Chapter 44: Beauty is a curse!

44 Chapter 44 Beauty is a curse!
Yehai Bar is one of the most famous bars in SH City.
Whenever night falls, the gates of this city will crowd in. Under the colorful flashes, accompanied by high-decibel heavy metal music, countless men and women here are twirling their bodies wildly, waving wildly. Youthful vitality everywhere.
Well, young people, they have a strong temperament and strong firepower, and they will get acne if they are not vented!
When Luo Kun came here, because the time was close to eleven o'clock, there were a lot of guests in the bar. At a glance, there was a dark crowd.
Luo Kun didn't care. When he walked to the bar, he found a seat and asked for a glass of wine. He drank the wine alone, giving a feeling of loneliness.
随着 And as the night gets heavier, there are more and more people in the bar, all kinds of cattle, ghosts, snakes and gods, pink ink debut!
罗 While Luo Kun was still drinking alone, a very well-dressed young woman who looked noble and sat on the seat beside Luo Kun.
Her features are very delicate, so delicate that at the first sight of her, there will be a trace of frowning, slightly frowning eyes, watery bright eyes, drooping hair, slightly thin chin, standard seeds face.
Her eyebrows are extremely thin and curved, her hair is slightly hot, her body is petite but full, her chest is bulging, her skin is snowy.
女人 This woman is very special. As soon as she appeared, it instantly became the focus of the whole bar, attracting almost everyone's attention.
Moreover, this woman always gives people a feeling of sublime supremacy. 孰 I don't know, the more such a woman, the more likely it is to cause a man's desire to conquer.
绿 The eyes of countless men in the bar began to glow with green light, and that look was like a hungry wolf staring at its prey, including the bartender waiter, without exception.
Only Luo Kun, who was sitting beside a woman, kept her eyes closed, as if taking her as the air, she didn't care, and still drank alcohol.
Women are very strange creatures. When a group of men always turn around them like flies, they will show disdain, but if a man turns a blind eye to them, they will feel very uncomfortable in their hearts. .
No matter how beautiful a woman is, she can never be alone forever.
I put it bluntly, after all, they still need the appreciation of men to satisfy their little vanity.
No woman is willing to accept being ignored by men. The more beautiful a woman is, the more so.
Just like the beauty sitting next to Luo Kun at this time, her name is Su Yuerou, 25 years old, she has always been very confident in her appearance and figure. No matter where she goes on weekdays, it has always been the focus of many men's eyes, but Tonight, being lively ignored by Luo Kun.
如何 How can she tolerate this?
Wu Suyuerou gave Luo Kun a glance, Liu Mei slightly raised his head, groaned a little, drank the wine in the glass, hit a finger, and said.
"Waiter, come again, and ..."
She pointed to Luo Kun and said.
"Give this gentleman a margarita."
"OK, just a second!"
服务 The waiter took a look at Luo Kun, who was pretending to be calm. He thought so, cursing in his heart, another pretending to be a deep girl.
However, the waiter with professional qualities still delivered the wine soon. Luo Kun looked indifferent, raised his glass, and drank it with his head up, but still said nothing.
Wu Suyuerou was slightly suffocated, whispered.
"You are so rude! I invite you to drink, shouldn't you say something? At the very least, thank you."
Luo Luokun glanced up at Su Yuerou and spit out two words without expression.
"Thank you."
Subsequently, Luo Kun continued to remain silent and drank in silence.
Su Suyue could not help but twitch her mouth. She suddenly felt that her chest was very stuffy. There was an urge to spit blood on the spot!
Luo Luokun's lonely and arrogant look at this moment is really too hateful!
的 Why is he sitting next to him a stunning beauty? People take the initiative to come down to invite you to drink and say hello to you. You can do well, but you also have a sloppy posture. Isn't it typical to be cheap and sell well?
Xun Suyuerou bit her lower lip and could not wait to bite Luo Kun immediately and bit him!
However, it was precisely because Luo Kun was unwilling to take care of her, but unknowingly, it completely aroused her enthusiasm and conquest.
Yes, conquering desire is not only for men, but for women too!
Wu Suyuerou really didn't believe it. There are still men in this world who can resist her charm?
However, just as she was about to continue Luo Kun's words, a sullen young man with red hair and a stubborn look turned up and came over.
The young man stood next to Su Yuerou, standing high, some glances glanced at Su Yuerou's plump chest, hippie smiled.
美女 "Beauty, make friends?"
Wu Suyuerou frowned slightly, not coldly.
"Sorry ~ ~ I'm not familiar with you."
"It's okay, I'm not familiar with anything, I'm familiar with chatting and talking!"
He said, the junk young man grinned at Luo Kun and reached out and patted Luo Kun's shoulder, which was very arrogant.
"Dude, if you know something, change your seat?"
Luo Kun had just avenged his revenge, and he was in a good mood, because he was an otaku and had no friends. Even if he was drinking, he was always alone. This also made him a habit of not knowing good or bad. He hated people. Bother him to drink.
At this moment, Luo Kun, who was drinking and drinking happily, was disturbed by the junk youth, and he was very upset.
Luo Luokun's direct backhand was a slap, and he flew out to the fan, coldly.
Click! Click!
While the stunned youth flew out with a slap of Luo Kun, a sound of broken bones sounded from him, and finally three young men and women who were twirling their bodies were smashed, and painful sorrows continued to be heard in their mouths.
Su Yuerou, who was sitting next to Luo Kun, had red lips slightly, and was shocked.
She never thought that Luo Kun, who seemed harmless to humans and animals, didn't say anything, but she didn't take any action.
Luo Kun, who looks thin, was able to slap at least three hundred meters of youngsters into the air and fly away more than three meters, it is just a bear in human skin!
With Luo Kun's current strength, let alone slap a three-meter youth with a hundred pounds, it is a heavy main battle tank, and he can absolutely smash it with one palm.
You must know that Luo Kun completely inherited everything from Ur Ozira, and with a full blow, he was able to completely destroy a city that spans dozens of miles. [Update from time to time! 】
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