Chapter 583: The new demon?

At this time, Lin Wei saw that although the Su Xis were still safe, they were already tightly surrounded.
On the ground and in the sky, there were a total of more than twenty summoned beasts, staring straight at the elder Longxi and the little man.
Most of these summoned beasts are huge, basically of the orange crystal rank, and one is even a red diamond! The strength of the Red Diamond rank has reached the Supreme Realm, and the rest are at the level of the God of War Realm! And most importantly, there is a line of additional information in the messages of these summoned beasts: Fallen! ! !
"Fallen clan!" Elder Zhulongxi reacted first, "They are the fallen clan in the mouth of the light messenger!"
It took a while for Lin Wei to relax.
It's really a fallen summoned beast! ! !
Mo Sheng, can these fallen summoned beasts be mass-produced? !
In the next moment, the other three figures that came into Lin Wei's eyes surprised him again.
Humanoid body, hundreds of meters in height, strong muscles full of explosive power! They are fat or thin, with white or black skin, two of them look normal, and the other is crooked, like an ugly monster.
This...this is...
Lin Wei's pupils suddenly shrank to a point.
Devil! ! !
Are they demons? !
But how is this possible? !
In another world, shouldn't there be only two demons left? One is Tia who is still staying in his territory at the time; the other is Mo Sheng. Where did these three demon gods come from? Could it be that Mo Sheng has once again opened up the passage from the Moa continent to another world? !
But this possibility was immediately ruled out by Lin Wei. With the power of the Demon God in the Moa Continent, with those ancient runes already lost, there is absolutely no way to build a transmission channel again. With Mo Sheng's understanding of space, it was absolutely impossible to break through the space barriers in between.
So Lin Wei was completely at a loss as to how these demon gods came from.
And what shocked Lin Wei's heart was that all three of them were master-level demon gods!
When did the Dominant Demon God become so overwhelmed?
"Who are you?!" Elder Longxi's eyes fell on the three demon gods. Although the dominion-level demon is equivalent to a war realm powerhouse after undergoing a triple transformation, but I don't know why, but the elder Zhulongxi felt a dangerous aura in the three of them.
The three demon gods looked at each other, and one of them laughed and said: "I don't understand what you are talking about. But I guess, you should be asking who we are. Let me tell you, all three of us are The masters of these fallen summoned beasts, we are the true masters of the fallen race!"
"The true master of the fallen clan?" Elder Longxi couldn't help repeating.
how is this possible? The master of the fallen race is actually these huge humanoid creatures?
They look a bit like the aborigines here, but obviously, they are not humans.
Just like Lin Wei, the elder Ju Long Xi, the little man and the other Ju Xi were also puzzled.
"Elder, what shall we do?" The little man whispered to Elder Su Longxi, while at the same time it secretly glanced back. Huh? Why didn't you see the big man? Didn't he say he would follow us all the way? As long as he shows up, it should be no problem to deal with these guys...
The little man still trusted Lin Wei's strength very much.
"We are ready to do it." Elder Zhu Longxi also responded softly. Except for the small one, the other Zhu Xi didn't know that Lin Wei would follow. "Start first! There are too many fallen summoned beasts, but The so-called capture the thief first capture the king, we directly attack these three humanoid monsters."
"Good." The little man nodded.
"Remember, once you make a move, you must do your best!" The elder Longxi stared at the three demon gods on the opposite side, and the power in it had begun to accumulate. It could see that although the three opponents were all extremely tall, they didn't have wings and couldn't fly. Even if they had some incredible assassins, they could deal with them calmly.
Lin Wei in the distance immediately sensed the energy change in the body of Elder Julongxi.
For some reason, his heart suddenly burst, and an unspeakable feeling surged instantly.
It seemed that a voice was saying to him: It must be stopped, they will not be the opponents of the three demon gods!
He may not care about the elder Julongxi, or the remaining Juxi, but he must care about the little man! ! !
He did not hesitate to use teleportation, and at the same time, he also sent his own words through the sound transmission.
"Small man! Don't head-on! Run away!!!"
But he was still a little late!
The energy of Elder Longxi has been released!
And the expressions of the three demon gods looking at Su Xi, as if they were looking at a prey destined to die. They shouted violently, and their breath began to soar again! ! !
"What?!" Lin Wei's eyes suddenly rounded when he appeared from the first teleportation.
In this extraordinary breath surge, the three demon gods did not retreat but moved forward. Two of them pounced on the elder Julongxi, and the other pounced on the little man. As their aura surged, their bodies rose further, reaching a height of 700 or 800 meters almost instantly, and their huge bodies with a terrifying aura directly broke through the energy emitted by the elders of Ju Longxi. ! The energy of the low-level supreme realm bombarded the body of the demon god, only to draw a few scars that were not deep and shallow, and then it was directly smashed by the terrible body of the demon god!
"Die!" The three demon gods let out a rough roar, and then slammed a punch together.
Although Suxi's figure is quite burly compared with human beings, it is still insignificant compared to the demon who is nearly a thousand meters high.
The demon gods attacked like giant fists like a hill, causing a strong shock in the space, and the surrounding air was also sharply compressed-this is not only a physical attack, but also an energy attack, but this is extremely condensed energy !
At this moment, Elder Longxi and the little man felt inevitable.
All they can do is do their best to form a layer of energy protection on the body surface.
At this time, Lin Wei's fifth teleportation had just been completed, and there was still a long way to go!
Boom! ! !
With two strong loud noises, the bodies of Elder Longxi and the little man were blown away like a sandbag! ! !
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