Chapter 29: 4 seats

   "Hehe..." Fan Yanxing laughed.
   Yu Wenshun frowned. The strong man next to him yelled at Fan Yanxing: "Master Yu asks you something! Give me an accurate answer! Don't pretend to be crazy and behave foolishly here!"
Fan Yanxing shook his head and stopped laughing, "Want to hit my sister's idea? You don't look in the mirror! Just press the original bet, and I accept your challenge. But in my dictionary, I have never saved my strength. Moreover, as soon as I make a move, my summoned beast must be with me!"
   "Oh?" Yu Wenshun condensed his eyes and said coldly, "Well, let me see what you can do!"
As soon as   's voice fell, Yu Wenshun took the lead.
   The speed is extremely fast, almost before breathing, he rushed in front of Fan Yuxing, then swiped his right fist and blasted Fan Yuxing with the whistling wind! On his fist, he also wore a golden glove. This is his secret weapon-Yu Jiazu's treasure, a golden silk glove that can enhance grudge attacks! Yu Wenshun has worn this glove in training since he was a child. Compared with the general martial arts master with summoned beasts, his fighting spirit and his own martial arts training are more powerful, coupled with the increasing effect of the gold wire glove. , Among opponents of the same level, as long as he does not use summoned beasts, he is definitely a rare opponent. Even if the opponent uses the summoned beast, he will basically suffer a big loss under his sudden launch and close attack.
   He and Fan Yuxing were not far apart, only ten meters away. This distance is simply negligible for the martial artist.
   In the eyes of Fan Ping and Lu Jing next to them, they only felt that there was a flower in front of them, and then Yu Wenshun was in front of Fan Yuxing.
   What a fast speed! The occultation cousin is in danger! This was the thought that came to Fan Ping's mind.
   However, Xiao Kaoru in the middle of the team caught Yu Wenshun's actions! This is not to say that she is stronger than Fan Ping and Lu Jing. She is just a high-ranking fighter, and the other elder brothers are all martial artists. In theory, her strength is the weakest. However, in the past six months, she specially trained her eyesight to better cooperate with Lin Wei's fighting style-because Lin Wei's fighting style is more like a human being, he has bows and arrows. There are short blades nearby, and the battle process changes rapidly, especially when fighting other beasts in close quarters, the action changes are even more diverse. Xiao Kaoru hopes that he can keep up with his battle process at all times. This is equivalent to a two-person decision, and it may have a miraculous effect of winning at critical moments.
   When Xiao Kaoru's eyes caught Yu Wenshun's actions, she knew that this punch would not have hit the occult cousin.
Sure enough, when Wen Shun's fist was less than a foot away from Fan Yanxing's chest, Fan Yanxing gently took a step to the right, and then tilted his upper body. This action made Yu Wenshun. Fist fell through.
   Very good response speed! Yu Wenshun secretly praised.
   Just when he was about to turn around and continue to attack personally, he suddenly felt a very dangerous breath.
   He didn't know what was going on with this breath, but his rich combat experience and his own fighting instinct made him kick back immediately.
   But it’s too late!
  The huge aura suddenly erupted from the right side, like a volcanic ejection, and like a torrent of anger! The terrible breath completely submerged the entire flat ground in an instant. Yu Wenshun was horrified to see a huge fist with white short hair whizzing.
   He wanted to evade, but he was completely too late. He could only watch the fist hit his face, and then he was hit by a strong force and his body was lifted off the ground and flew out.
  Bang, his back slammed firmly on the ground, almost spurting out blood.
Yu Wenshun got up from the ground, but saw another look of Fan Yanxing-his figure was a full circle larger than before, his skin was golden brown, his face and hands had white short hairs, and his fingers were sharp. Extremely.
what happened? He, transformed?
   In Wenshun's brain, there was a flash of light, and he suddenly realized. Only then did he understand why Fan Yanxing said before that his summoned beast must be with him, because it is an enhanced summoned beast! His summoned beast is in the master's body! Enhanced summoned beasts, although extremely rare, have heard of Yu Wenshun's experience in the great family.
   But why can he knock himself into the air with one punch? Yu Wenshun still does not understand this point.
   He stared at Fan Yuxing fiercely, but no matter how he looked at it, Fan Yuxing was just a martial artist. However, the aura that broke out at the moment when he knocked him into the air just now seemed to have exceeded the limit that a martial artist could reach!
   Yu Wenshun didn't know that this was the result of Fan Yuxing's special training in the past six months. In the past, once Fan Occultation was strengthened, he would break through to reach the level of a great martial artist in a short period of time, but now, he can still maintain the level of a martial master after strengthening, but only at the moment of shooting, suddenly burst The power of a martial artist!
   "Huh, I underestimated you." Yu Wenshun was cautious, but still refused to admit defeat, "You can try this trick again!"
   Yu Wenshun said, pinching his hands with both hands, and began to further arouse the fighting energy in his body. His breath began to swell rapidly-just now that the blow did not make a contribution, but was punched by the opponent. He already felt that his face was a little bit difficult, so he didn't make any reservations, and directly began to mobilize all the fighting energy in his body. Not only that, he also used a family method called Yin Qi Jue.
"How is it? Our Yu family's Qi Entrainment Technique can help mobilize fighting qi in the body!" Feeling his own strength, Yu Wenshun's tone became proud, "My friend, this will let you see what a 100% fighting qi is aroused. !"
   While he was speaking, his aura was still further improved. There are thousands of people who practice fighting Qi, but each person has different levels of mobilization of fighting Qi in his body. Generally speaking, the vast majority of people can only mobilize seven to eighty percent of the fighting energy in their bodies. And the Zhen Clan Famen Yin Qi Jue handed down by Yu Jiadi allows the cultivator to fully and thoroughly use the fighting qi in battle!
The onlookers around    were embarrassed. They were deeply impressed by Yu Wenshun's method. In the past, Yu Wenshun relied on this method to defeat the young masters of three great families, and thus became famous.
   How would that beastly Fan family youth respond? Everyone wants to know very much.
   "Heh." Seeing all this, Fan Yanxing shook his head and smiled, then spit out two words, "Idiot."
   Just when these two obviously insulting words fell into the ears of everyone, before everyone was surprised, Fan Yuxing had already taken a step forward.
Then he sank his shoulders, and then took advantage of the trend, just like the last shot he made in the Big Competition half a year Between this sinking and topping, a strong air current has formed , This air current carried the unparalleled strength, and hit Yu Wenshun who was still enlightening with a thud. The latter flew up again sadly, and landed more than fifty meters away, and the grudge that had just been mobilized was also shaken away.
  噗, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.
   The surrounding area fell into a deathly silence, silent!
   "Big... great martial artist!" A person lost his voice.
   This time, many people could see clearly that the breath that Fan Yuxing burst out in an instant had reached the level of a great martial artist. Just then, the vindictiveness was released out of the air, and Yu Wenshun didn't even have the slightest power to parry.
   "You..." Yu Wenshun got up in embarrassment, a burst of blood tumbling in his body, and another big mouthful of blood spit out, "You... unexpectedly attacked?"
   "Idiot, on the battlefield, who will wait for you to pinch the tactics over there?" Fan Yanxing said coldly, "I have already said that in my dictionary, I have never saved strength."
   "Asshole! You dare to beat this young man to vomit blood!" Just as Yu Wenshun said this, the third blood spurted out again.
   "You lose, get the token." Fan Zhenxing stretched out his hand.
   "Lost? Haha, this son never loses!" Yu Wenshun's face twisted, and angrily said, "Xiao Xie, attack!"
   Following his order, a hole was suddenly exploded in the ground, and a huge bug rushed out from the ground, waving a huge claw and killing it towards Fan Yanxing.
what? ! ! Everyone was surprised.
  Emperor Scorpion! Attribute: soil, rank: bronze, rank: intermediate beast!
   This is a summoned beast! Yu Wenshun's summoned beast! His summoned beast was outside from the beginning!
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