 31,000, and directly increased to more than 37,000 in just two seconds.
"I rub it, it's exploding again. This combat strength rises too far." Luo Kun was surprised for a moment, and was kicked by the little boy in the back, followed by a huge volume that was enough to flatten a mountain. The dark green energy ball of energy was thrown away by the little boy, and he was flying hundreds of meters away.
The powerful force made Luo Kun feel a kind of pain that was torn suddenly, and his back was hurt as if it was burned by fire. After rolling in the air twice, he reacted.
The pain made Luo Kun a little bit angry, and a golden energy ball condensed in his right hand instantly. He pressed his backhand on the chest of the little boy who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity, and a boom, a mushroom cloud rose from the air, and the terrible big explosion will They were engulfed.
Luo Luokun and the little boy rushed out of the exploding smoke, and both of them had some more scars on their bodies, and then they fought again.
Luo Kun struck out the two teeth of the little boy with a heavy punch. The little boy gave him a dark green energy ball as a gift. He was again bombarded hundreds of meters, and there was another one on the chest that was generated by the energy burst. High temperature burns, the scars disappeared and healed in the blink of an eye.
Luo Kun condensed with one hand, and a beam of golden energy beam spewed out instantly. The violent shock wave of golden energy rushed towards the little boy. The little boy leaped forward, hiding, and looked up at where Luo Kunyuan was. , But found that Luo Kun had long disappeared.
"Here!" The sudden sound from the little boy's head suddenly made him feel bad, but it was too late to dodge.
Luo Kun shook his fists like a sledgehammer, slammed the boy's head fiercely, smashed him directly into the ground, and crashed into a huge pit with a diameter of 100 meters on the ground. Luo Kun waved his hands quickly, and a number of basketball-sized golden energy bombs flew out of his hand, blasting fiercely at the little boy in the ground pothole, a bombardment.
After hundreds of golden energy were bombed, Luo Kun also stopped.
Stung on the broken ground, the little boy's legs were bent, his hands crossed to protect his head, and his head was firmly protected. His combat suit was blasted and damaged, but his body was intact.
The dust covered his body, making his face a little messy and slightly embarrassed, but the flame in his eyes did not go out, but instead grew stronger, his fists clenched tight, and his petite body burst into a stronger force than before. Three points of horror.
Luo Kun fought with the little boy again. After ten minutes of fierce fighting, the impatient Luo Kun directly liberated part of his strength. The fighting power soared from 50,000 to 80,000 in one instant, and the fighting power was raised to four with one punch. The 3,000-year-old boy fainted, grabbed the boy's tail, unlocked the magic of mirror space, and returned to the laboratory full of various instruments everywhere.
Luo Kun tore off the little boy's black combat suit, and threw him into a cylindrical glass culture tank. After pressing a few buttons on the console, an emerald green liquid filled up quickly. Throughout the glass culture tank, mechanical tentacles made of nanomolecules protruded from a circular mechanical ball on the top and penetrated into the limbs, cervical spine, and hindbrain of the boy. The boy was scanned and inspected in all aspects. body of.
"... It is indeed a biochemical Saiyan warrior cloned from Browley's gene. In just one month, the combat effectiveness has increased from 9,000 at the time of its birth to more than 43,000 at present, and with time As time goes by, it keeps improving ... "
Luo Kun couldn't help but marvel at the physical data of the little boy displayed on several holographic screens projected from the console.
一个 A month ago, this laboratory, which has a technological level far beyond that of Dragon Ball Earth, was completed and completed under the cooperation of Dr. Bluff and an engineering robot manufactured by Reids.
Luo Kun asked Rhodes to carry out gene extraction and sampling of that small piece of Broley's flesh at the first time, and ordered Rhodes to use the most advanced biochemical cloning technology to contain the genes of Broley Biochemical replicas of Broly's complete genes were successfully cloned from the blood and flesh samples.
When this biochemical replica of Browley's complete gene was formed in the culture tank, he was still an infant, and his fighting power was as high as 9,000. During this month, he was nourished by a large number of high-energy nutrient solutions. At the same time, the baby's fighting power has also increased rapidly while growing fast. Every year he grows up, his fighting power will be doubled. After being born, he is two years old and has gone through dozens of actual combats. His fighting power It has reached more than 43,000.
"Master, the biochemical replica has huge potential, but it also has huge dangers. I calculated based on known data. Once the biochemical replica grows to fifteen years of age, the huge energy in the body will impact it. The brain will cause a certain degree of damage to its brain. It will gradually lose its reason, and its self-consciousness will be gradually devoured by negative desires such as killing, destroying, and destroying, and eventually become a humanoid disaster that will only destroy and destroy everything ... "
Redes's voice suddenly sounded in Luo Kun's mind. After listening to Reds' words, Luo Kun frowned.
What I want is a powerful warrior who absolutely obeys all his orders, not a flawed lunatic who can only destroy and destroy everything.
"Can you solve this problem?" Luo Kun asked in a deep voice. If Reds couldn't solve this problem, he could only use Broly's biochemical replica as the final strategic weapon of destruction.
"... you can use nano-liquid robots to erode and integrate into each of its cells, so that the owner has absolute control over it, but this will greatly reduce the natural growth of its own power." Rhodes gave the solution , And also said the side effects of the solution without concealment.
"Don't you have a perfect solution?" Luo Kun was dissatisfied, and continued to ask.
"Yes, Yukun spar, this is the name I was born to face a cosmic-grade rare treasure. The universal name is a perfect crystal. This crystal contains a mysterious energy that can make any living body or object move towards A higher level of degeneration and evolution can also allow any living body to transform itself and evolve to a perfect state without any defects, but this perfect crystal is very rare, and one may not be born in one hundred galaxies ... "
Reddes has come up with another solution, but with the prerequisites, he needs a title of a rare treasure that gives Luo Kun an inexplicable sense of familiarity.
"Yukun spar? The perfect crystal? The system mall ... I just scribbled, 10 million energy points for a perfect crystal ~ ~ The quality of the defects must be 10 million energy points, robbery! Lao Tzu's current The deposit is only over 27 million ... "
Luo Luokun entered the system space and asked Xueyue to help find the perfect crystal in the system mall. The final result came out, some yes, but the price was very expensive.
Perfect crystals, which are available in the system mall, have seven quality levels, residual, normal, top quality, king level, imperial quality, divine quality, and origin.
Its effect is also the same as what Reids said, but this thing is actually a disposable item. Each one can only be used once. After use, it will lose all mysterious energy and become dust.
Moreover, a perfect crystal with only defective quality is worth 10 million energy points, ordinary quality is worth 100 million energy points, top quality is worth 1 billion energy points, and so on. The strongest and best, the original quality Perfect crystal, worth ten trillion energy points.
Looking at the projection of the perfect crystal of the original quality displayed in the system mall, a crystal clear golden round crystal, the interior seems to contain a universe, shining bright starlight, and the string next to it The amazing figures made Luo Kun startled and startled.
Scribble mud horse, a perfect crystal of original quality is worth ten trillion energy points? If Lao Tzu has so many energy points, he has already achieved true God!
You have to know that what is sold in the system mall can make any life form step into the sky, take charge of a rule of power, and realize the crystal of the true god, but it is only worth 10 billion energy points.
Wait a minute, if I spend 10 million energy points to buy a perfect crystal of sub-quality, and make up the defect of this Broly Biochemical Replica, what if he is out of control?
Thinking of this possibility, Luo Kun hesitated for a while.
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